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This show is purely for Members & for their entertainment. So all sorts of feedback are welcomed.

Live from Denver, CO

Welcome back to the match between Viper & Legacy. It's going to be a very tough contest as the team, Legacy is headed by none other than our WWE champ, Randy Orton. Legacy are known for their dominance & we have to wait and see how Viper is going to tackle that.
<<< ... Viper's music starts ... >>>

" Look at that! Here he comes, THE VIPER. He also looks scary to me. Hedger & this guy look really scary!

Here they come, THE LEGACY! They walk in very dominant way towards the ring. Orton looks very sarcastic at lonely Viper. A King Viper seeing another Viper? All the three members of Legacy just surrounds the Viper & it seemed for a moment that match will be cancelled before it starts. But credits to referee for avoiding further confusions. Rhodes decides to take on Viper first.

Viper on the destroyer mood directly. Without a single second gap, Viper starts to give powerful blows and punches on Rhode's face. The strength & wrath which Viper had in him was well reflected during his lift of Rhodes into one of the ring corners. Even Orton was surprised to see so much enthusiasm in Viper.

Viper goes for armbreaker & Rhodes just struggles to get rid of Viper. Orton seemed so curious to break in & hit this Viper out. But it was rules & referee which prevented him from doing that.

Viper didn't leave Rhodes still. He continues to give serial of punches on Rhodes face. Orton breaks into the ring without any control & gives a severe blow on Vipers' head. Referee managed to prevent a big dispute & fight resumed. " It's all new to this new boy, Viper! ", shouts Cole.

Rhodes just takes advantage of Orton's interruption & continues to give back the blows to Viper. After Orton's blow on Viper's head, Viper gasped for his breath to get the momentum back.

Rhodes gives a body slam on Viper & the things turns out worse for Viper. " This is just bad. Viper shouldn't have come alone to this ring especially in the very first match & that too against this Legacy!



LOOK AT THAT.. VIPER GOES FOR RKO :siren :siren :siren. EXPLOSIVE RKO on Rhodes. It's all Vipers' now. What a blow for Rhodes. HANG ON!

When Viper was posing to the crowd, Orton interrupts once again. This time the interruption was major. Orton brings an iron rod with him.

Orton attacks Viper with the steel rod. Now, the team legacy have voilated the rules. The referee immediately GOES FOR A BELL & VIPER WINS THIS BY DQ. But Orton wasn't just bothered. He continues to attack Viper with that iron rod.


Randy Orton : First of all, YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE USED MY RKO.
Randy Orton : Who are you to use it on my boys, Viper? You have stepped into the danger zone, may be without knowing about this great legacy?
Randy Orton : We are here to destroy anyone who are against us. But you.. You have used my RKO against us? Get a lesson from us, buddy.. Your career would come to an end if you repeat this mistake again. Got it?

Randy Orton : Who are you to use it on my boys, Viper? You have stepped into the danger zone, may be without knowing about this great legacy?
Randy Orton : We are here to destroy anyone who are against us. But you.. You have used my RKO against us? Get a lesson from us, buddy.. Your career would come to an end if you repeat this mistake again. Got it?
<<< Furious Orton leaves the arena with that iron rod. Despite Viper winning the match by DQ, he has received a severe blow from Viper. Hopefully, nothing serious has happened. We will have to see about the health condition of Viper. Referee was trying his best to get the consciousness back for Viper >>>
.... To be Continued ....