Oh yes yes yes yes yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!
What did i tell you Zorax!!!
I took well over a minute (chatting with Number 1) after i hit the powerful slam and yet,you were unable to kick out :laugh
This is just the beginning my friend.
Don't you even dare think that you'll get away having killed Troy,one of my closest friends and Madhur's own brother.

But,i would like to make it clear that it was all about team work for us.
Both Hedger and Macho played their roles and here we are standing victorious in the ring
But,the party's not over yet folks because we are still a part of the Royal Rumble match.
I would also like to thank Hitman for joining hands with us.
bcvstheworld added 3 Minutes and 43 Seconds later...
Too bad a loss there.Last second turn-around.And lol @ the guy who got beatings after the match.Some people just know to speak and nothing else.
Well,you put up a good fight but were a little inexperienced to get the job done.
Well tried though.
I see some raw talent in you.
Just stay away from the bad company of DM,Viper and Zoraxis and you'll have a bright future here.