Wrestling thread

This guy is irreplacible. For me he was the ultimate wrestler. He had the style of the Cruiserweight and also the way of wrestling of Heavyweights.

Here is some more news (sorry for posting the whole text):

WWE.com did not give much information on the Eddie Guerrero passing in their report this morning.

We do know that Eddie was in Minneapolis, MN waiting for the RAW and SmackDown! tapings which are being held tonight. Eddie was just 38 years old. According to sources, Eddie had breakfast this morning with Chavo Guerrero and at least one other wrestler. Chavo and Eddie had traveled together for months when both were on SmackDown!. Eddie then returned to his hotel room and when he didn't come back out when he was scheduled, some friends went looking for him and found him dead. We have no other details and do not want to speculate.


The sudden passing of Eddie Guerrero has obviously blindsided everyone within WWE and all of us here on the internet. The reaction to Guerrero's passing is just utter shock. The RAW and SmackDown! guys are doing a double TV taping tonight and will be arriving to the arena shortly where a meeting will be held. It is expected that nobody will be forced to work tonight if they feel they cant. Many believe Eddie would have wanted everyone to go on with normal business.

The word is that WWE has opted to make tonight's double taping tribute shows to Eddie. The usual format of both shows will be changed and will feature tribute videos.

Again, Rest in Peace Eddie, you'll be missed.


Here are some addition notes on the Eddie Guerrero passing. Facts are still coming in and it's WAY to early to speculate. We'll be updating any information we get this afternoon. This story is obviously going to be picked up by various news outlets so many more details will likely be revealed.

- Eddie arrived in Minneapolis, MN yesterday for tonight's combined TV tapings at the Target Center.

- He was staying at the Marriott City Center hotel in downtown Minneapolis.

- He got an early wake-up call just after 7 a.m. and he didn't answer.

- Chavo Guerrero tried calling the room and also got no answer. The two had been traveling together.

- Several people knocked on his door and the calls went unanswered. Security was then called and they got inside and found Eddie dead on the bathroom floor.

More on this shocking story as we get it.

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WHAT!!! this is shocking indeed! Eddie has passed away! He has left us forever! i cant get over it! :crying
:crying RIP Eddie :crying
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I think at RAW we will see a tribute. Although I couldn't watch then, this is just as shocking as Owen Hart's death.
OMG this is so shocking... i just watched SD on Sky TV.. and saw eddie wrestle Kennedy.. and i no wi read this.. OMG i dunno what to write

R.I.P Eddie :( :(
Thanks for finding that out. :(

Press conference regarding Guerrero's death
Nov. 13, 2005

Vince McMahon and Chavo Guerrero held a press conference regarding the untimely death of Eddie Guerrero today at 12:45 CT. At this time, the circumstances surrounding his death are still unclear.

Video of the entire press conference will be made available on WWE.com shortly.

My Tribute to Eddie Guerrero
I have watched wrestling for 4 years, in that time I have seen many great WWE superstars. One was Eddie Guerrero, he had passion, and never gave up.
He was also one of the funnest superstars that I've seen also. Eddie made a good face and a good heel, and was friends with a lot of smackdown superstars

I'm sure every WWE fan and superstar will miss him

Eddie Guerrero
:crying We'll never forget you holmes :crying
It was a really sad news to know that eddie has died.

When I first found it on wwe.com, I thought its a part of a storyline but later came to knew that it was true and since then I am really sad. He was a great wrestler and person and gave so much to wwe.
I read that somewhere else also. I find it pretty sick to think about this was a part of a storyline. So far when a death has been mentioned, I've never seen it that the news was untrue. Especially when it's mentioned on the frontpage.

A nice biography of Eddie Guerrero. The guy gave almost whole his life away just for wrestling and just to entertain people.

The storied career of Eddie Guerrero
ZexyZahid said:
I read that somewhere else also. I find it pretty sick to think about this was a part of a storyline. So far when a death has been mentioned, I've never seen it that the news was untrue. Especially when it's mentioned on the frontpage.

A nice biography of Eddie Guerrero. The guy gave almost whole his life away just for wrestling and just to entertain people.

The storied career of Eddie Guerrero
absolutely amazing carear for Latino heat.

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