WWA - The New Wrestling Alternative **WWA is back in town!**

WWA teasing change to superstar? Steve O'Neal and Harding altercation? Plus more Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

At house shows WWA has been teasing a change of character for Dave Harding, the nost notable change happened at the last round of House Shows Dave Harding was introduced as "The Renegade" Dave Harding, he also was wearing face paint and was playing heel for the show, during the match he had he hit a vicious Top Rope DDT Harding grabbed a mic and called it the "Fall From Grace" whether or not WWA is going to press for a heel change has not been noticed on WWA Television, and he has yet to hit the move on TV, he's still using his Flip Piledriver solely known as the 'Destroyer' a heel turn could be on the cards in a month or so do not be surprised to see the Destroyer replaced with the new move he has been hitting. While Harding still proclaims to be happy with the current gimmick he's doing and the way he has been working lately, a change could certainly happen.

Just on Harding, Harding was back in Australia for a show, and almost came to blows with Australian wrestler "The Real Deal" Steve O'Neal, Harding grew annoyed at there being 3 botched moves in the match by O'Neal and did not hold back when they hit the backstage area, Harding has slowly become a bit of a perfectionist in the ring, and doesn't allow for botched moves, and is very dirty on himself when he botches a move in the ring. One such move happeend, prior ro signing with WWA, he was working in Southern California and mistimeed a 450 splash and fell short, he snapped back up and hit probably the angriest Death Valley Driver you'd ever see in professional wrestling. While this caused no damage to the wrestler when he hit the move he was dirty and was not in the mood for questions after the amtch.

Despite working WWA House Shows Jerry Lynn, nor Tajiri, Balls Mahoney, and Kid Kash have signed with WWA, nor has WWA approached Juventud Guerrera despite his claims in Mexico of being offered a full time WWA contract to work there. WWA stars that went down to Mexico were development talent to work some shows for CMLL, and AAA. No WWA official was on the tour of Mexico, Matt Sydal was said to have been popular on the show, as was Teddy Hart. Colt Cabana worked Super Dragon's PWG on the weekend and faced Super Dragon himself, WWA has been interested in gaining the services of Super Dragon, but he does not wish to leave PWG and work for another company.

Frustrated WWA star Heath Matthews appears to be happier around the company this week, the outspoken star has expressed his frustration about not being booked on shows, WWA's last minute decision to add him to the Re-Awakening PPV was not as rushed as some seem to feel it was. WWA had thought that Matthews was a better option for the match, WWA had planned another star, but he has no showed a few shows and was pulled from the original planned storyline, which WWA refuses to reveal, or even reveal the name of the star. WWA officials have just said that they see a lot of potential in Matthews.

The WWA Pure Heavyweight Title will continue to be defended on WWA Television, even though it has not made an appearance in weeks, the first time the title had made an appearance on WWA Television was in their tribute to Andrew "Test" Martin that passed away. Johnny Casanova the current champion had been suffering some stiffness in the body preventing him from working the schedule that WWA had set out. WWA was going to move the title on, but Casanova was cleared. Justin Kaos has been expressing his interest in leaving WWA and trying his luck elsewhere, the young California native has found it increasingly hard to get onto WWA Television, his match against Jonathon Hell was his first televised match in weeks.

WWE are still hopeful of keeping their uncontracted stars, they are working hard to keep Batista, Shawn Michaels, and Jeff Hardy who all are not that happy at the moment in the company, WWA has been rumoured to have been very interested in them all, and even interested in getting Tommy Dreamer to the promotion. WWA will not comment on any of these people but we believe that Shawn Michaels and Jeff Hardy are at the top of the list of possible signings that WWA are after getting.

Former WWA star Scott Steiner has not been very pleased about WWA's decision to not offer him further employment chances there, since he was there apart of the start of WWA, he was even given a shot against Christian Cage at the first WWA PPV High Stakes. Since then he has gone to TNA and has been starring there and has been showing some great skill and working hard but has not got many nice words to say about many in WWA.

WWA has let a few stars that were at the original WWA PPV go, since the start of WWA El Puma, Steve Austin, Monty Brown, Scott Steiner, Yousuf Hawk, DH Smith, Kofi Kingston, Jueventud Guerrera, Ron Killings, Judas Mesias, Brother Runt, Hulk Hogan, Mephisto, Mistico, Mr. Aguila, Rellik, Ryan Willis, Super Parka, Paul Burchil, Maria Kenellis, Charly Manson, Cuervo, The Shark Boy, El Phantasmo, Amy Dumas, Navin. Most of these stars worked under an open ended deal with WWA, and were never officially signed to the promotion, Maria Kenellis was offered another chance with the WWE, as was Kofi Kingston and Paul Burchill.

WWA had offered deals to Austin, Brown, and Smith, as well as Maria Kenellis, Brown chose to violate the terms put forward and was promotly released, Steiner was not offered any such deal and was not used since he was offered a contract to the newly global TNA and signed it, Maria was offered a good deal by the WWE, and signed there again. Smith, and Kingston asked for their release upon being offered new WWE deals. WWA released most of the members of their stable Sureos (Spanish for "Southerners") the Mexican Mafia as they were being pushed as were not getting over, WWA decided to keep Chavo, and released Mephisto, Charly Manson, Cuervo, and Super Parka who were all members of the stable. WWA were asked by Mr. Aguila for his release so he would work for AAA in Mexico.

Juventud Guerrera no showed House Shows, and live events and was fired, he was not a member of the Mexican Mafia, it was never brought up but he was given his release the day afer no showing a dark match at the Hell or High Water PPV. Rellik and Black Reign were both released after poor backstage and in ring attitudes lead to a few stars requesting they not be booked in matches against them. The Shark Boy, who was not intended on being a mocking of TNA star Shark Boy, or even being a clone, WWA didn't push him as such, and when he was not getting over he was offered either to go back to NWA Wildside, or change gimmicks and unmask, he chose neither and asked to be released, so WWA granted the request.

Ryan Willis' release was not a surprise a poor attitude saw him not getting over at all, he was given the chance to be apart of an anti-American Tag Team in the WWA Cruiserweight Tag Team Division with Dr. Pepper, and both Pepper and WWA management agreed that it was an impossible situation and Willis was released. Hulk Hogan became the biggest release of the WWA family of releases, he was obviously having problems backstage, and was demanding stuff, apart of the original Millionaires Club angle, Hogan was going to be the main star, WWA acted fast when they saw him becoming a problem and signed The Rock. The Rock and Miles Marion became the main focus of the angle and then WWA unleashed the nWo to maybe have Hogan in a stable and around people he knew and would work well with, in came Sean Waltman, some were not happy with his signing, but he has adapted to WWA life well. WWA then brought in Justin Credible who is still in WWA development awaiting his chance.

Hogan though was becoming a problem, each week he would refuse to do the job, he would refuse to work with this star, and another star, he wouldn't even put over Dave Harding at a House Show, Harding asked WWA management for a mediation session with the former WCW and WWE World Champion but this was not going to fly with Hulk Hogan. Hogan refused to even entertain the idea of getting involved with DraVen Matrix, so WWA didn't bother to suggest to Hogan, instead Matrix and Marion pulled off what was a top match in the Highway to Hell match that saw Vampiro come on in. Vampiro is still nursing an injury but will be ready and fit soon for WWA programming. Matrix has been impressing a lot with his professionalism, as well as Marion, Harding, and Sandars, all have been working well with the WWA management, and willing to do anything for the company.

Hogan was finally released after the unveiling of the new NWO, Hogan still became a problem, Hall and Nash were seeing the writing on the wall they would often steer clear of Hogan and would not try and get into any argument he got into. With the reputation that had coming into WWA the further they got away from Hogan was the better, WWA finally had enough and the axe fell on Hogan.

Not much is known about the release of El Puma, or who he was, he has seemingly vanished from the face of the earth, he was not that well known in WWA, or the wrestling world he was fine in the ring but never really got over and WWA released him, or so the story goes. In the end WWA has had a few stars come and go and now they have the right balance of talent making the comapny go from strength to strenght, the future looks bright as most of the WWA's stars are in their 20s and have a lot of time left in the company.
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Dark Match[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Mikey Whipwreck vs. Chris Chetti

Chris Chetti comes to the ring. Mikey Whipwreck walks to the ring. New Referee 1 is the referee for this contest. Chris Chetti turns his back to Mikey Whipwreck and poses. Mikey Whipwreck places Chris Chetti on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ring, ring, ring) Chris Chetti delivers a kick to the head of Mikey Whipwreck. Mikey Whipwreck is up again. Chris Chetti uppercuts Mikey Whipwreck. Mikey Whipwreck executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Chris Chetti. Chris Chetti gets hit with the shooting star press from Mikey Whipwreck. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Chris Chetti escapes. Chris Chetti is back on his feet. Mikey Whipwreck gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Chris Chetti. Chris Chetti gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Chris Chetti gets hit with the shooting star press from Mikey Whipwreck. New Referee 1 counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Chris Chetti escapes. Chris Chetti is up again. Chris Chetti gives Mikey Whipwreck the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat. Chris Chetti chants start. Chris Chetti with the hammerlock on Mikey Whipwreck. New Referee 1 is checking for a tap out. ... ... Mikey Whipwreck trys to escape.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Mikey Whipwreck escapes. Chris Chetti drags Mikey Whipwreck to the floor. New Referee 1 starts the count (.1) (..2) Chris Chetti hits Mikey Whipwreck with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Now Mikey Whipwreck standing. (...3) Mikey Whipwreck takes Chris Chetti down with a knee. (....4) They lockup. Mikey Whipwreck sends Chris Chetti to the corner of ringside. (.....5) Chris Chetti and Mikey Whipwreck move back into the ring. Chris Chetti hits Mikey Whipwreck with an earringer. Mikey Whipwreck gives Chris Chetti a reverse neckbreaker. Mikey Whipwreck clotheslines Chris Chetti.

Mikey Whipwreck kicks Chris Chetti in the stomach. Chris Chetti gets hit with the shooting star press from Mikey Whipwreck. New Referee 1 counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Chris Chetti kicks out. Mikey Whipwreck pins Chris Chetti against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Mikey Whipwreck with a high crossbody on Chris Chetti. Mikey Whipwreck climbs to his feet. Chris Chetti climbs to his feet. Mikey Whipwreck slaps Chris Chetti in the face. Mikey Whipwreck climbs to his feet. Chris Chetti throws Mikey Whipwreck off the ropes and hits him with a cross-body block. Chris Chetti chants start. Chris Chetti is up again. Chris Chetti runs in and leg drops Mikey Whipwreck. Mikey Whipwreck is up again. Mikey Whipwreck hits him with a back fist. Mikey Whipwreck rakes his fingers across Chris Chetti's back. Mikey Whipwreck trys for a superplex but is unable to lift Chris Chetti.Mikey Whipwreck gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Chris Chetti knifehand chops Mikey Whipwreck. Mikey Whipwreck trys for a spinning backbreaker but is unable to lift Chris Chetti.Chris Chetti gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Mikey Whipwreck. Chris Chetti hits Mikey Whipwreck with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Chris Chetti knees Mikey Whipwreck and rolls back to his feet. Chris Chetti stomps Mikey Whipwreck's head. Mikey Whipwreck is up again. Mikey Whipwreck trys for a gut-wrench powerbomb but is not strong enough to lift Chris Chetti.Mikey Whipwreck and Chris Chetti go to the floor New Referee 1 starts the count (.1) Mikey Whipwreck throws a chair at Chris Chetti. (..2) Mikey Whipwreck rakes the face of Chris Chetti in attempt to make a come back. (...3) Mikey Whipwreck grabs Chris Chetti's leg and takes him down. Chris Chetti is up again. (....4) Chris Chetti rakes his fingers across Mikey Whipwreck's back. (.....5) Mikey Whipwreck and Chris Chetti move back into the ring. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Chris Chetti gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Chris Chetti stands up. Chris Chetti with spinning headscissors on Mikey Whipwreck send him hard to the mat. Chris Chetti gets up. Chris Chetti covers Mikey Whipwreck. Referee New Referee 1 makes the count. ...1 ...2 Mikey Whipwreck kicks out. Mikey Whipwreck is back on his feet. Chris Chetti places Mikey Whipwreck on the turnbuckle and executes the belly-to-back superplex. Mikey Whipwreck climbs to his feet. Chris Chetti bounces Mikey Whipwreck off the ropes and clotheslines him. Mikey Whipwreck is back on his feet. Mikey Whipwreck gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Chris Chetti comes over and smashes Mikey Whipwreck's head into it. Chris Chetti picks up Mikey Whipwreck and hits him with a Back Suplex. Chris Chetti chants start. Chris Chetti is back on his feet. Chris Chetti executes his Double Springboard Moonsault on to Mikey Whipwreck! Chris Chetti covers Mikey Whipwreck hooking the leg. New Referee 1 counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner: Mikey Whipwreck[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Date: Wednesday 11th June 2008
Location: Cajundome, Lafayette, Louisiana
Announcers: Tony Schiavone and Mark Madden
Attendance: 10,038
TV Rating: 6.78

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Last Monday on WWA Revolution[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]A Wray tags Rob Van Dam. Rob Van Dam knocks Dave Harding into Jim Molineaux taking out the referee. Rob Van Dam bounces Dave Harding off the ropes and clotheslines him. Rob Van Dam chants start. Rob Van Dam executes a piledriver on Dave Harding. Dave Harding gets back to his feet. Ultimate Warrior runs to the ring. Ultimate Warrior clotheslines Dave Harding. Ultimate Warrior with an Aztecan suplex on Dave Harding sends him to the mat. Ultimate Warrior moves back to his feet. Scott Sandars enters the ring, he and Warrior stare each other down, but A Wray comes in from behind and floors Sandars with the Wray of Light. Ulitmate Warrior hits a power slam on Scott Sandars. Jim Molineaux shakes off the first bump and he calls for the bell. And declares The Horsemen winners via disqualification.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Warrior leaves the ring and snatches the mircophone from the ring announcer tonight is Tommuy O'Shea. Tommy gives it up without a fuss and Warrior rolls back into the ring and he has something on his mind here tonight. The fans are not really happy with Warrior here in WWA ?For months I have been sitting at home and I have been watching the total injustice here in WWA, I have been watching the way WWA has been treating the non-Australian talent here in the company.? Warrior walks around the ring Sandars and Harding are still down Wray and Rob Van Dam are on the outside of the ring they decide to walk to the back. ?I know that no one here in WWA seems to care that your World Champion is Australian, your WWA United States Champion is also Australian, the figure head leader backstage is Australian as well and this is why there is so much bias here in WWA, and this is why that WWA is not going to go anywhere with all of this going on. WWA needs someone like me to point out that this company has had too much bias in the past and there needs to be some kind of change, and Scott Sandars I have read everything you have had to say about me, and I have heard what WWA has said about me and now I am going to show you all that I am not going to stand by and take it all.? [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Warrior stands there and looks at Scott Sandars ?You are no so tough now are you Sandars? I came here and answered WWA's challenges, Paul Heymans challenges and your challenges and look at you, you are down on the mat and I am standing here looking over your fallen body. You have been for months trying to get me to come here well I am here and now what are you going to do? I even took out the WWA United States Champion, is this the best that WWA has? You two? You are down and I am one man, I beat you both down and now I am standing over two broken bodies.? [/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]This is Extreme? hits the fans all start to cheer as Paul Heyman comes out from the back holding a microphone ?Excuse me Catapin dickhead?? the fans all let out a loud cheer ?You are now in my ring Warrior, you are now standing here in company you have been bagging for months, and you snuck in the back door and you attacked the Horsemen, and you think you are tough by Pearl Harbouring the Horsemen while they were in a match? What are you going to do for an encore Warrior? You going to come to Thunder and attack them again and then proclaim yourself the god of the world? Are you going to go home and blog about how you attacked our two big stars? But leave out you did it from behind?? Warrior shakes his head.[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Heyman, you think the attacks on me have been fair? They have been happening more and more frequently even before now and the WWA stars who are not Australian are suffering because you are letting these two take over the company and do whatever they want here in WWA!? Heyman laughs ?There is no bias here in WWA, we have never been biased, the best people have their titles and if it was upto me there would be 400 titles but that would not make any damn sense here.? Heyman pauses a moment ?How about this Warrior, how about you face Scott Sandars at WWA Thunder this Wednesday?? the fans cheer ?Then you can show us how great you really are, since you already think you should be the WWA World Champion.?[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Warrior stands there a moment and thinks about it a moment ?Well if you want to sacfrice your World Champion to me then I have nothing wrong with showing my point here in WWA and showing that WWA's World Champion is not the best man for the job of carrying such a title, the world should see that your World Champion is only that because of where he comes from!? the fans are all booing Warriors reply ?Well then Warrior, I have to say we have ourselves a match, and come Wednesday we are going to see you put your money where your mouth is.? Heyman is grinning as Sandars and Harding are creeping up slowly behind him ?Hey Warrior, don't turn around!?Warrior turns around and he walks into the Destroyer from Harding he spikes him down, Sandars then hooks him in the Sandars vice.The fans are all cheering there ?You see what happens when you pick a fight with one of the best tag teams here in WWA? See you Wednesday Warrior.? ?This is Extreme? hits again and Heyman walks towards the back, And now it;s time for WWA Thunder.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I hear... a voice say don't be so blind...[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Devine has pulled something out of his tights. Lance Hoyt walks over...and gets floored by a punch! [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Its telling me all these things...
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Blake Kruspe comes running down the aisle with a chair and into the ring! Scott Sandars turns...and is dropped by a vicious chair shot! [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]That you would probably hide...[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]L?vesque counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Alexis L?vesque moves in for the kill. Canadian Killer! [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Am I... your one and only desire...

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Vashti Webb with a top rope DDT on Kristi Kaos, she implants her head hard into the mat, she picks Kaos but up and hits the Spyder Webb on her.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Am I the reason you breath...

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Victoria takes a chop from Mickie. Victoria can barely stand. Mickie-DT!!! [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Or am I the reason you cry...
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Curt Hawkins gets taken down out of nowhere. Hawkins takes a rana from Andy Douglas. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Always... always... always... always... always... always...

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matrix climbs to the third tier and he enters into the small cage where there kendo sticks and light tubes Matrix grabs himself a kendo stick and lifts it into the air and poses with it, the fans are standing and cheering and looking to the ceiling.
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I just can't live without you...
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding is not entering the ring, out of nowhere it's Steve Corino! What is Steve Corino doing here in WWA? Harding removes his titles the music stops playing and Kudo ducks the sidekick attack on Kudo, Harding rolls into the ring off the ropes Harding catches him in the Destoyer and he spikes him down hard!! [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I love you...[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matrix kicks Marion to the stomach and then sets him up in the Enter The Matrix, but it's countered now Marion is threatening to do it off the rafters onto the platform 5 meters below! Matrix turns it around and then hits a DDT. Matrix gets his leg caught by Marion, Marion leaps up and attempts a clothesline but Matrix ducks that and kicks Marion and is calling for the Enter the Matrix. Marion hits The Market Crash this has to have ended this one for Matrix. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I hate you...
[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Shannon Cortez uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Super Mario can barely stand. Dangerous Driver!!! [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I can't get around you
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]AJ Styles walks into a stiff lariat clothesline from Scott Sandars. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I breathe you...
[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Kaine Devine comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Kaine Devine spins Joz Man around. Kaine Devine hits the NovaKaine! [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I taste you...[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Tom Hart comes running down the aisle with a chair! Stetson whips Randy Orton into the ropes. Hart jumps onto the apron with the chair! Collision between Hart, Orton, and the chair! Randy Orton staggers back into a roll up! [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I can't live without you...
[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Lorenz went for a flying elbow drop, but Hart moves and from out of nowhere it?s the Hart Attack Kick to the face it sends down Lorenz [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I just can't take anymore...

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Brian Kendrick gets a chair, then stands facing Styles. He winds up...and then lets fly with a vicious chair shot to the unprotected head of AJ Styles! That was brutal!

This life of solitude...

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Springboard dropkick from Chris Sabin on Falco Fallen. Chris Sabin moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Cradle Shock. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I guess that I'm out the door...

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Sam Cody is all alone...Long Island Express!! [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
And now I'm done with you...
[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Fires sare firing from the stage the lights are flickering ?Welcome everyone to WWA Wedneday Night Thunder!? the camera is viewing all the fans at ringside ?What a week it has been so far in WWA The Ultimate Warrior has finally, finally touched down here in WWA.? the camera is now on Tony Schiavone and Mark Madden at ringside. ?Good evening everyone, I'm Tony Schiavone, alongside Mark Madden, and Mark, it was a wild night there in Atlanta, with the Ultimate Warrior finally accepting a WWA invite to the WWA by Paul Heyman, WWA President.? The camer is now on Mark Madden ?You're right Tony, good evening, everyone, for months now the bad blood between Warrior and Sandars has been boiling up on-line with each other firing off at each other, WWA President Paul Heyman got tired of the accusations that WWA was rewarding only the Australian Talent on this roster.? Tony nodding along [/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]And with that one comment it sparked the war that has been unleashed, and with only a few days left until WWA's Re-Awakening PPV, where Scott Sandars is going to put his WWA World Title on the line against Blake Kruspe, I have to wonder what type of mindset he is in, after the Horsemen were battling Wray and Rob Van Dam Monday Night, and now he has to face Warrior and then Sunday he has that big World Title match.? Mark Madden looks directly at the camera ?Well Tony, I think Scott Sandars will be ready to take on all comers, whether it be the Warrior, or it be Blake Kruspe as long as they bring their A-Game that is all going to be taken care of in the ring. Last week too we saw the return of DraVen Matrix who has been suffering a shoulder injury, we still do not know who the Millionaires Club are going ti put forward in this match Tony.?[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Tony nods ?Let's take you back to Monday, and show you why we still have no idea who the Millionaires Club have on their team coming into the WWA Re-Awakening PPV.?[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We cut to the video of Miles Marion, and he is walking backstage, when out of nowhere he gets grabbed and pulled behind some crates. A loud cracking sound is heard and someone's footsteps running off. The camera pans over, and Miles Marion is out cold on the floor, a monkey wrench lying next to him, with no sign of the attacker. We cut back to ringside[/FONT]
?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We have word that the Millionaires Club are going to make a big announcement here tonight.? Before Mark Madden can say anything the music of Scott Sandars hits the fans are cheering ?Well we are going to have to wait on that one WWA World Champion Scott Sandars is headed to the ring.? Scott Sandars walks out from the back the fans let out a bigger cheer as the fireworks fire off from the stage. ?Sandars looks mad as hell here tonight Tony!? Sanadars starts the walk down the ramp ?You are correct, Mark, the WWA World Champion is still angry at the way that Warrior made his WWA debut, and I cannot say that I blame him!? Sandars reacches the ring Tommy O'Shea hands him the microphone Sandars not in the mood to fight for the microphone and Tommy just hands it over without a fight.

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Warrior, a sneak attack? I thought you are above that? I thought a fellow World Heavyweight Champion in yourself would have had the respect, the integrity to enter from the front and then make your attack. Your attack on Dave Harding was the biggest, most cowardly act since the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.? the fans all start to boo ?The same old Warrior I see, you hide in the shadows and you wait for a man to turn his back, and you want for the opportunity where a man who is fighting another and you come and strike, and you say you are a man of honour? Warrior I see no honour in attacking a man from behind, I see no honour in how you announced yourself, you came into my ring, and you attacked my partner, my own friend, a man that is like a brother to me, you lay him out and you think I am going to stand by and allow this to continue? You are sadly mistaken Warrior, you are living in a dream world and you should get that grip on reality that you have lost.? Sandars stands there and looks around a moment [/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Tonight Warrior you are going to see why I am the WWA World Heavyweight Champion, and you will see why they all know I am the man you have to try and cut down to size, Blake Kruspe will see that too, because I am not someone that comes out here and tells the World how great he is and not backs it up I can back it up and I can make you all see this.? Sandars takes a deep breathe ?I have thrown out challenges to everyone, to guys that have not worked here, guys that have bagged their bags and left and went somewhere else I have even laid out challenges to those like Warrior that think because they are former World Champions and have hit the fossilisation process that they are allowed to come out here with their own problems and try and lay them out here. And Warrior thinks that he is going to take me to school? By attacking everyone from behind? You are a joke Warrior.? Sandars walks around the ring the fans are hanging on his every word.[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Eventually Warrior, your going to have to sit down and realise that you were just a pretend Champion, you may have wore the World Title from Hulk Hogan.? The fans all start to boo loud ?But you are nothing, nothing more then a joke Warrior, a played out joke a sideshow freak, an attraction for people to sit and stare at and laugh, they are laughing at you Warrior, everyone thinks you are just a comedy act no one believes, or cares what you say you are invited to speak so people have something to laugh at.? Sandars looks deep into the camera ?And Warrior as you sit backstage and you wait for the match tonight I hope you realise that when it's all said and done, you are never going to be able to step food in another ring. You will never want to, you are going to be embarrassed to the point you are going to finally quit this business.? The music of Scott Sandars hits, he throws the microphone back to Tommy O'shea and he leaves the ring we're heading to commercial after the break it is Heath Matthews and Gabriel Martinez.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][COMMERCIAL BREAK: Durex Condoms...For a hundred million reasons Durex. Made to make you last longer. Better Shape, Better Sex. Once you try it you would never do without it. Good news for your sex life, bad news for beds. Durex. Crowdstopper. Budweiser Beer Ad with WWA World Champion Scott Sandars....When you say Budweiser, you've said it all. For all you do, this Bud's for you. The Genuine Article. The King of Beers. And it the beer of the WWA World Heavyweight Champion Scott Sandars. Where there's life, there's Bud. Nothing beats the award winning taste of Bud.][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Back from the break a promo for the WWA Number One Contendership for the United States Title airs.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Remedy by Seether
Voice Over - Passion
Vision shows A Wray sitting in the changerooms
I am the Revloution, and at Re-Awakening, the A Wray era will begin

Scott Hall hold his many championships over the years
No matter who you are, who you think you are, I have done it all, at I will do it again when I become the US Champion.

Hell, destroying oppentants with everything you can think of.
I am Jonathan Hell, I when I hit the Hell Raiser on you, its lights out.

Heath Matthews, hitting the "Line in the Sand" on JBL.
I am "The Showstopper Heath Matthews, I am going to become a future champion, because i can, and I show no fear.

A Wray, Scott Hall, Jonathan Hell and Heath Matthews all clash to become the Number 1 Contender for the WWA US Championship.

WWA Re-Awakening - Live This Sunday, 7E/4P on Pay Per View.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Heath Matthews vs Gabriel Martinez[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Sexy Boy? hits out walks Heath Matthews with a big grin on his face he is holding up a form WWA United States Championship, he stands there with the title and then heads towards the ring some of the fans are cheering him, as he walks down the ramp he is declaring himself the next United States Champion he hits the ring and stands there in the middle of the ring. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Billy Silverman is the referee for this contest, Heath Matthews tackles Gabriel Martinez. Heath Matthews executes a corkscrew legdrop on Gabriel Martinez, Heath Matthews knees Gabriel Martinez and rolls back to his feet Gabriel Martinez is driven further into the mat by Heath Matthews with a diving elbow smash. Heath Matthews gets back to his feet. Heath Matthews hits Gabriel Martinez with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Heath Matthews gets back to his feet. Martinez helps up Matthews and then Martinez spins aroround Matthews' back and DDT's him into the ground. He covers Matthews, Silverman down 1 ? 2 ? kickout! Mattews is not ready to be beaten yet, Gabriel Martinez trys for a belly-to-belly superplex but Heath Matthews avoids it, Martinez tries again and it's blocked again, Matthews turns it around and swinging neckbreaker on Martinez. Heath Matthews elbow smashes Gabriel Martinez in the nose. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]He slowly allows Martinez back up, Matthews attempts a move, but it's blocked and Heath Matthews takes Gabriel Martinez in a waist lock, and he gets planted with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Matthews stands over the top of him and poses for a moment and then he drops a corkscrew legdrop onto the chest of Martinez. Heath Matthews climbs the turnbuckle after leaving Gabriel Martinez to stew a bit he's on the top but Martinez is back up, he clips the legs of Matthews and he leaves him feeling some pain in the lower area on the turnbuckle Martinez leaps to the second rope but he gets pushed off, but he backflips and lands on his feet to the cheers of the fans.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]He leaps onto the second turnbuckle again he meets a fist by Matthews, Matthews pulls him down and lifts him up into a top rope sitout powerbomb! He lands it! The referee is in the right position 1 ? 2 ? kickout! Heath Matthews calls this a slow count and he is not very happy here. He stands up and lifts the groggy body of Martinez up, and he goes to hit The Showstopper, but it's ducked, he goes for it again, and again it's ducked, and it's met with a spinwheel kick to the head, both men are down. Martinez staggers to his feet Heath Matthews flips back up and hooks Martinez into a vicious DDT out of nowhere sends Martinez back down Heath Matthews kicks back up and climbs the ropes again and he goes for a flying elbowdrop but Martinez rolls out of the way and is now out of the ring. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matthews recovers from the missed elbow he flips himself over the ropes and brings down Martinez. Matthews is back up and he poses with the fans at ringside they all cheer he walks over to the ring announcer and takes the mircophone in the middle of the match. Matthews stands over Martinez ?Give up Gabriel, the archangels are not going to save you here tonight, you are looking at the future WWA United States Champion, just give up, they want you to quit they want to you lay down and die, lay down and die Gabriel, die! Just die man! The Showstopper is just too classy for you! You are nothing, you are a nobody WWA will never miss you go die man! DIE! DIE! DIE!? the fans are giving Matthews a bit of lip there ?What? You think you are better then me? Look at you, you fat slob just sit down before I kick your head off your shoulders into the 15th row you sack of crap.? Matthews dropkicks the back of Martinez and then drops the elbow, Billy Silverman wants them back in the ring Matthews turns around and gives him the finger this pisses him off he rolls out and orders him back in the ring before he Dq's him, he rolls into the ring. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Martinez pulls himself back up onto the ring apron Matthews catches him there, he gets a shoulder block. And another Martinez springboards onto the top rope he jumps off but Matthews catches him in the face with the showstopper. That came out of nowhere and it has left him out cold that's it it's over Matthews covers him. 1-2-3 It's over![/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner: Heath Matthews[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Billy Silverman raises his arms in victory but he pulls them away and calls for the microphone ?I hope that Wray, Hall, and Hell have been watching because this is what happens when you cross me, this is what is going to happen come....? Suddenly the lights go out Matthews is looking around he is not too pleased with this joke, he looks up at the screen and it's Jonathon Hell. ?WWA Re-Awakening, it is Sunday, and Matthews, I have seen how you have been talking yourself up, everywhere you think you are the greatest thing since sliced bread, well, I make sliced bread run cold I make even the hardened mans blood run cold the WWA United States Title will be mine, I do not care who it is, and I do not care whose body I am going to have to snap in half to get there. The World is going to see my rise and you are going to be the first one, with Wray and Hall to suffer my wrath at WWA Re-Awakening.? The lights come back on and Matthews is just standing there. ?Hey Jonathon Hell, you can sound tough anywhere why don't you come on out here and face me?? the fans are all calling for Matthews to turn around, it's Scott Hall! Hall is behind Matthews with a big grin on his face Matthews turns around, and he gets picked up and dropped in the Outsiders Edge he's down in the middle of the ring. Hall picks up the microphone that is now laying there. ?Hey Yo Chico.? the fans cheer ?Chico, you shouldn't discount Da Bad Guy, the Lone Wolf, the medium sexy guy that has been United States Champion before Chico.? the fans are cheering him. ?So come Sunday I am going to be the next contender for the WWA United States Championship and I am going to take it back and bring some pride to the title because I am Da Medium Sexy Bad Guy, and when it's survey time, I am always there to make sure it's one more for the good guys.? Rockhouse hits and Hall drops the microphone on the chest of Matthews and he leaves and goes to the back. We have a commercial break, up next it is the Fall Out Zone with Falco Fallen![/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][COMMERCIAL BREAK: [/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Durex Condoms...For a hundred million reasons Durex. Made to make you last longer. Better Shape, Better Sex. Once you try it you would never do without it. Good news for your sex life, bad news for beds. Durex. Crowdstopper. Budweiser Beer Ad with WWA World Champion Scott Sandars....When you say Budweiser, you've said it all. For all you do, this Bud's for you. The Genuine Article. The King of Beers. And it the beer of the WWA World Heavyweight Champion Scott Sandars. Where there's life, there's Bud. Nothing beats the award winning taste of Bud.][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We are back form commercial and Falco Fallen is in the ring his music ?Remember The Name? by Ft. Minor is still playing, the set is set up for Falco's new show ?The Fall Out Zone? and Falco has a mircophone ?Some of us are born to be stars, some of us have that look that makes everyone jealous, I am such a person, I have been in WWA for weeks now, and WWA has seen what I can do, they have put me now in a match for the Number One Contendership for the WWA X Division Title a Title that I should have been wearing already but there has been outside forces that have been getting in my way, and now John Morrison I am going to beat you for the chance to face Brian Kendrick for that Title. There is only so long you can march around backstage as the Champion when we all know you are a phony a fake and when I come to collect the belt, well you will know I have been there.? Falco sits down on the nice neat looking couch there in the ring. ?But apart of the Fall Out Zone is not for me to pump myself up I am great enough, you fans know that, the people backstage know this and everyone around the world is catching on slowy. But tonight WWA has wanted me to try and make a guy named Jonathon Hell seem interesting. But this is my challenge WWA has given me the chance to work with and make a new man an interesting man, so let's bring out my guest on the Fall Out Zone, Jonathon Hell!? The lights go down ?Get Free? by The Vines hits the stage pyros explode into a red colour and out comes Jonathon Hell, the original Rock 'n' Rolla, the man that is carrying a real guitar out from the back he has that thing over his shoulder he plucks the strings and he walks down the ramp and heads towards the ring he takes off the guitar and slides that into the ring he etners the ring he picks up his guitar and he stands there playing it on the second turnbuckle. He drops dwn and walks towards Falco Fallen who appears bored by the whole entrance. ?You done?? Hell nods.[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Great, great, I hate to rush you but the show is only 2 hours long and we hate to bore the fans, so how about you pick up tha microphone on the stool sit down and we can begin?? Hell walks over and he picks up a microphone and sits down on the stool ?I...? Falco cuts him off ?No you don't, I am the one that tells you when, and how to speak, and you have not been asked to speak yet.? the fans all start to boo Falco. ?Oh give me a break, you all know that without me this show would just be another boring night, hell WWA is lucky the fans were not bored unconicious last night by that show..? the fans are booing some more ?Alright so Jonathon Hell, you are apart of the new Revolution here in WWA, why did you team up with The Grim Reaper?? Hell looks around ?Well why not? He, and I are both great wrestlers, we are the past, the present, and the future, and there is no one else that is here in WWA that I would rather be a Tag Team with.?[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Falco tries not to giggle [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?Right.? [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]he looks around at the fans [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?I must inform you that this is a serious talk show and to make such crap up on my show is not going to fly.? [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]the fans do not like this yet again. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?Well boohoo to you.?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] the fans are irate now.[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] ?Oh alright, so Jonathon I see you are very into this gimmick of yours...?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] Hell gets a bit angry ?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]What gimmick is that? [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]This is why I am.? Falco has his head in his hands [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?So you are telling me that you are an undead rocker that walks around town wearing a guitar looking like, well I am sorry you are no Axl Rose, and you are not going to pull of being a member of Metallica right now, so I am not sure what I am going to say here.?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] Hell stands up and walks towards Falco Fallen ?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Look Falcon, Falcore, whatever the hell your name is, I am not a gimmick I am the Rocker, I am the original and the only Rock 'n' Roll star WWA has, I could have gone to TNA I could have gone to WWE,but I came here because I was told I was going to be respected, and was going to be treated with some damned respect.?[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Falco just sits there and looks around ?Well frankly my dear, Jonathon, I don't give a damn? the fans are all booing ?I do not give a damn what WWA told you, I do not give a damn what you were lead to believe, I do not even give a damn that you are standing here trying to pull off a rip off of Axl Rose, or Van Hammer, or whoever you are trying to pretend you are. All I know is that you are in my ring and every time I see you backstage I cannot help but laugh I see some guy dressed in a robe looking like he belongs in the Playboy Mansion, and carrying around a weeding tool, I asked him to weed my yard he grunted and walked off. Now I have been trying to be serious here and I have been trying to take this whole Jonathon Hell thing seriously but every time you try and play that guitar I have to try and stop myself rom laughing, look at you, not even the teen ****s in the front row is bying this crap.?[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The front row women all stands up hurling abuse at Falco Fallen who just looks at them and winks ?You know you love the attention, come by my hotel room after the show and we can talk even more.? Falco gets even more heat on that one ?So Hell, I know you are serious about this rock crap, so I guess you now that you are facing off for the contendership for the united States title you think WWA is taking you seriously?? Hell nods ?I have been waiting for my chance here in WWA for weeks now WWA has been ignoring my pleas, WWA has been trying to ignore me, Heyman, Hart, the guy that seems to think he is in charge backstage, they have all beem trying to keep me down, well I am not going to to let them. I am going to show Heath Matthews, A Wray, and Scott Hall that I am going to be the next WWA United States Champion, after Re-Awakening I am going to take my spot in the Nunber One Contenders spot and then beat either Harding or Blackheart for that belt.? Falco thinks a minute.[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Wait hold on a second, you claim you are going to be the next WWA United States Champion, but you also mention that Blackheart can win the match, now if Blackheart wins he is actually yhe next WWA United States Champion, so right there your little speech is flawed.? Hell shakes his head ?You know what I meant, you are just trying to start some trouble here and you are trying to piss me off with this crap. I am going to beat either Harding or Blackheart for that belt once I am done with Wray, Hall, and Matthews, and there is nothing anyone can dso about this.? Falco ponders his next question. ?Now I know you seem to think you are going to beast Hall, Matthews and Wray, Hall is the only one here to ever have won a United States Title in his days with WCW, he has also won the WWE Intercontinenal Title and other belts along the way, what makes you think you have what it takes to beat him?? Hell thinks a bit about his reply.[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Well the fact that I am at the start of my career, and Scott Hall is coming to the end of his I am sure that I am going to beat him and going to make sure that the other have no chance of taking what I want, and that is the WWA United States Championship. Harding, or Blackheart better watch out because once they are done trying to kill themselves I am going to finish the job and walk away with the WWA United States Championship.? Falco Fallen stands up and walks towards Jonathon Hell ?Well Mr. Hell, I have to say it was not a pleasure having you here on The Fall Out Zone, and I am going to wish you luck, because you are going to need it.? Hell shakes his head ?I dare them to have the same doubts about me, I dare everyone to underestimate me. Come RE-Awakening it is they who will be surprised.? Hell's music hits he throws the microphone onto the couch he plays his guitar to hid theme and he leaves the ring and walks to the back.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We go backstage and we see Samoa Joe standing there he has something on his mind here tonight ?Ever since I lost the WWA World Heavyweight Title I have been looking at gettung it back and getting back the man that beat me for it, but first I have to settle a score with Christian Cage, I want to end this and it ends at LiveWire, if you are man enough to come to LiveWire and face me in a match that will end this, I am going to destroy you Cage and I am going to destroy whoever will be wearing my WWA World Heavyweight Title from Scott Sandars, Blake Kruspe I do not care who it is. Whoever is in my way is going to be breoken in half I want my belt back.? Joe pauses and he looks around backstage. ?So what about it Cage? You want to say you should be still World Champion, you reckon you are better then I am, so how about you come out here and face me at LiveWire? You can make the match whatever gets you the courage to face me in me in the middle of that ring Saturday Night.? Samoa Jpe stands there waiting for Cage to come by and accept his challenge. ?So I guess you are not here this week Cage, well I am coming for you whether you like it or not.? Samoa Joe walks away from the area before he does Cage appears on the screen. ?Joe! I have been hearing thatg hae wanted to face me and have declared your interest in the WWA World Heavyweight Title, well Joe I am going to accept your challenge I am sorry I am not there to say this to your face but I am going to put this to an end Saturday Night. See you then, champ.? we have a commercial break.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][COMMERCIAL BREAK: McDonalds...I'm lovin' it. What you want is what you get It's a good time for the great taste of McDonalds. Nothing can do it like McDonald's... You deserve a break today...at McDonald's We love to see you smile. QANTAS....Qantas Vacations. The Best Downunder! When you are flying to Australia, why not fly in style? And why not fly the best? Why risk your holiday flying with an unfriendly, unreliable airlane that does not have your best interests at heart? Australia is calling you....Holiday Inn Hotels.... Relax, it's Holiday Inn. We put a smile back on your face. Pleasing people the world over. The best surprise is no surprise. Holiday Inn. The World's Inn Keeper. Your Host from Coast to Coast. The Nation's Innkeeper.][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We're back from WWA with a pre-taped video with Paul Heyman ?Last Monday, WWA United States Champion, Dave Harding tried to put forward a challenge for Blake Blackheart before he would get a shot at the WWA United States Title, I have spoken witb the WWA Head Office, and Harding you will face Blackheart in Twisted Metal Mayhem!? the fans cheer ?Twisted Metal Mayhem is a match that is a match inside of a match, it is a Cage attached to the ring, with barbed wire all over it, and at the top of it, and then on the outside is another cage surrounded with weapons, but that is not all you see, WWA has made the scaffold popular again, the WWA United States Title will be above the ring, above both cages on a scaffold made entirely of Glass!? the fans all gasp. ?But that's not going to hold up, the fact of the matter is, you walk on the glass it's going to break, but that's going to be followed underneath by the metal scaffold but to get to that someone has to go through the glass. Someone has to suffer! And you both are going to suffer the wrath of Paul Heyman!?fans start to chant ECW! ECW! ECW! ?Harding has been wanting to push me into making a match like this, his hatred for Blackheart has been running deep and I feel that it is time that I put it to an end, and Blackheart his obsession with making Harding suffer too has made the fans here in WWA think that he is trying to make his own rules and rid WWA of Harding, well this match is going to make someone break, and put someone out of the WWA for awahile, good luck to both men, because to survive this you are going to need it.? the video ends Westbrook finds Harding standing there watching the video with a bit of a grin non his face. ?Dave Harding, how are you feeling after hearing what Heyman just said?? Harding looks at Westbrook ?I coiuld not be happier, this match here is going to be the survival of the sickest, and Blackheart isn't going to survive? Harding starts a demonic laugh. ?Are you worried about the barbed wire ripping at your flesh?? Harding laughs at that ?I am not worried about anything in this match, I know that Blackheart fancies himself as a ladies man, well I am sorry to say that his little looks are going to fade at the PPV I am going to make him bleed he will suffer at the PPV, the barbed wire will rip at his pretty boy flesh and it will be gone, where will Blackheart be after that?? Westbrook thinks about her next question.[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]What are your feelings heading into your IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title match here tonight?? Harding strokes the title ?Well Jeanette, it's simple, I am going to beat this clown and send him back to Japan, he has been after me for months and he has refused to come here until WWA offered to have him come here to face me I went to Japan and he was not there he was in the states and he was then in Australia the next time I went to Japan I was quite happy to face him in Japan if he had the guts to stay in one place. So now I am going to put my title on the line and then I am going to beat Blackheart at Re-Awakening.? Jeanette looks back at the camera ?It's time to go back to the ring, and it's the WWA Women's Title match coming up!? Harding walks away as we cut back to ringside ready for the WWA Women's Title match.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]WWA Women's Title Match
Ms. Chif vs Vashti Webb(c)

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The lights go down and turn green a video is playing with the song "Repined Nastard Nation" by Satyricon in the background...[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Ms Chif walks out from the back the fans are cheering her as she stands there and looks around at the fans she walks towards the right the lights are all green, she reaches the ring the loud music throughout the ring she crouches down in the ring and looks around at the fans her music ends and the lights come back up. ?The Game? by Disturbed the lights are all flickering out comes Vashti Webb wearing the WWA Women's Title the fans are all booing her as she walks down the ramp she has a big smile on her face she is showing off the WWA Woemn's Championship she enters the ring and MsChif just gives her a serious look she poses in the ring and the fans all boo some more at her. She hands over the WWA Women's to the new WWA official Donna Derring, Derring ahows MsChif the WWA Women's Title and then shows the crowd the belt she hands it straight to Tommy O'Shea.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Webb takes this chance while MsChif is pulling down on the ropes to attack early with a big knee to her back, Derring calls for the bell to start the match, Webb turns MsChif around and whips her across the ring into the othersides ropes, Webb runs and handsprings into an elbow, she then bulldogs MsChif down and covers her. 1..2.....kick out that was a bit premature of Webb to think she was going to get the win.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Webb assists MsChif back up and she hits MsChif with the double arm DDT, Webb drops the leg aginst the throat of MsChif and keeps it there for the referee to count, 1..2....kickout. Webb goes to lock in a leg lock but Ms Chif fights her off, Webb tries it again, MsChif kicks up and hits Webb with an elbow to the head she swings around and catches her with another elbow, MsChif powerbombs Webb down and overs...1...2.kickout standing moonsault by MsChif on Webb keeps her down.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]MsChif locks Webb in a dragon sleeper, Webb is groaning and trying to find her way to the ropes Donna Derring is keeping an eye on this move and MsChif prevents Webb from getting anywhere near the ropes, Webb is trying to get up but she cannot fight off Mschif the referee is checking her and there is nothing to check at the moment. Webb is slowly dragging herself towards the ropes, she is almost there MsChif drops the hold she runs at the ropes springs off into a front low dropkick onto Webb. She covers her again, 1..2...kickout again. MsChif calls for her Gates of Hell II move, she locks in the leg and is now seated on web with a chinlock, Webb is groaning the referee Donna Derring is keeping an eye on this move the groans are getting louder from Webb.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]MsChif refusing to let her get anywhere near the ropes, Webb is trying her hardest to get there, a long reach by Webb and she gets the bottom rope. The referee calls for the break, she breaks the hold and Webb rolls out of the ring to catch her breathe she is lying down there on the floor on the outside. The referee holds off MsChif from going out there and she starts the count on webb (1...) Webb gets to her knees MsChif comes back at the ropes, and is pulled away breaking the count again (1....) Webb is back up MsChif runs at the ropes (2...) MsChif springboards over the ropes into a diving crossbody (3...) MsChif is back up and she has Webb by the hair she picks her up and drops her across the guard rail on the outside she lands throat first and she lets out a groan (4....) MsChif rolls Webb back into the ring (5....) MsChif on the ring apron she fixes her pads up and rolls into the ring and covers...1..2....kickout. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]MsChif argues with Donna Derring and allowing Webb to catch her breath, Webb pulls herself up she blocks an elbow attempt and counters with one and then goes for a backdrop attempt and it is blocked with a kick to the face, and then a strong DDT down, MsChif back up and she picks up Webb and climbs the second turnbuckle with a double axe handle to the head taking down Webb. Webb gets assisted back to her feet MsChif not looking to go easy on her here tonight, she turns her around into a Reverse DDT, but Webb blocks it and turns it around and hits a belly to belly suplex. MsChif down Webb tries to shake loose some cobwebs...no pun intended, she sits on the turnbuckle and she waits for MsChif to stands, MsChif stands up and walks into a bulldog her head is driven into the mat. And a cover. 1...2......kickout thats not going to do it here tonight, Webb pulling her hair irish whips MSChif into the ropes and hits her with a tirl-a-whirl backbreaker that has MsChif letting out a groan, Webb goes for the pinfall attempt 1..2..kickout, that's not getting it done either, MsChif gets picked up and Webb is calling for her finisher it's blocked by MsChif, MsChif pushes her into the ropes and she drops down and Webb runs over to the other side ropes off the ropes and Mschif hits the Code Green...Leg trap sunset flip powerbomb on Webb MsChif has Webb covered 1..2.....kickout! MsChif is mad now and she drops an angry legdrop, [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Serena Roth is walking down the ramp, what could she possibly be doing here? Webb is back up on her feet, and cops a kick to the head tha rocks her a bit she gets whipped into the ropes he springs off of the ropes and she catches the referee and knocks her down. Donna Derring is left down on the the mat, Webb and MsChif look at each other as they have no idea what to do now they both come to blows again, MsChif goes to whip Webb into the ropes, it is reversed and MsChif gets hit by the chair of Serena Roth, wait what the? Roth hit MsChif with the chair! MsChif is down! Serena Roth cannot believe it, Webb goes for the cover a referee is coming running down the ramp, it''s Andy Coyne he's in the ring and he makes the count 1...2...he gets pulled out of the ring! What is Serena Roth doing? She hits Andy Coyne with the chair! We have no referee again! Serena throws a chair in the ring and she is now in the ring and facing Vashti Webb with MsChif still down on the mat.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Serena picks up the chair and stares down Webb, MsChif is back up after the chair she is staggering, Serena goes to attack Webb but Webb side steps and MsChif gets chaired!! Again she has been hot! Vashti Webb hits The Sypdr Webb on Serena Roth, and rolls her out of the ring, she kicks the chair out of the ring and she covers MsChif Donna Derring is stirring 1...2....3...Vashti Webb retains her title![/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner & Still WWA Women's Champion: Vashti Webb[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Webb's music is playing throughout the arena the fans are booing as she gets away with another win! The referee is back on her feet but staggering she hands the WWA Women's Title back to Vashti Webb who proudly raises it above her head. Webb gets handed a microphone ?This is just a preview of what is going to happen this Sunday, Serena Roth has tried and tried and tried to get me when I have not been looking but she cannot do it. She cannot win and she cannot even get inside my head, you want inside here? You can't.? she stands up and she walks towards the other side of the ropes and looks at Serena Roth. ?These fans know I am going to be the WWA Women's Champion past this Sunday, and it is time you learned it Serena, you are not going to win the title.? Suddenly the lights go down some music is playing we see a coffin in the picture and someone standing near it. ?Some days you think you have it all figured out, but then the Night comes and you have no idea what is lurking there in the dark, there are nights when there is someone stalking you, there is someone there is the dark, and that someone wants what you have, they want to take what you have and make you suffer, suffer like they have suffered. The creatures of the night have feelings to, they hae been suffering the the pain of being different, they have been suffering so the good looking normals can walk around in the sun without being made fun of. Every time this happened I have looked to find who was to blame, and it is Barbie Doll look alikes like you Vashti, and Serena, and others apart of the WWA Women's division, RE-Awakening you may win the title, but there is someone in the shadows that is looking to get revenge on you.?the video stops playing Vashti just stands there she is not even sure what to say here she just leaves the ring. And heads towards the back in shock at what has just happened.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Serena Roth pulls herself up and rolls back into the ring to check on MsChif, she helps MsChif up who is groggy, she is also pissed off, out of nowhere MsChif spins Serena around. MsChif hits the Desecrator! Serena Roth has had a bad night here and this may teach her not to get into the middle of matches that have nothing to do with her. MsChif's music hits and she leaves the ring and staggers to the back. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][COMMERCIAL BREAK: WWA Re-Awakening....WWA returns to PPV with all the biggest stars, Scott Sandars defends his WWA World Heavyweight Title against Blake Kruspe. Dave Harding will be putting his WWA United States Title on the line against Blake Blackheart, and there are more matches that are going to be tearing down the house and it is live and only on PPV! Playstaion 3....Behold the power of Playstation 3, it's the console that all WWA Wrestlers play when they are looking to unwind after a big match. And coming soon the WWA Video Game, there is a revolution coming....and it's only on the Playstation 3.][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I cannot take this anymore [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Maxie hits a piledriver on Heath Matthews.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I'm saying everything I've said before

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Maximilian Augier hits a backbreaker on Tommy Higgins, then hits a devestating DDT on Higgins driving his head straight into the mat.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
All these words they make no sense

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Maximilian Augier training in the WWA Training School with Lance Storm, and then it's cut to a weights session and a boxing session with the punching bags.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I find bliss in ignorance
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Maximilian Augier with a shooting star press onto Travis Beck, the referee is down 1...2...3...Maximilian Augier has beaten Travis Beck! He grabs the microphone.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Less I hear the less you'll say [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Maximilian Augier and Kevin Steen both double dropkick IL Cognito, Maximilian Augier hits a sidekick and Steen legsweeps Cognito down. From the top rope comes Tommy Higgins with a frogsplash onto Cognito.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
But you'll find that out anyway

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Kassidy James is trying to reenter the ring Maximilian Augier prevents that James is hanging over the second rope Maximilian Augier grabs him and DDTs him heard into the mat. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Just like before...
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Maximilian Augier a siperkick onto Steen, Steen then walks into another one from Matthews then Maximilian Augier hits a Rocker Dropper on Steen...1..2...3....Matthews and Augier win![/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Everything you say to me

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Kory Chavis walks into a heard clothesline and then Maximilian Augier scoops him up into a scoop slam and drives him down into a Michinoku Driver.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Takes me one step closer to the edge

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Maximilian Augier applies a front facelock on Johnny Parks and he falls backwards driving him into the mat with a facebreaker DDT.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
And I'm about to break

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Maximilian Augier hits the frankensteiner from off the top rope on Johnny Parks[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I need a little room to breathe

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Maximilian Augier leaps up, swings around Danny Storm and DDT's him onto the ground. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Cause I'm one step closer to the edge

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Jigsaw tries to kick Maxillian Augier, it's blocked, he t-bone suplexes Jigsaw down, Maxillian climbs the ropes and he reaches the top turnbuckle and it's a corkscrew moonsault onto the chest of Jigsaw the referee is in place 1..2...3...Augier wins!![/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
And I'm about to break

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Augier hooks Idol Stevens in the corner and it's a Tornado DDT and it's hit with some force, Augier snaps back up and hits a standing moonsault on him, he covers 1..2..kickout by Stevens, Augier kicks him to the head he climbs the ropes and hits a perfect corkscrew moonsault and covers him again 1..2...3....Augier wins!!

I find the answers aren't so clear
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Augier swings James Curtis around and he hits the HALO BRACE!! Out of nowhere that move is a devestating Cut?throat torture rack piledriver. He covers Curtis 1...2..3...it's all over![/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Wish I could find a way to disappear

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Augier grabs [/FONT]Azrael [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] and he hits him with the HALO BRACE! 1..2...3...it's all over another big win to Augier![/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
All these thoughts they make no sense

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Augier is stalking Dean Draven, he waits for him to get up and he hits the Halo Driver another devestating move this time it's a Sitout double underhook superbomb[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I find bliss in ignorance

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Augier comes running down to the ring with a chair in hand [/FONT]Jason Storm [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]walks into a vicious chair shot, Augier drops the chair and then he hits Storm with the HALO BRACE! And he lands it on that chair OUCH!! Augier slips out of the ring with the chair Heath Matthews wakes the referee up from his slumber and covers 1..2..3....Heath Matthews wins with the assist of Augier![/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Nothing seems to go away

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Jason Storm goes for his Storm Warning but it's blocked and he hits with the the Halo Brace! Augier covers..1..2..3.....it's all over! [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Over and over again

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Maximilian Augier, the future of professional wrestling, those that stand in his way get taken down in the Halo Brace, and if they stand back up no one ever escapes the Halo Driver! [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We head backstage and it's Shaun Stetson the fans are all booing he takes off his heads and looks straight into the camera. ?The Forever remembered it's not only pissed off that WWA did not book him for the PPV, but that Randy Orton, the cowardly, crybaby, third generation dumbass has been hiding, he has gone into hiding and made me go and chase him, well here's a little hint, Orton, you might be related to the lamest, most unimportant, hillbilly bastards in the wrestling business, you might be the bastard child of a a Cowboy that had to use a cast to win his matches, but I am the Forever Remembered, and I am the best damn superstar on this whole god damned roster. And Orton, I know you are sitting there thinking, I have a night off from working, wrong buddy, you see with my pull backstage, and my superstar looks WWA's President has granted us a match at the LiveWire event, so I hope to see you, front, because, no one likes you, and I am going to have to treat you to an asskicking.? Stetson stands there admiring his looks ?Let's face it, I am the Forever Remembered, when I did, lord forbid that day ever comes, they are going to remember me for my greatness, my looks, my abilities, and my likeness will be a statue left for the World to admire, mourn, and come to when they need to see how awesome a guy really was. You see Orton, I am the great Shaun Stetson, a former 3WA World Heavyweight Champion, and all you are is an Orton. What is so special about being an Orton? What is so special that you have to walk around here like you are king of the world? You are a nothing, a nobody, and I am, well we all know who I am, we all know I am great, we all know that on any given day I can kill you. But unlike your worthless pile of **** family, I am never going to resort to desperate measures to make my name.? Stetson puts his shades back on and looks around and sees Jeanette Westbrook there walking around. He walks towards her and stands there admiring her. ?Well look here, it's Jeanette Westbrook.? She turns around and sees Stetson there ?What do you want?? Stetson grins ?Well you are the interviewer back here right?? She nods ?Well I should be interviewed by one of the finest WWA personalities here.? she stands the unimpressed ?I am sorry Stetson, I do not interview nobodies like yourself.? this angers Stetson and he grabs her ?Listen lady, I am the Forever Remembered I am going to be the next WWA United States Champion, I don't care what the WWA says and I don't care that they have those losers they have in the match I am going to be there, you hear me?? he shakes her and she nods. [/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I am not some nobody I am a somebody and I am a former World Champion, I am greatness and you are a nothing you are a nobody you are just a lonely backstage interviewer.? Dave Haridng walks into the scene and Stetson turns around they are face to face. ?Stetson, I don't care who you think you are, or who you were, you think that you are going to take my United States Title? I have news for you, and it's all bad, you are just another asshole, that thinks he's great, well once I am done with Blackheart, I am going to give you a match for this, and when you find out you are not great, then we won't have to hear your name again.? Harding pushes past an angry Stetson. Jeanette looks and laughs at him, she walks away and Stetson is very angry ?You will get your's Harding, you'll see.? [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Booker T v The Rock

The image of a helicopter on the TitanTron, and the strains of the organ signify the entrance of the most electrifying man in all of sports entertainment. As The Rock slowly saunters down to the ring, he soaks in the visceral hatred reigning in from all corners of the arena. With the $ sign on his tights demonstrative of his new found allegiance with the Millionaire?s Club, he props himself on the top turnbuckle and spreads himself over the ropes waiting for the arrival of Booker T.

As soon as Booker?s music hits, it?s evident that the opportunity to get the hands on the man he?s been chasing for weeks is almost too much to handle. Sprinting down to the ring, he slides inside and throws a wild haymaker at The Rock, who ducks, slides out to ringside, and grabs a mic.

?Woah, easy Booker?.easy! Now I know how much your candy ass wanted a shot at the People?s Champion, how much you wanted to go one?on one?..with the Great One?so I tell you what! The rest of the Millionaires Club will stay in the back and they?ll sit back with their Cuban cigars, $500 shirts and the best service that money can buy and watch me shine this microphone up real nice?.turn that sumbitch sideways and?ugh!?

Before Rocky can finish the signature catch phrase, Booker jumps off the apron and hits him with a cross body to get the match started. The two don?t enter the ring for a few minutes as they brawl around the outside. It?s back and forth, with punches, kicks and everything else in between being traded. Finally Rocky kicks Booker in the family jewels, rolls him in the ring and the bell rings to officially start the match.

Once they?re in the ring, the Rock slows the pace right down, as he methodically tries to dismantle his opponent. Keeping Booker on the mat, he stomps away, occasionally applying a submission hold for a few seconds to change it up. Every time Booker attempts a comeback, his eagerness to beat the holy high hell out of the Rock leaves himself open, and the experienced Rock takes advantage and goes back on the offensive.

The crowd begins to get increasingly agitated, as they get behind Booker in a way that he hadn?t quite experienced in his last few months. Sensing that with the crowd behind him he could achieve something unexpected and special, Booker begins to power out of a camel clutch that the Rock has applied. Firstly getting to one foot, then to two, Booker falls backward and nails Rocky with a modified electric chair drop. As the crowd begins to chant Booker?.Booker?..Booker?.he nails Rocky with a crescent kick, sending him crashing.

Booker then strangely opts against the spinarooni, instead trying to drag the Rock back up to his feet, presumably for the scissors kick. But as he frantically tries to get him back to his feet ? almost in a parallel universe as he tries to do so ? Rocky seizes the opportunity and rolls Booker up in an inside cradle?.1?..2?but Booker kicks out after almost being outsmarted. Not taking any time to think about the mistake he made, Booker goes right back on the full offensive, swinging wild punches at a coiling Rocky in the corner. Some hit, and some miss, but Rocky senses the lack of control in Booker?s offence and pokes him in the eyes between punches.

His vision momentarily gone, Booker swings even more wildly, and Rocky takes the chance to nail him with the spinebuster right in the middle of the ring. Everyone in attendance knows what the spinebuster normally sets up, and they rise in anticipation of the elbow pad being thrown into the crowd. But instead, Rocky doesn?t attempt the people?s elbow. He gives Booker a chance to get to his feet, and as he struggles to keep his footing, Rocky taunts him, giving the famous ?come get some? signal. Booker takes the bait and sprints at Rocky, arms outstretched but is met with a boot to the gut. Rocky then sets up Booker for the Rock Bottom?.and nails it. He hooks the leg?.1??.2??.3.

Winner: The Rock

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][COMMERCIAL BREAK: Pizza Hut....it's like the pizza that mama used to make in the old country, but now it's better, Pizza Hut, it's the best pizza out there. Coca Cola....There's first love, and there's Coca Cola love, and Coca Cola is the best out there to get you through the day. WWA....wouldn't you like to be in WWA too? Check out the WWA Training school today, and you can be a WWA superstar as well. Learn from the best to wrestle in the best company in the world today. Visit WWAwrestling.com for more details. ][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We're back from the commercial break and we're going to a video iand it is hyping the Dave Harding vs Blake Blackheart PPV Match we cut to it now...[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Let the bodies hit the floor[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Dave Harding drives Blackheart into the cage side. [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Let the bodies hit the floor

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Dave Harding climbs the cage, but gets pulled down by Blackheart! Blackheart blocks a punch. Back suplex...Dave Harding got slammed down. [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Let the bodies hit the floor

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Flashing lights and the camera looks around at a cage inside of a cage[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Let the bodies hit the floor
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Barbed Wire on the cage, blood drips from the cage[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Beaten, why for (why for)

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Christy Hemme attacks Dave Harding, and aligns herself with Blake Blackheart[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Can't take much more

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Blackheart out of nowhere he attacks Harding again! And he stands over the top of him with the WWA United States Title.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Here we go here we go here we go, now

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hemme is hugging and caressing Blackheart ?Harding, why don't you give it up? I've taken your woman and come the right time I am going to take your title and whatever else you have in this world. Christy wanted a real man, not some pansy that runs around calling himself a Horseman, and needs someone else to give him a title. You are a joke and soon you will see it, even if I have to beat some sense into you.? Christy laughs ?This is nothing personal Dave, but I'd rather be with a real man that's not a loser like you are, and a man that can get it in the ring and I'm afraid you cannot do that. It's all about Blake now, and you are going to be a distant memory.?

One, nothing wrong with me

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding attacks Blackheart backstage[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Two, nothing wrong with me

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hemme stops Harding backstage, out of nowhere Blackheart attacks Harding with a steel pipe![/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Three, nothing wrong with me
Four, nothing wrong with me

One ,something's got to give
Two, something's got to give
Three, something's got to give

Let the bodies hit the floor

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding is not entering the ring, out of nowhere it's Steve Corino! What is Steve Corino doing here in WWA? Harding removes his titles the music stops playing and Kudo ducks the sidekick attack on Kudo, Harding rolls into the ring off the ropes Harding catches him in the Destoyer and he spikes him down hard!! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Let the bodies hit the floor

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif](vo) ?But Blackheart I see you want my title well you know what? I am in a giving mood, so I am going to give you a chance to prove yourself to me?[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]But then! A bombshell![/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Last Monday, WWA United States Champion, Dave Harding tried to put forward a challenge for Blake Blackheart before he would get a shot at the WWA United States Title, I have spoken witb the WWA Head Office, and Harding you will face Blackheart in Twisted Metal Mayhem!? the fans cheer ?Twisted Metal Mayhem is a match that is a match inside of a match, it is a Cage attached to the ring, with barbed wire all over it, and at the top of it, and then on the outside is another cage surrounded with weapons, but that is not all you see, WWA has made the scaffold popular again, the WWA United States Title will be above the ring, above both cages on a scaffold made entirely of Glass!? the fans all gasp. ?But that's not going to hold up, the fact of the matter is, you walk on the glass it's going to break, but that's going to be followed underneath by the metal scaffold but to get to that someone has to go through the glass. Someone has to suffer! And you both are going to suffer the wrath of Paul Heyman!?[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Let the bodies hit the floor

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif](vo) Two Men, old Scaffold, carnage follows[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matrix calls for the Enter The Matrix he gets up on the top rope and he flips over ENTER THE MATRIX FROM THE TOP! Raven lands right on his head [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Let the bodies hit the floor

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif](vo) Are you scared of heights? [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Let the bodies hit the floor[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matrix pulls out a light tube from the scaffold and stands there pointing it at Raven, Raven comes at DraVen he swings, Raven ducks DraVen swings again and smashes the light tube over the head of Raven. Raven staggers near the end of the scaffold he almost falls but Matrix pulls him back and DDT?s him on the scaffold. [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Let the bodies hit the floor

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif](vo) Can you stand up for yourself when your whole world starts rocking?[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matrix makes his way towards the title but Raven trips him over and he falls over on the scaffold it starts to shake Matrix and Raven are back up now fighting away at the top of the scaffold Matrix hits Raven with a right hand he almost falls but he fights back and hits Matrix he almost falls off Raven comes back at Matrix but Matrix hits him with an atomic drop on the scaffold and then he clotheslines him. [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Let the bodies hit the floor

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif](vo) What goes up always, always comes crashing down to earth.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]But from nowhere Matrix pushes Raven off the scaffold and he lands in the middle of the ring! [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Let the bodies hit the floor

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif](vo) This Sunday, WWA presents for the first time ever, Twisted Metal Mayhem, where lives are going to change, two men are walking in, but no one may walk out.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]

Push me again (again)
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Two men are on the Scaffold one man gets pushed off and he comes crashing down through a cage!![/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]This is the end[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif](vo) Dave Harding, Blake Blackheart, the WWA United States Title, in the end, only one man can be champion, this Sunday, WWA Presents Re-Awakening live and only on PPV![/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Masafumi Kudo vs Dave Harding(c)[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The lights go down the music of Masafumi Kudo hits, he walks out from the back to the boos of the fans, he stands there and poses in the middle of the entrance way he walks slowly down the ramp befoe stopping and posing fireworks fire off from the stage and he runs to the ring sliding in and leaps up and climbs the turnbuckle to pose for the fans. He comes down from the ropes his music stops playing. The lights go out ?Voices? by Rev Theory hits a fireworks display fires off from the stage Dave Harding walks out from the back wearing the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title, he's carrying the WWA United States Title he raises the WWA United States title above his head, the fans are cheering as he walks down the ramp, he reaches the ringside area he walks around the ring and then rolls into the ring, he walks towards Masafumi Kudo he throws out his arms in a pose the stage explodes with a green pyro that brings the lights back up fully. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding unhooks the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title, Brian Hebner takes the title from Harding and he shows the belts to Masafumi Kudo, and then he raises the belt above his head for the fans to see the title he walks over to the otherside of the ring to hand the belt to the ring announcer Tommy O'Shea who walks over to the timekeepers table and places the title on the table. Harding is standing in the corner, the referee calls for the bell Kudo runs at Harding who was not paying attention he side steps Kudo hits the corner and bounces off and Harding hits a strong DDT on him. Harding leaps onto the middle rope and moonsaults off, Kudo rolls out of the way and he's back out a spinning kick to the head dases Harding, Kudo with a front dropkick on Harding. Kudo then drops a corkscrew legdtop on Harding, he covers, 1...2....kick out by Harding. Kudo helps Harding to his feet, and hits a a massive spinning kick to the jaw. He locks Harding in the Full Nelson, he lifts him up and slams him into the mat with a massive Full Nelson bomb. Kudo drops the elbow into the chest of Harding, and covers 1..2....kick out again, Kudo locks in a dragon sleeper, the referee checks to see if this is a choke hold he allows the hold as it's a drgon sleeper.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding is struggling to try and get out of this the referee is checking it to see if Harding is going to give it up, Harding has no desire to quit the match, Harding is trying to get to his feet, he gets to his feet and tries to flip himself over, but he cannot get it, Kudo turns the the dragon sleeper into a stunner that staggers Harding, Kudo off the ropes with the shining wizard to the head he may have this one now. 1...2......kick out. Harding this time only just escapes Kudo is on top early and even though he didn't get the count he's starting to get frustrated he helps Harding back up, but this is a bad move as Kudo misses a clothesline and then he walks into a belly to belly suplex. Harding drops to a knee to recover a bit he sucks in a deep breath and he calls for the Destroyer, he gets elbowed in the stomach, Kudo is fighting it, Harding has him up and powerboms Kudo to the ground. He drops down on Kudo 1---2-----kick out. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding on the top rope now he stands up and he's going for a frog splash and he lands it, right across the chest of Kudo. But he does not go for the cover that could work against Harding, he again sets Kudo up for the Destroyer, but Kudo fights it, Harding sends him into the ropes and he hits a hurricanrana on him. Harding showing great skill here, but he's not getting this match all his own way, he sprongboards off the ropes into a legdrop and he lands it perfectly across the chest of Kudo. Kudo is in some trouble now, he's staggering and Harding hits a jumping swinging DDT. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding covers Kudo 1...2....kick out the referee looks at Harding and shows him 2 fingers Harding locks in the sharpshooter on Kudo, Kudo is letting out a cry of pain, he's fighting it as best he can, Harding locks it back good, and he's not giving an inch, Kudo crawls on his elbows to get to the ropes and rhe referee calls for the break, and Harding gives it to him, Kudo rolls out of the ring he's now in some discomfort. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding follows him out to the floor, he pushes Kudo into the guardrail the referee is not liking this one bit Kudo comes back at Harding, Harding throws him over his head, and Kudo hooks onto the ropes on the ring apron, Kudo with the asai moonsault on Harding and sends him down, both men are down the referee is at 5, with his count, Kudo reaches up for the rope he pulls himself up and rolls into the ring, Harding is still on the outside we're at 6, Harding is pulling himself up 7....Harding rolls into the ring, and Kudo covers him 1...2...leg on the ropes!! Kudo in frustration slaps the mat Kudo gets upto his feet and drops the leg across the chest of Harding, he drags Harding away from the ropes he hopes up onto the top rope and goes for the 450 Splash, but Harding rolls away he lands on his feet, he charges at Harding, Harding ducks Kudo charges at Harding, and Harding side steps, Kudo hits the ropes and goes for a flying forearm smash, he misses Harding, and catches Brian Hebner, Hebner is down! Shaun Stetson is walking down the ramp, what is he doing out here? He has a chair!! Stetson reaches the ringside area, Harding backs into the ropes and Stetson swings and he lands a blow with that chair right in the middle of the back, Harding staggers forward into the Cruicifc Driver! Kudo plants Harding in the middle of the ring, Kudo covers Harding, but Hebner is down he cannot count the win for he gets up and he kicks the referee no reponse.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]He shakes the referee as well and still gets nothing from the referee so he picks up the referee and throws him over the top rope, Stetson left the chair in the ring, Kudo goes outside the ring and he grabs himself another chair, he rolls back into the ring and he sets the chair up, ad he then sets the other chair next to it. He helps Harding back to his feet and he lifts him up into a powerbomb and powerbomsbs his straight through the two chairs!! Holy ****! We're going to have a new IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion!! Wait the fans are all standing and booing what is going on up there someone else is coming out from the back! It's Justin Kaos! What the hell is Justin Kaos doing out here? He's running down to the ring!![/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Kaos slides into the ring and he comes face to face with Kudo! We still hve no referee! Someone call for a referee! Kaos and Kudo are coming to blows! It's on here now! Harding is still down, and the referee has not moved, Kaos kicks Kudo in the stomach and powerbomsbs him onto the broken chairs in the middle of the ring. Kudo shakes it off and he gets hit by a roaring elbow straight to the head. Tanaka is in the building folks! [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Kaos with the firemans carry and a vicious Death Valley Driver, he calls that the Justice Driver, he rolls out of the ring, he walks around and checks the referee he is still down Scott Armstrong is jogging down to the ring he is going to take control of this one he circles the ring and he checks on Hebner who is down still he calls for someone to some and help Chad Patton, and Jim Molineaux are out to help out Brian Hebner, Armstrong rolls into the ring and he is counting both men, Harding is slowly, slowly crawling across the ring he drapes his arm across the chest of Kudo Armstrong down 1...2.....kick out!! [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding is exhausted and he cannot believe that Kudo has kicked out again! Harding staggers to his feet, Kudo is also stirring both men are on their feet, and they are now clubbing away on each other both staggering, Kudo runs at Harding, Harding side steps off the ropes Kudo ducks he comes back around and he gets caught!! DESTORYER!!!! Harding has hit Kudo out of nowhere with the Destroyer, he drops down on the chest of Kudo, Armstrong checks Kudo Count ref count!! 1...2.....3!!! It's over!! Harding retains the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title!! [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner & Still IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion: Dave Harding[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The referee raises the hand of Dave Harding, the referee walks over to get the IWGP Title and hand it to Harding, but Kaos is back in the ring he is stalking Harding, he picks him up and hits the Justice Driver!! Kaos has struck again! Kaos snatches the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title from the referee and he raises the belt up in the air to the boo all the fans around the around. He grabs a microphone and he takes it from Tommy O'Shea and he stands there in the middle of the ring. ?Everyone once and awhile someone has to make a stand, someone has to rise up against the man, and fight for what they want, a man has to do what he has to do to surive and today I have done that I had to come out here and make a stand I have been struggling to get noticed, I have been struggling to get any kind of respect in this business, from guys like Dave Harding, and guys like Masafumi Kudo, this is going back to those days when we would roam the world Harding, apart of ESW and those days you never ever gave me respect you just wanted me to be your lap dog you wanted me to me kiss your ass and be your little friend well not anymore Dave, I am not doing this ever again.?[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The fans are all booing Kaos ?We used to be like brothers, we used to be very close and you used to care what I had to say about things, but when I got here you left me to rot, you left me to try and fend for myself against the people here who think they can stop me from taking my place in the main event, well Harding I showed you that you better watch out, that you should never turn your back, now you have an idea of who I am, and what I have to offer this place. WWA won't soon forget the name of Justin Kaos, and Harding, this belt here, I want to face you for it on WWA LiveWire. I will see you then.? Kaos drops the microphone his music is playing the fans are booing him as he walks towards the back. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title title has gained in image. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We cut to another video, the song is ?Boulevard of Broken Dreams? by Green Day[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I walk a lonely road[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]DraVen Matrix walking alone in a cemetery in the dark a flash of lighning lights up the sky a bird flies down onto the shoulder of DraVen Matrix.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
The only one that I have ever known

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]DraVen goes to irish whip Paul Nixon into the ropes off the ropes out of nowhere. Enter The Matrix!![/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Don't know where it goes

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]DraVen Matrix climbs up the turn buckle he lifts up Raven and then sits Raven on his shoulders he leaps off the top turn buckle and it?s a top rope Death Valley Driver! [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
But it's home to me and I walk alone

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]A bloodied DraVen Matrix drops down to his knees and looks to the sky rain falls from the sky washing away the blood.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I walk this empty street

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]DraVen Matrix in a dark room, he's sitting there the winds blowing the windows are crashing open and closed, lighning lights up the room all the old broken furniture in the room is seen DraVen is shouting for someone to end his pain.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matrix calls for the Enter The Matrix he gets up on the top rope and he flips over ENTER THE MATRIX FROM THE TOP! Raven lands right on his head.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Where the city sleeps

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Raven is busted open and he is lying on the floor outside the ring with the side of the cage lying on top of him. Matrix springboards up and hits a corkscrew onto the cage that is lying on top of Raven.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
and I'm the only one and I walk alone

I walk alone

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]But from nowhere Matrix pushes Raven off the scaffold and he lands in the middle of the ring! [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I walk alone

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Raven has himself a light tube and it is now light tube showdown on the scaffold, both men are almost at 20 paces welcome to the Wild Wild West! Matrix is calling for Raven to come at him, he?s daring him Raven is daring Matrix to make the first move both men decide to just go at each other both swing. The light tubes clash and they are smashed pieces fly off everywhere luckily the fans aren?t in line! Matrix slams down the broken piece of his and he just catches Raven with an enziguiri right to the head that drops him to one knee. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I walk alone[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matrix is locked in a padded cell a straight jacket preventing him from escaping, Matrix is descening into his own madness[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I walk a...

Matrix is back in a darkened room with a shotgun lying next to him, he picks it up he's hearing voices telling him to do it, he's threatening the voices, the rooms completely dark now, a loud bang is heard the room lights up the guns on the floor Matrix's arms are out in a crucifix pose with him on his knees.
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]A Lonely figure is walking down the main stretch of the Highway, it's DraVen Matrix, he turns around and there is blood flowing from his eyes.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The blood drops hit the road, and it spells ?DraVen Matrix is nowhere?[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]A tomestone sitting there with the name ?Millionaires Club? a lightning bolt hits it and it explodes, a hand tries to make it's way out of the ground.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
'Til then I walk alone

DraVen Matrix pulls himself out of the ground at the end, the screen says Matrix returns at WWA LiveWire. Blood starts to cover the screen, we cut to a commercial break.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][COMMERCIAL BREAK: Budweiser....The beer that even mum likes, because mum has gone to get herself a Budweiser. We have seen the future and the future is liquored up with Budweiser. Toyota....You're never alone when you drive a Toyota, it's more then just a car, and it does more then drive you, it keeps you safe, it keeps others safe and it takes you to new places anywhere you want to be. Drive a Toyota today! Burger King....Hungry? Why wait? Grab yourself a burger at Burger King, because when yoh have a whopper hungry feed with the a whopper burger! ][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Main Event [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Ultimate Warrior vs Scott Sandars[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]It's now time for our main event the match anticipated match between Warrior and Sandars, Warriors theme hits and he comes running out of the back, he runs down the ramp and runs around the ringside area and jumps on the side of the ring he starts shaking the ropes and he enters the ring shaking the ropes some fans are cheering some are booing, some simply don't care. The lights go down ?Superstar? by Saliva Scott Sandars walks out from the back fireworks fire off from the stage the fans are cheering Sandars slowly walks down the ramp he reaches the ring he slowly enters it and he poses in the middle of the ring a massive pyro fires off from the stage and Sandars unhooks thw WWA World Heavyweight Championship he shows it to Warrior taunting him, he passes it to Tommy O'Shea who sits down at the timekeepers table. Aaron Hassan is the referee for this big clash of the titans he checks the boots of Scott Sandars and then Warrior and then he calls for the bell[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Ultimate Warrior pokes Scott Sandars in the eye with his thumb. Scott Sandars gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Ultimate Warrior comes over and smashes Scott Sandars's head into it. Flying kick by Scott Sandars takes Ultimate Warrior down. Scott Sandars rolls onto Ultimate Warrior connecting with a knee. Ultimate Warrior moves back to his feet. Ultimate Warrior powerbombs Scott Sandars. Scott Sandars gets hit with the shooting star press from Ultimate Warrior. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Scott Sandars kicks out. Ultimate Warrior locks Scott Sandars in the odd octopus hold. Referee Aaron Hassan is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... ... Scott Sandars is fighting the hold. Scott Sandars escapes. Ultimate Warrior punches Scott Sandars in the head. Ultimate Warrior catches Scott Sandars leg, but Scott Sandars reverses it with an enzuigiri to Ultimate Warrior's head. Scott Sandars executes a corkscrew legdrop on Ultimate Warrior. Scott Sandars gets back to his feet. Ultimate Warrior gets knocked on the ground and Scott Sandars flips onto him. Scott Sandars is up again. Scott Sandars measures Ultimate Warrior up and drops a closed fist. Scott Sandars moves back to his feet. Ultimate Warrior stands up. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Scott Sandars short clothslines Ultimate Warrior. Ultimate Warrior gets back to his feet. Ultimate Warrior uses a swinging DDT to plant Scott Sandars's head into the mat. Ultimate Warrior climbs to his feet. Indian deathlock applied by Ultimate Warrior. Referee Aaron Hassan is checking for a tap out. ... Scott Sandars trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) Ultimate Warrior breaks the hold. Ultimate Warrior trys for a leg drop but Scott Sandars avoids it. Ultimate Warrior drags Scott Sandars to the floor. Aaron Hassan starts the count (.1) (..2) Ultimate Warrior hits Scott Sandars with an elbowdrop. (...3) Ultimate Warrior executes a legdrop on Scott Sandars. Ultimate Warrior stands up. (....4) Scott Sandars gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Ultimate Warrior. Now Scott Sandars standing. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Scott Sandars pulls Ultimate Warrior's hair. Ultimate Warrior gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. Ultimate Warrior rakes his fingers across Scott Sandars's back. Ultimate Warrior picks Scott Sandars up and side suplexes him to the mat. Ultimate Warrior gets back to his feet. Ultimate Warrior sends Scott Sandars to ringside. Aaron Hassan starts the count (.1) Scott Sandars is back on his feet. (..2) Scott Sandars runs and tackles Ultimate Warrior. Scott Sandars punches him in the head. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Ultimate Warrior is back on his feet. (...3) Scott Sandars rakes the face of Ultimate Warrior in attempt to make a come back. (....4) Scott Sandars puts Ultimate Warrior on the top rope and executes a superplex. Ultimate Warrior is up again. (.....5) Scott Sandars takes Ultimate Warrior into the ring. Scott Sandars executes a headlock takedown. Ultimate Warrior is up again. Ultimate Warrior knocks Scott Sandars out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. Ultimate Warrior hooks Scott Sandars in the abdominal stretch. Aaron Hassan asks Scott Sandars if he quits. ... ... Ultimate Warrior tightens the hold. Ultimate Warrior breaks the hold. Scott Sandars stands up. Flying side kick by Scott Sandars takes Ultimate Warrior off his feet. Scott Sandars is back on his feet. Ultimate Warrior gets hit with the shooting star press from Scott Sandars. Referee Aaron Hassan makes the count. ...1 ...2 Ultimate Warrior kicks out. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Ultimate Warrior is up again. Scott Sandars pins Ultimate Warrior against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Scott Sandars gets elbowed to his midsection by Scott Sandars. Ultimate Warrior bounces Scott Sandars off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Ultimate Warrior grabs Scott Sandars and applies an arm wrench. Ultimate Warrior with a falling splash on Scott Sandars. Ultimate Warrior gets back to his feet. But so is Sandars, Sandars sends him into the corner and Sandars executes the Supper DDT on Ultimate Warrior! Sandars locks Warrior in the Sandars vice Warrior is screaming in pain, he taps! Warrior taps! It's all over! Sandars has won the match! [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner: Scott Sandars [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Sandars gets the win over Warrior he gets his arm raised but ?Children of The Grave? is playing throughout the arena out walks Blake Kruspe he's carrying a microphone and he has a big grin on his face. ?Well, well, well, look at this will you? Two former World Champions in the one ring.? the fans are booing him and pointing out Sandars is still champion ?Oh shut up, surely you know that Sunday you will be looking at the former WWA World Champion here in this very ring, look at Sandars he is exhausted and he has been working hard to beat Warrior where any normal superstar would have beaten Warrior easily.? Kruspe walks down the ramp and heads towards the ring he enters the ring and he stares down the WWA World Champion. ?So Champ, Re-Awakening is only a few days away and you are here almost dead tired and you think that you are going to escape Re-Awakening a World Champion? I do not think you understand who you are entering the ring with, I am a former United States Champion, I kept ESW alive when I was there as Champion, and I beat you friend for the belt I beat the great Dave Harding for my first ESW World Heavyweight Championship and now you think you have what it takes to beat me? You are dreaming Sandars.? Kruspe laughs at Sandars, and he helps up Warrior and hits him with the Kruspe Kutter. He picks up the microphone ?Now that we have Warrior out of our way, all you need to know Sandars is, you are going to go down that easily to me. You think I have forgotten that stunt you did with the US Title? No I haven't I will get my title match and I will get my title and I am going to make the World see that our Champion is not some king of wrestling that he thinks he is. He is not the greatest wrestler, and the Horsemen are not the best. You aren't anything The Renegade Warriors put you both back in your place a few weeks ago, and I have put Harding back in his place before as well. ?[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Sandars looks around at the fans, he walks over and he grabs himself a microphone with the deeps breaths he looks at Kruspe. ?Do you ever shut up?? the fans cheer ?Seriously Krappy Kreme, I have been hearing you around the backstage area and you always believe that crap you sprout you are as bad as Warrior if not bloody worse. You are not the best in the world and you are not the best in WWA, you see this belt? I had to beat Samoa Joe for it, and I have beaten challenges that have come after it, I have put the belt on the line, to everyone that I have come across, I even gave some Japanese jobber a title match in Japan, and I beat him, I even beat the great Masato Tanaka for the WWA World Heavyweight Title. I beat him in the middle of the ring at the Tokyo Dome, and I am going to beat you at the Re-Awakening PPV, because Krappy Kreme I do not need to talk myself up every chance I get, I let my wrestling tell the story, and all you do is talk, you talk, talk, talk, and the fans have had enough of your crap.? the fans are all cheering, Kruspe laughs. ?Oh name calling, well done Sandars, you have stooped to the level of intelligence I would expect from one of these American idiots.? the fans all start to boo ?You see? If you want to get cheap heat hear you just have to call them and their country a name and they react, what kind of idiots would to that??[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The fans are all booing him ?You know why I talk myself up so much Sandars? Becaue I have done it all, I have gone to each place around the world and I have wresrled in front of the largest wrestling crowds, from Germany to America I have wrestled everywhere and when I come here I have to deal with evertyone who is ignorant, I am always known only as the nazi wrestler, I am not allowed to forget my countries past, I am not a nazi I am not supporting the stuff that happened before I was ever born, I am here to wrestle I am not politicall motivated I do not give a **** that America has the best army, the best navy or whoever has the best I do not care about that because I am nothing more then a wrestler trying to make a living here in WWA and I cannot do that because of all the stereotypical bullshit that is being thrown at me from these fans!? the fans are still booing Sandars is not sure what to say but he has something he wants to add.[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Well Blake, I know what you are saying it is hard when you do not come from this country to wrestle but that does not excuse you walking around as if you are the best here you ave not made a name here in WWA yet, you have not done anything here yet, you have won the WWA United States title but if I didn;t lay down for you would you? Harding beat you and he has the United States Title now and you have nothing what does that tell you? It tells you that you are not as good as you think you are.? Kruspe just shakes his head.[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Well Sandars, Re-Awakening is where I am going to prove you and them wrong I am going to show you all what I can do and what kind of wrestler I am. And I am going to be the next WWA World Champoion because I am a good wrestler even though you people think that I am just some Nazi German here to push my politicall beliefs on you all, well you are wrong so wtong and I will see you Sunday, Sandars, make sure you bring your best.? Blakes music hits and he leaves the ring he leaves Sandars there in the middle of the ring, that is all we have here on Thunder, see you Saturday for LiveWire! [/FONT]
Booker T/Rock match was written by Rick18 on TAE, also the promo for the Re-Awakening PPV was written by Bomberlegend who posted here during the series btween TAE/PC and is an admin of TAE. I hope you enjoy the story.
WWA LiveWire. I will have a match for you. :)

Evolution Wrestling - TV Report Nephthys def. Kristopher De Vile

The battle of form Prophecy stable mates had it all weapons, and interferences the carnage raged on until Nephthys ended this match with a Death Valley Driver through 2 chairs. De Vile was then attacked by Lazurus the monster of the darkside lined up a bunch of light tubes and chokeslammed him through them.

Blake Phoenix came out and told De Vile how he is the one to blame for all of this and that the attacks are not goign to end because no one turns their back on The Prophecy...no one! And since De Vile wishes to align himself with wannabe vampires he should accept that his fate is certain death!

NWA Women's Heavyweight Title Match
Justine Night(c) def. Serena Black

A match that was entertaining from start until the end Justine Night had a lot to prove to Black, Black made it known she was not going to let some goth freak carry the Women's title and that the title should be modeled by the beauty queen, well this match ended with Black feeling the rage of Night and even Daffney made an appearence hitting Black with a chair as she hit the ropes. Night hit her corkscrew moonsault and walked away still the Women's Champion.

Scott Rayne was at the show, and he was again telling us how great he is and how Dave Harding might be the head booker of this place, and also wears the WWA United States Title, Scott Rayne is coming for the belt, one week at a time!

But then we were joined by Steve Corino, who recently signed with WWA made a surprise appearance and made sure that Scott Rayne knew that he was the king of old school and that Rayne is nothing more then a wannabe, and if he wanted to truly show off his skill to face him in the ring.

Travis Beck def. Matthew Makepeace

This was an excellent mat wrestling match, both men have a lot of mat wrestling class and put on a clinic, Beck again impressing everyone and ended the match with the Beckside Driver. But before that we saw some high flying from Makepeace and some high impact moves from both Beck and Makepeace and then the match was over and the fans were calling for more.

Lazurus def. Nick Fury

The monster Lazurus squashed young Nick Fury who came to the ring with Ashleigh Blaze tried his high flying skill early on, tried to wear out the big monster but once he was caught in that bear hug and slammed to the mat it was all over for him as LAzurus hit him with a massive powerbomb and that was it.

Lazurus was about to lay into Fury until Justin Justice came running down to the ring and made sure that Lazurus left the ring without fighting the young comer to Evolution Championship Wrestling.

Main Event
Scott Rayne def. Steve Corino

A big main event to end the night and Scott Rayne was all over Corino early with his mat wrestling skills he had Corino locked in first a dragon sleeper, and then a modified dragon sleeper, when Corino got out of them both, Corino started his fight back and that was starting to anger Rayne, Rayne hit the Rayne Effect on Corino he kicked out this angered the young star even more he then hit a top rope DVD on the former ECW star and again didn't do anything to get Corino down he started to fight back and came close to winning it but for Nick Talon that came out of nowhere wildering a chair, Corino walked into a chairshot and Rayne then hit his finisher again and took the match.

All in all this was another entertaining match from Evolution Wrestling, Corino appearing was a big move for the show he and Dave Harding have become friends and he decided to show up and help out the show. In the crowd was WWA World Champion Scott Sandars, and a few other WWA stars.

Some of these wrestlers in the ring at the show are currenrtly at the Evolution Wrestling School, and they have been showing off their skills each week for the fans sure the ratings are not eactly that great, but Channel 9 in Australia have jump aboard and this show is airing Wednesday Nights at 11pm on the Nine Network.
similar question to PN1 when will I make my debut?
Dark Matches
Steve Lewkowsi vs Lord Pepper
The Sex Kitten vs Creeping Death vs HardKore Hellraizer
The Nightcrawler vs Mchael Ashman 'Smashman'

WWA LiveWire Card

Freezerburn vs Oscar Numerico

Rick Martel vs CJ Papa

IWPG Junior Heavyweight Tilte Match
Justin Kaos vs Dave Harding

Re-Awakening Preview
Jonathon Hell vs Heath Matthews


The last stop before the Re-Awakening PPV, Justin Kaos has demanded he face the IWGP and US Champion Dave Harding, will this have an impact before the big Twisted Metal Mayhem match? We will hear from Blake Blackheart ahead of the biggest match in WWA history, also Scott Sandars will be placing his WWA World Heavyweight Title on the line at the PPV, the road ends here because it's Saturday Night and the WWA Stars are going to tear down the house ahead of the biggest wrestling PPV you are going to see.

* matches on the card so far are those that have been confirmed during the week, more matches will be added on the night. :)

similar question to PN1 when will I make my debut?
LiveWire against Mr. Nixon. :)

The Majestic added 3 Minutes and 59 Seconds later...

Also on the card will be The British Warrior vs Paul Nixon, Chris Hero vs Falco Fallen.

It's going to be a test to sneak all this in, in 2 hours, but the cards are subject to change, and if a match is dropped, well it's a booking issue;)

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]WWA Remembers Andrew ?Test? Martin, we open with a shot of Andrew Martin posing in the middle of the ring[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Would you know my name [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Martin grabs Scott Hall by the tights and uses the leverage to slingshot Scott Hall face first into the exposed steel turnbuckle.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
If I saw you in heaven
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Andrew Martin rolls up the stunned Scott Hall, and even puts his feet on the second rope to add insult to injury! 1....2...3 [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Will it be the same [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Andrew Martin poses with the WWA Pure Heavyweight Title, the first ever WWA Pure Heavyweight Champion!! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
If I saw you in heaven

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Death valley driver by Andrew Martin on DraVen Matrix he got planted hard [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I must be strong, and carry on

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Andrew Martin hits a bulldog off the ropes on Johnny Casanova, Casanova back up to his feet and gets hit with a savage bit boot to the face!![/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Cause I know I don't belong

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Andrew Matin with a Big piledriver on Casanova. [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Here in heaven
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Andrew Martin loses the WWA Pure Heavyweight Title to Casanova, the next night at a WWA House Show Martin wrestles and beats Sam Cody with a big foot that takes him out of his boots.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Would you hold my hand

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Footage backstage of Martin, and The Horsemen joking around, cuts into footage from a recent tour of Jaan by WWA, Martin facing Masasto Tanaka.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
If I saw you in heaven

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]WWA Fan Fest before the High Stakes PPV, Andrew Martin on stage with a microphone addressing questions.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Would you help me stand

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Martin celebrates a win over Masato Tanaka, the fans are cheering him, something of a rare thing in his days with WWA.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
If I saw you in heaven

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We're at an outisde Arena, Harding facing Martin, Harding goes for the Destroyer, it's blocked Martin with a stiff clotheline takes Harding down he's stalking Harding.[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I'll find my way, through night and day

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding stands up and Martin hits him with the pumphandle slam he drops across the chest of Harding 1.....2...3...Martin wins!! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Cause I know I just can't stay
Here in heaven

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Martin stands in the middle of the ring he walks towards the ropes to leave the ring

Time can bring you down

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Martin drives Chris Sabin down with a big foot at a House Show, he covers him 1...2....3 It's all over Martin has destroyed Sabin here![/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Time can bend your knee

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Martin is down on the canvas Heath Matthews is up and it's a flying elbowdrop there on Marin he covers but out of nowhere it's Augier who kicks Matthews to the head.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Time can break your heart [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Augier rolls up Martin, he has a handful of his tights! 1...2...3..oh my he's stolen the match!![/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Have you begging please
Begging please
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Martin stands up and he's pissed off he kicks the ropes with his foot[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Beyond the door
There's peace I'm sure.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Andrew Martin poses with the WWA Pure Heavyweight Title in the middle of the ring, the fans are all cheering this[/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
And I know there'll be no more...
Tears in heaven

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Martin walks towards the back he stops turns around and poses to the cheers of the fans, he walks to the back.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The video ends with a big picture of Andrew Martin Rest In Peace 1975-2009[/FONT]

WWA LiveWire

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Date: Wednesday 14th June 2008
Location: Cumberland County Civic Center, Portland, Maine
Announcers: Tommy O'Shea & Rebecca Sandars
Attendance: 10,020
TV Rating: 6.92

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I feel so good I feel so numb yeah[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]WWA LiveWire's logo appears and then cuts into a montage of WWA Action! Curt Hawkins gets taken down out of nowhere. Hawkins takes a rana from Andy Douglas. [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Yeah! Mud bath, acrobat, a midnight drive

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matrix climbs to the third tier and he enters into the small cage where there kendo sticks and light tubes Matrix grabs himself a kendo stick and lifts it into the air and poses with it, the fans are standing and cheering and looking to the ceiling. [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Everybody?s slippin everybody survive

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]L?vesque counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Alexis L?vesque moves in for the kill. Canadian Killer! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Radio talk show try to project

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Scott Sandars enters the ring, he and Warrior stare each other down, but A Wray comes in from behind and floors Sandars with the Wray of Light. Ulitmate Warrior hits a power slam on Scott Sandars. [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Everything you need when you gotta connect

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Ultimate Warrior clotheslines Dave Harding. Ultimate Warrior with an Aztecan suplex on Dave Harding sends him to the mat. Ultimate Warrior moves back to his feet.

Come on come on come on you feel it

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Devine has pulled something out of his tights. Lance Hoyt walks over...and gets floored by a punch! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Come on come on come on you see it

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Blake Kruspe comes running down the aisle with a chair and into the ring! Scott Sandars turns...and is dropped by a vicious chair shot! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Come on come on come on you wanna make it all right

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Kaine Devine comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Kaine Devine spins Joz Man around. Kaine Devine hits the NovaKaine! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Come on come on come on you feel it

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Tom Hart comes running down the aisle with a chair! Stetson whips Randy Orton into the ropes. Hart jumps onto the apron with the chair! Collision between Hart, Orton, and the chair! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Come on come on come on you see it

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Brian Kendrick gets a chair, then stands facing Styles. He winds up...and then lets fly with a vicious chair shot to the unprotected head of AJ Styles! That was brutal! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Come on come on come on you wanna make it all right

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Vashti Webb with a top rope DDT on Kristi Kaos, she implants her head hard into the mat, she picks Kaos but up and hits the Spyder Webb on her.

Blacken the sun!

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Heath Matthews flips back up and hooks Martinez into a vicious DDT out of nowhere sends Martinez back down Heath Matthews kicks back up
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]What have I done?[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Serena Roth pulls herself up and rolls back into the ring to check on MsChif, she helps MsChif up who is groggy, she is also pissed off, out of nowhere MsChif spins Serena around. MsChif hits the Desecrator! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I feel so bad I feel so numb yeah!

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding side steps off the ropes Kudo ducks he comes back around and he gets caught!! DESTORYER!!!! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Blacken the sun!

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif], Sandars sends him into the corner and Sandars executes the Supper DDT on Ultimate Warrior! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
What have I done?

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]t. Shane Helms recieves a 5 Star Frog Splash from Sammy Fernandez off of the top rope. Sammy Fernandez pins Shane Helms with a sunset flip. Referee Scott Armstrong makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3.
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I feel so good I feel so numb yeah![/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Nathan Saunders is up again. Nathan Saunders thrust kicks Christian in the head. [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Sugar sweet braniac on your neck

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]ushin Liger takes a slap to the face from Kudo Masafumi Kudo gets up. Masafumi Kudo executes the Stunner on Jushin Liger. [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Get in to tomorrow man I gotta reflect

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Joz Man is not happy he's in the ring and Devine hits him with a hard superkick sending him down to the mat and he rolls out to the floor. Devine covers Lance Hoyt 1....2....3. Devine has stolen the win!

A blue world green girl up the street

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]A Wray locks the figure-four Leglock on Dave Harding. Jim Molineaux asks Dave Harding if he quits. ... A Wray tightens the hold. ... Dave Harding is fighting the hold [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Gotta wake her it cause I don?t wanna dream

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Scott Sandars tags Dave Harding. Scott Sandars legsweeps Rob Van Dam. Dave Harding executes a jawbreakeron Rob Van Dam.

Come on come on come on you feel it

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Serena picks up the chair and stares down Webb, MsChif is back up after the chair she is staggering, Serena goes to attack Webb but Webb side steps and MsChif gets chaired! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Come on come on come on you see it

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]ebb and MsChif look at each other as they have no idea what to do now they both come to blows again, MsChif goes to whip Webb into the ropes, it is reversed and MsChif gets hit by the chair of Serena Roth, wait what the? Roth hit MsChif with the chair! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Come on come on come on you wanna make it all right

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Rob Van Dam with the chair he throws it to Harding, Harding catches it Van Dam goes for the Van Daminator but Harding ducks and he slams the chair against the skull of Van Dam![/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Come on come on come on you feel it

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hoyt picks up Devine and executes the cradle DDT, he walks over and he tags in Joz Man, Joz Man uses the rope as a springboard and moonsaults onto Devine. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Come on come on come on you see it

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Devine pulls himself up he then grabs Joz Man and delivers a stiff inverted powerbomb on Joz Man [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Come on come on come on you wanna make it all right

Blacken the sun!

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Booker takes the bait and sprints at Rocky, arms outstretched but is met with a boot to the gut. Rocky then sets up Booker for the Rock Bottom?.and nails it. [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
What have I done?

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]He stands up and lifts the groggy body of Martinez up, and he goes to hit The Showstopper, but it's ducked, he goes for it again, and again it's ducked, and it's met with a spinwheel kick to the head, both men are down. Martinez staggers [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
I feel so bad i feel so numb yeah!

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Lorenz went for a flying elbow drop, but Hart moves and from out of nowhere it?s the Hart Attack Kick to the face it sends down Lorenz [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Blacken the sun!

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Victoria takes a chop from Mickie. Victoria can barely stand. Mickie-DT!!! [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
What have I done?

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Randy Orton staggers back after the chairshot and he gets rolled up 1...2...3....it's all over!!
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I feel so good I feel so numb yeah!
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Fireworks are firing off everywhere Tommy O'Shea and Rebecca Sandars on hand at the ringside area ?Welcome everyone to WWA LiveWire! We're live here from umberland County Civic Center, Portland, Maine.? we reach the ringside area with Rebecca Sandars and Tommy O'Shea ?Good evening everyone I am Tommy O'Shea, alongside Rebecca Sandars, and Rebecca, tomorrow night is the biggest PPV EVER! WWA is going to be rocking at the core when the Millionaires club, and New Generation finall battle, this could ripv WWA apart!!? Rebecca Sandars smiles at the camera ?Thank you Tommy, good evening, WWA Re-Awakning is on the lips of everyone in the wrestling business, it has the biggest matches that will make the biggest impact on World Wrestling All-Stars, and Tommy, It's Dave Harding and Blake Blackheart going to hell and back in Twisted Metal Mayhem! What is going to happen here?? Tommy is nodding along ?Well we will find out live tomorrow night at the PPV, we also have a big night ahead Miles Marion addresses us ahead of the match, plus, much, much much more!? The lights go out ?Whoa! What happened? Someone forget to pay the power bill?? [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]On the video screen young girls are playing....

?One, two Robbie?s coming for you, three, four go three, four, go lock your door, five, six, get a crucifix, seven, eight, gonna stay up late, nine, ten, never sleep again.? The girls continued to play and sing green numbers start to fall from the ceiling and then the sound of young girls playing laughing and giggling and they start to speak again ?As I lay me down to sleep I pray my soul is mine to keep, and never step outside this bed never, into all the evil, now back from the dead." A gong echoes throughout the arena "Are you scared?" then an explosion "He's here." and then Fixation on the Darkness by Killswitch Engage plays. DraVen Matrix steps out from the back the fans are all cheering ?DraVen Matrix is back!? Matrix stands there in the middle of the entance way ?I did not have this on my rundown sheet, Tommy, DraVen Matrix is not meant to be here tonight he was cleared for the PPV though!? ?Well Rebecca, Matrix is back! And he's looking the goods!? Matrix walks down the ramp and heads towards the ring, he enters the ring and he stands there in the middle of the ring Mark Madden passes him a mircophone and he is ready to speak!

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matrix walks and stands in the corner he drops down in the corner and he looks around ?I have been sitting outside of WWA for weeks now and I have seen a plague strike at the heart of WWA, a plague thatg has been eating away at the very heart and soul of WWA, and for those weeks I have heen noticing that no one has had the guts, to stand up to Miles and his stable of snobs. Every day, I have had to sit and watch them make a mockery of WWA, I have had to watch them try and take what we hold so dear and turn it into a joke. Miles has tried to figure out who Matrix is, he has tried to get inside of the head of me going back to our days in 3WA, he has wanted to know what makes Matrix tick.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]You'll never fully understand who Matrix is, he paints himself up why? He hangs around dark places why? These places are a sanctuary a place for me to go and find myself again. The darkness is a place where the Matrix can sit and think without being disturbed by the disturbed. I've no catchy catch phrase, I don't walk around looking to shoot off quotes for people to go off and repeat endlessly. I don't have followers, I don't have to follow others I'm me, myself, and I don't need to be anyone but me, Miles, we're ready for you, and whoever else you want to bring down to save you from a beating but remember this, we shall not surrender, we shall fight to the death if we need to. We're here now saving WWA from you, the infection that has made it's ways into WWA, you are nothing more then a disease that I have wanted to erradicate for years now.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Not long now, the PPV is almost here there's no more time for talking our actions will speak the loudest. Our words aren't enough to show you how we built WWA, and you will never break me down. on Sunday I will not lay here and be pinned, no I will not let you pin me I will not let you take what I've worked for, for so long Miles, not you Connor, you cannot and will not take this company and turn it into whatever you have wanted to.? Matrix looks around with a grin on his face sitting there in the corner. ?By now Miles, you should realise who I am, you have been searching to find the real Matrix for years now and you have not found him at all, you have been struggling to see through the face paint, into my soul, you are never going to know who I am. Because Miles you have not looked hard enough, you are not trying hard enough to find the person behind the paint. ? Matrix stops and thinks a moment ?Soon enough out of nowhere Matrix is going to come up behind you Miles and you are never going to know what has hit you. You and Connor MacManus may think you have all the money in the world but what is that going to do when the New Generation runs you out of WWA? Are you going to go take another another place to get run back out of? You are going to have to realise this Miles, you are not going to get your way all the time.? [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matrix stands up and looks into the camera ?Look into these eyes Miles, and you will see that I am no longer playing with you, the games end at Re-Awakening, the games you have tried to buy are coming to an end. You are going to suffer, I can get you at any time, but I am going to allow you to suffer before I come in for the kill. ? Matrix walks away from the camera his music starts to play he walks to the back. We've got a commercial break.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][COMMERCIAL BREAK: Durex Condoms...For a hundred million reasons Durex. Made to make you last longer. Better Shape, Better Sex. Once you try it you would never do without it. Good news for your sex life, bad news for beds. Durex. Crowdstopper. Budweiser Beer Ad with WWA World Champion Scott Sandars....When you say Budweiser, you've said it all. For all you do, this Bud's for you. The Genuine Article. The King of Beers. And it the beer of the WWA World Heavyweight Champion Scott Sandars. Where there's life, there's Bud. Nothing beats the award winning taste of Bud.] [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Freezerburn vs Dave ?The Pinnacle? Andrews [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The lights flicker ?Cold? by Static-X ice starts to fall from the ceiling Freezerburn walks down the ramp and he rolls into the ring he has a cold look on his face he is waiting for his opponent Dave Andrews. The lights go down, the music of Dave Andrews is playing through the arena out comes Dave Andrews he gets some cheers he runs down the ramp and slides into the ring he's rocking to his music as he climbs the turnbuckle he throws up his arms and the fans cheer he jumps off the turnbuckle and turns around to Freezerburn who isn't happy waiting for the match to start.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Aaron Hassan is the referee for this contest. Freezerburn drops Dave Andrews with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Dave Andrews Climbs to the second rope and raises his arms into the air. He climbs down. (ring, ring, ring) Freezerburn nails Dave Andrews with a belly-to-back suplex. Freezerburn gets up. Freezerburn get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Dave Andrews.Freezerburn uses a lariat on Dave Andrews. Dave Andrews gets back to his feet. Dave Andrews executes the jumping sidekick onFreezerburn . Dave Andrews covers Freezerburn hooking the leg. Aaron Hassan counts the pin. ...1 ...2Freezerburn escapes. Freezerburn gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Dave Andrews. Dave Andrews mule kicksFreezerburn . Dave Andrews hits Freezerburn with a heart punch.Freezerburn is up again.Freezerburn kicks Dave Andrews in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam.Freezerburn sucks chants start in the crowd. NowFreezerburn standing.Freezerburn covers Dave Andrews. Referee Aaron Hassan makes the count. ...1 ...2 Dave Andrews kicks out. Dave Andrews moves back to his feet.Freezerburn hooks Dave Andrews in an armlock leglock submission. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The referee is checking the situation. ... (AHHHH!) ...Freezerburn tightens the hold. ... ...Freezerburn tightens the hold. Dave Andrews escapes. Freezerburn hits Dave Andrews with an earringer. Dave Andrews grabs Freezerburn's head and hites him in the face. Freezerburn hits Dave Andrews with a heart punch. Freezerburn executes a corkscrew legdrop on Dave Andrews.Freezerburn is up again. Dave Andrews hits him with a back fist.Freezerburn gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Dave Andrews comes over and smashesFreezerburn 's head into it. Dave Andrews chops Freezerburn, Freezerburn lifts Dave Andrews up and drops him on the mat. Dave Andrews uppercuts Freezerburn Freezerburn uppercuts Dave Andrews. Dave Andrews spinning mule kicks Freezerburn [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Freezerburn drives a forearm into the head of Dave Andrews.Freezerburn applies the clawhold on Dave Andrews.Freezerburn hits Dave Andrews with a headbutt to the mid-section.Freezerburn puts Dave Andrews on the top rope and executes a superplex. NowFreezerburn standing. Dave Andrews moves back to his feet. Dave Andrews with a huge super fisherman buster, driving Freezerburn into the mat. Dave Andrews gets back to his feet. Dave Andrews stomps Freezerburn Dave Andrews rolls onto Freezerburn connecting with a knee.Freezerburn gets back to his feet. Dave Andrews is hit with a backward kick.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Freezerburnapplies an arm wrench to Dave Andrews.Freezerburn rolls onto Dave Andrews connecting with a knee. Freezerburn covers Dave Andrews hooking the leg. Aaron Hassan counts. ...1 Dave Andrews kicks out. Dave Andrews is back on his feet. Dave Andrews rakes his fingers across Freezerburn 's back.Freezerburn with an illegal chokehold on Dave Andrews. Dave Andrews is back on his feet.Freezerburn grabs Dave Andrews's leg and takes him down.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Freezerburn grabs Dave Andrews and applies an arm wrench. Now Dave Andrews standing.Freezerburn executes a springboard bulldog, slamming Dave Andrews's head onto the mat.Freezerburn moves back to his feet. Dave Andrews is back on his feet. Dave Andrews pokesFreezerburn in the eyes. Dave Andrews punches Freezerburn in the gut. Freezerburn kicks Dave Andrews in the head. Freezerburn covers Dave Andrews hooking the leg. Aaron Hassan counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Dave Andrews kicks out. Dave Andrews moves back to his feet. Dave Andrews gets hit with a dragon scerw from Freezerbur Freezerburn moves back to his feet.Freezerburn executes a corkscrew legdrop on Dave Andrews.Freezerburn gets back to his feet. Dave Andrews gets back to his feet.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Freezerburn hits a jumping elbow hrust on Dave Andrews. Dave Andrews delivers a spinning backbreak to Freezerburn . Freezerburn trys for a standing piledriver but Dave Andrews avoids it. Freezerburn picks Dave Andrews up and side suplexes him to the mat.Freezerburn gets up. Dave Andrews is up again. Freezerburn and Dave Andrews go to the floor Aaron Hassan starts the count (.1) (..2) Freezerburn hits a koppo kick on Dave Andrews. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Dave Andrews climbs to his feet. (...3) Freezerburn pokes Dave Andrews in the eyes. (....4) Dave Andrews bounces Freezerburn off the ropes and clotheslines him.Freezerburn is back on his feet. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Dave Andrews hits Freezerburn with a rolling elbow smash to the face.Freezerburn gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Dave Andrews. Dave Andrews stands up. Dave Andrews knees Freezerburn and rolls back to his feet. Dave Andrews covers Freezerburn [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Referee Aaron Hassan makes the count. ...1 Freezerburn escapes. Freezerburn gets up. Freezerburn hits Dave Andrews with an atomic drop.Freezerburn locks Dave Andrews in the odd octopus hold. Aaron Hassan asks Dave Andrews if he quits. ... ... Dave Andrews escapes.Freezerburn drags Dave Andrews to the floor. Aaron Hassan starts the count (.1)Freezerburn throws a chair at Dave Andrews. Dave Andrews climbs to his feet. (..2) Dave Andrews bouncesFreezerburn off the ropes and faceslams him onto the floor. Freezerburn stands up.Freezerburn spits green mist into the face of Dave Andrews.Freezerburn knees Dave Andrews and rolls back to his feet. Dave Andrews gets back to his feet. Freezerburn and Dave Andrews move back into the ring.Freezerburn kicks Dave Andrews in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat.Freezerburn hits the handspring moonsault on Dave Andrews.Freezerburn stands up.Freezerburn uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Dave Andrews down. Freezerburn covers Dave Andrews. Aaron Hassan counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner: Freezerburn[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Freezerburn gets his arms raised by Aaron Hassan, he snatches away his arm and he rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair from under the ring he rolls back in and Dave Andrews is back up they stare each other down, Freezerburn slams down the chair and looks Oscar in the eyes and extends his hand, and they shake Oscar is not happy with losing the match he walks away, he starts to the back Freezerburn picks the chair up and he yells at Oscar, Oscar turns around and Freezerburn slams the chair into the skull of Dave Andrews he didn't see that chairshot coming! Freezerburn rolls out of the ring he grabs another chair and he rolls back into the ring he sets the chair up he sets the other chair up and he helps Oscar back to his feet, and then just drives Dave Andrews through the chairs with his Frozen Inside. He stands over Dave Andrews's body after the move and then grabs a microphone [/FONT]​

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]You see that Grim Reaper? That is what you are going to get this Sunday at Re-Awakening and this is what I have served up to Dave Andrews and I crashed his damned skull here tonight nad I am going to have to show you more, you think you are the death bringer around here and you think you are to be feared?? The lights go out ?You think these light tricks are going to scare me Reaper? You think I am going to just be scared of you?? the lights come back on and The Grim Reaper is standing behind Freezerburn he walks towards Freezerburn and Freezerburn turns around and he sees the Grim Reaper standing there, The Grim Reaper hits the Nightshade on Freezerburn and he stands over the fallen body of Freezerburn. The Grim Reaper just stands there and he does not do anything his music starts to play and we're going backstage[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We are backstage and CM Punk is walking backstage when Jason Leung comes from behind and attacks him with a chair. Jason Leung stands over the top of CM Punk and he laughs at him Miles Marion steps out of the shadows ?Pick him up and drag him to the ring, I want him to suffer.? Leung picks up the fallen body of CM Punk Connor MacManus assests him and they walk him through the backstage area, they reach the entrance way the music of Miles Marion is playing the fans are booing Leung and MacManus are in front they get down to the ring and they roll him into the ring and they stand there. Miles Marion steps out from the back the fans are booing him he has a microphone ?Grab the chairs from under the ring, grab them now!? [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Leung leaves the ring and he picks up a chair and he re-enters the ring with it and Connor MacManus enters the ring as well with a chair Miles Marion finally reaches the ring and he enters the ring and he stands there laughing. [/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]DraVen Matrix, I see that you think that by returning here to WWA that you were going to shock us you were going to make this strong unit fear you? Hardly old chap, you see DraVen Matrix I have known you for awhile now, I hate to say it but we had some great wars in 3WA I remember when the Upper Echelon beat you and Bryan Kobayashi for thos 3WA World Tag Team Titles, and you were the biggest emo in the locker room you were so close to the edge I would not have been surprised to have heard you jumped off a cliff. I faced you in the match at Hell or High Water because I knew the only way to rid WWA of you was to break you, to make you suffer more then you have ever suffered in your miserable life. You need to realise what is going to happen around here, WWA is going to be taken over by The Millionaires Club and we are going to make it better.? Miles turns to Leung ?I want him sitting in one of those chairs, now set it up.? Leung unfolds the chair and MacManus helps CM Punk onto the chair.[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]And now DraVen, you are going to watch as we tear CM Punk apart, we are going to torture him until you come back out here and you face me one on one here. I want to see your face as I break him down and make sure he cannot compete at the PPV.? The camera looks at the entrance way there is no DraVen Matrix. ?Well fine DraVen, Leung, get me another weapon out from under the ring.? Leung leaves the ring and looks under the ring and he pulls out a kendo stick, he rolls back into the ring and he passes it to Miles Marion. ?So DraVen, you are going to let me brutally assualt a team mate of yours, the third member of your team, before the PPV, right here tonight?? The fans are all booing, they want DraVen to come out and save CM Punk, Miles Marion raises the kendo stick to hit him Heyman comes walking out from the back![/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Marion, don't you even think about it, you hit him and you are suspended from WWA, and I know that it being with or without pay won't matter to you, but if you touch CM Punk one more time you are going to be in some serious trouble.? Miles turns and he has a big grin on his face ?So Paul, greetings, and salutations, I didn't think you still worked here, I thought maybe WWA realised their error and fired you.? Heyman laughs ?No, WWA didn't fire me, you dickhead, you think that because you have money that I have to give a **** what you have to say and I have to actually acknowledge your existance in this company? I am still here and I still run things alongside Bret Hart, and we're not going to let you spoilt brats ruin a WWA Main Event, and if you stuff with it by attacking CM Punk, you can pay each fan that orders the PPV out of your own pocket for ripping them of a main event match tomorrow night!? the fans all start to cheer.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Miles Marion stands there amused ?Oh don't worry your fat bolding head, Heyman, I am not going to ruin your PPV main event, I was merely putting the fear of god into this so called Punk, this so called tough man, a man who wore a title that let's face it, not even the fat, ugly, mindless, drones that watched ECW gave a rats ass about, he came here and then what? What has he done? He wore a Tag Team title, big deal? Big deal Heyman, what is that worthy of him being in a main event?? The fans are all booing harder, Leung takes the microphone from Miles Marion. [/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Heyman, you fat sack of crap.? The fans boo ?You should realise that we could buy you, sell you, and even have you planted in the sun, and you couldn't do a goddamn thing abourt it you are just a fat bag of wind that has nothing, you cannot run a wrestling company, and it beats me why WWA even gave you a job. Even WWE saw you as nothing more then a bald piece of crap.? Heyman starts to get angry Miles takes back the microphone ?What Jason was trying to say, is, Paul, is that simply put no one cares what you have to say, now please waddle off back to office you have so annoyingly came from, and let us continue on with this, just to be fair, boys let young CM Punk go, so that we can get on with the business we have to discuss.? Leung grabs CM Punk by the head and tosses him over the top rope. ?You happy now?? Heyman stands there a moment. ?I want two WWA officials, to assist CM Punk to the locker room, and if he does not compete tomorrow night, Miles, it's your head that is going to be on the chopping block.? Chad Pattern and Jim Molineaux come out from the back and they goto the aid of CM Punk helping him up and walking him to the back. Heyman walks to the back with them leaving both Miles and the two guys there with him in the ring. ?Now then, let's talk about the WWA Re-Awakening PPV, one would think that this here was the team that was going to face the New Generation, right? Wrong.? Miles looks at Connor MacManus ?Since we have beaten DraVen Matrix before and we have made siure that we have made his life a living hell I am selecting you to be the one that helps me slay the Matrix, because everyone needs a good man that can kick the crap out of, twist the crap out of, and break a crap person like DraVen Matrix, I am sorry Jason, but your services tomorrow night will not be required, we have someone else in mind, someone that will be coming to WWA, and here is a hint, he is a former WWE Champion.? the fans are all silent.[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Oh sure that gets you people to shut up.? The fans boo ?Oh bother, I thought I was going to have time to think, anyway, tomorrow night the Millionaires Club have found someone that wants to make an impact in WWA, and he needs me, Miles Marion and the Millionaires Club to help him make his impact here in WWA. So tomorrow night expect a new man in WWA, and a man that is going to change WWA for the better. See you tomorrow night, Matrix, I do hope you actually appear.? The music of Miles Marion's starts to play they leave the chairs in the ring and they leave the ring and head to the back. We have a commerciak break![/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][COMMERCIAL BREAK: McDonalds...I'm lovin' it. What you want is what you get It's a good time for the great taste of McDonalds. Nothing can do it like McDonald's... You deserve a break today...at McDonald's We love to see you smile. QANTAS....Qantas Vacations. The Best Downunder! When you are flying to Australia, why not fly in style? And why not fly the best? Why risk your holiday flying with an unfriendly, unreliable airlane that does not have your best interests at heart? Australia is calling you....Holiday Inn Hotels.... Relax, it's Holiday Inn. We put a smile back on your face. Pleasing people the world over. The best surprise is no surprise. Holiday Inn. The World's Inn Keeper. Your Host from Coast to Coast. The Nation's Innkeeper.]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Chris Hero vs Falco Fallen[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Dead and Bloated? by Stone Temple Pilots his, out walks Chris Hero, the fans are booing him as he heads towards the ring as he reaches the ring the music of Falco Fallen hits, out comes Falco Fallen to some boos himself he walks down the ramp he enters the ring and we're ready to go.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Chad Pattern is the referee for this contest. Falco Fallen walks around the ring. Chris Hero raises his arms up and goves a very cocky smile to Falco Fallen. (ring, ring, ring) Falco Fallen knifehand chops Chris Hero. Chris Hero pokes Falco Fallen in the eyes. Chris Hero hits him with a back fist. Chris Hero is hit with a backward kick. Chris Hero is back on his feet. Falco Fallen gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Chris Hero comes over and smashes Falco Fallen's head into it. Chris Hero bounces Falco Fallen off the ropes and clotheslines him. Falco Fallen moves back to his feet. Chris Hero punches Falco Fallen in the gut. Chris Hero mule kicks Falco Fallen. Chris Hero rakes his fingers across Falco Fallen's back. Falco Fallen hits a tiger driver on Chris Hero. Falco Fallen chants start. Falco Fallen gets back to his feet. Chris Hero climbs to his feet. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Chris Hero hits Falco Fallen with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Falco Fallen gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Chris Hero. Chris Hero executes the jumping sidekick on Falco Fallen. Falco Fallen gets back to his feet. Falco Fallen kicks Chris Hero in the stomach. Chris Hero is up again. Falco Fallen throws Chris Hero off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Chris Hero moves back to his feet. Chris Hero gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. Chris Hero is up again. Chris Hero bounces Falco Fallen off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Chris Hero gets back to his feet. Falco Fallen is back on his feet. Falco Fallen trys for a neck scissors but Chris Hero avoids it. Kneelock submission applied by Falco Fallen. Referee Chad Pattern is checking for a tap out. ... ... (AHHHH!) Chris Hero escapes.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Falco Fallen sends Chris Hero to ringside. Chad Pattern starts the count (.1) Chris Hero nails the bridging back suplex on Falco Fallen. Chris Hero is up again. (..2) (...3) Falco Fallen legsweeps Chris Hero. (....4) Falco Fallen hits Chris Hero with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Falco Fallen gets up. (.....5) Falco Fallen and Chris Hero move back into the ring. Falco Fallen applies an arm wrench to Chris Hero. Chris Hero moves back to his feet. Chris Hero mule kicks Falco Fallen. Chris Hero stomps Falco Fallen's head. Chris Hero knees Falco Fallen and rolls back to his feet. Falco Fallen climbs to his feet. Falco Fallen kicks Chris Hero in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam. Falco Fallen is up again. Now Chris Hero standing. Falco Fallen and Chris Hero go to the floor Chad Pattern starts the count (.1) (..2) Falco Fallen hits Chris Hero with a baba chop. (...3) Chris Hero delivers a spinning backbreak to Falco Fallen. (....4) Chris Hero stomps Falco Fallen. Falco Fallen gets up. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Chris Hero rakes his fingers across Falco Fallen's back. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Chris Hero punches Falco Fallen in the gut. Falco Fallen hits Chris Hero with a single arm DDT. Falco Fallen goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Chris Hero escapes. Chris Hero moves back to his feet. Falco Fallen double underhook faceslams Chris Hero hard to the Chris Hero. Chris Hero gets back to his feet. Falco Fallen applies the clawhold on Chris Hero. Chris Hero hits him with a back fist. Falco Fallen short lariats Chris Hero. Chris Hero moves back to his feet. Chris Hero spinning mule kicks Falco Fallen. Falco Fallen stands up. Falco Fallen chops Chris Hero. Falco Fallen executes a swinging neckbreaker on Chris Hero. Falco Fallen hits Chris Hero with an elbowdrop. Chris Hero gets back to his feet. Chris Hero pokes Falco Fallen in the eyes. Chris Hero gets elbowed to his midsection by Chris Hero. Chris Hero hits Falco Fallen with a rolling elbow smash to the face. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Falco Fallen gets back to his feet. Falco Fallen punches Chris Hero in the gut. Chris Hero grabs Falco Fallen's head and hites him in the face. Chris Hero uppercuts Falco Fallen. Falco Fallen executes a spinning back suplex on Chris Hero. Falco Fallen executes the sleeperhold on Chris Hero. Referee Chad Pattern is checking for a tap out. ... ... Falco Fallen breaks the hold. Chris Hero hits Falco Fallen with a heart punch. Falco Fallen stands up. Falco Fallen sends Chris Hero into Chad Pattern he goes down. Falco Fallen superkicks Chris Hero. Falco Fallen chants start. Chris Hero is back on his feet. Falco Fallen powerbombs Chris Hero. Jonathon Hell runs to the ring. Jonathon Hell suplexes Falco Fallen. Falco Fallen gets back to his feet. Jonathon Hell executes a huge gutbuster on Falco Fallen. Ordered is restored. Chad Pattern gets up. They lockup. Chris Hero sends Falco Fallen to the corner of the ring. Chris Hero bounces Falco Fallen off the ropes and clotheslines him. Chris Hero chants start. Falco Fallen gets tossed a chair while Chris Hero hits kicks it! It's a sweet super kick from Chris Hero! Chris Hero hits the HEROES WELCOME!! and then rolls him up with a backflip cradle. Referee Chad Pattern makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner: Chris Hero[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Jonathon Hell rolls back into the ring and he starts to attack Falco Fallen, referee Chad Pattern tries to fall off Jonathon Hell, Hell shoves him away he gets him and hits him withb the Hell Raizer he rolls out of the ring and walks to the back.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Chris Hero gained 1 point of overness from this match. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Rick Martel vs C.J Papa[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Stronger? by Trust Company hits out walks Rick Martel, he walks straight to the ring, once in the ring he walks to the corner and he waits there for his opponent. Rockstar" by R.Kelly ft. Ludacris hits and out comes CJ Papa to some cheers he slaps the hands of the fans as he comes down the ramp and into the ring. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The bell rings and the two opponents stand in the opposite corner. The walk around the ring scouting their opponent. Martel charges towards and Papa responds with as drop kick. Martel bounces back up and tries to charge at Papa again but Papa jumps over him. Martel comes back off the ropes and is hit with a monkey flip. Papa locks Martel in for a underhook suplex but Martel somehow gets out it. Martel kicks Papa in the gut and hits him with a swinging neckbreaker 1...2...Papa kicked out of that one.

Martel nails Papa with a DDT, Papa stumbles to his feet
Papa is holding his neck, Martel puts Papa in a camel clutch. Papa is stretching from the ropes but is dragged into the center on the ring. Papa tries to muster strength from the crowd to get out the submission. Papa gets the energy to pick up Martel and hit him with an electric chair. Papa stumbles to the ropes and pulls himself up.

The two begin to fire blows back and forth Martel makes his way to back and hits an atomic drop. Papa is stunned, Martel off the rope but is met with a hurracarana. Papa quickly climsb the ropes and attempts a flying elbow but misses. Martel throws Papa out the ring

Suddenly Randy Orton comes out from the crowd and this is unknown by Martel. Orton shoves a cameraman off his chair and blindsides Martel with it laying him in the ring. Papa climbs on the top top rope and attempts to hit Orton with cross body but Orton lays him out with a Super RKO. Orton sits in the middle of the ring and smiles at the crowd. He is Booed by the crowd and a ?You Suck? Chants begins to occur.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner: No Contest[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Randy Orton calls for a microphone he gets one past to him by Mark Madden Orton walks back to the middle of the ring and he is not a happy man here tonight. ?Tonight you saw what it's like to be attacked by Orton, to be left in a pool of your own blood, and soon Stetson, you are going to see this too, because I have had enough of you trying to make your name off of me, trying to get inside my head and trying to make me give you what you want, well what I want is to crush you and I want to make you leave this company a broken man and when this happens I am going to show the rest why they cannot mess with me, and when I am done, I am going for the WWA World Title, because once I am done with you I no longer have to worry about you and the rest of your patheitc stable of rejects. You see Statson, you are a no one, I am a former WWE Champion, I am a third generation, and I am going to make the Scott Sandars and everyone here in WWA realise that I am the best person forn the WWA World Championship.? Walk by Pantera hits and Randy Orton walks to the back, coming up next it's the debut of The British Warrior after the break.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]COMMERCIAL BREAK:[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] Durex Condoms[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]...For a hundred million reasons Durex. Made to make you last longer. Better Shape, Better Sex. Once you try it you would never do without it. Good news for your sex life, bad news for beds. Durex. Crowdstopper. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Budweiser Beer Ad with WWA World Champion Scott Sandars[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]....When you say Budweiser, you've said it all. For all you do, this Bud's for you. The Genuine Article. The King of Beers. And it the beer of the WWA World Heavyweight Champion Scott Sandars. Where there's life, there's Bud. Nothing beats the award winning taste of Bud.][/FONT] [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The British Warrior vs Paul Nixon[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We're back after the break The British Warrior is already in the ring and Paul Nixon is walking to the ring, he enters the ring and his music finishes. The debuting Warrior quickly gets on the wrong side of the fans as he rips up fan?s signs on the way to the ring. In contrast, Nixon?s entrance draws respectful applause, as the crowd pay the returning Nixon more respect than his opponent.

The two lock up to begin with, and Warrior gets the early advantage with a headlock. Nixon shoots him off the ropes, but Warrior meets him with a shoulder block that sends him to the mat. Warrior drops the elbow and goes for the early pin but Nixon kicks out at one. Attempting to keep the pressure on Nixon, Warrior drags him to the corner and starts unloading with lefts and rights. The referee starts his 5 count to try and stop the Warriors? closed fists, and eventually has to squeeze himself between the pair to break it up. With his attention placed on stopping the Warrior and allowing Nixon to get away from the ropes, the ref doesn?t see the poke in the eyes from Warrior.

Temporarily blinded, Nixon swings wildly hoping to connect with one of the blows. Warrior ducks, swings behind Nixon, and then picks his moment to nail an inverted DDT. He goes for the cover and gets a long two count as Nixon barely manages to get the shoulder up before the hand hits the mat for the third time. Warrior picks up Nixon and gives him a bodyslam, which stuns him for long enough to Warrior to get to the top rope. With Nixon still lying prone on the mat, Warrior hits a brutal flipping leg drop, his leg coming right down on the throat of Nixon. Warrior covers Nixon, and easily gets the three count. Warrior?s impressive debut ends in a crushing win over the universally respected Nixon.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner: The British Warrior[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Victim by Eighteen Visions is blasted through out the arena. The crowd look up the ramp[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
One Two Three GO!
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]A Wray comes out from behind the curtain. A Wray with an athletic build blond, spiky hair and blue eyes. Wearing white wrist tape like CM punk does. Wearing long black tights with a silver barbed wire pattern wrapped around them above the barbed wire pattern is the Initial AW in red in a grunge type of lettering. His boots are darkish silver with a lighter silver flame on them. A Wray pulls a taunt at the top of the ramp he holds the three middle fingers up on signaling a W on both hands. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]You can't be saved
You've gone and dug your grave
And its getting deeper by the minute
Well you had to turn your back
Ain't cutting you no slack
Hooked on your lies you had me going
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
A Wray does a jog /run down the ramp give high 5?s and high 10?s to the fans along the way.
Tommy O?Shea: On his way to the ring weighing at 230lbs. He is the ?REVOLUTIONARY? AAAAAAAAAAAAAA WRAYYYYYYYYYYY
A Wray slides into the ring A Wray goes to the top turn buckle taunts and then pulls a back flip and just before A Wray Lands it BOOM! Fireworks come out of the corners of the ring

A Wray has a little grin on his face

A Wray: Welcome Portland to WWA LIVEWIRE!!!

The crowd goes ballistic at the mention of there town. The Crowd begins to chant ?A Wray? over and over again

A Wray: Tonight I have a match against I guess who you could call a legend Raven. I don?t know much about him. When I got into wrestling I really wasn?t in his era so I don?t really give a crap about him he?s just another person to lose to me. You?ll be the next to suffer the Wray of light but after im done with you your done and dusted and I have more important things to worry about like Re-Awakening you hack. Why you haven?t retired I?m not sure but ill make sure you do and the whole Wrestling community will thank me!

The audience doesn?t know what to think but the thought of A Wray and Raven in action they begin to cheer.

A Wray: Enough of talking about that shitty birdbrain

The Crowd laughs at the comment made by A Wray

A Wray: Tomorrow at WWA Re-Awakening I?m in a fatal four way against 3 competitors who I will beat of course Scott Hall, Jonathon Hell and of course Heath Matthews. The winner of this match which of course will be me

A Wray Flexes as a 18 year old woman took a photo and says I LOVE YOU A WRAY. A Wray blushed and replied with

A Wray: Yeah I love you too!

The crowd laughs at A Wray

A Wray: With that distraction out of the way? When I win this match I will have a No.1 Contenders spot for the US Heavyweight Championship and I will beat Dave Harding or Blake Emoheart which ever wrestler wins. And I shall be known as the AUSTRALIAN Heavyweight Champion and it shall be the rise of the Revolution RVD and I shall take ourselves all the way to the top of the WWA locker room. I am the ?Revolutionary? wrestling A Wray and Your future WWA No.1 Contender for U.S Heavyweight title. Wray drops the microphone and he walks towards the back, he walks up the ramp and walks into the back, our next match is the WWA RE-Awakening Preview!

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Jonathan Hell vs Heath Matthews[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Get Free? hits and Jonathan Hell walks down the ramp. Hell lets out a face melter on his guitar and red pyro booms into the Arena. He attempts to throw his pick into the crowd but drops on the ring ramp and is booed by a group of young kids. Hell smiles at them and walks along. Hell gets into the and poses with his guitar. He looks at Matthews with disgust he glares at him and stands face to face with him.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hell offers a hand shake but Matthews slaps across the head. Enraged Hell charges at him and tackles him to the ground and starts punching him. The bell rings and the match has officially started.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hell is still punching Matthews with rights and lefts. Matthews than rolls him over and dishes out the same punishment. The Referee breaks them apart and the two head towards their corners. The two advance onto to each other and lock horns. Hell kicks Matthews in the gut. Hell bounces off the ropes and misses with a clotheline, Hell comes back again and Matthews Leg Trips him. Matthews gets up and hit a bulldog. Matthews goes for the cover 1...2..Hell gets his shoulder up.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matthews stands up Hell and locks him into a suplex. Matthews executes the suplex and goes for the cover again 1.....2...Hell just gets the shoulders up. Matthews gets Hell up and is eyed raked by him. The crowd boos his dirty moves, Hell taunts the crowd and continues working over Matthews.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hell throws lefts and rights to body of Matthews who looks dazed. Matthews is trapped in the corner and suffers a severe stomping. The Ref counts to 3 and Hell stops stomping Matthews. Hell begins to choke Hell with his foot, The ref warns Hell to stop and he does. Matthews is sunk down in the bottom of the ring corner. Hell smiles and runs towards the ring rope and attempts to hit a running knee but Matthews rolls out the way. Hell grimaces in pain and Matthews does a chop block to Hells Knee[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hell falls to canvas, He gets up and again and is dropkicked into the injured knee fall down once more. Hell stumbles towards Mattews who chops him across the chest. Hell goes flying back onto the ropes. Matthews than bounces off the rope and hits a corss body sending both competitors over the ropes. The crowd cheers loudly and the Ref begins the 10 count. 1...2...3...4..5..6..Matthews begins to roll towards the ring rope....7...Hell stumbles to feet and Matthews rolls into the ring....8...Hell slides his way in. The two competitors begin to get up sharing blows. The competitors both bounces off the ropes and simulateneously hit each other with a clotheslines.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matthews nip-ups onto his feet. Matthews hits a senton onto Hell and rolls and somersaults towards the ropes getting to crowd to pump him up. Matthews is ready to hit the Show Stopper. The crowd awakes the noise heightens. Suddenly Scott Hall runs down to the ring and begins to attack Matthews[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The bell rings for disqualifacation, Hell gets up onto to his feets and helps Hall stomp Matthews. The Bell rings once again. Hall picks up Matthews and the two do a Double Powerbomb on him. The Two shake handsbut out of nowhere Hellhits Hall with the Hell Raiser. Hell poses to the crowd but Matthews out of nowhere hits him with the Show Stopper. The two roll outside the ring joining Hall on the Arena Floor. People suddenly get out there seat as the see A Wary run through the crowd[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]A Wray makes his way into the ring. He see that Hall, Hell and Matthews are outside the ring. A Wray climbs up to a turnbuckle. The Hall, Hell and Matthew are brawling outside the ring. A Wray gets on the top turnbuckle and hits a moonsault ontoall of them leaving them all layed out on the Arena floor. Paramedics and Road Agents are called to assist.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner: No Contest[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Wray stands over their broken bodies and laughs at them, he rolls out of the ring laughing at what he has done. What is with some of the WWA stars tonight? Spot fights everywhere, attacks everywhere this is sheer chaos! We're going to commercial! [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][COMMERCIAL BREAK: KingGee...Innovation at Work. The best workwear you can get. Why Wear workwear that's not comfortable and safe to wear? KingGee. Workwear you can trust. Shooting Star Casino, Minnesota....It's all right here, right now, and easy to get to, why go anywhere else then the Shooting Star Casino? Come on in and see a shooting star. It's ALL here...Air Wick.... It's Good to be Home.][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We're back from the break and we're here with the Justice Kid Justin Kaos and he's wearing some shades and wearing half ripped jeans and he's got a big smile on his face. ?WWA for weeks bow have been ignoring the Justice Kid, trying to sweep me under the carpet and tried to fire me, they told me that attacking a superstar like Dave Harding so close to a PPV was was a no go zone and they are looking to fire anyone that does such a terrible thing, so I went and did it, so where is my pink slip WWA? Where is my fired notice you pieces of ****? That's right you are too pussy to fire me because you know that I am going to go somewhere else and become a big star and you will be sitting around looking like retards with egg on your faces!? Kaos stops and laughs ?That would be right wouldn't it? The great Dave Harding has some stroke backstage and I do not mean what he does not that Christy Hemme up and dumped his ass. To think a loser like him carries two belts in this company, a United States Title and the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title. Well tonight Harding, one title shall be mine, one title shall come home with me because Harding I know what it is with you I know who you are and what you are I remember back to our days in ESW And how you used to think you were so great and how you told everyone there that you were going to be the greatest thing in wrestling.? [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Justin Kaos stops and looks around backstage ?You see I am not afraid to tell it how it is, and how it is is this, I am going to be the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion and then I am going to go back to Japan and break the neck of Masafumi Kudo, that little bastard has been pissing me off for weeks now. I have never seen a little piece of crap like him so bloody arrogant and he has not done anything he has been on the longest losing streakv in wrestling.? Kaos laughs ?But that is all to come the Japanese love me, their women, know who to call when they need a great night out in Japan, Justin Kaos is great, the fans have finally seen this, they saw me say a big FU to the WWA Management and go out there and attack Dave Harding and Dave Harding knows that when it comes down to who is the bigger man in wrestling I trump him ever damn time. I am the man that WWA were too afraid to fire because they know that if I got on in TNA or the WWE I would be their World Champion and no one there could stomach it, not one person came up to me and condemned that attack I wonder why eh? I wonder what was stopping them? That is right I am a big star. I am the future I am the past and bygod I am the present here in WWA.? [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Kaos starts to grin ?So Harding get ready, your IWGP Junior Heavyweight title is mine, and I am going to walk away from here finally getting the respect I deserve, because Harding, I know that beating you will get me there, WWA will see that I am better then you, they will see that I am the next big thing in wrestling and they will see that no matter what I am going to be the future of WWA. And then I am going to go after the WWA World Heavyweight Title because that is the next on my hit list in WWA, WWA are going to see why they have kept me here and I am going to do it all.? Kaos walks away from the backstage area and heads back to his locker room. And now it's time for Samoa Joe and Christian Cage. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Samoa Joe vs Christian Cage[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Crush U Up? hits and the lights starts to flicker out walks an angry Samoa Joe he walks on towards the ring with a serious look he enters the ring and stands there and looks around at the fans, he stans there waiting for Christian Cage. The lights go down ?Take Over? hits the lights are flashing lazers flying around the place and Christian Cage walks out from the back, he poses for the fans and then he walks towards the ring he neters the ring and raises his arms.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Christian walks around the ring he and stares down Samoa Joe both former World Champions are ready for this match, referee Jim Molineaux calls for the bell, Christian and Samoe Joe come into the middle of the ring, collar and elbow tie Samoa Joe comes out on top of that Joe executes a pumphandle suplex on Christian. Christian is back up and he fights off the advances by Joe, but Christian gets hit with a running powerslam by Samoa Joe.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Joe stands over Christian before hooking in a headlock on Christian, Christian lets out a groan the referee checks the hold and sees if it is a choke hold or not, the referee keeps checking on him Joe starts to elbow Christian and then Christian gets back to his feet and he hits a jewbreaker on Samoa Joe, he comes off the ropes and gets Joe with a dropkick off the ropes. Christian is back on his feet and he drops the elbow on the chest of Samoa Joe, back on his feet now Christian aids Samoa Joe to his feet and whips him into the rope off the ropes he drops Samoa Joe with a backbreaker he covers him. 1..2...kickout Christian locks in a sleeper, again the referee checks for the choke, it's fine no choke, but Samoa Joe is pretty close to the ropes here, Joe gets his foot under the rope and the hold is broken by Cage. Cage stomps Samoe Joe a couple of times Joe is on his back, another elbow on Samoa Joe has him let out a groan.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Christian climbs the turnbuckle and then, Christian flies from the turnbuckle with an elbowdrop. Christian is back on his feet he tries to cover Samoa Joe but Joe kicks out of that and staggers to his feet, he's draped himself across the ropes Christian Cage with the school boy roll up 1....kick out There was no way that he was going to get a count of that, Samoa Joe is back up a flying side kick by Christian takes Samoa Joe off his feet. Christian stands up. Samoa Joe is up again. A flying shoulder block send Joe to the mat. Christian gets back to his feet. Samoa Joe is back on his feet. Samoa Joe superkicks Christian. Christian is back on his feet. Joe holds his mouth after recieving an elbow smash to the face. Christian hits a jumping elbow hrust on The Canadian Crippler. Samoa Joegets up. Samoa Joe picks up Christian and executes the cradle DDT. Samoa Joe is back on his feet. Samoa Joe goes for a handspring moonsault but Christian dodges the attack. Samoa Joe with a falling splash on Christian. Samoa Joe sends Christian to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Christian stands up. (..2) Christian slaps both sides of Samoa Joe's head out of desperation. (...3) Joe gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Samoa Joe with a gut-wrench suplex on Christian. Samoa Joegets back to his feet. Samoa Joehits a frog splash on Christian. Samoa Joesucks chants start in the crowd. Samoa Joemoves back to his feet. Christian stands up. They head back into the ring. Christian kicks Samoa Joe's head out of desperation because Samoa Joe blocked Christian's first kick. Samoa Joe stands up. Christian jumps from the second turnbuckle, kicking Samoa Joe in the head, taking him down. Samoa Joe is up again. Christian leaps from the top rope! YES! And he pulls off a 5 Star Frog Splash! Christian hurricanranas Samoa Joe and goes for the pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner: Christian Cage[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Christian Cage celebrates the win, where did Samoa Joe go? He left the ring he rolls back into the ring and hits Cage with the chair, he slams down the chair and he leaves the ringside area pissed off. The official helps him to the back, are next match is Raven vs A Wray![/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Raven vs A. Wray[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]"Come As You Are" blares over the loud speakers, and Raven comes out to his music. He taunts for the fans as the lights go all around the building. Raven rolls in the ring, and falls into the corner. His music stops playing ?Victim by Eighteen Visions is blasted through out the arena. The crowd look up the ramp The lights go down...[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]One Two Three GO![/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]A Wray comes out from behind the curtain. A Wray with an athletic build blond, spiky hair and blue eyes. Wearing white wrist tape like CM punk does. Wearlng long black tights with a silver barbed wire pattern wrapped around them above the barbed wire pattern is the Initial AW in red in a grunge type of lettering. His boots are darkish silver with a lighter silver flame on them. A Wray pulls a taunt at the top of the ramp he holds the three middle fingers up on signaling a W on both hands. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]You can't be saved
You've gone and dug your grave
And its getting deeper by the minute
Well you had to turn your back
Ain't cutting you no slack
Hooked on your lies you had me going
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
A Wray does a jog /run down the ramp give high 5?s and high 10?s to the fans along the way. A Wray slides into the ring A Wray goes to the top turn buckle taunts and then pulls a back flip and just before A Wray Lands it BOOM! Fireworks come out of the corners of the ring

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Aaron Hassan is the referee for this contest. Raven checks out the ring. A Wray places Raven on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. (ding, ding, ding) Raven hits A Wray with an earringer. Raven knifehand chops A Wray. A Wray executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Raven. Raven stands up. Raven hits A Wray with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Raven stomps A Wray's head. A Wray climbs to his feet. A Wray kicks Raven in the head. Raven is up again. Raven short clothslines A Wray. A Wray gets up. A Wray picks Raven up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]A Wray climbs to his feet. Raven moves back to his feet. Raven picks up A Wray and executes the cradle DDT. Raven is up again. Raven sends A Wray to ringside. Aaron Hassan starts the count (.1) (..2) Raven rolls onto A Wray connecting with a knee. (...3) Raven kicks A Wray on the floor. A Wray gets up. (....4) Raven gets caught with an elbowsmash to the face. (.....5) A Wray takes Raven into the ring. A Wray superkicks Raven. A Wray measures Raven up and drops a closed fist. A Wray stands up. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]A Wray kicks Raven on the mat. Raven gets up. A Wray with an illegal chokehold on Raven. Raven is driven further into the mat by A Wray with a diving elbow smash. A Wray is back on his feet. A Wray hits Raven with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Raven moves back to his feet. A Wray puts Raven on the turnbuckle and executes the top-rope DDT. A Wray chants start. A Wray is up again. Raven gets knocked on the ground and A Wray flips onto him. Now A Wray standing. A Wray hits Raven with an elbowdrop. A Wray is back on his feet. A Wray hits a jumping elbow hrust on Raven. Raven opens up the chair...A Wray is thrown into the ropes...Drop Toe Hold onto the open chair! Raven gets up. Raven rolls onto A Wray connecting with a knee. A Wray climbs to his feet. Raven gets hit with a dragon scerw from A Wray. Raven executes a springboard bulldog, slamming A Wray's head onto the mat. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Raven moves back to his feet. Raven knees A Wray and rolls back to his feet. Now A Wray standing. A Wray punches Raven in the gut. Raven delivers a spinning backbreak to A Wray. Raven covers A Wray hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 A Wray kicks out. A Wray is back on his feet. A Wray bounces Raven off the ropes and clotheslines him. Raven is back on his feet. Raven hits a kneeling headbutt to A Wray's groin. A Wray stands up. A Wray get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Raven. A Wray moves back to his feet. Raven throws A Wray off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Raven stomps A Wray's head. Raven rolls onto A Wray connecting with a knee. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Raven stomps A Wray. Raven stomps A Wray. Raven jabs A Wray. Raven pulls A Wray's hair. Raven hits a koppo kick on A Wray. Raven knees A Wray and rolls back to his feet. A Wray stands up. Raven hiptosses A Wray. Raven rolls onto A Wray connecting with a knee. Raven goes for a pin. Referee Aaron Hassan makes the count. ...1 A Wray kicks out. A Wray moves back to his feet. A Wray bounces Raven off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. A Wray chants start. A Wray executes a corkscrew legdrop on Raven. A Wray grabs Raven and applies an arm wrench. A Wray knees Raven and rolls back to his feet. Raven gets up. Flying somersault drop kick by A Wray puts him back in the match. A Wray climbs to his feet. A Wray uses a legsweep faceslam to bring Raven down. Raven gets hit with the Wray of Light rom A Wray. Wray drops down and covers Raven The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner: A Wray[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Justin Kaos vs Dave Harding(c)[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Bodies? by Drowning Pool hitd the fans are all booing Justin Kaos walks out and he poses he shines up his invisible title fireworks fire off and he runs to the ring he slides and kicks up and poses in the middle of the ring fireworks rain down from the overhead lights. The lights go out, ?Voices? hits out walks Dave Harding the fans are cheering ?voices? cuts into the Horsemen theme, he slowly walks towards the ring he is all business here tonight he reaches the ring and slowly gets up onto the side of the ring he steps into the ring and throws out his arm, the fireworks fire off he unhooks the title and raises it up and the fans are all cheering Scott Armstrong takes the belt he walks over to Justin Kaos he shows him the belt, he shows the crowd the belt.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Scott Armstrong is the referee for this contest. Justin Kaos Climbs to the second rope and raises his arms into the air. He climbs down. Dave Harding drops Justin Kaos with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. (the bell rings) Justin Kaos delivers a spinning backbreak to Dave Harding. Dave Harding moves back to his feet. Dave Harding throws Justin Kaos off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Justin Kaos grabs Dave Harding's head and hites him in the face. Justin Kaos bounces Dave Harding off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Justin Kaos moves back to his feet. Dave Harding bounces Justin Kaos off the ropes and hits him with a jumping clothesline. Justin Kaos gets hit with the shooting star press from Dave Harding. Scott Armstrong counts. ...1 ...2 Justin Kaos kicks out. Justin Kaos is up again. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Dave Harding pins Justin Kaos against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Dave Harding bounces Justin Kaos off the ropes and clotheslines him. Justin Kaos is up again. Justin Kaos uppercuts Dave Harding. Justin Kaos hits Dave Harding with a heart punch. Dave Harding climbs to his feet. Justin Kaos executes a neck scissors on Dave Harding. Justin Kaos chants start. Justin Kaos moves back to his feet. Dave Harding moves back to his feet. Dave Harding gets locked in the double chicken wing. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Referee Scott Armstrong is checking for a tap out. ... Dave Harding is fighting the hold. ... Dave Harding escapes. Dave Harding climbs to the top turnbuckle and executes a somersault legdrop on Justin Kaos. Now Justin Kaos standing. A flying shoulder block send Justin Kaos to the mat. Dave Harding is back on his feet. Justin Kaos gets hit with the shooting star press from Dave Harding. Referee Scott Armstrong makes the count. ...1 ...2 Justin Kaos escapes. Justin Kaos is up again. Dave Harding punches Justin Kaos in the gut. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Justin Kaos executes the jumping sidekick on Dave Harding. Dave Harding is back on his feet. Dave Harding goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Justin Kaos. Justin Kaos gets back to his feet. Dave Harding get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Justin Kaos. Justin Kaos get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Dave Harding. Justin Kaos moves back to his feet. Mexican hiptoss executed by Dave Harding. Justin Kaos picks Dave Harding up and executes a stomachbreaker. Shaun Stetson with a chair behind Harding, Harding walks back into a chair from Shaun Stetson!! Justin Kaos gets hit with a flying forearm right to the face. Justin Kaos is back on his feet. Justin Kaos chops Dave Harding. Justin Kaos spinning mule kicks Dave Harding. Justin Kaos chants start. Justin Kaos with a falling splash on Dave Harding. Justin Kaos gets up. Dave Harding gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Justin Kaos. Justin Kaos stands up. Dave Harding gets tossed a chair while Justin Kaos hits kicks it! The Van Kaosinator! Justin Kaos covers Dave Harding hooking the leg. Scott Armstrong counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner & New IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion: ?The Justin Kid? Justin Kaos[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title title has gained in image. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The referee hands the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title to Kaos he raises the belt up and he shows it off the fans are all booing and they are showing their disgust of this he poses with the belt the fans are all booing, his music is playing he stands over Dave Harding and he walks to the back. Shaun Stetson is up the ramp and he is congratulating Justin Kaos, they walk to the back that is all we have for you tune in for WWA Re-Awakening only on PPV!![/FONT]
yes victory on debut:happy. I was wondering why he was portrayed as Heel but then thought nah as thats like The British Warrior I've used in other game things. on the game Wrestling Spirit 2 I usually manage to become a poplular face in Europe and Japan but can't emulate the same success in America or Canada so turn Heel but still only low level. Anyways time for the British Invasion.
REMATCH! I WILL CRUSH HIM! I demand a rematch he crushed me so i will crush him back. I need to be back up as a title challnge where i should be. :p
Massive changes to WWA...

There are changes a foot in WWA, they are going to shake the foundation of WWA to it's very core. The change is coming.....are you ready?

Wednsday Night July 2nd 2008

WWA will never EVER be the same again...

So you better get ready, and you better step up, because you could be walking alone, it's the nature of the beast, it's unknown, but it's not going to leave you a sexy boy...

The night it happens, is WWA Thunder....but who will bring the Thunder?

The Majestic added 2 Minutes and 16 Seconds later...

Promo 2: Massive Changes to WWA

See you in the future.....

....is there a man in the box?

The nature of the beast is modest.....

He's not a sexy boy....

He's locked in a box......

He's modest at the top......
I have my guesses for what this box means but I'll keep them to myself in case I ruin the surprise :p. Awesome writing as always Maj.
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We open the PPV with a video that pays the final tribute to Andrew ?Test? Martin and his career, in professional wrestling. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The video comes to an end, and we're entering towards the Re-Awakening PPV.[/FONT]
The world is a vampire, sent to drain

(vo) Tonight the shape of WWA changes forever
Shots of the two cages, and the scaffolding the camera circles around the ring

Secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames

(vo) The battle between the Millionaires Club and New Generation finally leads to this.
Random shots of the Millionires Club and New Generation fighting.

And what do I get, for my pain?

(vo) Blackheart and Harding are confined to a cage, wrapped in barbed, and throw in a scaffolding, anything can happen.
Shots from the cage match Harding and Blackheart had at the last PPV, Blackheart wins the match.

Betrayed desires, and a piece of the game

Even though I know - I suppose I'll show
All my cool and cold - like old job

Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Harding is standing in the cage with the United States Title draped over his shoulder

Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Blackheart slams Harding against the cage

Now I'm naked, nothing but an animal
But can you fake it, for just one more show?
And what do you want?
I want to change
(vo) Re-Awakening sees anarchy, chaos, and the possible destruction of a superstar, or more.
More shots of tbe cages and the ring spinning around with fireworks firing off the stage and the ringposts.

And what have you got, when you feel the same?
Even though I know - I suppose I'll show
All my cool and cold - like old job
(vo) Who is going to survive and who will never be seen again? Who is the Mystery man? And what is going to save WWA from the destruction promised by the Millionires club?

Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]And now it's time for WWA Re-Awakening....

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]WWA Re-Awakening [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Date: Sunday June 15[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]th[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] 2008
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]U.S. Cellular Center, Cedar Rapids, Iowa[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Robert Stanton & Jackson Buckley[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]20,689 [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
Buy Rate:
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]1.83[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Fireworks fire off from the stage and the ring and the rafters [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?Welcome everyone to a sold out [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]U.S. Cellular Center, here in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] Camera is now at ringside on Jackson Buckley and Robert Stanton [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?Good evening everyone I am Robert Stanton, alongside Jackson Buckley, here for the biggest PPV of the year, in terms of what is going to happen, and how this is gong to impact the World of wrestling, and Jack, the war between the Millionaires Club and New Generation is going to boil over here tonight.?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] ?You are right, Bob, good evening folks, Miles Marion has been telling everyone backstage that the guy he has chosen for his team is not on the WWA roster, and he's a former WWE Champion, who could it possibly be? Speculation has been flying around the internet that it's this man, and that man, but who really knows?? [/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Well Jack, I can safely say without a shadow of a doubt that The Rock will not be joining the Millionaires Club here tonight as he is contracted to WWA, and thus not the man they are talking about, but what about DraVen Matrix? He has not been in the ring for weeks now since he last encountered Miles Marion where Marion and he had the Highway To Hell Match where they both punished each other.? [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?DraVen is the most unpredictable star here in WWA, he lurks in the shadows, he does not socialise backstage, and he's always wearing that get up, but in saying that he is an angry young man is Matrix, so I would hate to be on the other end of his rage. Remember back to that match? He hit that Flipping piledriver through 5 tables, if he is willing to damage his own body while damaging his opponent, then he's dangerous to everyone around him!?[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Robert Stanton nods [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?And let's not forget that Twisted Metal Mayhem match, this match can end very badly for either Blake Blackheart or Dave Harding here tonight.?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?I am half looking forward to this match, but I am also not, this match is going to be a bloodbath, and someone is going to hurt...and hurt badly tonight and it could almost end someone's career. That's how serious it's going to be, and Heyman throwing in that scaffolding with glass as the floor is going to make this even more dangerous, tell me Bob, have you ever been in a scaffold match with glass around?? [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Stanton shakes his head [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?No I haven't, Jack, during my career I have been in many scaffold matches and none of them have come even close to this one. It's nothing like I have ever seen before I saw Paul Heyman backstage and he was talking about this match and how he envisioned it, and I just felt that the stars of WWA better not get on the badside of Heyman in the near future.?[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Paul Heyman is a sick, sick, deranged man, we all knew this before he came to WWA, and he has made it even moreso in WWA. Just remember back to the way he ran ECW, and how ECW was.? Stanton nodding along with this ?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We have 5 Titles on the line here tonight, the WWA United States Title, WWA World Heavyweight Title, the Cruiserweight Tag Team Titlees and the Cruiserweight Title, Scott Sandars and Blake Kruspe have been at each others throats for months here in WWA, and I expect this to be a match that is going to be another bloodbath, Jack.?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] ?I am also expecting something major to happen, they both hate each other, and I do not mean they come out here and say it, they want to destroy each other, this has been a feud that first started over the WWA United States belt which Sandars laid down to lose, and then took the WWA World Heavyweight Title from Samoa Joe down in Australia. Now Blake wants the WWA World Heavyweight Title and he wants it in the worst possible way.?[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]That makes me wonder what both will do to get the win here tonight, they are not going to take each other lightly they have batteled before and will battle again no doubt, but will The Renegade Warriors factor into this match??[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] Jackson thinks this over [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?Because Jack, they are not in a match here tonight they could derail Sandars' World Title reign here tonight!? [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Jackson nods [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?You are right Rob, but in saying that you still have the other members of the New Generation, Shannon Moore could easily get involved, Dave Harding could as well, remember these two are like brothers and they both could save each other here tonight, but how will Sandars back up for the Six Man Tag tonight??[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] Robert looks back at the camera and then at Jackson Buckley [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?That could also factor into this match as well, the hatred of the New Generation from the Millionaires Club, and everything else going on, what can happen tonight is still a mystery let's get into the matches, coming up is The Grim Reaper taking on Freezerburn here tonight!?[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Before we goto that the lights go down[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I hear voices in my head
They come to me
They understand

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Well it seems before we get to see the opening match of the PPV we are going to hear from Dave Harding, Jack.? [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding steps out from the back wearing the WWA United Stats Title around his waist and he has facepaint on his face.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]They tell me things that I will do[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding stands there looking around at the fans[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] ?And he is sporting a new look as well, and by the looks of it, he and DraVen Matrix have been sharing facepaint.? [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]They show me things I'll do to you
They talk to me, they talk to me!

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding walks down the ramp slowly

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]You got your rules and your religion
All designed to keep you safe

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]You are right Jack, there must be something about these facepainted wrestlers?? [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]But when rules start getting broken
You start questioning your faith

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding reaches the bottom of the ramp and unhooks the WWA United States Title from around his waist he raises it up over his head to the cheers of the fans. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I have a voice that is my savior
Hates to love and loves to hate
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I have the voice that has the knowledge
And the power to rule your fate
I hear voices crying
I see heroes dying
I taste the blood that's drying
I feel the tension rising

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding steps into the ring and takes the microphone from Tommy O'Shea, the music stops playing and he looks around.[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] ?Since Paul Heyman wanted to make a bit of a stir in the world of wrestling, get everyone talking I have a way of getting everyone talking, and that is, to add 10,000 light tubes to this match[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif].? the fans all cheer [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?10,000 light tubes? What the hell is he thinking Jack???[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] ?Harding must have a good medical service lined up!?[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We can have the ropes removed, and a new batch added, they can have the light tubes attached and we can go from there. This match could become an epic, a bloodbath, I know deep dwon Heyman, you have been wanting one of these, you have been wanting to make a match that no one anywhere every forgets. And no one will ever forget this match, because I will not let them forget. So what do you say Heyman? I will give you some time to think about this, because you should have the final say in this match, you should have the chance to examine and then ask Blake if he has the balls to step into a ring with not only barbed wire, but light tubes, cages, and a scaffolding.? [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]the fans chant WE WANT LIGHT TUBES! WE WANT LIGHT TUBES![/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] ?You see this Heyman? They want it, I want it and I do not care what Blackheart wants and I do not care what you want Heyman, I demand this addition to be made now!?[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding stands there for a moment, the fans are cheering they want the light tubes added to the match ?This is Extreme? hits and Paul Heyman walks out from the back[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] ?So let me get this staight, Twisted Metal has not only excited you, and the fact you could die has excited you, you want to add in 10,000 light tubes just to make yourself a walking bloodbath? Well Harding, I cannot say that I do not admire your idea of adding some excitement here tonight.?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] Harding interrupts[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] ?Heyman, spare us the crap, are you going to make this match more dangerous or are you going to stand there and cut a promo on how sad your life has become??[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] This angers Paul Heyman [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?Well if you want to kill yourself here tonight Harding, I am not going to stand in your way, you have gotten your wish, but I am going add light tubes to the scaffold as well, I am not into doing things half assed, are you?? [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]the fans are all cheering this.[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Well I am glad you spared us the trip down memory lane, you spared us all the boring details of your life, tonight now this is going to be the end of Blake Blackheart.?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] Heyman's music hits and he walks to the back [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?Well Jack, it looks like Twisted Metal Mayhem has just gotten a bit more exciting!? [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?That's right Bob! I cannot believe that Harding wanted this! He's suicidal!?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] Harding walks to the back with a big smile on his face. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?Well now let's get to our first match of the night.? [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The Grim Reaper vs Freezerburn [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The light go down and ?Overture? by Within Temptation starts to play throughout the arena. The fans are deathly silent as a lightning strike hits the stage and the whole stage explodes and The Grim Reaper walks out. He's carrying a scythe and also wearing a black robe and as he slowly walks towards the ring the fans are not sure quite how to take him. He reaches the ring, raises the scythe in the air and as he brings it down the stage again explodes, the lights come back on and The Grim Reaper enters the ring. After a moment?s silence, ?Cold? by Static-x hits and Freezerburn walks out. The fans cheer as he poses in the middle of the entrance way and while he walks down the ramp and then into the ring. Jim Molineaux is the referee for this match.

Jim Molineaux checks Freezerburn to see if there is anything hidden and finds nothing. He walks over and checks The Grim Reaper to also find nothing so he stands there and rings the bell. As the bell rings both men walk into the centre of the ring. The Grim Reaper has a look of disdain on his face as he grabs Freezerburn and sends him into the ropes. Bouncing off the ropes Freezerburn goes for a flying forearm but the Grim Reaper side steps, and hits him with a spin wheel kick to the head. Grim Reaper sends Freezerburn into the corner, charges with the shoulder and drives it in hard into the midriff of Freezerburn. The Grim Reaper with a foot choke now on Freezerburn, which understandably forces Jim Molineaux to start the five count. On the count of 4, The Grim Reaper breaks it, turns around and stares Molineaux down.

The Grim Reaper turns around and walks into a big boot from Freezerburn. Freezerburn pulls himself to the middle rope, jumps off attempting to hit an axehandle, but is caught in a bear hug from The Grim Reaper. As he wrenches the move in tighter the referee keeps checking Freezerburn and asking him if he gives up. He screams no, lifts his arms over the head of The Grim Reaper and claps once across his ears but it doesn?t make him break the hold. He does it again and the Reaper is getting pissed. He breaks the hold, cradles him and hits an impaler DDT.

That just made the ring quake a bit, The Grim Reaper covers Freezerburn, 1..2...kickout! It?s not over yet as a frustrated Grim Reaper drops the elbow, and then drops a corkscrew legdrop across the chest of Freezerburn. He then sits Freezerburn up and hits a front dropkick on Freezerburn. The Grim Reaper locks in a sleeper hold; Molineaux checks to see if it?s a choke hold, but there?s no problem with the hold. A groggy Freezerburn is trying to fight out of the hold as best as he can but The Grim Reaper has it locked in pretty tightly. Freezerburn is dragging himself, dragging himself, and eventually he gets to the ropes! The break is called, and The Grim Reaper stalks Freezerburn as he slowly gets to his feet. Freezerburn turns around to see The Grim Reaper charging at him. Freezerburn quickly reacts by catching him in a drop toe hold, and The Grim Reaper falls neck first onto the top rope.

Clutching his throat, The Grim Reaper staggers around the ring with seemingly no sense of where he?s at, the pain affecting his thought process. Sensing an opportunity to attack the injured area, Freezerburn forgoes the standard punches and instead opts to use repeated thrusts to the injured throat. With each punch sending The Grim Reaper reeling, Freezerburn slows the pace down to make sure he doesn?t allow Reaper a chance to get back into the match. Circling Reaper, Freezerburn sends him to the ropes in an Irish whip. The Grim Reaper comes off the ropes and is met with a big boot from Freezerburn right to the throat. With Reaper?s airways now blocking up from the repeated abuse his throat has taken, the match seems to be heading towards its conclusion. With The Grim Reaper struggling to breathe as he gets to his feet, Freezerburn looks to set him up with the Frozen Inside. Somehow, Reaper forces his way out of the move and clotheslines Freezerburn over the top rope to the floor below, scoring himself precious time to recover. As he sits in the middle of the ring taking deep breath after deep breath while Freezerburn makes his way back into the ring, The Grim Reaper manages to get himself back to a level satisfactory enough to compete. Freezerburn?s re-entrance to the ring lasts about two seconds before he is met with a swinging sidewalk slam from the Grim Reaper.

With the momentum now swinging back towards the Grim Reaper, Reaper looks to apply the finishing touches. With Freezerburn now back on his feet, Reaper hoists him over his shoulders, drops him face first on the corner turnbuckle and then hits him with a big boot, the Snake Eyes-Big Boot combo made so famous by the Undertaker. And just like the Undertaker, the throat slashing signal by The Grim Reaper can only mean one thing, and sure enough within a couple of seconds Freezerburn is set up for the Tombstone Piledriver. Somehow Freezerburn manages to get out of it, and The Grim Reaper swivels around only to be met with a vicious Frozen Inside. With Reaper motionless on the mat, Freezerburn quickly applies the cover, 1?.and The Grim Reaper powers out with such ferocity that Freezerburn is sent flying across the ring.

Stunned at the ease with which The Grim Reaper kicked out of his finisher, Freezerburn takes a moment to consider his options as Reaper gets to his feet. Deciding to go with all out attack, Freezerburn charges at The Grim Reaper, but Reaper catches Freezerburn with an inside cradle! 1?.2??Freezerburn just kicks out and reversed it into a rollup of his own! 1?.he?s got the tights!!..2??.The Grim Reaper kicks out!........3??!! Freezerburn?..wins??

Winner: Freezerburn via pinfall

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]With confusion reigning after the match, The Grim Reaper is furiously demonstrating with referee Molineaux, obviously telling him that his shoulder kicked out before the 3 count in what was a blatant referee error. However Molineaux will not hear a word and makes his way out of the ring. While The Grim Reaper is leaning on the ropes uncharacteristically shouting at the departing Molineaux, he fails to notice the return of Freezerburn to the ring. With Reaper?s back turned, Freezerburn delivers a vicious chair shot to the back of The Grim Reaper?s skull, leaving Reaper unconscious on the mat. The stunned crowd sits on their hands in silence, disbelieving that The Grim Reaper could encounter such a bad run of luck in such a short space of time. They also don?t quite know how to take the actions of Freezerburn, with a cowardly act not endearing himself to the crowd in the same manner his entrance accomplished before the match. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The music of Freezerburns plays throughout the arena the fans are all booing him, as he walks towards the back. We're going backstage now and it's Jeanette Westbrook with Jonathon Hell. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]This is Jeanette Westbrook and tonight I am interviewing one of the participants in the Fatal Four Way Elimination match for No.1 Contender spot for the United States Title. His name is Jonathan Hell. So... Jonathan what game plan are you coming in with for tonights match?? Joanthon Hell stands the a moment and laughs ?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Pfft...Game Plan who needs a game plan! I know I am going to win this match the only way I know how... by Ruthless Agression. When I am in the ring my instincts kick in and it just comes naturally. I don't feel pain by they feel mine. If they hit me hard I will always hit them back ten time harder!?Jeanette Westbook looks at the camera and then back at Hell. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?Oh I see...well who is your biggest threat in this match??[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?Sweetie, none of these wrestlers are a threat to me! I am a class above all of them It's priveledge for them to stand in the ring me. I have accomplished impossible feats in the music industry and I am about to make a even bigger statement in the wrestling world and none of these gimps are going to stop me.?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?So let jme get this straight, the experience of Scott Hall, the showmanship of Heath Matthews and the Atheletism of A Wray do not deter you one bit??[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?What should I be afraid of huh? What makes you think they intimidate me? The question you shoud be asking is who is more afraid of ?The Real Rock n Rolla?. The reason that none of these wrestlers scare as I am going to end Scott Hall's career! I am going to put Heath Matthews in an Intensive Care unit and I am literally going to break A Wray in half. Mercy is not a word that I am farmilliar with and the WWA Universe and the rest of the world will why I am the most ruthless, aggressive, relentless Son Of a Bitch to ever step in the ring of the WWA. ? [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Jonathon Hell walks away from the area Jeanette Westbrook is left there.[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?Well it's back to Ringside for the WWA Cruiserweight Tag Team Title match!?[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]WWA Cruiserweight Tag Team Title MatchMaine Steet Posse (Ryan and Case Valdez)(c) vs Motor City Machineguns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin)[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The Suck For Your Solution (A Living Hell)? by Marilyan Manson, the fans are booing out walks the Main Street Posse, Ryan and Cason Valdez walk out with the WWA Cruiserweight Tag Team Titles the fans are booing them but hey are not worried they pose with the WWA Cruiserweight Tag Team Titles in the middle of the entrance way, they walk down the ramp and into the ring they both climb the turnbuckles and flash off the WWA Cruiserweight Tag Team Titles. Their music is replaced by ?1967? by Dale Oliver out walks the Motor City Machineguns, Shelley and Sabin put their fingers to their palms the fans are cheering them they walk down the ramp they slap hands of the fans as they make their way down to the ring.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]They enter the ring and both men are on a turnbuckle on the outside of the ring they swing their necklaces around Shelley throws his into the crowd, and Sabin throws his into the crowd. They jumped down and enter the ring, they come face to face with the champions, the referee takes the WWA Cruiserweight Tag Team Titles away from the champions, he shows the Machineguns the titles and hen the crowd the referee takes the titles over to the ring announcer and he walks over to the timekeepers table.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Ryan Valdez punches Chris Sabin repeatedly. Ryan Valdez slaps the face of Chris Sabin. Ryan Valdez is back on his feet. Alex Shelley tagged in by Chris Sabin. Alex Shelley is up again. Alex Shelley connects with a flying knee. Ryan Valdez goes down. Alex Shelley rolls onto Ryan Valdez connecting with a knee. Alex Shelley makes the tag to Chris Sabin. Chris Sabin tells Ryan Valdez to suck it. Alex Shelley stomps Ryan Valdez's head. Ryan Valdez trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Shelley.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Ryan Valdez trys for a Spinning Neck-Breaker but Alex Shelley avoids it. Alex Shelley is put in the Mandible Claw by Alex Shelley. Rock Austin is checking for a tap out. ... ... (AHHHH!) Ryan Valdez breaks the hold. Alex Shelley trys for a vertical Suplex but Ryan Valdez avoids it. Shelleypicks Ryan Valdez up and side slams him to the mat. Alex Shelley chants start. Alex Shelley moves back to his feet. Ryan Valdez gets back to his feet. Alex Shelley puts his hand in the mouth of Ryan Valdez. Alex Shelley has Ryan Valdez in the Mandible claw! Rock Austin is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... Ryan Valdez is fighting the hold. ... Shelleybreaks the hold. Alex Shelley and Ryan Valdez go to the floor Rock Austin starts the count (.1) Alex Shelley chokes Ryan Valdez with a microphone cable. Alex Shelley trys for a Spine Buster but Ryan Valdez avoids it. They head back into the ring. Alex Shelley goes for a Gut-Wrench Power Bomb but Ryan Valdez dodges the attack. Chris Sabin brings in Alex Shelley for Motor City MachineGuns. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Ryan Valdez kicks Shelley in the head. Ryan Valdez tags in Shane Helms. Shane Helms gets up. Shane Helms grabs Shelleyand applies an arm wrench. Shane Helms makes the tag to Ryan Valdez. Ryan Valdez connects with a flying knee. Alex Shelley goes down. They lockup. Ryan Valdez sends Alex Shelley to the corner of the ring. Ryan Valdez is back on his feet. Ryan Valdez kicks Alex Shelley in the stomach. Alex Shelley makes the tag to Chris Sabin. Ryan Valdez trys for a Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex but is not strong enough to lift Chris Sabin.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Ryan Valdez drags Chris Sabin to the floor. Rock Austin starts the count (.1) Ryan Valdez trys for a Standing Piledriver but is not strong enough to lift Chris Sabin.(..2) Ryan Valdez chokes Chris Sabin with a microphone cable. Ryan Valdez flips Chris Sabin to the floor. (...3) (....4) Ryan Valdez takes Chris Sabin down with a knee. Chris Sabin moves back to his feet. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Chris Sabin takes a slap to the face from Ryan Valdez. Ryan Valdez stands up. Chris Sabin tags Alex Shelley. Alex Shelley climbs to his feet. Ryan Valdez trys for a Side slam but is not strong enough to lift Alex Shelley. Alex Shelley goes for a Spinning Neck-Breaker but Ryan Valdez dodges the attack. Alex Shelley puts Ryan Valdez in the Mandible claw!! Rock Austin asks Ryan Valdez if he quits. ... Shelley tightens the hold. ... [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Shelley tightens the hold. Ryan Valdez escapes. Ryan Valdez executes a reverse DDT on Alex Shelley. Alex Shelley is back on his feet. Ryan Valdez trys for a Back Breaker but is not strong enough to lift Alex Shelley.Ryan Valdez trys for a Body Slam but is not strong enough to lift Alex Shelley. Alex Shelley reverse DDT's Ryan Valdez's head into the mat. Alex Shelley chants start. Ryan Valdez makes the tag to Ryan Valdez. Alex Shelley kicks Ryan Valdez in the back of the leg. Alex Shelley brings in Chris Sabin for Motor City MachineGuns. Alex Shelley measures Ryan Valdez up and drops a closed fist. Chris Sabin runs in and leg drops Ryan Valdez. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Chris Sabin trys for a Falling head butt but Ryan Valdez avoids it. Chris Sabin trys for a Piledriver but is not strong enough to lift Ryan Valdez.Chris Sabin chokes Ryan Valdez. Chris Sabin leg drops Ryan Valdez. Ryan Valdez tags in Shane Helms. Chris Sabin kicks Shane Helms in the head. Shane Helms brings in Ryan Valdez for Maine Street Posse. Ryan Valdez kicks Chris Sabin in the stomach. Chris Sabin tags in Juventud. Alex Shelley delivers a low blow to Ryan Valdez. Shelleykicks Ryan Valdez in the head. Ryan Valdez tackles Alex Shelley. Alex Shelley brings in Chris Sabin for Motor City MachineGuns. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Shelley piledrives Ryan Valdez. Alex Shelley punches Ryan Valdez repeatedly. Alex Shelley sets Ryan Valdez up DDTs him into the mat. Ryan Valdez knees Alex Shelley and rolls back to his feet. Chris Sabin tags Alex Shelley. Chris Sabin clotheslines Ryan Valdez. Chris Sabin clotheslines Ryan Valdez. Ryan Valdez grabs Chris Sabin and applies an arm wrench. Ryan Valdez stomps Chris Sabin. Alex Shelley tags Chris Sabin. Ryan Valdez measures Chris Sabin up and drops a closed fist. Ryan Valdez knees Chris Sabin and rolls back to his feet. Chris Sabin moves back to his feet. Chris Sabin low blows Ryan Valdez. Chris Sabin stomps Ryan Valdez. Ryan Valdez trys for a power move but is unable to lift Chris Sabin.Ryan Valdez is up again. Ryan Valdez grabs his hand and flips him to the mat. Chris Sabin moves back to his feet. Ryan Valdez executes the Stunner on Chris Sabin. Ryan Valdez goes for a pin. Rock Austin counts the pin. ...1 ...2 kick out by Sabin, Sabin not ready to give away those WWA Cruiserweight Tag team Titles yet, Ryan Valdez but up and he lifts up Sabin, Sabin elbows Ryan Valdez in the midsection, he lifts him up and puts him down in the CRADLESHOCK!! both men are down now.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Shelley is banging on the top turnbuckle the fans are clapping along to get Sabin the tag to Shelley, Sabin is crawling towards the corner so his Ryan Valdez, both men are near their corners Valdez tags first, now Shelley is tagged in and he comes running at Valdez, and he drokicks Valdez he goes down, he's back up and get arm dragged, Shelley goes for the shining wizzard Valdez ducks and the referee catches the kicks to the head! Rock Austin is down and he is out Ryan Valdez is back in the ring and he has a chair and so does Cason Valdez in rolls Chris Sabin, both Shelley and Sabin hit the Maine Street Posse with a pair of dropkicks! The chairs hit the canvas, Shelley and Sabin are both going to the top rope! A pair of frog splashes on the Maine Street Posse, we have no referee! [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]The Machineguns are looking around and they are unsure of what to do here there is no referee for them to get the pin, Trent Steel and Bryan Steel are in the ring, wait Trent Steel and Bryan Steel? What are they doing here?? they are standing there staring down the Machineguns they come at them, they go for a double dropkick but the Steels move out of the way they pick of the chairs and both of them lay out the Machineguns. Trent Steel picks up Chris Sabin and hits him with The Full Onslaught of X-Treme Prejudice the fans are booing Steel, he picks Sabin back up and Bryan Steel sets up the chair, and it's a death valley driver through the chair. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]This has left Shelley to fight off both of the Steels, Bryan goes after him first he ducks and hits the ropes off the ropes he hits the shining wizard on Bryan Steel. He gets trapped by Trent Steel and gets sent into the ropes, off the ropes now he kicks Trent Steel to the head, he again goes to the ropes and he gets met with a kick to the stomach, Steel piulls him down and locks him into a crucifix above his head, he plants him down on the mat, he rolls out of the ring and pulls out Bryan Steel, he walks him to the back we're back in the ring and both teams are down, the carnage that has gone on has been missed by Rock Austin who starting to stir he's staggering he sees the carnage in the ring, Ryan Valdez is trying to get up he rolls over onto his stomach he sees Shelley there laying there on his back he crawls towards him.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Rock Austin is down 1....2....kick out by Shelley! There is still life him in yet! Both men are up they are trading blows, Sabin and Cason Valdez are still down though, they are trading forearm smashes, Valdez sends Shelley into the ropes flying forearm smash sends him back down to the canvas. Shelley calls for the Sliced Bread Number 2, he gets Valdez and he he hooks the head and he goes to hit him with it but Valdez chucks hum over the top rope and to the floor!! [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Valdez climbs the turnbuckle out of nowhere Sabin shoves him off over the top rope and he hits the floor, Sabin turns around and Cason Valdez hits him with a vicious swinging DDT. Valdez goes outside the ring and he rolls into his partner, and then he rolls in Shelley, but Shelley ends up on top of Valdez. Cason pulls him out and hard DDTs him on the floor, Ryan Valdez is back up and Shelley gets rolled back into the ring, Ryan Valdez with a corkscrew legdrop onto the chest of Shelley he covers him 1...2...Sabin breaks up the pin the referee drags him out of the ring Cason Valdez throws in the chair Ryan Valdez legdrops the chair onto the face of Shelley and he quickly removes the chair the referee is back in postion, but he is trying to get Cason back around the otherside of the ring.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Sabin climbs the turnbuckle the referee is down 1...2...leg drop across the head of Valdez breaks up the pin Sabin rolls back out of the ring this angers the other Valdez Cason is back in the ring arguing with the referee this gives Sabin some time to come back into the ring but he's caught with a rising clothesline which has a big impact on him he rolls out of the ring and to the floor. The referee gets Cason Valdez out of the ring but this ruined the count on Shelley from Ryan Valdez he picks up Shelley and he hits him with the lights out. This has surely ended the match he covers 1..2....3!! The referee is up and rings the bell.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winners & Still WWA Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions: Main Street Posse [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The WWA Cruiserweight Tag Team titles have gained in image. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]WWA Cruiserweight Title Match
Shannon Moore vs Jushin Liger vs Petey Williams(c)

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]"Chicken Huntin" by Insane Clown Posse hits and the lights are flicking the fans are cheering out comes Shannon Moore he runs down the ramp and slides into the ring, and gets ready for the next man to enter. The theme of Jushin Liger hits and he comes out from the back the fans are booing him he's in his black outfit with the black cape he comes down to the ring with the fans but they are all booing him to the ring he jumps into the ring, we're now ready for the WWA Cruiserweight Champion. The theme of Petey Williams' hits and he comes out the fans are cheering him he's wearing the WWA Cruiserweight Title around his waist he walks down the ramp posing for the fans, he reaches the ring, and slides into the ring, he unhooks the title and shows it off to both Liger and Moore, the referee takes the title and we're ready for the match he shows the belt off to the wrestlers and then the fans he takes it over to the ring announcer.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Jushin Liger strikes Shannon Moore in the elbow. (the bell rings) Shannon Moore kicks Williams in the stomach. Williams kicks Shannon Moore in the head. Williams measures Shannon Moore up and drops a closed fist. Williams stands up. Petey Williams rolls onto Shannon Moore connecting with a knee. Now Shannon Moore standing. Shannon Moore trys for a Side slam but is not strong enough to lift Petey Williams.Shannon Moore tackles and begins punching Petey Williams. Shannon Moore knees Williams and rolls back to his feet. Shannon Moore covers Williams hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Williams kicks out. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Now Williams standing. Shannon Moore connects with a low blow. Petey Williams goes down. Petey Williams is back on his feet. Williams trys for a vertical Suplex but is not strong enough to lift Shannon Moore. Williams and Shannon Moore go to the floor Bomber Saito starts the count (.1) (..2) Williams drives a forearm into the head of Shannon Moore. (...3) Williams short-arm clotheslines Shannon Moore to the floor. (....4) Williams grabs Shannon Moore and applies an arm wrench. Shannon Moore gets back to his feet. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Shannon Moore trys for a Back Breaker but is not strong enough to lift Williams.They fight into the aisle. (.....5) Shannon Moore trys for a Body Slam but is not strong enough to lift Petey Williams.(......6) (.......7) Shannon Moore and Petey Williams move back to ringside. Shannon Moore takes Williams into the ring. Shannon Moore slaps the face of Williams. Jushin Liger trys for a Side slam but is not strong enough to lift Shannon Moore.Jushin Liger drags Shannon Moore to the floor. Bomber Saito starts the count (.1) (..2) Jushin Liger delivers a kick to the head of Shannon Moore. Shannon Moore is back on his feet. (...3) Jushin Liger uses a closed fist on Shannon Moore. Williams trys for a Gut-Wrench Power Bomb but is not strong enough to lift Shannon Moore.(....4) (.....5) They head back into the ring. Petey Williams kicks Shannon Moore in the stomach. Williams goes for a pin. Bomber Saito counts. ...1 Shannon Moore kicks out. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Shannon Moore gets back to his feet. Shannon Moore takes Williams down with a knee. Williams tackles Shannon Moore and pummels his head. Shannon Moore stands up. Shannon Moore trys for a Standing Piledriver but is not strong enough to lift Williams.Shannon Moore trys for a Spine Buster but is not strong enough to lift Petey Williams.Jushin Liger trys for a Body Slam but is not strong enough to lift Shannon Moore.Jushin Liger trys for a vertical Suplex but is not strong enough to lift Shannon Moore.Petey Williams trys for a Spine Buster but is not strong enough to lift Jushin Liger.Petey Williams slaps the face of Jushin Liger. Williams is back on his feet. Petey Williams takes Jushin Liger down with a knee. Williams stomps Jushin Liger. Jushin Liger gets up. Jushin Liger trys for a Gut-Wrench Power Bomb but is not strong enough to lift Williams.Jushin Liger drives a forearm into the head of Williams. Williams tackles Jushin Liger. Williams is back on his feet. Jushin Liger is back on his feet. Jushin Liger tackles Petey Williams. Jushin Liger climbs to his feet. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Jushin Liger grabs Petey Williams and applies an arm wrench. Jushin Liger fist drops Williams on the mat. Jushin Liger is back on his feet. Jushin Liger stomps Williams's head. Williams gets up. Williams grabs his hand and flips him to the mat. Petey Williams puts his hand in the mouth of Jushin Liger. Petey Williams has Jushin Liger in the Mandible claw! Referee Bomber Saito is checking for a tap out. ... ... Jushin Liger trys to escape. ... ... Shannon Moore attacks Petey Williams breaking the hold. Williams drags Jushin Liger to the floor. Bomber Saito starts the count (.1) Williams chokes Jushin Liger with his boot. (..2) Williams cuts Jushin Liger with a blade. Jushin Liger is bleeding as a result. (...3) Williams knees Jushin Liger and rolls back to his feet. (....4) Williams applies an arm wrench to Jushin Liger. (.....5) [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]They fight into the aisle. Williams and Jushin Liger move back to ringside. They head back into the ring. Williams fist drops Jushin Liger on the mat. Petey Williams stands up. Williams stomps Jushin Liger's head. Williams goes for a pin. Referee Bomber Saito makes the count. ...1 Jushin Liger kicks out. Jushin Liger moves back to his feet. Williams punches Jushin Liger in the head. Petey Williams slaps Jushin Liger in the face. Jushin Liger executes a neck-breaker on Williams. Jushin Liger knees Petey Williams and rolls back to his feet. Petey Williams is up again. Swinging Neck-Breaker from Petey Williams takes Jushin Liger down. Williams grabs Jushin Liger and applies an arm wrench. Jushin Liger climbs to his feet. Williams kicks Jushin Liger in the back of the leg. Jushin Liger trys for a power move but is unable to lift Shannon Moore.Jushin Liger climbs to his feet. Jushin Liger trys for a Standing Piledriver but is unable to lift Shannon Moore. Jushin Liger connects with a Stunner on Moore, he covers Moore 1...2..Williams breaks up the pin and he picks up Liger, he calls for the Canadian Destroyer but it's blocked by Liger, thrust palm strike from Liger on Williams, Williams' off the ropes he pulls down the head of Liger onto his kness Liger staggers Williams goes for the Canadian Destroyer again, Moore is up and he superkicks the head off of Williams. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Moore with a butterfly underhook on Liger, Liger fights him off Moore goes to lift Liger but Liger is pretty heavy for Moore, he turns around and clotheslines Moore. Liger is going to the top! He's now on the top rope and it's an invoted shooting star press onto Moore, he covers him 1...2...Williams again with the break up. Liger slams his hand into the mat, Liger out of nowhere with mist?? he spat mist into the face of Williams! He's got him up running high?angle sitout powerbomb! He's got him covered! 1....2....Moore breaks this up! Moore is standing there Liger is up, he goes to attack, but Moore caught him in a DDT! Williams is back up and he's hit with an Enzuigiri to the back of the head and he just drops down. Moore climbs the ropes and it's a moonsault he lands it on Liger! 1....2...kickout! [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Shannon Moore just stands there and he is begging one of them to get up, it's Williams first with red mist still on his face Moore runs at him and catches him with a somersault neckbreaker, for you fans playing along at home thbat was a Mooregasm out of nowhere another pin attempt! 1..2....Liger breaks it up this time around! Liger is not happy now and he throws Wiliams out of the ring, and Liger goes for a springboard he stops he's on the side of the ring asai moonsault on Williams sends him down they crash into the guard rail the fans are loving this...Liger is up and Moore off the top rope corkscrew moonsault to the outside oh my! Halo! To the outside! They are all down, well not Moore he's back up and laying the boots into Liger, a front dropkick on Liger, from Moore keeps him down, Moore is posing for the fans they cheer him.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]He goes back to lift Liger up, Liger elbows him to the midsection and then catches Moore with a belly to belly suplex. He turns around and gets a boot from Petey Williams, Williams catches Liger with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors, the referee is not counting them, just letting this mess go on the outside Williams climbs onto the side for the ring, Moore is up and Williams runs along the side of the ring and hits him with a hurricanrana. This ends up with Moore up against the guard rail, Williams is back on the side of the ring and he hits Moore with a front dropkick from the side of the ring! Williams rolls Moore into the ring and leaves Liger there, Williams covers Moore 1...2....kick out! Liger is pulling himself up when he gets a baseball slide dropkick from Williams that sends him back into the guard rail. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Williams helps Moore up, he calls for the Canadian Destroyer, Moore drops down to one knee, Williams starts to punch him in the back, he lifts him back up but this is blocked again, Liger is back up and outside the view of Williams but Williams feels his missle dropkick right into the back it sends both Williams and Moore down. Liger picks up Moore and picks him up and it's the Crash Thunder Buster from Liger. He executed that belly to back wheelbarrow facebuster with perfection. He rolls Moore over and covers him, Bomber Saito down for the cover 1....2.....broken up by Williams that was so so close! [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Williams lifts up Liger and hits him with a cradle DDT, Williams drops to one knee there he's tired like the rest of the members of this match, he's back up and he tries to pick up Liger for the Destroyer, he's persistent here tonight! He almost gets him over but it's blocked Liger pushes Williams off, Williams tries to come back with a shining wizard it's ducked and Liger backheel kicks Williams he goes for a clothesline it's ducked and Bomber Saito is taken out by Liger. Liger turns around and gets hit by a hurricanrana by Moore who was recovering there in the corner. Moore stomps Williams, and then Liger he has recovered enough to pose he's trying to get the referee up but the referee is down and not moving.[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Moore is climbing the ropes, Williams is starting to stir, Williams is up and he gets caught with the Bottoms Up from Moore from the top rope. Moore tries to wake the referee, he's not waking up, wait a minute Liger has a chair, where he Liger get a chair from? He hits Moore with the chair, and then he hits Williams with it. He brings up Moore from off the canvas and hits him with a headscissors twisted into a DDT. That's a new move by Liger! and he did it well! Chad Patton is running down the ring he slides in, Liger covers Shannon Moore 1...2....broken up by Petey Williams. Liger is lining up Williams, Williams ducks and the referee gets hit with a superkick attempt for Williams. Liger is pulling himself back into the ring? Wait, Liger is standing in the middle of the ring? There are two Ligers here! what's going on?[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]The Liger that is standing removes his mask, it's Dragon Kid! The fans are shocked! We're shocked! Everyone is shocked Dragon Kid is in WWA?? He's meant to be in Japan! Hallelujah on Moore a headschissors twisted into a figure four necklock he has this locked on hard on Moore, Moore is screaming in pain, and he taps out but this tap out won't count, in fact it should be a disqualification! Moore is done, stick a folk in him! Williams out of nowhere hits Liger with the Canadian Destoryer! The fans erupt! No one saw Williams until it was too late, Dragon Kid snaps off a kick to the head of Williams, he puts Williams on top rope he runs jumps and hits a hurricanrana on Williams, he rolls Liger onto Williams, and he rolls out of the ring. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Aaron Hassan slides into the ring from the back 1...2.....Moore breaks it up! WHAAAT?? Shannon Moore got the break?? After all of that? Liger staggers to his feet, he picks up Moore, and it's a running Liger Bomb! He's got him covered 1...2....Williams tries to get there 3....it's all over! We have a new WWA Cruiserweight Champion!![/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Winner & New WWA Cruiserweight Champion: [/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Jushin Liger [/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Liger pushes Moore away from him and just lays there he gets his arm raised but he is exhausted here tonight and so are all the men here, the referee raises the arm of Liger he walks over to Tommy O'Shea and he grabs the WWA Cruiserweight Title from him, he walks back over to Jushin Liger and the referee checks on Shannon Moore and Petey Williams and then checks on the referees that were knocked out. Dragon Kid re-enters the ring and assists Jushin Liger back to his feet and he's holding the WWA Cruiserweight Title. They raise it above his head and the music of Liger's is playing the fans are not happy with the result, Dragon Kid, and Liger leave the ring and they goto the back. Officials are out here and they have assisted Shannon Moore to his feet, they are slowly walking him to the back the fans are standing and applauding their efforts, Petey Williams is staggering around Chad Pattan is helping him to the back to the applause of the fans here at the arena.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We're going to take a look how this all started! The video startsd at WWA Thunder at the Derwent Entertainment Centre W[/FONT]ednesday 4th June 2008

We see Helen Sypher walking backstage before running into Danielle Webb, Danille Webb stops and looks at Helen Sypher before attacking her for no reason! Danielle is putting on a decent old beat down on her before out of nowhere Serena Roth clobbers Danielle Webb sending her down. Serena Roth has a very angry look on her face ?Just because your sister is WWA Women's Champion doesn't mean you can go around attacking people, how about Saturday Night at LiveWire we battle in a matcdh, me and Helen Sypher taking on you and whoever in the WWA lockerroom would want to be your partner. I hope you accept this match because there is no way I am going to stand by and let some rogue female go around bashing people for the fun of it!? WWA officials are coming to the scene of this brawl Serena Roth turns around and she is face to face with Vashti Webb. ?So you think that you can attack my sister and not expect to have me here to do something about it? Well me and my sister accept your challenge for Saturday, I just hope you have the guts to actually show up because I am the WWA Women's Champion and I have been so since March and I will keep on being the WWA Women's Champion because there is no one in WWA that can change this!? Bret Hart comes walking down the hall and sees the mess ?Since you all seem to want to get tangled up in a match I am going to match a match here right now fot the next WWA PPV Re-Awakening, it will be Helen Sypher, Danielle Webb, Serena Roth, and you Vashti Webb battling for that title you have so calmly claimed as your own. Also you get your match at LiveWire, Serena, but if any of you attack anyone else in the mean time I will suspend you and replace you in the title match, and if you Vashti attack anyone else I will strip you of the WWA Women's Title.? Hart walks away from the carnage as medics look after Helen Sypher who was just attacked. [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Then at WWA LiveWire they had a match, here is the closing stages! [/FONT]Sypher hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Danielle Webb powers out of a Helen Sypher headlock. Weird kick by Wehh on Sypher. Sypher scores with a forearm, sending Danni down into the corner. The referee pulls Helen Sypher away to get the break. Wait! Danni has pulled something out of her top. Helen Sypher walks over...and gets floored by a punch! 1....2....3! The referee never saw the brass knuckles!

And then after the match!

Danielle Webb pulls her arm away from the referee and starts attacking Sypher in rolls Serena Roth rolls back into the ring and pulls Danielle Webb off of Helen Sypher before Vashti Webb smashes the chair she rolled into the ring with across the back of Roth sending her down they continue the attack. The video package ends, we're back in the arena and we are ready for the entrances of the competitors.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]WWA Women's Title Match
Helen Sypher vs Danielle Webb vs Serena Roth vs Vashti Webb(c)

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Heart Shaped Box? by Nirvana hits the lights start flickering between purple and pink as Helen Sypher walks out from the back and poses on the stage. The fans are cheering her as she walks down the ramp towards the ring she is slapping the hands of the fans as she reaches the ring she enters it and we see new WWA female referee Donna Derring is back after taking a bit of a spill at a WWA Show recently. Helen Sypher is in the ring and we're awaiting the next person in this match. The lights go down ?Build God Then We'll Talk? by Panic at the Disco hits the fans are all booing her as she stands there in entrance way a purple mist blows down the entrance way Webb walks down the ramp and walks around ringside posing for the fans but getting boos from the fans, but she's not bothered. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The lights go down and ?Electric Molecular? by Chemlab Serena Roth comes out from the back and she poses for the fans to they are all cheering her she seems to be one of the favourites here tonight she is bouncing around the entrance way and then she charges down the ramp and into the ring she is on the side ring ropes posing there pushing herself up and down on them and then the otherside of the ropes. ?Neckbone? by Powerman 5000 hits the fans are all booing now as Vashti Webb walks out from the back, she holds up the WWA Women's Title above her head and she walks down the rampthe fans are still booing her she has a big smile on her face she enters the ring and looks around at the 3 others in the ring he climbs the turnbuckle and she shows off the WWA Women's Title to the fans to a loud boo. Donna Derring takes the title from Vashti Webb and she shows it around she goes to the ring but out walks Bret Hart with a mircophone. "Hold a second." everyone looks towards the entrance way "This match is elimination match, therefore the first pinfall will not win you the match, two people will be in the ring to start and there will be regular tags. You will battle it out until there is only one left and that person will be the WWA Women's Champion. I am sure you ladies understand this, but I am explaining the rules so that if you lose you do not complain about it, you all know the rules now let's get on with the match!" Bret Hart walks to the back, the Women's Title is raised above the head of the referee she hands the belt to Tommy O'Shea.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Now that we have gotten this all sorted out Danielle Webb and Helen Sypher leave the ring, and they are leaving Vashti, the Women's Champion. and Serena Roth to battle it out first in this elimination match. Donna Derring rings the bell, Roth and Webb circling the ring they come at each other Roth with the arm deag on Webb, Webb is back up, Webb comes back at Roth and gets arm dragged again sending her to the outside, she just stands there the fans clapping Roth, Danni Webb springboards into the ring with a missle dropkick on Roth sending her out, Sypher runs into the ring and hits a bulldog on Danni Webb. Sypher back up and the fans are all cheering her, she sees both Webbs on the outside so runs at the ring and suicide dive through the ring ropes splitting the pair up! All three are back up and Roth is on the top turnbuckle corkscrew moonsault sends them all crashing to the mat on the outside the fans love it![/FONT]

Roth back up she rolls Vashti Webb into the ring, Danni Webb and Helen Sypher are left to try and get themselves to their feet, Roth covers Webb 1...2...kickout that's not enough yet, Roth sits Webb up and she hits front low dropkick on Webb. Roth drops the elbow on the chest of Webb, Sypher is back up on the ring and she gets the tag, a rolling thunder from Sypher onto Webb. 1....2...kickout Danni Webb is up on the side of the ring, Sypher tags out and lets Webb in, both Webbs are in the ring now this could get interesting now.

Danni Webb and Vashti Webb are just looking at each other they goto tag Roth and Sypher but they both drop down to the floor they are forcing the sisters to go at it. Vashti charges at Danni Webb, Danni Webb drops to the canvas! 1....2...Roth breaks it up! Wait, why? she leaves the ring and she orders both to start fighting Danni just looks at her sister and they again go for the tag but Sypher and Roth drop to the floor again but this time the Webbs are going to the air a pair of hurricanranas on both sides of the ring! The fans are booing they are sticking the boots in, they roll both ladies in adn they climb into the ring. Danni Webb picks up Roth and DDTs her into the mat, while Vashti tries to make Sypher tap out with the sharpshooter but the referee is telling her the move will not count because she is not the legal woman in the ring.

The hold is dropped and she kicks out Sypher from the ring, Danni Webb rolls out and props her up on the ringside and Danni Webb rolls back into the ring and tags in Helen Sypher, Sypher is now the lgal woman in the match and Vashti Webb lifts her up into a suplex and drops her into the ring. This is looking and more like a tag team match, Vashti takes her sister in, she pulls herself to the top rope and she calls for the 450 splash, Vashti leaves the ring and poses for the fans with her back turned Roth dashes into the ring, and Roth catches Danni Webb, and it's a top rope stunner! she rolls Helen Sypher onto her Donna Derring is down 1...2....kickout just!

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Vashti Webb turns around and sees Danni Webb down, and sees her staggering to her feet she reachs out and tags back in, Vashti picks up her opponent now and piledrives her into the mat. She is taunting Serena Roth, Roth comes into the ring, and a staggered Danni Webb and Vashti Webb team up for a double chokeslam. The referee finally gets Roth out, Vashti covers Sypher 1...2....kickout again, this annoys her so she tags out to Danni Webb, Webb just pushes Sypher with her foot, keeps taunting her to get up, Roth is leaning for the tag, Sypher sweeps the legs of Webb, and leaps for the tag and brings back in Roth, who clotheslines down Danni Webb, Vashti is back int the ring and she talks into a dropkick she rols out, Roth hooks the head of Danni Webb and it's the sliced bread number 2 she covers Webb 1...2.....3. "Danielle Webb has been eliimated." Tommy O'Shea is on the ball here tonight. Roth pushes Danni Webb out of the ring, in comes Vashti Webb out of nowhere with an axehandle to the back of Roth. She whips Roth into the ropes and tries to clothesline her but she bounces off she runs into the other side ropes and a crossbody block on Webb. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]She elbows Webb on the canvas and tags back in Helen Sypher who locks in a headlock, Webb fights it to her feet, Sypher turns it into a head scissor takedown on Webb. Webb lands in the corner and gets the tag on Roth, Roth leaps into the ring and takes down Sypher, there goes that tag team feel right there. Roth runs over to the corner and sets Webb on the top rope, she climsb onto the second rope what is she going to do? It's a top rope DDT! Ouch! The fans chant at that one they liked the move, Roth is back on the ropes she is prepared she waits for Sypher to reenter the ring and it's a top rope hurricanrana into a pin 1....Helen is fighting 2.......kickout! She got out just! Serena Roth helps Sypher back up and hits her with the Fall From Grace. Roth climbs the ropes and is on the top turnbuckle, it's a shooting star press onto Sypher. Derring is down 1......2....3....Helen Sypher is gone![/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]"Helen Sypher eliminated." Again Tommy O'Shea with an obvious statement here tonight, Webb is laying on the outside the referee rolls Helen Sypher out of the ring. Roth helps Webb up and gets up of nowhere hits her with the Vastinator Swinging DDT. They are both down on the mat, Webb covers Roth 1...2...kickout. Webb is not pleased with her kicking out of the DDT, she climbs the top turnbuckle and drops the leg on Roth, she covers her again 1...2...kickout again. [/FONT]

Webb locks in a sharpshooter on Roth, and then she arches the back and locks in a headlock, they are pretty close to the ropes Roth is stetching, stretching, she's got the bottom rope! The referee calls for the break! Webb hooks the arm she swings over into a roll up 1..2....kickout! A dropper elbow from Webb she helps up Roth who limping she whips her into the ropes and then locks in the sleeper, Roth drops down the jawbreaker and kicks up into a DDT. Roth covers now 1...2....kickout again! We're in for a long one it looks like, neither are looking to give it up but look who is coming down the ramp with a chair. It's Beth Phoenix! Back in the ring a swinging neckbreaker on Webb has her down on the mat, Roth with a standing moonsault has the cover 1...2..kickout. Roth helps up Webb and goes to send her into the ropes, but there is Phoenix with the chair she hits the back of Roth with it! Roth walks into the Spydr Webb!

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Roth is down for the count now it looks like Webb covers 1...2.....3...it's all over! "Serena Roth has been eliminated, here is your winner and still WWA Women's Champion, Vashti Webb!"[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner & Still WWA Women's Champion: Vashti Webb[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Donna Derring walks over and grabs the WWA Women's Title and hands it to Vashti Webb her music is playing but Beth is in the ring, with the chair, she throws it down and calls for microphone ?Now that you have retained Webb, there should not be any reason why you couldn't face me forn the WWA Women's Title, I am coming for you and I want to be the next WWA Women's Champion and there is nothing that is going to stop me achieving this dream.? Vashti Webb stands up and takes the microphone but before she can speak ?Hart Attack? is playing throughout the arena and Bret Hart steps out from the back. He has himself a microphone ?Well Beth, I am sure I can find a good time for you to face the WWA Women's Champion, and that is going to be tomorrow night, you and Vashti are going to battle for the WWA Women's Title at Revolution. Since you want to use weapon's it is going to be a hardcore match.? the fans are cheering this decision.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Vashti Webb has the microphone and she is a bit tired and not happy with the decision ?You mean I have to wrestle for my title again tomorrow night? I just got done with this match and you want to give me another one in just 24 hours? That's not even fair Bret!? the fans are booing her. ?Look Vashti, it was either tomorrow night, or tonight, your choice.? Vashti looks at Beth who has a smile on her face she wants the match here tonight. ?I thought you would see this my way Vashti.? [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Vashti is shaking her head ?I don't even thing that it is fair that I have to face another opponent tomorrow night, in a hardcore match, why am I to suffer for the actions of Beth here tonight?? Bret just smiles ?Well I will see you why, see I was going to make this a Women's Title match, but I think you would rather not have your title up for grabs, so at Thunder, if Beth wins, it will be you and Beth again for the title, but, if Beth loses the match, she has to face 2 wrestlers of your choice on the WWA roster!? this here angers Beth. ?So what you are saying is that I have to wait until Wednesday to face Webb for her title? But if I lose I will have to face 2 people of her choice? I am going to see that this does not get passed, Hart!? [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hart stands there laughing ?This is final, Beth, take it or leave it, but we have a PPV to finish so that is all I am going to say here tonight!? Harts music hits and he walks to the back leaving Webb and Phoenix in the ring Beth turns to Webb and looks at the title. ?Enjoy your title for now, soon you are going to lose it to me.? Beth tosses away the microphone and leaves the ring her music is playing and she walks to the back. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Before the WWA United States Contenders Match, we head backstage to see Paul Heyman backstage. ?Paul, Paul.? Mark Madden walks up to Paul Heyman ?I want to get your thoughts here on the Number One contenders match here tonight?? Heyman turns around and looks at Mark Madden ?Well Mark, it's like this my thoughts are that all four men are going to kill each other and will be too damned tired to even be ready for the United States Champion, and then Shaun Stetson will be named the new Number on Contender to face Dave Harding at Genocide.? Madden looks at Heyman with a non-serious look. ?Stetson? You are going to replace one of these men with Shaun Stetson after what he pulled last night at LiveWire?? Heyman nods ?You see Mark I am the WWA President and I can do pretty much whatever I live and Bret Hart, nor you can do anything about this. Stetson, can do whatever he wants, as can any of the Wrath of God Members, in fact, we have some surprises for those morons the Millionaires Club.? Stetson walks out from the lockerroom ?Look Madden, the Forever Remembnered will do whatever he wants, whenever he wants and you know it does not matter what you, Hart, or anyone says.?[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding comes walking along with his WWA United States Title over one shoulder he has a grin on his face. ?So Stetson, how's it going? I hear you think you are coming for my WWA United States Title, good luck with that, FYI Stetson, this belt here is staying here, and when I get done with Blake Blackheart, I will gladly rip you a new asshole, and Heyman, I will also be coming for you too. Just because you are not a wrestler around here, doesn't mean I cannot get you.? Harding walks off and Heyman and Stetson look at each other. ?God I hate that guy.? Heyman looks at Stetson. ?We'll teach him.? they walk away, and it's time for the contenders match we're back out in the arena. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]WWA United States Title Number 1 Contenders Match
Four Way Elimination Match
Jonathon Hell vs Scott Hall vs Heath Matthews vs A Wray

The lights go down ?Get Free? by The Vines hits the fans give a mied reaction Jonathon Hell walks out wearing a guitar he's standing there in the entance way and he is playing a guitar riff fireworks fire off from the stage he walks down the ramp and into the ring. He takes off the guitar and steps into the ring he climbs the turnbuckle and raises the guitar up to some cheers he steps dwon walks over to the otherside and does the same. He passes the guitar to the ring girl at ringside

Wolfpac is back causin a mass destruction
guess who's here the bad boys of wrestling
just some compettionin in the war destination
not and no mercy see the ring is like the street
if you dont know you better find out the wolfpac

Out walks Scott Hall wearing a n.W.o shirt he struts out the fans are cheering Hall as he poses in the entrance way.

Here to prove a point number one best believe
That you dont wanan mess with them
I be on a roll and im come in the ring
And your neer walking out again

Hall walks down the ramp he has this big grin on bis face, he enters the ring and he does his customary taunt in the ring and then he throws out the arms. He stands there and looks over at Jonathon Hell before the next guy comes out from the back. ?Sexy Boy? hits out comes ?The Showstopper? Heath Matthews, he stands there in the entrance way and he drops down and poses like Shawn Michaels fireworks fire off from the stage area he jumps up and he struts to the ring he enters the ring and gets in the face of Scott Hall in the ring.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Victim by Eighteen Visions is blasted through out the arena. The crowd look up the ramp[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
One Two Three GO!
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]A Wray comes out from behind the curtain he's holding a clipboard. A Wray with an athletic build blond, spiky hair and blue eyes. Wearing white wrist tape like CM punk does. Wearlng long black tights with a silver barbed wire pattern wrapped around them above the barbed wire pattern is the Initial AW in red in a grunge type of lettering. His boots are darkish silver with a lighter silver flame on them. A Wray pulls a taunt at the top of the ramp he holds the three middle fingers up on signaling a W on both hands. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
You can't be saved
You've gone and dug your grave
And its getting deeper by the minute
Well you had to turn your back
Ain't cutting you no slack
Hooked on your lies you had me going
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
A Wray does a jog /run down the ramp give high 5?s and high 10?s to the fans along the way. He walks around the ring and places the clipboard on the timekeepers table at ringside. A Wray slides into the ring A Wray goes to the top turn buckle taunts and then pulls a back flip and just before A Wray Lands it BOOM! Fireworks come out of the corners of the ring.

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Armstrong calls for the bell, Wray and Hell walk towards the middle of the ring Wray starts to bad mouth Hell, Hell is not happy about this and they both start to trade blows, and then Wray kicks him to the midsection he sends him into the ropes, Hell off the rope he ducks the forearm and hits the otherside hopes off the ropes he gets caught in a scoop slam. Wray drops a knee across the forehead of Hell. Hell grabs at his head, Wray locks in a headlock on Hell, Hell is fighting it here, Matthews is looking bored on the outside so he is yelling out Wray to which Wray replies ?Shut up!? He drops the hold and walks back over to Matthews and he gets in the face of Matthews, Matthews goes for a punch Wray ducks and he snaps off a kick to the head of Matthews sending him down, Hell has time to get him Wray turns around and he gets caught with a dropkick by Hell, and then forearm shots Matthews on the outsaide pulls Wray out of the ring and they start fighting on the floor.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hall comes into the ring and he and Hell start fighting Hall sends Hell into the ropes and he hits him with an atomic drop that has Hell bouncing around and then a DDT on Hell has him down, Matthews rolls in Wray, Hall is forced out of the ring by the referee, the referee turns around and sees Wray with his arm over Hell 1...2..kickout by Hell, Hell is not going down this easily. Both Hell and Wray up and they are trading blows again, collar and elbow tie up and Wray pushes Hell back towards the ropes Wray sends Hell back into the ropes off the ropes a shoulder block but this does not budge Wray, he hooks the head of Hell and it's a swinging neckbreaker Wray makes the cut throat gesture on Hall, the fans boo him Wray locks in a sharpshooter on Hall, Hall is in some pain.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matthews is on the top turnbuckle and he drops the leg across the back of the head of Scott Hall Wray drops the hold, he turns around and Matthews is posing to the fans he's happy with that legdrop Wray shoves him he shoves Wray back, they are shoving each other until Hall rolls up Wray! 1...2...kickout! Wray is pissed off front low dropkick on Hall, he goes back to Matthews and they are going to clash again. Words are being exchanged, and they are not PG-13 words either! Hell is in the ring and it's a double clothesline both Wray and Matthews tumble over the top rope, Hell turns around and he gets sent into the ropes by Hall, Hall pulls his head down between his legs he throws out the arms and lifts Hell into a crucifix and he plants him in the middle of the ring.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The fans are all cheering Wray rolls back into the ring and he gets flawed with a big right hook to the jaw, Mathews is lurking around Wray is back up Matthews is in the ring now too, Matthews goes for the showstopper Wray ducks it and he catches Scott Hall with the superkick straight to the jaw. Hall is down Matthews with a sly grin on his face he rolls out of the ring and picks up a chair unfolds it and sits down on the outside..[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Wray drops down on Scott Hall 1...2.....kickout! Wray slams the mat in disgust and he grabs the referee he's mad, a groggy Hell hits a rising clothesline that sends both the referee and Wray down, the referee Scott Armstrong is holding his head, but he's sitting up, Hell grabs the referee and gets him in place Hell places Hall on Wray 1....2...Matthews places the foot of Wray on the bottom rope. Matthews looks around at the fans booing him, he just shrugs it off and continues to sit there and enjoy the match.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Scott Hall drags himself up, Wray is up as well they trade blows and then out of nowhere it's the Wray of Light! Wray drops down 1...2....Hell breaks it up! Hell helps Wray to his feet only to send him back down with the HellRaizer. The referee is struggling to get to his feet after that bump he took, Matthews is still on the outside the referee is telling Hell to get out of the ring he walks over to the otherside and he tells Matthews to get up onto the side of the ring, Matthews just flips off him and puts his feet up on the side of the ring and relaxes. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hall is back to his feet and he walks over and tags in Hell, Hell walksover and drops an elbow onto the chest of Wray and he covers him 1....2...foot on the rope! Hell gives a long angry stare at Matthews just sitting there on the outside Hell locks in a figure four leglock on Wray, Matthews gets off the chair rolls into the ring he stomps Hell, and leaves the ring and sits back down on the outside, this angers Hell, who rolls out of the ring and confronts Matthews, Matthews ignores him and just sits there Hell grabs him and rolls him into the ring, Matthews is up and waits for Hell to roll into the ring and he stomps him as soon as he does roll into the ring. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matthews irish whips him into the ropes and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Hell, Matthews rolls out of the ring and stands on the side of the ring. He's calling for the tag Hell gives him the tag that he wants Matthews in and he picks up Wray and hits a DDT, but Wray is back up so Matthews hits Wray with the belly-to-belly suplex. He has Wray down but he is not covering him, Matthews hooks Wray in an armlock leglock submission. He has it locked in good Wray is letting out groans of pain, Wray gets to the ring ropes and the hold is broken. Hall is recovered on the outside so Matthews tags him in, and he goes back to relaxing in his own little world.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hall stomps Wray on the canvas, he forearm smashes Hell on the otherside of the ring, he caught him napping there, Hall says that is it for Wray and he is going to get him in the Outsiders Edge, he has Wray down and he poses there for a moment, out of nowhere he gets hit with a massive superkick that almost takes his head off he falls to the mat, Wray falls on top of him 1...2.....3. Wray gets the pin! ?Scott Hall has been eliminated.? Matthews walks around the ring and he rolls in Hell, Matthews sits back down on his seat he feels like he has done enough in this match here tonight. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hell is up and he rolls up Wray 1..2..kickout what was Hell thinking? Well he almost got the pin so he must have been thinking something good there. [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Jonathon Hell gets hit with a back heel kick. Jonathon Hell is up again. Jonathon Hell trys for a belly-to-belly suplex but is not strong enough to lift A Wray.Jonathon Hell trys for a body slam but is not strong enough to lift A Wray.Jonathon Hell sends A Wray to ringside. Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1) Jonathon Hell trys for a back breaker but is not strong enough to lift A Wray.Jonathon Hell and A Wray move back into the ring. Jonathon Hell bounces A Wray off the ropes and clotheslines him. Now A Wray standing. Jonathon Hell kicks A Wray in the groin. A Wray gets elbowed to his midsection by A Wray. Jonathon Hell hits A Wray with a heart punch. Jonathon Hell trys for a power slam but is not strong enough to lift A Wray.Jonathon Hell trys for a cradle suplex but is not strong enough to lift A Wray.Jonathon Hell trys for a gutbuster but is unable to lift A Wray.A Wray legsweeps Jonathon Hell. Jonathon Hell gets back to his feet. Jonathon Hell executes the jumping sidekick on A Wray. [/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]A Wray is back on his feet. A Wray does a cartwheel and kicks Jonathon Hell in the face. Jonathon Hell is up again. Jonathon Hell trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift A Wray.A Wray comes from behind and bulldogs Jonathon Hell. A Wray stands up. Jonathon Hell is back on his feet. Jonathon Hell trys for a super fisherman buster but is not strong enough to lift A Wray.A Wray picks Jonathon Hell up in a fireman's carry and flapjacks him. A Wray is up again. Jonathon Hell gets hit with the shooting star press from A Wray. Scott Armstrong counts. ...1 ...2 Jonathon Hell escapes. A Wray sends Jonathon Hell to ringside. Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1) (..2) A Wray rakes the face of Jonathon Hell in attempt to make a come back. (...3) Jonathon Hell trys for a dragon screw but is unable to lift A Wray.(....4) Jonathon Hell jabs A Wray. (.....5) Jonathon Hell and A Wray move back into the ring. Jonathon Hell trys for a fireman's carry but is unable to lift A Wray.Jonathon Hell with a high crossbody on A Wray. Now Jonathon Hell standing. A Wray gets back to his feet. Jonathon Hell comes from behind and bulldogs A Wray. Jonathon Hell gets back to his feet. Jonathon Hell measures A Wray up and drops a closed fist. Jonathon Hell gets up. Jonathon Hell hits A Wray with an elbowdrop. Now Jonathon Hell standing. Now A Wray standing. Jonathon Hell trys for a back suplex but is not strong enough to lift A Wray.Jonathon Hell drags A Wray to the floor. Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1) (..2) A Wray takes a slap to the face from Jonathon Hell. Jonathon Hell climbs to his feet. (...3) A Wray executes the jumping sidekick on Jonathon Hell. (....4) [/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Jonathon Hell grabs A Wray's leg and takes him down. A Wray moves back to his feet. (.....5) They head back into the ring. A Wray with an Aztecan suplex on Jonathon Hell sends him to the mat. A Wray stands up. A Wray delivers a short-arm clothesline to Jonathon Hell. A Wray stomps Jonathon Hell. Jonathon Hell climbs to his feet. A Wray hits Jonathon Hell with a running powerbomb on to the mat. Now Jonathon Hell standing. A Wray knifehand chops Jonathon Hell. Jonathon Hell hits him with a back fist. A Wray executes a huge gutbuster on Jonathon Hell. Jonathon Hell moves back to his feet. A Wray uses a lariat on Jonathon Hell. Jonathon Hell gets up. A Wray grabs Jonathon Hell's head and hites him in the face. A somersault bodyblock by A Wray does little damage to Jonathon Hell. Jonathon Hell stands up. A Wray sends Jonathon Hell to ringside. Scott Armstrong starts the count (.1) A Wray hits a kneeling headbutt to Jonathon Hell's groin. A Wray chants start. A Wray hits Jonathon Hell with an elbowdrop. They head back into the ring. A Wray grabs Jonathon Hell and applies an arm wrench. Jonathon Hell can't breathe after a sitdown splash by A Wray hits him in the chest. Now A Wray standing. A Wray with the Flying Elbowdrop on Jonathon Hell! Jonathon Hell gets hit with Wray of Light! A Wray covers Hell. Scott Armstrong counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3[/FONT] ?Jonathon Hell has been eliminted.? Hell gets rolled out of the ring Matthews rolls back into the ring Wray comes at him and Matthews just drops down and Wray pins him 1...2...3...Wray has won! ?Heath Matthews has been eliminated here is your winner, and new Number One Contender for the WWA United States Title A Wray!? [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner: A Wray [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Matthews is up and he and Wray shake hands Wray calls for a mircophone Tommy O'Shea passes him the microphone Wray also asks for the clipboard there on the table O'Shea walks back to the table and he grabs that he walks back to the ring and passes it to Wray. ?And now you have seen the power I have here in WWA, and you have seen the start of a new Revolution here in WWA, and now I am going to be ready to face the WWA United States Champion, I am going to Genocide and I am going to get the title from Harding, but that is not all I am sure you are all wondering what is with the clipboard?? Wray shows off the clipboard which appears to have a WWA Contract on it. ?This contract here is a garunteed place in the WWA Number One Contenders Match, for Heath Matthews, who is a new member of the Revolution, the Revolution is taking the WWA back from the New Generation, and taking the WWA to a different direction!? The music of Paul Heyman's hits the fans all start booing as he walks out ?Hold on, hold on, there is no way I am going to allow this to stand, no way! If you want to get your contendership Wray, you are going to have to do it the fair way, and since Matthews sold his sold for a spot against John Morrison, I am going to change the matches again, tonight I am restarting the match between Wray and Hell.? the fans all start to cheer this decision ?So with this said I am going to make Matthews join a Triple Threat match for the chance to face the WWA X Division Champion Brian Kendrick. That's my final decision and I don't care if you you support it or not I am making this now.? Wray is angery in the ring.[/FONT]

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]You can't do this Heyman we made a deal that if I won this match Matthews got his shot at the X Division Title you signed off on this!? Heyman shaks his ?I can do whatever I like her Wray, because I am the president of WWA, and I never said you could cheat to have this get through so I am re-starting the match, Armstrong can ring the bell, Matthews I want you to leave the ringside area.? Matthews leaves the ring and he walks up past Heyman and he gives him a serve. ?Now that is now I like it.? The music of Heymans hits and he walks towards the back. The referee rings the bell, Hell comes out of the corner with a clothesline on Wray, Wray is back up, and he gets another clothesline on Wray, he helps Wray, Wray goes for the Wray of Light but Hell shakes him off into the ropes flying forearm attempted by Wray hits the referee! Hell comes off the ropes, and he's hit with the chair! It's Rob Van Dam! Hell walks into the Wray of Light! Aaron Hassan runs out and slides into the ring, Wray covers 1...2...3 it's all over! [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner: A Wray [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Wray's music is playing, Rob Van Dam rolls into the ring they are celebrating the win, Matthews comes back out from the back and walks into the ring the Revolution are celebrating the win, Wray and Van Dam are giving Matthews some last minute advice as they walk to the back, officials come and they help Armstrong to the back, and they are helping Hell to the back, you have not heard the last of this tale![/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]WWA X Division Number One Contenders Match[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Triple Threat Match[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Falco Fallen vs Heath Matthews vs John Morrison[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Heath Matthews is already in the ring, ?Remember The Name? by Fort Minor hits, the fans are booing as Falco Fallen walks out from the back. He poses there in the entrance way and he walks down the ramp and into the ring. The music of Morrison's hits he walks out from the back and he poses there in slow motuon he walks to the ring and enters the ring, Andy Coyne is the referee here for this one.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Falco Fallen gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Heath Matthews. Falco Fallen drops John Morrison with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. John Morrison Climbs to the second rope and raises his arms into the air. He climbs down. (the bell rings) John Morrison hits Falco Fallen with a heart punch. John Morrison covers Falco Fallen. Referee Andy Coyne makes the count. ...1 ...2 Falco Fallen escapes. Falco Fallen is up again. John Morrison rakes his fingers across Falco Fallen's back. John Morrison bounces Falco Fallen off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Falco Fallen gets back to his feet. John Morrison hits Falco Fallen with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Falco Fallen is up again. John Morrison is t-bone suplexed by Falco Fallen. Falco Fallen chants start. Falco Fallen stands up. Falco Fallen and John Morrison go to the floor Andy Coyne starts the count (.1) (..2) Falco Fallen knees John Morrison and rolls back to his feet. (...3) John Morrison spinning mule kicks Falco Fallen. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Falco Fallen moves back to his feet. (....4) John Morrison grabs Falco Fallen's head and hites him in the face. (.....5) Falco Fallen takes John Morrison into the ring. Falco Fallen spinning mule kicks John Morrison. Falco Fallen rolls onto John Morrison connecting with a knee. Falco Fallen knees John Morrison and rolls back to his feet. John Morrison is up again. Falco Fallen neck snaps John Morrison. Heath Matthews grabs Falco Fallen's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex. Heath Matthews puts Falco Fallen in the double reverse chinlock. Referee Andy Coyne is checking for a tap out. ... Falco Fallen is fighting the hold. ... ... Falco Fallen trys to escape. Heath Matthews breaks the hold. Heath Matthews sends Falco Fallen to ringside. Andy Coyne starts the count (.1) (..2) Heath Matthews knees Falco Fallen and rolls back to his feet. Falco Fallen stands up. (...3) Falco Fallen executes a jawbreakeron Heath Matthews. Heath Matthews is up again. (....4) Heath Matthews gives Falco Fallen the chair...Heath Matthews spins around and kicks the chair into Falco Fallen's face!! (.....5) Heath Matthews and Falco Fallen move back into the ring. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Heath Matthews gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Falco Fallen. Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex sends Falco Fallen onto the chair by Heath Matthews!!!! Falco Fallen is driven further into the mat by Heath Matthews with a diving elbow smash. Heath Matthews stands up. Heath Matthews hits Falco Fallen with an elbowdrop. Heath Matthews gets up. Falco Fallen gets back to his feet. Heath Matthews pokes Falco Fallen in the eye with his thumb. Falco Fallen dropkicks Heath Matthews to the knee. Heath Matthews climbs to his feet. Falco Fallen bounces Heath Matthews off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Falco Fallen covers Heath Matthews. Referee Andy Coyne makes the count. ...1 John Morrison kicks Falco Fallen off of Heath Matthews. Heath Matthews hits Falco Fallen with a headbutt to the mid-section. Heath Matthews get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Falco Fallen. Now Heath Matthews standing. A flying shoulder block send Falco Fallen to the mat. Heath Matthews gets up. Falco Fallen is back on his feet. Falco Fallen tackles Heath Matthews to the mat. Falco Fallen rolls onto Heath Matthews connecting with a knee. Heath Matthews moves back to his feet. Falco Fallen puts Heath Matthews on the top rope and executes a superplex. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Falco Fallen is back on his feet. Falco Fallen knees Heath Matthews and rolls back to his feet. Heath Matthews gets up. Falco Fallen is t-bone suplexed by John Morrison. John Morrison puts Falco Fallen in the hangman submission. Referee Andy Coyne is checking for a tap out. ... ... John Morrison tightens the hold. ... Falco Fallen is fighting the hold. Falco Fallen escapes. Heath Matthews trys for a frog splash but Falco Fallen avoids it. Heath Matthews tackles Falco Fallen. Heath Matthews runs up to the top and a Moonsault body press on top of the chair and Falco Fallen!! Andy Coyne counts. ...1 Falco Fallen kicks out. Now Falco Fallen standing. Heath Matthews gets tiger suplexed by Falco Fallen. Falco Fallen stands up. Heath Matthews climbs to his feet. Flying somersault drop kick by Heath Matthews puts him back in the match. Heath Matthews stands up. Falco Fallen grabs Heath Matthews' head and hites him in the face. Falco Fallen short clothslines Heath Matthews. Heath Matthews gets up. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Heath Matthews places Falco Falco Fallen on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Falco Falco Fallen drops John Morrison with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. John Morrison checks out the ring. (ding, ding, ding) Heath Matthews executes a swinging bulldog on John Morrison driving John Morrison's face into the mat. Heath Matthews stands up. Now John Morrison standing. John Morrison executes a headlock takedown. John Morrison knees Heath Matthews and rolls back to his feet. Heath Matthews gets up. John Morrison get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Heath Matthews. A side kick by Heath Matthews turns the match around by knocking John Morrison to the mat. Heath Matthews is back on his feet. Heath Matthews hits John Morrison with an elbowdrop. John Morrison places Heath Matthews on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex. John Morrison sucks chants start in the crowd. John Morrison moves back to his feet. John Morrison sends Heath Matthews to ringside. Andy Coyne starts the count (.1) (..2) John Morrison executes a corkscrew legdrop on Heath Matthews. John Morrison is up again. (...3) John Morrison knees Heath Matthews and rolls back to his feet. (....4) John Morrison gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by Heath Matthews. John Morrison gets back to his feet. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. Heath Matthews and John Morrison move back to ringside. Heath Matthews and John Morrison move back into the ring. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Heath Matthews nails John Morrison with a belly-to-back suplex. Heath Matthews is up again. John Morrison stands up. Heath Matthews gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Heath Matthews is up again. Heath Matthews get nailed with a double axhandle chop from John Morrison. Now Heath Matthews standing. John Morrison executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Heath Matthews. Heath Matthews climbs to his feet. Falco Falco Fallen goes for a back suplex but Heath Matthews dodges the attack. Falco Falco Fallen sends Heath Matthews to ringside. Andy Coyne starts the count (.1) Falco Falco Fallen uses a swinging DDT to plant Heath Matthews' head into the floor. Falco Falco Fallen climbs to his feet. (..2) Falco Falco Fallen cuts Heath Matthews with a blade. Heath Matthews is bleeding as a result. Heath Matthews gets hit with a fisherman suplex by John Morrison. John Morrison is up again. They head back into the ring. Falco Falco Fallen trys for a inveted power bomb but is not strong enough to lift John Morrison. Falco Falco Fallen trys for a inverted atomic drop but is not strong enough to lift John Morrison. Falco Falco Fallen executes the jumping sidekick on John Morrison. J[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]John Morrison is up again. Falco Falco Fallen applies the clawhold on John Morrison. Falco Falco Fallen with a high crossbody on John Morrison. Falco Falco Fallen is up again. John Morrison gets back to his feet. John Morrison goes for a springboard DDT but Falco Falco Fallen dodges the attack. John Morrison hits a running forearm smash on Falco Falco Fallen's face. Heath Matthews climbs to his feet. Heath Matthews executes a corkscrew legdrop on Falco Falco Fallen. Heath Matthews gets back to his feet. Falco Falco Fallen gets back to his feet. Heath Matthews goes off the top turnbuckle and double foot stomps Falco Falco Fallen. Falco Falco Fallen hits Heath Matthews with a slingshot bodyblock. Falco Falco Fallen kicks Heath Matthews on the mat. Falco Falco Fallen sucks chants start in the crowd. Heath Matthews clotheslines Falco Falco Fallen. Falco Falco Fallen bends over as Heath Matthews elbows him in the midsection. Heath Matthews hoists up Falco Falco Fallen...Heath Matthews runs to the center....Running Powerslam on the chair!! Heath Matthews pulls off a beautiful sunset flip off of the top rope. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]John Morrison grabs Falco Fallen's head and arm and delivers a head and arm suplex, Heath Matthews comes as Morrison they tie up he irish whips him off the ropes comes Morrison into a tilt-a-whil backbreakr. Falco Fallen comes at Matthews, Matthews ducks and the referee is wiped out. Rob Van Dam comes from out behind the curtain and he comes down to the ring he looks around under the ring he finds a chair and sends it into the ring, he slides into the ring.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Rob Van Dam sends Falco Fallen to the corner of the ring, Heath Matthews with a somersault splash on Falco Fallen. Now Falco Fallen standing. Falco Fallen dazed in the ring, Heath Matthews on the top rope. Heath Matthews jumps and grabs Falco Fallen's head,bulldogging him Heath Matthews moves back to his feet. Heath Matthews knees Falco Fallen and rolls back to his feet. Falco Fallen climbs to his feet. Falco Fallen gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Heath Matthews comes over and smashes Falco Fallen's head into it. Heath Matthews sets up the chair...Heath Matthews puts Falco Fallen in the Pedigree..Falco Fallen's face smashes into the chair! Falco Fallen is dropped by Heath Matthews with a Pump Handle Slam right on top of the chair!!![/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Morrison comes back and sees Rob Van Dam, Van Dam takes him out with a spin wheel kick to the head he sends him down, Heath Matthews helps him up and Matthews throws the chair at Morrison he catches it and Van Dam heel kicks it, Van Damintor I think that has opened up Morrison, Van Dam is up on the ropes Matthews sits the chair on the Five Star Frogsplash from Van Dam on Morrison, he grabs at his chest he rolls out of the ring, Matthews kicks the chair out of the ring. Jim Molineaux is running to the ring from the back, he slides in and he makes the count 1...2.....3. Heath Matthews has done it! [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner: Heath Matthews [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The music of Heath Matthews' hits he and Rob Van Dam celebrate the win as the referee raises his arm in triumph the fans are booing the win here, Falco Fallen is still down, Rob Van Dam picks him up and sends him into Heath Matthews who hits the Killswitch on him. Heath Matthews and Rob Van Dam, other officials are assisting to the two men in the ring and the referee that was down.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]And now it is time for the WWA World Heavyweight Title match...[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]WWA World Heavyweight Title Match[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Blake Kruspe vs Scott Sandars ? [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Tommy O'Shea is now in the ring [/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]?Ladies and Gentleman, it is now time for your WWA World Heavyweight Title match, this match is scheduled for one fall, with no time limit.? [/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]?Children of The Grave? by White Zombie hits the lights go down and they flicker the fans are all booing [/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]?Coming to the ring at this time, hailing from East Berlin, Germany standing at 5 ft 11 and weighting tonight at 220 lb this is Blake Kruspe!?[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica] Kruspe walks out from the back and he's making gestures that is going to be the next WWA World Heavyweight Champion, he stands there poses before walking down the ramp and into the ring;. He climbs the turnbuckle and he looks around at the fans they are all booing him and he steps down from the ropes. ?Superstar? by Saliva hits the fans all start to cheer. Sandars steps out from the back with the World Title around his waist [/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]?And his opponent, heiling from Melbourne, Australia standing at [/FONT]6 ft 3 and weigting in at 257 lb he is the WWA World Heavyweight Champion, this is ?Superstar? Scott Sandars!? Sanadars walks downn the ramp and enters the ring Adam Morantz is the refereee here tonight for the WWA World Title match he checks the pads and the boots of Scott Sandars before he takes the WWA World Heavyweight Title from Sandars he walks over and shows Blake Kruspe the title before he shows it off to the fans, he walks over and gives the title to Tommy O'Shea [FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica] Adam Morantz checks Blake Kruspe's boots and knee pads. (ding, ding, ding)[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Scott Sandars bounces Blake Kruspe off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. Blake Kruspe is back on his feet. Blake Kruspe short lariats Scott Sandars. Blake Kruspe hits Scott Sandars with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Blake Kruspe gets back to his feet. Blake Kruspe covers Scott Sandars hooking the leg. Referee Adam Morantz makes the count. ...1 Scott Sandars escapes. Scott Sandars stands up. Blake Kruspe pins Scott Sandars against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Blake Kruspe executes a swinging bulldog on Scott Sandars driving Scott Sandars's face into the mat. Blake Kruspe is back on his feet. Blake Kruspe applies an arm wrench to Scott Sandars. Blake Kruspe goes for a pin. Referee Adam Morantz makes the count. ...1 ...2 Scott Sandars kicks out. Scott Sandars is back on his feet. Blake Kruspe gets back into the match with a jumping neck snap on Scott Sandars. Scott Sandars nails Blake Kruspe with a springboard dropkick. Scott Sandars is back on his feet. Scott Sandars locks Blake Kruspe in the grapevine submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Scott Sandars tightens the hold. Scott Sandars breaks the hold. Blake Kruspe delivers a spinning backbreak to Scott Sandars. Blake Kruspe covers Scott Sandars hooking the leg. Referee Adam Morantz makes the count. ...1 ...2 Scott Sandars kicks out. Scott Sandars climbs to his feet. Blake Kruspe punches Scott Sandars in the gut. Blake Kruspe applies the clawhold on Scott Sandars. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Scott Sandars with a Russian legsweep on Blake Kruspe. Scott Sandars moves back to his feet. Blake Kruspe is up again. Scott Sandars sends Blake Kruspe to ringside. Adam Morantz starts the count (.1) Scott Sandars hits Blake Kruspe with the belly-to-belly suplex. Scott Sandars is up again. (..2) Blake Kruspe climbs to his feet. (...3) Blake Kruspe knifehand chops Scott Sandars. (....4) Scott Sandars is hit with a backward kick. Scott Sandars is up again. Blake Kruspe gets taken down with an armdrag takedown. Scott Sandars with a powerful choke lift on Blake Kruspe. Scott Sandars and Blake Kruspe move back into the ring. Blake Kruspe is hit with a backward kick. Scott Sandars goes off the turnbuckle with a flying sommersault splash. Scott Sandars is back on his feet. Scott Sandars with the Flying Elbowdrop on Blake Kruspe! Scott Sandars uses an inside cradle[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Scott Sandars gets up. Scott Sandars grabs Kruspe by the arm and breaks it over his shoulder. Scott Sandars punches Kruspe in the gut. Kruspe catches Scott Sandars leg, but Scott Sandars reverses it with an enzuigiri to Kruspe's head. Scott Sandars stomps Kruspe's head. Scott Sandars knees Kruspe and rolls back to his feet. Kruspe is back on his feet. Kruspe picks up Scott Sandars and executes the cradle DDT. Scott Sandars stands up. Kruspe hits Scott Sandars with a baba chop. Kruspe gives Scott Sandars a drop toe hold onto the open chair!! Now Scott Sandars standing. Scott Sandars executes a headlock takedown. Scott Sandars goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Kruspe. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Scott Sandars moves back to his feet. Now Kruspe standing. Kruspe executes a jawbreakeron Scott Sandars. Kruspe gets back to his feet. Kruspe covers Scott Sandars. Referee Adam Morantz makes the count. ...1 ...2 Scott Sandars escapes. Scott Sandars stands up. Scott Sandars grabs Kruspe's leg and takes him down. Kruspe knifehand chops Scott Sandars. Kruspe throws Scott Sandars off the ropes and hits him with a diving shoulder block. Scott Sandars spins aroround Kruspe's back and DDT's him into the mat. Kruspe gets knocked on the ground and Scott Sandars flips onto him. Now Kruspe standing. Kruspe bites Scott Sandars's arm out of desparation. Scott Sandars monkey flips Kruspe onto the mat. Kruspe climbs to his feet. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Kruspe pulls Scott Sandars's hair. Kruspe neck snaps Scott Sandars. Scott Sandars kicks Kruspe in the groin. Scott Sandars springboard DDT's Kruspe onto the mat! Scott Sandars gets back to his feet. Scott Sandars fist drops Kruspe on the mat. Scott Sandars stands up. Kruspe gets up. Kruspe jabs Scott Sandars. Scott Sandars jabs Kruspe. Kruspe hits Scott Sandars with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Kruspe rolls onto Scott Sandars connecting with a knee. Scott Sandars moves back to his feet. Scott Sandars pulls Kruspe's hair. Kruspe delivers a spinning backbreak to Scott Sandars. Scott Sandars get nailed with a double axhandle chop from Kruspe. Scott Sandars moves back to his feet. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Kruspe hits a spinning leg lariat on Scott Sandars sending him to the mat. Scott Sandars nails the bridging back suplex on Kruspe. Scott Sandars gets up. Scott Sandars executes a corkscrew legdrop on Kruspe. Scott Sandars applies an arm wrench to Kruspe. Scott Sandars executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Kruspe. Scott Sandars gets back to his feet. Scott Sandars leg drops the throat of Kruspe. Kruspe climbs to his feet. Scott Sandars Choke Slams Kruspe. Kruspe looks to be out cold! Sandars goes for the cover 1...2....kickout! There is still some life there in Kruspe Sandars locks in a leglock but Kruspe kicks him off and Sandars comes off the ropes and a roll up this could do it 1...2..kickout! [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Scott Sandars gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Blake Kruspe. Scott Sandars executes a pumphandle suplex on Blake Kruspe. (ring, ring, ring) Blake Kruspe pins Scott Sandars against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Scott Sandars superkicks Blake Kruspe. Scott Sandars jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Blake Kruspe. Scott Sandars is back on his feet. Blake Kruspe delivers a kick to the head of Scott Sandars. Scott Sandars is back on his feet. Scott Sandars delivers a kick to the head of Blake Kruspe. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Scott Sandars hits Blake Kruspe with an elbowdrop. Scott Sandars is back on his feet. Blake Kruspe moves back to his feet. Blake Kruspe dropkicks Scott Sandars to the knee. Blake Kruspe moves back to his feet. Blake Kruspe drags Scott Sandars to the floor. Adam Morantz starts the count (.1) Blake Kruspe swings a Steel chair and hits Scott Sandars. Scott Sandars is bleeding as a result. Blake Kruspe takes Scott Sandars down with a full nelson faceslam. They head back into the ring. Blake Kruspe jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Scott Sandars. Blake Kruspe gets back to his feet. Blake Kruspe knees Scott Sandars and rolls back to his feet. Blake Kruspe stomps Scott Sandars's head. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Scott Sandars gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Blake Kruspe. Now Blake Kruspe standing. Scott Sandars is up again. Scott Sandars gets hit with a fisherman suplex by Blake Kruspe. Blake Kruspe stands up. Blake Kruspe and Scott Sandars go to the floor Adam Morantz starts the count (.1) Blake Kruspe hits the handspring moonsault on Scott Sandars. Blake Kruspe chants start. Now Blake Kruspe standing. (..2) (...3) Scott Sandars legsweeps Blake Kruspe. Blake Kruspe moves back to his feet. Blake Kruspe neck snaps Scott Sandars. Blake Kruspe delivers a short-arm clothesline to Scott Sandars. Scott Sandars and Blake Kruspe move back into the ring. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Scott Sandars suplexes Blake Kruspe. Now Blake Kruspe standing. Scott Sandars puts Blake Kruspe on the turnbuckle and executes a belly-to-belly superplex. Scott Sandars gets back to his feet. Scott Sandars locks Blake Kruspe in the kneebar. Adam Morantz is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... Scott Sandars tightens the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Scott Sandars tightens the hold. ... Blake Kruspe is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... Blake Kruspe gets hit with the shooting star press from Scott Sandars. Adam Morantz counts. ...1 Blake Kruspe kicks out. Blake Kruspe is back on his feet. Blake Kruspe gouges Scott Sandars's eyes out. Scott Sandars gives Blake Kruspe a reverse neckbreaker. Scott Sandars is up again. Blake Kruspe nails Scott Sandars with a double underhook suplex. Blake Kruspe and Scott Sandars go to the floor Adam Morantz starts the count (.1) Blake Kruspe piledrives Scott Sandars. Scott Sandars moves back to his feet. (..2) Blake Kruspe throws a chair at Scott Sandars. (...3) Blake Kruspe hits Scott Sandars with a rolling elbow smash to the face. Scott Sandars is up again. (....4) Scott Sandars gets hit with a dragon scerw from Blake Kruspe. Blake Kruspe moves back to his feet. (.....5)[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Blake Kruspe and Scott Sandars move back into the ring. Blake Kruspe executes a corkscrew legdrop on Scott Sandars. Now Blake Kruspe standing. Blake Kruspe rolls onto Scott Sandars connecting with a knee. Blake Kruspe covers Scott Sandars. Referee Adam Morantz makes the count. ...1 Scott Sandars kicks out. Now Scott Sandars standing. Blake Kruspe executes a swinging bulldog on Scott Sandars driving Scott Sandars's face into the mat. Scott Sandars is up again. Blake Kruspe hits a dragon suplex on Scott Sandars. Now Blake Kruspe standing. Scott Sandars hits Blake Kruspe with a headbutt to the mid-section. Scott Sandars slaps the face of Blake Kruspe. Scott Sandars moves back to his feet. Blake Kruspe pins Scott Sandars against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. Scott Sandars short lariats Blake Kruspe. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Blake Kruspe gets hit with the shooting star press from Scott Sandars. Adam Morantz counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Blake Kruspe escapes. Now Blake Kruspe standing. Blake Kruspe gets tiger suplexed by Scott Sandars. Scott Sandars gets up. Scott Sandars puts Blake Kruspe in an arm grapevine submission. Blake Kruspe gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Scott Sandars. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Scott Sandars climbs to his feet. Blake Kruspe picks Scott Sandars up and side slams him to the mat. Now Blake Kruspe standing. Scott Sandars gets back to his feet. Scott Sandars hits him with a back fist. Blake Kruspe gives Scott Sandars the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat. Blake Kruspe chants start. Blake Kruspe stands up. Scott Sandars is up again. Blake Kruspe executs the slingshot facebuster, slamming Scott Sandars's face to the mat. Blake Kruspe gets back to his feet. They lockup. Scott Sandars sends Blake Kruspe to the corner of the ring. Scott Sandars gives Blake Kruspe the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat. Scott Sandars stands up. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Scott Sandars stomps Blake Kruspe. Scott Sandars executes a flying knee drop right to the gut of Blake Kruspe. Scott Sandars is back on his feet. Blake Kruspe with a headscissors takeover on Scott Sandars. Blake Kruspe chants start. Scott Sandars is up again. Scott Sandars goes to the top and executes a flying hip attack on Blake Kruspe. Scott Sandars moves back to his feet. Blake Kruspe gets up. Blake Kruspe with an Aztecan suplex on Scott Sandars sends him to the mat. Scott Sandars moves back to his feet. Flying Tomahawk by Scott Sandars sends Blake Kruspe down to the mat. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Scott Sandars rolls onto Blake Kruspe connecting with a knee. Scott Sandars puts Blake Kruspe in an arm grapevine submission. Blake Kruspe gets hit with the shooting star press from Scott Sandars. Adam Morantz counts. ...1 Blake Kruspe escapes. Blake Kruspe is back on his feet. Scott Sandars gets bounced off of the ropes and hit with a backdrop diver by Blake Kruspe. Now Blake Kruspe standing. Blake Kruspe drags Scott Sandars to the floor. Adam Morantz starts the count (.1) Blake Kruspe cuts Scott Sandars with a blade. Scott Sandars is bleeding as a result. (..2) Blake Kruspe kicks Scott Sandars in the back of the leg. (...3) Blake Kruspe clotheslines Scott Sandars. (....4) Blake Kruspe pins Scott Sandars against the ropes and chokes him with his forearm. (.....5) Scott Sandars and Blake Kruspe move back into the ring. Flying side kick by Scott Sandars takes Blake Kruspe off his feet. Scott Sandars is back on his feet. Blake Kruspe gets knocked on the ground and Scott Sandars flips onto him. Scott Sandars gets back to his feet. Blake Kruspe gets hit with the shooting star press from Scott Sandars. Adam Morantz counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Blake Kruspe kicks out. Blake Kruspe gets up. Scott Sandars puts Blake Kruspe on the top rope and executes a superplex. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Scott Sandars moves back to his feet. Scott Sandars jumps off the turnbuckle with the flying bodypress on Blake Kruspe. Scott Sandars gets up. Blake Kruspe is up again. Blake Kruspe places Scott Sandars on the turnbuckle and executes the double underhook superplex. Blake Kruspe hooks Scott Sandars in an armlock leglock submission. Referee Adam Morantz is checking for a tap out. ... [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Scott Sandars is fighting the hold. ... Blake Kruspe breaks the hold. Scott Sandars is back on his feet. Scott Sandars takes Blake Kruspe down with a knee. Scott Sandars fist drops Blake Kruspe on the mat. Now Scott Sandars standing. Scott Sandars goes off the top and hits a flying sitdown splash on Blake Kruspe. Scott Sandars is back on his feet. Blake Kruspe moves back to his feet. Scott Sandars gets elbowed to his midsection by Scott Sandars. Blake Kruspe uses a lariat on Scott Sandars. Blake Kruspe punches Scott Sandars repeatedly. Blake Kruspe uses a snap mare takeover on Scott Sandars. Scott Sandars climbs to his feet. Scott Sandars picks up Blake Kruspe and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. Scott Sandars sends Blake Kruspe to ringside. Adam Morantz starts the count (.1) Scott Sandars throws a chair at Blake Kruspe. (..2) Scott Sandars executes a corkscrew legdrop on Blake Kruspe. Scott Sandars is up again. Blake Kruspe is up again. (...3) Scott Sandars kicks Blake Kruspe in the back of the leg. Blake Kruspe gets up. (....4) Blake Kruspe executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Scott Sandars. (.....5) Blake Kruspe takes Scott Sandars into the ring. They lockup. Blake Kruspe Blake Kruspe sends Scott Sandars to the corner of the ring. Blake Kruspe with an illegal chokehold on Scott Sandars. Scott Sandars brings Blake Kruspe down with a Mexican armdrag takedown. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Blake Kruspe climbs to his feet. Blake Kruspe hits a kneeling headbutt to Scott Sandars's groin. Scott Sandars stands up. Scott Sandars gouges Blake Kruspe's eyes out. Scott Sandars short clothslines Blake Kruspe. Scott Sandars grabs Blake Kruspe and applies an arm wrench. Blake Kruspe gets up. Scott Sandars hits a kneeling headbutt to Blake Kruspe's groin. Blake Kruspe is back on his feet. Scott Sandars locks Blake Kruspe in a full nelson and slams him to the mat. Blake Kruspe moves back to his feet. Blake Kruspe gets hit with a running powerslam by Scott Sandars Blake Kruspe is locked into the painful bow-and-arrow submission. The referee is checking the situation. ... Scott Sandars tightens the hold. ... ... Scott Sandars breaks the hold. Blake Kruspe gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Scott Sandars. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Scott Sandars puts Blake Kruspe in an arm grapevine submission. Blake Kruspe is up again. Blake Kruspe hits a koppo kick on Scott Sandars. They lockup. Blake Kruspe sends Scott Sandars to the corner of the ring. Blake Kruspe with a high crossbody on Scott Sandars. They lockup. Blake Kruspe sends Scott Sandars to the corner of the ring. Scott Sandars hits Blake Kruspe with the Asai moonsault bodyblock. Now Scott Sandars standing. Blake Kruspe drives a forearm into Scott Sandars. Blake Kruspe rakes his fingers across Scott Sandars's back. Scott Sandars grabs Blake Kruspe's head and hites him in the face. Scott Sandars with an Aztecan suplex on Blake Kruspe sends him to the mat. Scott Sandars is back on his feet. Scott Sandars hits Blake Kruspe with a flying senton. Scott Sandars measures Blake Kruspe up and drops a closed fist. Scott Sandars with the Flying Elbowdrop on Blake Kruspe! [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Sandars locks in the Sandars vice on kruspe he's in some pain he's trying reach out for the rope he's trying hard to break the hold but he cannot anymore he taps out. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Winner & Still WWA World Heavyweight Champon: Scott Sandars[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Sandars unhooks the hold and he's on his knees, he gets handed the WWA World Heavyweight Title and the referee raises his arms with the World Title in his other hand he hands the title back to Scott Sandars. His music is playing the fans are cheering Rebecca Sandars enters the ring and she celebrates with him. Blake Kruspe pulls himself back up he looks at Sandars and he looks at Rebecca Sandars. He's back up and walks towards Scott Sandars, Sandars steps infront of Rebecca Sandars. They are staring at each other still, the tension is there for all to feel, Kruspe offers his hand, the fans are just looking at this they do not want to look away! They shake hands! The fans are clapping Kruspe turns away, and goes to walk away and then out of nowhere a superkick sends Sandars to the mat. He picks him up and spins him around into the Cemetary Driver! [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Kruspe stands over the fallen body of Sandars, Rebecca just looks at him, she covers her husband the fans are all booing him now he picks up the WWA World Heavyweight Title and looks at it before dropping it onto the chest of Sandars, he walks over to the otherside of the ring he drops down and leaves the ring. He walks towards the back with his music playing the fans are booing, the officials come out and help him to the back as the ring crew are ready for the next match.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The ring crew are setting up the scaffolding for the following match, we have Smashing Pumpkins on hand to play the title track of the show ?Bullet With Butterfly Wings? as a video starts to play in a dark room. ?A war has begun, WWA is being torn a part, it needs a leader, a man that is going to strike the first blow and take control of WWA again, I have them, I have a cage, and animals locked away in that cage, I am going to make the biggest impact, and change the face of wrestling forever, WWA will not know what hit it, the wrestling world will barely survive.? the man starts laughing. ?I am coming back, and I am bringing my own soliders to fight this war, one single spear, one animal, and I am going to tie it all together with the unnatural one. Be afraid WWA, be afraid Millionaires Club, be afraid New Generation, the days are counting down, no one can save you now, they already see you shaking in your boots.? Another man is standing there with him. ?See you in the future.? the screen changes to show a green ?See U In The Future? We're going to another video now, the war between Blackheart and Harding.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][ Harding vs Blackheart Hell or High Water PPV Promo][/FONT]​

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Tonight you will see Blake Blackheart turned into nothing more then a bloody mess, my man Dave Harding is going to destroy Blackheart and make the world stand up and take notice of the evolution of this great man, the evolution of an Adonis, a legend, and a man that is taking wrestling into a new age.? Hemme passes the microphone to Dave Harding ?Tonight begins the reign of the most technically sound, the most charismatic the man that everyone wishes they could be Dave Harding. Look at me, I am above what Blake Blackheart and I am going to show that here tonight. I am the man that has been chosen to raise WWA to the top of the wrestling World. I as well as Sandars are the future of Professional Wrestling everyone will take a look at The Horsemen and see that the World revolves around us. As we evolve the wrestling world evolves. As we grow WWA shall, and we are in control of this, not those money flashing suit wearing fruity pansies The Millionaires Club, The Horsemen are the only ones that matters. We are the New Generation of Wrestling, and tonight Blackheart becomes a footnote.? [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][After The Cage Match Antics][/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]After the match Blackheart grabs himself a chair and he reenters the ring he hits the chair up near the face of Harding and he hits there looking down at Harding. ?Now why did you have to go and make that speech at the start of the match? I thought things were cool between us, and we were starting to get on well. And now you had to go and spoil it, now your little girlfriend there, excuse me, your little manager type thing out there she has a big mouth as well.? The camera looks at Harrison who is holding Hemme who is trying to fight him off ?I have decided your fate, Harding, and I have decided that since you want to be a god, I am going to slay the god and I am going to take my rightful place at the top of the WWA mountain reigning over the WWA kingdom. Now I have stolen your girl, I have stolen your life, and soon I will steal your career, what is left for you, young prince? You have let love get in the way and you have gone soft on the World, look at you, you are pathetic. You are a pathetic excuse for a human, and this is why Christy Hemme is going home with me, this is why every woman in your life has come to me. Because I am a winner, Dave, and you well you are a loser, always have been and always will be. You have dedicated your life to people and they have stabbed you in the back, how long until your friend Scott Sandars leaves your side and leaves you all alone? How long until we see the kingdom that Harding has tried to build fall down around him??

Blackheart stands up he kicks away the chair and just sits down near the fallen Harding ?Rest up, sweet prince, there is nothing for you in the future, your career is mine, your woman is mine, and everything else in your life will be mine. Because women, they love a successful man, they love a man with an inch of power, and they are sick and tired of losers like you. You tried so hard, didn?t you? You thought you had it good, you turned everything around and you got the girl, but the girl didn?t want to stay, the girl wanted to run away and be with a man that can show her what a real kingdom is. Your kingdom, young prince, will be with the other men that have found themselves fighting for a woman, you are going to be dead. You are going to be up there with the other pathetic assholes of the world, whereas I am going to be with this woman, and I am going to climb up and be the WWA World Champion. What are you going to be? Nothing more then a nothing, a broken man with nothing left to live for. This is your legacy on the world, Dave, this is your world, and it?s a place that will leave you taking the only path you can take, and making the decision that we all have waited to see. ? Blackheart drops the microphone on the chest of Harding and he and Sean Harrison exist the ring and take Hemme with them they celebrate as the music plays Harding is being helped to his feet by some officials and he is walked to the back.
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][The Next Night on Revolution: Harding Attacked Again!? and Hemme joins Blackheart!][/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Dave Harding is in the ring, he has himself a microphone and it appears he has something on his mind here tonight.?Every now and then a guy gets lucky and he can pull out a win at the PPV that someone was Blake Blackheart he managed to pull of a win against me, and he managed to steal my woman from me. Blake you may have stolen Christy from me but you are failing to see the full picture here you have managed to piss me off and you are not going to like me when I am pissed off!? The music of Christy Hemme starts to play Harding looks up and sees Hemme walking towards the ring she herself has a microphone she reaches the ring. ?Dave, about last week.? Harding goes to say something ?Hold on let me speak, please.? Harding stands there and looks at Christy ?Look I know you are mad but you have to understand I went with Blake because.? A short pause ?I am tired of following around a loser! That's right Dave you are a loser you are never going to be anything and when you allowed Blake to beat you down I realised that nothing is ever going to change,? Harding walks towards Hemme but out of nowhere in runs Blackheart and he attacks Harding beating him down.

Scott Sandars comes running down the ramp and slides into the ring both Blackheart and Hemme escape the ring. They are walking towards the back as Sandars and Hardfing are in the ring he helps Dave to his feet and they stare down Hemme and Blackheart who go into the back. The Horsemen theme hits and they are making their way to the back. Then suddenly the music of Miles Marion hits both members of the Horsemen are backstage as Marion makes his way down the ramp to the boos of the fans he looks around and smirks as he walks down the ramp

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif][Promo: LiveWire [/FONT]Saturday 7th June 2008 [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]][/FONT]​

Blake Blackheart and Christy Hemme, Hemme is hugging and caressing Blackheart ?Harding, why don't you give it up? I've taken your woman and come the right time I am going to take your title and whatever else you have in this world. Christy wanted a real man, not some pansy that runs around calling himself a Horseman, and needs someone else to give him a title. You are a joke and soon you will see it, even if I have to beat some sense into you.? Christy laughs ?This is nothing personal Dave, but I'd rather be with a real man that's not a loser like you are, and a man that can get it in the ring and I'm afraid you cannot do that. It's all about Blake now, and you are going to be a distant memory.? they both laugh and walk away with each other

[/end promo]

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WWA Re-Awakening Part 2

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]WWA United States Title Match
Twisted Metal Mayhem
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Dave Harding(c) vs Blake Blackheart (w/Christy Hemme)[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Tommy O'Shea is in the middle of the ring, the ring ropes are now covered in lighttubes, the cage of barbed wire is in place and the scaffold is set up with one leg in the entrance way and the other in front of the announcers booth. ?Ladies and Gentleman, it is now time for the Twisted Metal Mayhem Match.? the fans all cheer. ?The winner of this match will be the man that climbs the scaffold and pulls down the WWA United States Title from above the scaffold here tonight.? Tommy O'Shea looks around as the music of Blake Blackheart hits he walks out with Christy Hemme ?The falling match is the Twisted Metal Mayhem Match, introducing first, occompined by Christy Hemme, heiling from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and tonight he stands at 6ft 1 in tall, and weighting in at 234 lb this is Blake Blackheart!? Fire works fire off from the stage Blackheart reaches the scoffold he walks around that and walks inside the first cage, Hemme walks to the back Blackheart steps inside the second cage and he's ready to go.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We're now awaiting the entrnace of Dave Harding the lights go down ?Voices? start to play, but we have Rev Theory singing the song![/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I hear voices in my head
They come to me
They understand

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding walks out from the back, he's wearing the WWA United States Title around his waist the fans are cheering he's standing there. ?And his opponent...

They tell me things that I will do
They show me things I'll do to you
They talk to me, they talk to me!

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Hailing from Hobart, Austtalia he stands at 6 ft 1 and weighting in at [/FONT]245 lb [FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]this is Dave Harding!? [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]You got your rules and your religion
All designed to keep you safe
But when rules start getting broken
You start questioning your faith

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding still posing the entrance way he start to walk down the ramp he's still wearing the facrpaint he was wearing earlier in the evening. [/FONT]​
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I have a voice that is my savior
Hates to love and loves to hate
I have the voice that has the knowledge
And the power to rule your fate

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]He stops at the bottom of the ramp and looks around at the fans, he throws his arms out in a crucifix and looks around at the fans he gets up onto the side of the ring.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]I hear voices crying
I see heroes dying
I taste the blood that's drying
I feel the tension rising

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding enters the ring and unhooks the WWA United States Title and shows it off to the fnas and then turns around and walks straight at Blackheart and then shows him the United States title his theme has ended the refere is Brian Hebner he first checks the pads and boots of the United States Champion Dave Harding, he walks over to Blake Blackheart and checks his boots and his pads, Hebner walks over and takes the WWA United States title from Harding and he walks over and shows it to Blackheart he then raises it above his head and shows the fans thast the match is almost ready. The title is handed to Tommy O'Shea and he walks over to the timekeepers table, the referee rings the bell.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The bell rings and both Harding and Blackheart meet in the middle of the ring, they stare each other down collar and elbow tie up sees Blackheart with a quick kick that sends Harding down to his knees, Blackheart poses to the fans and they all start to boo him, Harding springs up into a dropkick, Blackheart back up and another dropkick sends him down. He's back up and gets another dropkick, Harding walks over to the ring ropes and he pulls out a light tube, the fasn all cheer as he walks towards Blackheart, Blackheart elbows Harding, Harding puts the lighttube down on the mat, Blackheart DDTs Harding in the middle of the ring.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Blackheart picks up the legs of Harding and he taunts the fans, and then he turns Harding ovewr in the sharpshooter, the submission here won't end the match, but Harding lets out the groans of pain, he reaches for the bottom rope, he's crawling, crawling, he's at the bottom rope and he pulls down a lighttube. He's trying to hit Blackheart with it, he misses with the first swing, he swings again, misses the head, Blackheart drops the hold and he and Harding are now fighting over the lighttube, Harding with two boots into the midsection Harding is up with the lighttube and he's limping and he cracks the lighttube over the head of Blackheart shardes of glass fly off and cover the ring. Harding catches Blackheart with a backheel kick, he goes to irish whip him into the ropes but it's blocked.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Blackheart goes to whip Harding, but Harding reverses it into the corner, Harding charges at Blackheart and shoulder blocks him into the corner, Harding bulldogs him down into the mat, Harding wants to leave the cage but the cage door is locked, it was locked by the referee! The only way out is a climb and the cage has barbed wire! And only one side doesn;t and Harding is in the wrong corner! Harding drops the elbow on Blackheart and then he walks over to the otuside of the ring, he starts the climb up the cage. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Blackheart is back up and he is walking towards the otherside he reaches Harding half way up the cage, Harding kicks at him first Blackheart doesn't want him escaping the first cage, he's up on the second rope and he's pulling at Harding they are both are fighting on the top rope, Harding makes the first move, and it's a big one he hits the Flux Capacitor off the top rope. The fans are all up chanting at that move, sure Kaz backstage won't be as it's his move that was ripped but it was a nice move by Harding. Harding back on the cage he's climbing it again and leaving Blackheart lying in the ring, or is he? He's looking around at the fans, what's he going to do? Harding flips off the cage into a moonsault and he lands it on the chest of Blackheart. But Harding appears to have hurt himself here as well, he's grabbing at his knees and his chest both men are down.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding crawls over to the otherside ropes, he pulls himself up he limps over to the cage and he tries to climb the cage, he first slips off the cage but he gets his barings this time, he reaches the middle of the cage and he swings one leg over, a groggy Blackheart is up too and he is climbing the cage as well, he yanks at the leg of Harding but cannot pull him down, he climbs up they are both fighting above the cage, Harding slams the head of Blackheart into the cage he's wobbling almost falling he slams Hardings head in and he almost falls off of the cage as well. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding swings his other leg around and he hits Blackheart with it and Blackheart wobbles but Harding tumbles a bit he's hanging onto the side of the cage, he pushes himself and he hooks onto the other cage. Blackheart starts to climb downside of the cage Harding drops down first Blackheart drops down and he gets a spinwheel kick for his trouble. Harding helps him back up and goes to irish whip him into the otherside of the cage into the wall it is blocked, and reversed Harding blocks the reverse, Harding grabs his head and slams it into the side of the cage. He's got his head hooked and he is going to walk him down to the wakk if the cage, but he cops and elbow for his trouble.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Blackheart tries to send him into the cage it's blocked, Harding then tries the same but that is blocked as well, and Blackheart finally gets him into the cage, Harding gets his head rammed into there again, Blackheart searches under the ring and he has Harding sitting there with his back against the cage he pulls out a chair and he walks over and he slams it into the head of Harding, with some force the sound of the chair echoes throughout the arena. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]He places the chair on the chest of Harding, he runs in and hits a front low dropkick into the chair sending it into the chest of Harding. Harding is down in some pain, Blackheart turns around and walks towards the door of the second cage. Harding is stirring on the otherside of the cage, he's trying to stand, he staggers a bit, he's groggy and walking towards Blackheart, Blackheart sees the door is locked, he looks up and sees the hole in the top of the cage, he goes searching under the ring, and pulls out a ladder, he has the ladder in his hands, but before he can do anything Harding lands a blow across the back of Blackheart the ladder spills to the ground.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding picks up the ladder and he hits Blackheart in the midsection with the ladder, and then he hits him with the ladder to the head. Harding tosses the ladder over the cage an into the ring Harding picks up Blackheart and he hits a nice swinging neckbreaker on the floor. Harding scales the cage, and like spider-man he is walking around the cage wall he reaches the part with no barbed wire and he pulls himself up and over into the cage. Blackheart is up and he is shaking the cage, Harding all off of the cage and onto the ladder in the ring! OUCH! Blackheart walks around the ringside area and starts to climb the cage he reaches the top and he swings his leg over the top he starts to climb down, Harding back up jumps to the top rope and hits a super hurricanrana from the top rope sending Blackheart onto the ladder in the middle of the ring.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding sets up the ladder in the middle of the he climbs the ladder, Blackheart is back up he shakes the laddeer and throws Harding from the ladder and he lands head first into the top rope and his face smashes a lighttube on the top rope, Harding is starting to bleed. Harding turns around and he walks into a massive Yakuza Kick to the face, Blackheart picks up the ladders and he slams it into the chest of Harding, he sets the ladder up and he starts to climb the ladder he reaches the top, a staggering Harding starts to shake the ladder he shakes him off of the ladder, but he lands on his feet and it's a shining wizard to the head of Harding. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Blood goes everywhere Blackheart goes for the ladder again, and he starts to speed up the ladder, Harding pulls himself up the ladder they are on the top of the first cage. Harding pulls himself up, Blackheart punches him on the back and lifts him into a power bomb attempt but Harding reverses it into a hurricanrana, but Blackheart manages to cone back to his feet and he clothesline down Harding. Blackheart locks in an arm submission on the top of the cage, he has Harding groaning, Harding is trying to fight this off he has Blackheart up, he pulls his arm out the move and he has Blackheart in a firemans carry, and he hits a Death Valley Driver on the top of the cage.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding locks in his own variation of the sharpshooter he has Blackheart groaning but he only holds it for a brief moment, he drops the hold and he climbs up to the scaffolding, Blackheart groggy and limping also makes his way up there, Harding and Blackheart tie up, Harding goes to irish whip him, it's countered with an irish whip attempt by Blackheart,Harding counters this with a short arm clothesline that sends down Blackheart. Harding can see the title and he has a bit to climb to get it, they have the title hanging on what looks like an X above the scaffold so it's going to take some swinging along the rope to get the title.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Heyman thought a lot about this match, didn't he? Harding walks over to the otherside of the scaffolding and hooks the top of that rope and starts to swing himself along it to get towards the title again Blackheart is back up and he hooks the leg of Harding and he is shaking him and shaking, if Harding drops he's going straight through the glass floor. Harding is holding on for grim death, Blackheart has got both legs locked and he's making sure to get Harding into a more painful situation, Harding is unhooked and it's a powebomb! Into the glass part of the scaffolding it's all broken and I think it has split the back of Hardings head open! Blackheart now is going to go after the title, Blackheart is swinging along there is no challenge from Harding, Blackheart is hovering over the WWA United States Title he has his hands on it, wait a minute that's Justin Kaos there at the top there he's got Blackheart up! What's he going to do? Death Valley Driver into the glass!! Holy **** the fans are chanting he went straight through that glass and now he is broken open.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]But Kaos is not finished here, he's got Blackheart up and he signals for another Death Valley Driver, he's pointing to the top of the cage! He's going to plant him in the middle of the cage with this move? DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ONTO THE TOP OF THE CAGE! THE CAGE HAS BROKEN OPEN and THEY HAVE FALLEN TO THE CANVAS! Oh my god the cage's roof has broken! Harding is stuck at the top of the scaffold! Both Blackheart and Kaos are done for they cam crashing to the canvas and now they are in some pain. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding pulls himself to his knees, he looks down at the carnage in the ring he looks back up and he sees Shaun Stetson standing there with a lightube. Wrath of God are lurking around the ringside area too, they have unlocked the first cage door, and tbey have entered that cage, Lawler enters the second cage, Aries passes him a table he sets the table up. He hands him another table, he sets that one up, Aries walks to the back and he comes walking back to the ringside area carrying a third table. Meanwhile on the scaffold Stetson and Harding are there this could end up in a bad way for both men here. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The table stacking is continuing down in the ring, Stetson comes at Harding, he swings the lighttube it's ducked, Harding turns around and hits him with a stunner, he loses the lighttube and it smashes on the top of the cage down below shardes of glass rain down. Harding is back up, Stetson shakes off the stunner, he's groggy, Harding goes for kick to the head he is blocked by Stetston who floors him with a massive clothesline. Stetson picks up Harding he's going for a powerbomb but he turns around and he walks towards the side of the scaffold and he looks down at the tables, oh no this could be bad for Harding here. Harding escapes out the back saving himself from getting powerbombed through the tables below.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Stetson comes back at him though and he has him back up BLUE THUNDER DRIVER!!! off the scaffold and through the tables! HOLY ****! HOLY ****! The fans are chanting they just saw a move that has just changed the landscape of this match right here. Stetson is down, Harding is down, Blackheart is down from that Death Valley Driver! Justin Kaos is stirring though, and so is Blackheart Blackheart is on his knees Justin Kaos tosses the chair at the head of Blackheart sending him back down. Kaos drags him to the corner he sits him up, he places the chair in front of the face of Blackheart, it's hooked to the middle of the ropes.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Kaos walks away he turns around and a front low dropkick on the chair into the face of Blackheart, Kaos tries to help up Harding who is still down from this move the carnage of the events of this match is evident that this match has been an awesomely violent match so far. Harding is very groggy, he drops back down to his knees. Wrath of God are circling the ring, Kaos is holding them off. He pickws up the ladder and he positions it so it is easy to climb upto the top of the cage. Harding is helped back up and walked towards the ladder he is helped up the ladder but he cannot make it any further. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Blackheart pullsout another lighttube from the ropes, he's back on his feet too he is very groggy and he cannot stand without staggering towards Kaos, Kaos has not seen Blackheart, Blackheart swings and he smashes the lighttube over the head of Kaos he drops down to the mat the shardes of glass shower the ring. Blackheart climbs up the otherside of the ladder he and Harding are at the top of the ladder they are fighting now, Harding almost falls off the ladder Harding almost knocks Blackheart from the ladder. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Blackheart flips himself over Harding after ramming his head into the ladder, sunset flip powerbomb on Harding into the canvas. Blackheart hurns around and he iks heading back up the ladder but this ladder is too short, he rolls under the ropes and walks towards the back,he comes back with a larger ladder he's walking down the ramp and into the ring with the ladder, Wrath of God are not even bothering with Blackheart they are letting him take the lader back into the ring. He slides the ladder into the ring and then he slides in with it he walks over and he sets it up it hits the scaffold and he starts to cimb the Ladder, Jason Aries rolls into the ring, he picks up a lighttube and he is climbing the otherside of the ladder, he reaches Blackheart and he slams the lighttube into the head of Blackheart the shardes of glass fly everywhere, Blackheart's bleeding and bleeding a lot. Harrison shakes the ladder and Blackheart falls off of the ladder and he hits the top rope he bounces off of the top rope into a Jumping Swinging DDT into the mat. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding is starting to stir, he's on his knees Aries hits a DDT on Harding driving his head into the mat they help Stetson to his feet and they leave the ring the match is going to continue, it has been an epic so far, but some may not be happy with the intererance! Referee Chat Pattan is out here and he is removing Justin Kaos from the ring now, we're back to the bloody war of Harding and Blackheart neither man are able to get to their feet at the moment, the ladder is still laying against the ropes, blood everywhere broken bodies have been replaced, we have shardes of glass everywhere. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding is stirring first, he crawls over to the ropes and he starts to pull himself up, he drapes himself over the top rope, Blackheartis trying to get himself back up as well he's pulling himself up both are staggering Harding staggers towards Blackheart and Blackheart is starting to stagger towards Harding, they meet in the middle of the ring, and then they start to battle back and forth, landing forearm strikes to each other. Harding goes for an irish whip but this is blocked hy Blackheart he tries to irish whip Harding, but this is blocked by Harding. Harding arm drags Blackheart, Blackheart is back up and Harding arm drags him a second time, and again he is back up.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Collar and elbow tie up ends with Harding getting a kick to the midsection, Blackheart pushes the ladder and it comes down and hits Harding in the head Blackheart sets the ladder up and he storms up the ladder, Harding is following him on the other side of the ladder, they reach the top of this large looking ladder, they are starting to fight at the top, Blackheart almost falls off the side of the ladder, he almost sends Harding crashing down to the mat on the otherside of the ladder. Blackheart leaves Harding and pulls himself onto the scaffold, Harding finally reaches it to but gets kicked as he got up there. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]He picks up Harding he goes for the Burning Heart, but Harding blocks it, and Harding calls for his Destoryer, but it's blocked and now Blackheart goes for his finisher again, this is again blocked and Harding hits a back heel kick, he pulls down Blackheart and calls for the destroyer again, and he hits the flip pildriver on the top of the scaffold into the glass up there! This could have ended the match! Harding pulls himself up,he hooks onto the ropes and he crawls along there a staggering Blackheart is climbing the top of the scaffold to the rafters but he stops there and he leaps from there onto the top of the scaffold on to the top of the ropes across the scaffold it wobbles, the whole scaffolding wobbles! Oh no is it going to fall?[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The shaking stops for the moment Blackheart is kicking at Harding to send him down to the bottom so he cannot get the title, Harding is holding on, he pulls himself to the top of this they are both sitting on the top of thse X ropes above the ring. They are fighting back and forth, Harding with his arm under the neck of Blackheart he slams him down onto the bottom of the scaffold! It's shaking again! The top half of the scaffolding is hooked to the top of the arena, the bottom is locked into the bottom of the scaffold. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding is up and he sees the title is shaking as is the top of the scaffold he walks over to the side of the scaffold and he starts the climn up to the ropes he climbs across, Blackheart is still down, Harding is close to the WWA United States Title, he pulls it down! The bell rings! ?Here is your winner, and still WWA United States Champion, Dave Harding!?[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Winner and Still WWA United States Champion: Dave Harding[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Harding is lying there on the top of the topes across the top of the arena, he raises the title the fans are cheering his music is playing he pulls himself down from the top X ropes and he hooks the title around his waist and he starts the climb down from the scaffold onto the ladder and then he starts the climb down from that he reaches the the middle of the ladder and drops down, the ring crew are starting to take down the second cage and remove the legs from the scaffold, Blackheart is given assistance to the rafters, they walk him along the rafters towards the WWA Tron and he is helped down the stairs at the baclk of the massive screen. Harding raises the WWA United States Title above his head and celebrates the win, he rolls out of the ring and drops to his knees Jacques Honsinger and Jacob Hoesing are out from the back they are WWA Doctors they are helping Harding to the back, his music playing and the fans clapping him to the back. Suddenly the lights go out, and all attention turns to the video screen, a video starts to play.[/FONT]​

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The video ends the lights come back on the camera is at ringside no one is quite sure what to make of the video. ?What the hell is going on around here? For a whole week now WWA has been promising big changes, and the Millionaires Club have promised a big name, and then we just see a video of Jeff Hardy, is he the third man here tonight? Is he the man that we've been promised is going to make an Imapct here in WWA?? Jackson Buckley shrugs ?I have heard from sources that Jeff Hardy is still working for the other company, why he would be here is just baffling to me. They promised a World Champion not apart of WWA, they promised him here tonight and then we see the video, so I am starting to think that Jeff Hardy is the third man, but why?? Robert Stanton pauses for the moment ?I am just not sure what to make of this, after this match watching two men almost kill each other, and everything else going on, there is just no more words that can explain all of this, but I hear we have a video to go do, so take it away guys in the truck.?[/FONT]


[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]The video opens outside of a house, in the dark, young girls are playing skip rope, lightning lights up the sky they start to sing. ?One, two Robbie?s coming for you, three, four go three, four, go lock your door, five, six, get a crucifix, seven, eight, gonna stay up late, nine, ten, never sleep again.? they start to laugh thunder and lighting overhead. ?Nightmares do come true Miles.? the girls are laughing and playing they are singing as they play ?Robbies back for you Miles, Robbies going to make your life a living hell.? We got inside the house, there is blood everywhere inside we head upstairs and Matrix is in a dark room,the wind is blowing Matrix is on his knees. ?Miles, welcome to the nightmare room, this is where it all started Miles, this room was where I spent my life, locked away form thw world and locked away from ever having friends, I was never allowed outside this door, and now look at me Miles, look at what has become of me.? The wind blows into the room ?I could kill your dreams Miles, I could come to you in your nightmares and take what you have worked for, for so long, I remember I never forget, and now I am coming back for you again, you may think you are the Upper Echelon of society, you may think you are the greatest thing in wrestling today and you have a hold on us, well you have nothing on me. You cannot control me.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]You cannot control the one thing that you're scared of, you are scared of me, you are scared of what you do not understand and you have tried so hard to get in there and understand me for so long and it never worked you tried to get inside my head and torture me, but I laughed at your attempts I managed to out smart everyone. No one ever gets inside there not since I came back to wrestling. WWA is going to be your tomb.? a loud crash is heard of head the wind is blowing harder and harder the windows are slamming back and forth making a loud noise Matrix is just sitting there laughing. Matrix stands up he picks up a baseball bat that is lying on the floor he walks across the room and there is a picture of Miles Mario on his wall. ?The New Generation has been working on a plan for you Miles, you see we know all about your strengths and weaknesses and we know that you are scared of the dark Miles, you are scared of the creatures that are lurking around in the dark, and you can see that I am one that is lurking around the darkness. Re-Awakening, will be your death. Rest in Peace Miles.? Matrix starts to attacking the wall another clash of lightning lights up the room, we're leaving the room, and the screen turns black.[/FONT]


[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Six Man Tag Team Match[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Elimination Match
The New Generation (DraVen Matrix, CM Punk, Scott Sandars) vs The Millionaires Club (Miles Marion. Connor MacManus. ???)

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]We're back in the arena, Tommy O'Shea is in the middle of the ring ready for the Re-Awakening PPV Main Event. The bell rings [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?Ladies and Gentleman it is now time for your Main event here tis evening.? [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]They all start cheering [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?This match is an elimination six Man Tag Team Match,the sole surviving team will be declared the winners of the match.? The[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] lights suddenly go out and we hear [/FONT]?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]As I lay me down to sleep I pray my soul is mine to keep, and never step outside this bed never, into all the evil, now back from the dead."[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] A gong echoes throughout the arena [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]"Are you scared?"[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] then an explosion [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]"He's here." [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]and then Fixation on the Darkness by Killswitch Engage plays.[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?Introducing first, representing the New Generation, hailing from Parts Unknown, he's standing at 6 ft 1in tall and weighting in at 235 lb this is DraVen Matrix!?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] Matrix is out from the back standing in the entrance way, he's looking around the fans are half cheering him he walks down the ramp with green numbers falling from the ceiling he steps in the middle of the ramp and throws out his arms, this fires off a firework from the stage the lights are back on and he walks towards the ring. This Fire Burns by Killswitch Engaged hits out comes CM Punk the fans are all cheering [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]?Introducing next, his Tag Team Partner, heiling from Chicago, Illinois, he's standing at 6 ft 1 in weighting in tonight at 222 lb, this is CM Punk!?[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] he's down in the ring and he poses for the fans they are all cheering him. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Superstar by Saliva is now playing, the fans are cheering pyros fire off from the stage, Scott Sandars walks out from the back with his World Heavyweight Title, and with his wife with him he passes her the World Title.[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, sans-serif] ?And their Tag Team partner, hailing from Melbourne, Australia [/FONT]6 ft 3 and weigting in at 257 lb he is the WWA World Heavyweight Champion, this is ?Superstar? Scott Sandars!? he starts his walk down the ramp the fans are all cheering him he reaches the ring and he walks in there he and his Tag Team partners start to talk. Ths music of Miles Marion starts to play he and Connor MacManus walks out from the back the fans are all booing. ?And their opponents, first hailing from Manchester, New Hampshire, standing 6 ft 3 in and weighting in tonight at 235 pounds, this is Millionaire Miles Marion! And his team team partner hailing from Dublic Ireland, but now callling Los Angeles California home, standing 6 ft 2 in tall and weighting in at 235 lb, this is Connor MacManus!? they walk towards the ring still no sign of the third man, where they bluffing? They reach the ring and both enter they pose in the ring the ring announcer looks at the referee it seems that Connor MacManus and Miles Marion are going to start this match along without a third man.

The referee checks both men for weapons none are found, he walks over and he checks the other three men of the New Generation the referee wants them to choose who is going to start this match it looks like CM Punk wants to start for the New Generation, Connor MacManus says he wants to start for the Millionaires Club, they are both in the ring now the other two men leave the ring and Miles leaves the ring, the referee calls for the bell.

CM Punk and Connor MacManus walk around the ring, they tie up the fans all cheer, MacManus gets irish whipped into the ropes, he comes off ducks the clothesline he hits the otherside ropes and hits a forearm smash on Punk, Punk kicks up and gets arm dragged, he's back up and he arm drags MacManus, they both go for dropkicks, they look at each other as neither man hits one they look around at the fans and they clap the fast paced start to this match.

They both tie up again and Punk takes down MacManus with a headlock, MacManus is fighting out of it he has the shoulders of Punk down 1...2...kickout straight away by Punk, Punk swings a kick to the head of MacManus sends him down, he's back up though with a kick to the stomach, and some martial arts kicks to the body of Punk, Punk is down on his knees, he gets a stiff kick to the body and then to the head, Punk is down and could almost have a broken rib, or nose, or both those were some extreme strikes by MacManus.

MacManus covers 1...2..kickout by Punk he's not going down, MacManus helps up Punk only to drive him down with a belly to belly subplex, some fine wrestling skills shown by MacManus. MacManus now locks in a leg submission hold on Punk, Punk groans and he is trying to get to the ropes he's on his elbows trying to get there but MacManus drops the hold and dropsa corkscrew legdrop on Punk. Punk is not doing well here, Sandars is calling for the pin, MacManus walks over to Sandars and starts to get into his face, Sandars just strikes him with a hard shot straight to the face, Punk is there to captialise on this he tags Sandars into the ring, Sandars charges into the ring and MacManus tries to kick him to the head but Sandars ducks he punches Miles on the otherside of the ring, he comes off the ropes and he superkicks MacManus from nowhere with that thunderous kick to the head.

Sanadars goes for the figure four leglock the fans loet out a round of ?woos!? Sandars has MacManus groaning MacManus is trying to turn it over he cannot the first time, he's in some extreme pain, he tries again, this time again he cannot get Sandars over, he tries a third time and this time he gets it over, the hold has been reversed both are in some pain as the lock is finally unlocked. Sandars rubs his knee as he stands up Punk is up now and looks recovered Matrix gets the tag and he is back in the ring, he drops a leg across the back of MacManus, Matrix stands there and is taunting Miles Marion he wants him in the ring, MacManus is crawling along and tags in Marion.

Marion comes in and he stares down Harding, there is still no sign of the 3rd man, Miles Marion is just stalling for time here now, he tags back out and MacManus is in the ring so Matrix takes in CM Punk and they go at it again, dropkick on MacManus it sends him down, He's back up and blocks the attack from CM Punk he hits him with the Yaeger Shot! 1...2.....3. Punk was devestated with the firemans carry into a high angle yakuza kick to the head. ?CM Punk has been eliminated.? Scott Sandars is back in the ring and they tie up MacManus quickly tries the finish but he cannot do it. Sandars sends him into the ropes off the ropes it's a scoop slam into the mat.

Sandars logs in an armbar, he wrenches the arm, and he twists it around MacManus groans, Sandars releases the hold and then low front dropkicks the chest of MacManus, Sandars locks in the Sandars vice! He has it locked in hard and MacManus is really letting out the groans, Miles comes in and he boots the back of the head of Sandars so he releases the hold. Scott Sandars picks up MacManus he into a stalling suplex. Scott Sandars walks to the ropes, drops his body (back) onto the ropes, then bouncing it back into the air. He then turns away from the ropes, converting into an Evenflow DDT.

That was a devestating move,and this could leave MacManus in some trouble Sandars covers 1...2....broken up by Marion, Sanadars is back up and he snap suplexes into turnbuckle. Marions's back hit the turnbuckle, his body is inverted, landing on him head. Sandars releasing some new moves into his moves set here tonight that is how much this match means to the New Generation!

With those two down, Sandars locks MacManus back in the Sandars vice the referee is down and he's checking on MacManus, MacManus tapes out to the Sandars vice. ?Connor MacManus has been eliminated.? Miles Marion is trying to pull himself back up, he is very groggy Sandars kicks him in the midsection and then he hooks him in a butterfly underhook, he lfts him up and drives him down in a Dangerous Driver. Sandars drops down for the cover. The referee checks him 1...2...kickout! The fans are surprised that Marion was able to get back up after that move.

Sandars locks the Sandars vice, Miles Marion is struggling to get out of this he reaches for the ropes the referee calls for the break. Sandaras breaks the hold and stomps Miles Marion, things to not look good for Miles Marion, Miles Marion pulls himself back to his feet though, he calls of Sandars, he looks around and calls for the microphone. ?It is now time for the third man to be revealed.? the fans are booing him as he had stopped the match that the fans were enjoying ?I have promised you a World Champion from another company, well here he is!? We cut to the entrance way we're waiting to see who it is, and then we hear and see the video of the star!

It's Steve Austin! He's back in WWA! He walks out from the back his music playing throughout the arena the fans are surprised to see Austin back in WWA, he has been missing for 2 months now and they never knew he was coming back! He walks down to the ring and he enters the ring he climbs the turnbuckle and poses for the fans with the middle fingered salute. He comes face to face with Scott Sandars, Sandars goes for a strike on Austin, Austin ducks, he kicks him to the midsecion STONE COLD STUNNER!! he hit Sandars with a stunner and Marion covers him,1...2.....3.. it's all over for Sandars. ?Scott Sandars has been eliminated.? Matrix is the last man for the New Generation the referee makes Miles Marion leave the ring, Matrrix enteres the ring and Marion looks to run and tag Marion, but Matrix stops him, and hits him with a DDT. Matrix just looks at Steve Austin, they just stare at each other as Matrix helps up Miles Marion.

He pulls his head down and calls for the Enter The Matrix, he flips him over nailing Marion with that Enter The Matrix, Matrix covers Marion, the referee is down there for the count 1..2...3.. It's now down to Austin and Matrix! ?Miles Marion has been eliminated.? Austin enters the ring and walks straight upto Matrix and gives him the finger. Matrix kicks him in the midsection they start to fight back and forth they end up in the corner, Austin turns it around and now has Matrix in the corner he's stomping a mudhole and now he's going to walk it dry he kicks Matrix down and he reaches the bottom rop. He then gives him the finger again and walks away to pose with the fans and leaves Matrix on the mat.

Matrix is back up Austin goes for the kick to the midsection again, this time it's blocked by Matrixm Matrix has his leg Austin is hopping around, Matrix hits a dragonscrew legwhip on Austin. Ausitn is down holding his leg he's groaning now that he has had that. Matrix locks in a sharpshooter on Austin, Austin is fighting this off as hard as he can but Matrix turns him over and he has him on his stomach, Austin is letting out the groans of pain, he's trying to crawl towards the ropes.

Austin grabs the bottom rope, the refere calls for the break, Matrix breaks the hold and he drops an elbow on to Austin. Austin pulls himself up he has a limp from the sharpshooter and the dragonscrew lepwhip that Matrix has hit him with. Matrix hits a Sole Kick, bending the Austin over. He then hits a kneeling uppercut to the jaw, knocking the Austin up. Matrix then executes a Leaping Complete Shot followed into a Koji Clutch the referee is checking down on Austin, Matrix calls that move his Splitting Matrix 1 back to the referee he is checking for the sudmission Austin does not want to give this match up Austin is trying to fight this off but the Koji Clutch is cutting off the air there to Austin.

Austin reaches for the rope, he cannot get it, Matrix has this locked in hard, Austin crawls the ropes and he makes it! The hold is unlocked and Austin is trying to recover. Austin is starting to think it was a bad idea joining he Millionaires Club, Austin pulls himself up he takes a very deep breath and then has Matrix come back at him he elevateshim over the top rope but Matrix ends up on the side of the ring, Matrix shoulder blocks him, and then pulls himself over the top rope and it's a sunset flip into a roll up 1...2...kick out! That was very close! Austin and Matrix are back up they ar battling again, Matrix goes for a kick it's blocked Austin swings him around kicks him in the stomach and hits the Stunner on him!

Austin covers Harding 1...2.....2. It's all over! ?DraVen Matrix has been elimated, here is your winners, Connor MacManus, Miles Marion, and Steve Austin, they are The Millionaires Club!?

Winner(s): Millionaires Club (Miles Marion, Connor MacManus & Steve Austin)

Steve Austins theme is playing in the arena Miles Marion, Connor MacManus, The Rock, and Jason Leung come out and they all surround Matrix Miles Marion grabs a microphone and he stands over Matrix ?You see Matrix, I told you that you were never going to beat the Millionaires Club, we are just too good for anyone, we are the best group of superstars in professional wrestling and we are going to show you what we have in store for WWA soon, you are not going to surrvive when we are done with you all!? suddenly Harding, Sanadars, Punk, and Shannon Moore comes running down from the back, Miles Marion escapes the ring and once they all hit the ring a brawl starts in the middle of the ring. The lights go out the fighting stops a dark figure is on the screen.

?[FONT=Verdana, sans-serif]Look at you all, you are all fighting over petty positions, you cannot even see that when it all ends none of you matter, WWA is in for the massive change that will shake the very foundation of WWA, and you better start watching your backs because no one is sasfe, the weak shall not survive what I have planned. WWA is mine and I am going to make everyones life a living hell. See you in the future..? The screen goes blank and that is all we have for Re-Awakening! See you all at Revolution!! [/FONT]
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