WWE - Don't Dare to Try Anywhere(RR:Tables Match -Tag Team: DM/Viper Vs JeriShow-OVER!)

You can sign up, Amiya.

Name :
City :
Height :
Signature Move 1 :
Signature Move 2 :
Finishing Move 1 :
Finishing Move 2 :

Note : If it's ok for you, I will assign you the moves. Unique moveset is what I am aiming for. So, I will be able to help you out in this. :) Viper's Venom, Dragonomatic etc are some of the new moves which have become dedicated to our superstars now. :)

I am cutting down the DIVA's option for time being because we have exceeded the main eventers limit ;)
Name - Marley
City - California
Height - 6 feet 7 inch
Signature move 1 - 619
Signature move 2 - Pedigree
Finishing move 1 - tombstone piledriver
Finishing move 2 - Chokeslam
How can a superstar give 619 and Chokeslam?
His physique would surely be unique :laugh
I will assign moves for Amiya with uniqueness, don't worry. :) 619 is definitely not taken, I will assign some nice moves along with it. Chokeslam, Pedigree & tombstone are all taken already. ;)
I wanted the 619, but I forgot to take it :p

Meh, I like my moves too.

You are yet to see your moves in action though. ;) Will your moves help you to survive against the other monsters? We will see.

By the way, I am currently updating the elimination match -Part 1. I know who won it.. & it went interesting too till the last second. :p
What happened of me?? How badly am I injured...

Dragon master came to your rescue & you are safe. There was announcement even about the new tag team alliance - Dragon Master & Viper. Vince did get your request but in what way, he will satisfy you guys? For that, you have to wait for Austin in next Smackdown show where Royal Rumble fixtures will be announced too.

Note : Royal Rumble fixtures also depends on this last 4 men battle royal rumble.

This show is purely for Members & for their entertainment. So all sorts of feedback are welcomed.

Live from Denver, CO

We are back with our last main event of Monday night RAW - Battle Royal between four members for the WWE championship title shot in Royal Rumble. We did receive angry responses from Viper & Dragon Master for being left out in contenders' list, but we do know Vince's brain. He must have planned up definitelty something worse for the new tag team. :p

<<< Gary Gangsta music starts..... >>>


Gary Gangsta turns everyone's face to his side by the stunning dance near the entrance. It seems that Gary Gangsta have taken HBK as his role model. ;) " Not bad, he is stylish ", shouts JL.


Gary Gangsta arrives into the ring & his legs still didn't stop from dancing. He should be alert in the match because he can't just keep dancing like this during the match. Being cool is alright, but being super cool can be dangerous some times.

<<< Light's GO OFF. :eek: Why the hell?:facepalm Hang on.. :eek: >>>


The scary man arrives. It's HEDGER! He looks too scary and is just opposite to Gary who did a cool display in front of the spectators. This guy, Hedger also looks so furious. May be, he is frustrated with Yudi's stuffs on him.


" Walking in that red dark smoke just makes my eyes to close ", shouts Cole. Vince is definitely not brainless. Though he expressed his hatred towards these new superstars, he has arranged the 4-men royal rumble featuring both Yudi & Hedger in it. Both these men did show a great signs of conflict between them. So, in all ways, the match is going to be interesting.


" How it will look if, Hedger & Rikishi or Hedger & Umaga teams up", asks JL to Cole. " They would be the most devastating pair after that I believe. I just can't imagine that now. :p ", says Cole.

<<< Lights come again, & Yudi's music starts... >


" This guy also dances in the entrance. Woooooohoooo.. I am just liking these guys.. They look too cool compared to the other boring stars we had before ", shouts JL with excitement.


Yudi stares at Hedger & Gary. He nodds at them in sarcastic way but he never stopped from dancing though. Hedger was controlling himself too hard from attacking Yudi. Whereas, Gary Gangsta was never bothered, he was just admiring the annnouncer girl who stood nearby him. :p :D :laugh


Yudi just goes to side of Hedger near the ring, & wantedly give a mighty pose @ Hedger. Hedger just gets frustrated further & give a big kick at the steel steps near the ring.

What is Gary doing? Still admiring the announcer girl. :facepalm


What is that Car? WHAAAAAAT?

<<< Zoraxis' music starts... >


Where did this guy have got that crazy car? :laugh :rtfl :laugh :rtfl Car dances in place of Zoraxis. :rtfl Zoraxis remains inside the car giving stylish waving of his hands at the spectators. " Man, this guy is crazier than Gary Gangsta! :rtfl " shouts, JL.


Zoraxis comes out of the car & approaches the ring. HANG ON! Zoraxis already starts to give a tough competition to Gary Gangsta? WHAT? Before the match itself? YES, he pushes Gary Gangsta away from standing near the announcer girl & instead, Zorax conquer his postion & starts to give poses to the crowd.

Yudi keeps his eyes on Hedger though. " My guess would be, Yudi & Hedger standing as last two men! ", shouts Cole.

So, with all the 4 supestarts reaching the ring, we are all set for the match to start. Stay Tuned to find out more :)

... To be continued ...

So am I going to enter in today's show?

I already did hint you, before the end of this show, you will see who you are & how you look in the game. :) You and Aditya will be having the match only on Smackdown. There is already a demand offline for you & Aditya as tag partners. :spy Lets see, it all depends on Austin's mind set. ;)

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