Wrestling thread

satishmania said:
i really used to like "Hardcore" matches...they should probably bring back the hardcore title to Smackdown. the title used to be defended 24/7. also it was fun watchin the superstars beat the hell out of each other with trash cans, canes etc..guys like hardcore holly, tommy dreamer, bradshaw, mankind, steve blackman were great hardcore champions.

I agree that was pretty cool. It was so random too. The champ just finishes defending his title then some random guy with a ref knocks the champ out, pins him and becomes the new champ.
they won the tag titles once in 2002. after that Goldust disappeared... Remember he was made to act like a mad man( he was electrocuted or something like that) before he disappeared...he acts very stupid but he does have some wrestling moves..he's been an Intercontinental champ twice and a Tag champ...
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satishmania said:
they won the tag titles once in 2002. after that Goldust disappeared... Remember he was made to act like a mad man( he was electrocuted or somrthing like that) before he disappeared...he acts very stupid but he does have some wrestling moves..he's been an Intercontinental champ twice and a Tag champ...

ya . Randy Orton (when in Evolution) attacked him and threw him on the Electric wires.
I remember when Golddust was thrown into that electrical box thing :D that was funny.

Can you remember when they had the 24/7 hardcore belt and crash holly and someone else was fighting in that kids ball pool and they went down the slide :) That was hilarious
once the Hardcore title changed hands in the snow outside the building! even on that occasion it was Crash Holly..however he's dead now...and so's the title... :crying
his death was not even announced immediately. i came to know he was dead only after i watched a special episode of RAW on the last monday of 2004. they showed RAW moments of the year and also payed a tribute to former WWE superstars who had passed away in 2004. i actually was shocked to see Crash's tribute along with Freddy Blassie ... :crying
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but nothing was as shocking as the accidental death of Owen Hart. because people saw it happen live. he fell from a great height and he fell chin first onto the turnbuckle. the EMTs knew he wouldnt survive...

ZexyZahid said:
Big Bossman also? When did that happen?
an year ago i think.
if you didnt know even Mr.Perfect is dead. so is Hawk.. :crying
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Yes i remember hearing about that. He was doing a recreation of shawn michaels during a Wrestlemania when he came down on that rope.
hey we all thought Christian had quit but when i checked out last week's Smackdown results, i read that he and JBL lost a 4 man tag team match. what's going on? :confused: now
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