I'll do a run of how I used my roles each night..
Night 1:
Roleblock: World Champions
Frame: LongLegs
Persuade: Bkb1991 to vote for LongLegs
Obvious attempt to get LL out of the way early. I knew he was danger. Roleblocked WC, just in case he decides to use anything against me
BKB Didn't vote, and could have been modkilled, but, was warned because funknath didnt communicate that to him.
Night 2:
Roleblock: Highlander999
Frame: MaD
Persuade: MaD to vote for Ollie
Unknowingly, saved the town there. Randomly roleblocked the serial killer.
Framed MaD, and forced him to vote for Ollie, who was confirmed townie at that stage. If the cop had investigated him, which was looking probable judging by the way he was playing, MaD was a gonner.
Luckily, he got mod-killed.
Night 3:
Roleblock: mattfb
Frame: Hedger_14
Persuade: User2010 to vote for Ollie_H No-one
This was the roleblock I'm actually proud of. I figured out quickly enough that hedger was mafia, and by the looks of it, Matt was looking a definite mafia as well. It was a gamble I had taken, because I was confused between these two for being godfather. It paid off well with the town starting to believe every word I said
Framed Hedger just for the sake of it.
Initially asked User to vote against Ollie, but later into the night, decided against it.
During the day, I voted for ARay, pretending to be forced. Not sure if it actually had any effect on the game, or anybody read the lynch for that matter, but certainly to me, psychologically, I had a defense to fall back upon if questioned.
Night 4:
Roleblock: LongLegs
Frame: Hmarka
Persuade: No-one
This was an anti-town move. I knew LL had a role, but at that point didn't know what it was.
I was unsure of hMarka's role.. (Don't know why.. everyone knew he was cult leader.. I somehow missed that part
I didn't persuade a vote on anyone to prevent suspicion. I wanted User to vote for Blake, but decided against it, because targeting a mafia would seem odd.
In retrospect, not the best use of my night role this night.
Night 5:
Roleblock: mattfb
Frame: No-one
Persuade: User2010 to vote for mattfb
Pretty obvious, now that everyone knew Matt was the godfather, I had to roleblock him to blend in. I would have loved to let him kill a few more people, before I kicked in, and got him lynched.
Probably LongLeg's repeated "Protecting Abhas this night" things scared me a bit.. He could just be saying things, and not doing them
Knowing User was cult, I forced him to vote for matt. If he did, matt died, if he didn't, user died. Either way, win-win for me. Infact, it would have been better if User died, coz that would have given the mafia another kill.
Stupidly, User persuaded me to vote for matt the same night. Don't know what he had in mind, but he could have done wonders with that persuasion had he used it correctly. He should have made me lynch ARay. That would finish off ARay, and put me under the scanner.
Night 6:
Roleblock: User2010
Frame: --
Persuade: Blake to vote for User2010
Lastly, the role I had sent in the last night. Roleblocked User.. Exactly what I wanted to do.. Leave Blake with a night kill, and at the same time, followed LL's post, thus avoiding suspicion.
Next day I would have led a lynch on User, with the all-important vote of Blake being forced on him.
I was planning to use hMarka's double vote later to finish off the townies after Blake was lynched, but well.. Didn't really happen.
Thanks a tonne to Zorax for doing a fine job with the game, and sorting out the mess Funknath left him with. Kudos