Well, for those looking to gain some insight into hosting Mafia games, here’s how I went about it for Cricket Mafia.
Setup + My Thoughts
So how do you balance a Mafia game? It’s hard to achieve the perfect balance. In fact, you’ll find a lot of games where probably the balance isn’t equal among all the factions. Or sometimes, all the good players end up on one team, leaving the other team severely weak player-wise. But, I do think I did a pretty good job balancing out this game.
Generally, you’d think that 20-25% of the player base would be Mafia or Anti-Town(includes SK, Cult etc.). However, it’d probably be safe to assume that 30-35% of the player base is Mafia. Although the Mafia know each other, unless they’re being looked for like BKB was in this situation, or unless there are 2 Mafias, of different number perhaps, they are still at a major numbers disadvantage. If there’s a sane cop and his random first day investigation gets Mafia, it puts them at an even bigger disadvantage, so yeah, we always try and make the number of anti-town more than 20-25%, or we try and make it a possible number, like in the cult’s case.
In this game, the cult was limited to 3 members, although MaD did not know this at any point. He would’ve only known this once he recruited his final member. But, he never had the chance to have 2 other people on his team at any point. So this gave us a potential 8 anti-town players. But, again, MaD couldn’t recruit Mafia and the vigilante and the doctor, which reduced his chances of getting a full team fast. It was also invitation-based, so the person could reject his offer. However, MaD could recruit any townies with investigative roles, since there were 3 of them(Watcher, Insane Cop, Lie Detector – Role Thief could’ve also potentially been a cop during this game). Even if MaD managed to get 2 investigative roles on his team, he wouldn’t have gotten the third one, because his team would be full, so the town would always have an investigative role.
The threat of the vigilante to the Mafia was balanced by having a doctor. But, since it becomes easier for the doctor to choose whom to protect when he knows he’s allied with them and there’s only 4 choices (when they were all alive), I had him hidden. If they found him on Night 1, BKB would’ve been a major asset. But User didn’t play the vig that well. In any case, the vig is a hard role to pull off. You need to think outside the box a lot, because it’s a risk you’re taking every night.
The bus driver is a great role for balance. It brings in a very random factor that could turn the game at any time. Although it’s a primarily town role, it can be used as a Mafia role, but again, smart players excel at this role and give themselves a higher probability at achieving successful results. Otherwise it becomes very random, like what happened on Superher Mafia, with WC killing his own Godfather.
The town don’t have to all have roles. Although, if you do want all your townies to have roles, passive roles are useful. Miller, Passive Bomb, Double Voter, Post Restrictions, and some others, leave people with no specific role interested even though they have no primary role. Roles can also be twisted largely to a mod’s liking. There are many variants to roles, and I won’t go into detail on that, but yeah, you could have 2 cops, one a role cop, one an insane cop in a game.
I thought I balanced this one fairly well. There was a counter for most things. However, would just like to say that the Bodyguard and Vigilante could be played better. With these two roles, when there’s no obvious candidate, you really need to think different and see who’s a confirmed innocent. Or someone you think is a good player and likely to be targeted. Protecting good players consistently might lead you to an eventual win, so yeah.
If you have any questions, just ask, or send me a PM.