Player Reviews
1. BKB1991 - Played fairly well, considering he didn't know his Mafia teammates for a majority of the game. BKB played really well at the end, and was part of a really good battle between BKB, Abhas, mattfb, guddu and treva. Not too keen on BKB's roleclaim though. There was already a miller in this game. And considering there were only 21 players (generally, there are around 30-40 in a really good game). If there are 2 millers, one of them would have more to their role in any case.
MVP Candidate.
2. CG123 - Had some good targets for his role, but probably should've looked to have been more unpredictable. In any case, Team Cricket never really posted when they were silenced, which they should've done. Made some really bad mistakes. The accusation of User, when he was proven innocent after mattfb's death was too obvious. That too, just after hMarka was told why User couldn't be Mafia.
3. treva - Played a very lurky game. Should've probably posted a bit more - to try and potray himself in a townie manner - but, he escaped suspicion pretty much till the end. Thought he would win it too. treva used his role very well. Didn't allow a lot of roles to be carried out. treva's move of the game, was when he roleblocked User on a certain Night, and, well, then guessed he was the vigilante. At least that's what I assumed from that move.
MVP Candidate.
4. Funknath - I really don't understand why you would sacrifice a game where you possibly couldn't win if you didn't survive till the end! There was a much better tactic at that stage to be used, where both Funknath and hMarka could've been potrayed as townies. However it would take some really good posting to make it work, and it usually can only be carried out by two really good players.
5. hMarka - Played really well, till the point where he got himself mod-killed. Pretty much had the town on his side too, with The Spin protecting him. His modkill pretty much lost the Mafia the advantage that Funknath's lynch had brought them.
6. User2010 - The vigilante role needs a lot of observation, and User pretty much got reeled in by all the confusion. Killed only fellow townies, and well, was suspected for absolutely no fault of his own at the beginning of the game. mattfb's death should've cleared him, but well, people just refused to take him off the suspicion list.
7. The Spin - Didn't play that well in his first run. Was confused, like many town players were at how the game was going.
8. gudduthemaster - Didn't play all that badly, was probably the weakest of the last 7 players remaining(besides Gazza). But, he did well to prove himself as a townie. Probably a little too obvious at the end there that he was townie.
9. mattfb - The insane cop role takes a bit of working out. Was a pity that he investigated User2010 on the first night itself! Brought the vig into some danger, but in the end mattfb was the one that was lynched. I would've kept that investigation hidden, and tried again on the second night to see my result. The Mafia easily figured out that mattfb was the cop because he seemed to push for User's lynch, despite there being a lot of public evidence.
10. Abhas - Didn't do much the first time.
11. Amiya The Spin - Love this role. However, The Spin didn't get to use it. A mediocre game all-around for The Spin.
12. MaD - You couldn't get anymore lucky than MaD did this game. His failed recruits just made him survive the whole game without having to do much until the end. He did mess up in the end too, with one of his posts, but with so many suspicions being thrown around, somehow managed to survive. Probably nowhere close to the best player in this game, but still half the winner.
13. gilly Gazza - Didn't do much. Pretty much just followed MaD, which made it obvious they were both aligned in some manner.
14. Highlander999 - I think Highlander could be one of those players whose alignment you'd find very hard to deduce without investigations. His playstyle is very chilled out, and well, I reckon he'll play like that every game. Or if he doesn't, he really should. Was absolutely absurd that he didn't take the cop role when mattfb died. I was pretty thoroughly shocked at that move. The cop is a power role and stealing it would've been ace for the town. Died before he could steal the bodyguard role that he wanted.
15. Maney2k9 - A very anti-town role for a town player. Two nights in a row is bad news for the town, and well, the event occured in the game. Played decently with nothing major to speak of.
16. AucklandAce Abhas - Abhas' second life. Where he played the role really well. The lie detector role is a pretty cool one. In any case, it has to be noted, that Abhas never really found out that CG123 was Mafia through his role - instead, he used his observation skills. I thought that CG123's moves made it too obvious that he was Mafia, and Abhas eventually picked up on that. Very stupidly lynched though.
17. harrisb Abhas - Abhas excelled in his third life. Especially towards the end. Really can't say much, but his play was excellent most of the time. His accusation of BKB was very good, and on the mark as well. Thought he would stick to the town, but took a more solid position by accepting MaD's recruitment offer during the last Night period.
MVP Candidate
18. Aditya - Played decently - was part of the confused town around mid-game.
19. WORLD CHAMPIONS - Didn't do much. Was killed Night 1.
20. Harishan mattfb - mattfb used his role pretty well. However, he should've revealed all his results when he role revealed. I'm sure his last investigation of treva was what made him vote for treva at the end. Felt a bit meh for matt though, as his vote was the deciding factor for end game, while he couldn't win at all.
21. skrillex_x - Used his role on most nights. His one game-changing move was not allowing the Mafia to find BKB. He could've had another one. But, he reversed that decision unfortunately. Would just like to add that you can use the Bus Driver role on yourself in most game. However, just to avoid the risk of skrillex killing himself by mistake, I decided not to allow it.
MVP: treva/Abhas
Abhas was the better player, however he did have extra lives. Had treva posted more, he would've won MVP easily for me.
Vote for your MVP please. You may vote anyone, but BKB, Abhas and treva are my nominations.
What went down at night, my general thoughts on how I setup this game and balanced it and mistakes that should be avoided in the next game will be up next. After all this typing, I need a break.