Club Cricketer
Come on Zorax, that is a disgraceful excuse. You could've easily revealed what happened at the end of the game and nobody would've cared. My entire bluff was based on that and EVERYBODY WOULD'VE REALISED WHAT HAPPENED at the end game.
Not to mention that nobody would have even thought it was you in the first place if you didn't go interrupting again. I posted "Wouldn't put it past Funknath to give me an unbeatable role," in the attempt to make it seem like Funknath would actually create a role like mine so everybody would believe it, but no, you chimed in with "Actually, I made all the roles."
The rest of the game was good but this was ridiculous.
I'm very much on blake's side here. But, lay off Zorax for now - his first mod game. I'd be absolutely ripping into him myself for the horrid balance(

The rule thing that treva pointed out was more of an error. Technically, you couldn't modkill anybody that posted their role PM.
First game though, lots of balance issues, major ones. Game should've proabably been called a draw once everyone role revealed in hindsight. Dragging it on...was pointless, since it wasn't about playing Mafia anymore, but the team that was quicker than the other to vote.