Player Reviews
1. Highlander999 - Played well. Was a solid town player, probably one of the better town players this game. Probably could've used his role more effectively. Thought that Tom could've really predicted blake dying that Night, seeing the pattern of good players being killed off, especially if they're confirmed. And, probably protected Zorax too much.

Although Zorax wasn't really targetted to be killed by anyone.
2. Shri The Spin blake - The bus driver didn't influence this game at all. Shri was inactive, which allowed Zorax to get away with his risky claim without any troubles at all. The Spin probably didn't read the whole thread and notice Zorax's claim. And, blake realised it - only he was dead when he actually remembered what Zorax had claimed earlier.
3. hMarka - Could never get a successful recruit courtesy roleblocking galore from the Mafia. His lynch probably made treva look very pro townie, and hMarka seemed too defensive once the lynch came about. A more calm outlook, and probably a better role claim would've seen him survive. Perhaps being more persuasive about the fact that his fake character claim was so townie could've helped his case.
4. gudduthemaster - Used his role pretty decently. Probably should've taken a risk with the daykill though. Persuasive defense would've probably saved him too, you'd think.
5. mattfb - Solid play, and great usage of his role to save the vigilante. Then, switched to a more destructive role, the role revealer. I believe it is a fabulous role, and this experiment proved a success. matt managed to avoid suspicion despite his change of heart, completely going against User minutes after saving him. Surprised this didn't make him suspicious. What matt should've done was actually support User here. Would've blended in brilliantly. And, made him a confirmed town player, you'd think.
6. blake - Like this role too. Forensic Investigator, role specific. Role cop that only works after death that is. Another element to balance the lack of role revealing in the Night post. blake played pretty well throughout, was a solid townie player, and used his role to good effect.
7. ARay Abhas - The jailkeeper. Protects somebody, but also roleblocks them. A town role, and a role put in to balance the Surgeon role that Tom had. Abhas was an early target and died twice without much game time early game, unfortunately. Both times he had a useful town role.
8. CG123 - Unlynchable, did alright. Perhaps could've tried to influence the game more as he was unlynchable. Was good, but could've been better basically. Could say the same about most the town players.
9. The Spin - Role thief. Died early, didn't steal any roles. Would've been hMarka's first protege, if hMarka was not blocked one Night.
10. Ollie_H - The bomb. Injured early by the Mafia. However, perhaps not the best of moves from the Mafia, since Ollie was anyway inactive. Eventually died, since Tom didn't perform surgery on him.
11. WORLD CHAMPIONS - Uh, horrid play. That is all. Could've easily saved himself, but it seemed like he didn't care at all.
12. Aditya Abhas - The other half of WC. Was eventually substituted by Abhas. But, was roleless by that time. Abhas probably didn't play his best townie game this time around.
13. skrillex_x Ollie_H - Didn't influence the game much as well. Game durations were ending quickly before he got online most of the time, and he had no night role, so couldn't be useful at Night.
14. Abhas - Abhas was the cop, killed day 1, and well didn't do much before that.
15. treva - Brilliant play. Led the lynch on hMarka brilliantly. I've already stated most of his positives previously. The commuter claim was brilliant too.
MVP Candidate
16. MaD - Really bad play in the beginning should've seen him lynched, but luck is always on MaD's side, as he came back to avoid any sort of suspicion and easily won.
17. ZoraxDoom - Risky claim. But, used his role to very good effect. Had everyone convinced he was town aligned, and used that to blend in without suspicions of any sort.
MVP Candidate
18. BKB1991 - Played well before he was taken out by User. Probably a bit tentative was BKB. Should play more townier to blend in. More aggressive, risky moves that point suspicion at other people would be welcomed. A role I came up with, the poisoner, was used here. Thought it was a nice role and worked out well.
19. User2010 - An improved performance as vigilante from User2010. Roleblocked by Zorax, who thought he was the insane cop. Saving his Mafia buddies twice! But, User carried out the kill of BKB despite it not going through the first time, because he thought Zorax bus driver'd him. However, in my games, so far, the bus driver only switched what happens to someone, and doesn't switch around their roles. So yeah, a miscalculation from User in terms of getting Zorax's role right, and vice versa too!
20. Funknath - Uh, allowed himself to be lynched as proof. Quite stupidly. Learn to fight for your survival, otherwise don't bother playing.
Other stuff shall be up when I can be bothered.