Wrestling thread

Poor Jillian. Was rejected before she was able to sing! :laugh

Never wish an injury on anyone but it was pretty funny that Orton injured himself by hitting the mat too hard. Match died after that, could tell it was a real injury since Edge didn't go after the right arm and of course the most random finish you will ever see. Looked like Orton was meant to win it since Edge didn't jump back into the win and steal the victory.

Well, Orton suffers from hypermobile in his shoulders. So maybe, that played a part in his injury.
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Guys like Orton, HHH, Cena, Batista etc. need to get on whatever Jericho is on.

I don't think I've ever seen that legend take time out for injury. Benefits of not taking steroids, eh? ;)
Never wish an injury on anyone but it was pretty funny that Orton injured himself by hitting the mat too hard. Match died after that, could tell it was a real injury since Edge didn't go after the right arm and of course the most random finish you will ever see. Looked like Orton was meant to win it since Edge didn't jump back into the win and steal the victory.

That was really funny!

They say that he is seriously injured and in Vegetative State :(

No - not Taker. What a way for his career to end - let's hope he can make some kind of recovery and have some sort of life. :(
Taker has been doing this disappearance act for a long time now. He is 45 years of age and needs these intermittent resting periods.
Taker is set to return in time for a summerslam match, he will feud with kane for it. after it he will feud with jack swagger, put money on it
Words fail me. People actually believe Taker has gone. :laugh
the NXT angle is great, its breathing a new light into wwe. its not so predictable as to whats gonna happen.

HHH will return to save wwe in the next few weeks
Hope he does.He is my fav.
and whats wrong with Kane these days.We know how much he loved his brother :facepalm.

i think kane is covering up for what he did to the undertaker, and taker will return before summerslam, and expose what kane did, and they will have a match at summerslam, lets hope for an inferno

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