Wrestling (WWE) Mafia II - The End - Zohaib and Spoobir / Heels win

Vote Count:

Aditya (5): hedger_14, Chewie, Ollie_H, AfridiRulez, Spoobir

Aditya is dead! He was - Kane, Heel aligned


It is Night 4 now, send in your roles!
Phew! So I was right.

I am self-protecting myself for the night.


What is it?

That you're not individually aligned. You're either mafia or town, but not individual.
Hedger, I would like you to investigate Zohaib.
Good work townies. I really thought that my role claim was fine but the mask and unmasked thing didn't really work.
Now if I don't win this game, I'll be pretty much pissed off.


Zohaib, am I right about the aforementioned by me about you?


Wait, Zohaib asks me to protect him so that I don't self protect and he kills me off??
Yeah it is correct I am town , I just said im Self Aligned so that Hedger doesnt die as the mafias dont like cops and because a SK has a better role than a cop then the mafias would come for me and we would get more info from the cop which will help us in the game like now.


Mate self protect yourself the whole way , that way we will win.
I don't want to be mafia food, so I'll just protect myself. Trust me, they won't killl you.
Self-protect is only a one-shot ability...
Good job guys I'm glad I was correct to hammer, is hedger investigating Zohaib tonight then?
Yes we got em! Good job guys. :)

I'm assuming there is only one mafia remaining, and that is Zohaib. I don't see him as Self aligned to be honest.


Hedger, who are you investigating tonight?
I just said im Self Aligned so that Hedger doesnt die as the mafias dont like cops and because a SK has a better role than a cop then the mafias would come for me and we would get more info from the cop which will help us in the game like now.

I'm voting off Zohaib tomorrow no matter what.


Actually sorry, that was a bit rash. I will of course be waiting to see what happens overnight before I do anything.

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