Which show do you look forward to seeing most?

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Good work

Trevor Murdoch vs. Paul London

Umaga vs. Val Venis

Candice Michelle vs. Melina - WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP

Carlito's Cabana - Guess the guest.

Triple H vs. Mr. Kennedy
Trevor Murdoch vs. Paul London

Umaga vs. Val Venis

Candice Michelle vs. Melina - WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP

Carlito's Cabana - Randy Orton

Triple H vs. Mr. Kennedy
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Could people please give feedback from my shows as well i am going to make a set of questions for each show so here they are for SmackDown!

1. What did you think of the pick your poison matches?

2. What was the worse part of SmackDown?

3. What could have been better?

4. Rate SmackDown out of 10
on smackdown lol did u read the show the pick your posion matches basically batista picked an opponent for edge and edge picked an oppoennt for batista
Oh I forgot they were called pick your poison matches.

1. What did you think of the pick your poison matches?
They were good although I think Batista had hte easier fight which will give him the advantage at the next match between them.

2. What was the worse part of SmackDown?
Chuck Palumbo winings, end of.

3. What could have been better?
Chuck Palumbo not winnings and giving Batista a harder fight unless that was on purpose? Give Matt Hardy a push. :p

4. Rate SmackDown out of 10
hmm 7 or 8, I will go 7. Can always get better.
Trevor Murdoch vs. Paul London

Umaga vs. Val Venis

Candice Michelle vs. Melina- WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP

Carlito's Cabana - Jeff Hardy

Triple H vs. Mr. Kennedy

1. What did you think of the pick your poison matches?
Good choices of match. Picking an old friend and an old rival. Good.

2. What was the worse part of SmackDown?
Chuck Palumbo vs. Kenny Dykstra, not much excitement in that match.

3. What could have been better?
Put Matt Hardy on the title seen with Edge. Maybe push Batista and Flair for the Tag Team titles.

4. Rate SmackDown out of 10
8 out of 10. Always room for improvement but generally good.

I hope i have helped you on your quest for improvement.
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Trevor Murdoch vs. Paul London

Umaga vs. Val Venis

Candice Michelle vs. Melina- WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP

Carlito's Cabana - Jeff Hardy

Triple H vs. Mr. Kennedy
Some nice predictions here. When is the show up?
Ok, good. Looking forward to it.

RAW ? Monday 5th November 2007

Segment One
RAW opens with a huge pyro and JR and King hype up the already announced matches before the General Manager of RAW, William Regal makes his way to the ring. He gets a loud chorus of boos but he ignores it and gets a microphone from Lilian. He starts by announcing that the WWE Championship will be on the line at Survivor Series. He says that the Legend Killer Randy Orton will face the terrible champion John Cena and in preparation tonight Randy Orton has been given the night off. He then goes on to say that Cena however will be in action and he will face Snitsky in the main event. Regal leaves as the crowd hate on him big time.


Match One

One half of the World Tag Team Champions Trevor Murdoch takes on one half of the number one contenders Paul London in a singles match with their tag team partners at ringside. London looks to overcome Murdoch?s superior strength with his speed and agility and it works well at the beginning but then Cade gets involved and grabs his legs behind the referee?s back but Kendrick flies off the apron and takes him out with a crossbody. London is then taken down by Murdoch but he just survives. Murdoch picks him up again and gets ready to finish it but London reverses and rolls Murdoch up for the victory. Do London and Kendrick deserve a World Tag Team Title opportunity and will they be added to the Survivor Series card?


Segment Two
Mr. Kennedy is backstage with Todd Grisham and we know that later in the evening he will face Triple H. He immediately states that it is time for the experienced has bins to move aside and let the new generation take over for the good of the WWE. He says that tonight he will show Triple H why he should retire and why he is going to be the best in the future. Kennedy ends the interview with his usual name chant and the crowd play along before giving him some serious heat as he walks out of the interview area and Todd Grisham gives a weird look to the camera.


Segment Three
Carlito makes his way to the ring for his own talk show Carlito?s Cabana and starts talking about how he deserves an Intercontinental Title opportunity. He then says that his guest also thinks the same thing and for some reason the crowd loves him. Carlito introduces Jeff Hardy as his special guest and he makes his way to the ring to a rock star like ovation. He picks up a microphone and begins to say that Carlito has no right to say he deserves a title opportunity when he hasn?t achieved anything since being in the WWE. Hardy goes on to say he has been Intercontinental Champion before as well as a multiple tag team champion so he should get the next shot. Carlito stops and challenges Jeff Hardy to a one-on-one match right now and the winner will be the rightful number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship. Hardy accepts and the two go face to face as the ring is cleared and a referee makes his way to the ring to officiate the match up.


Match Two

The match starts at an amazing pace with Hardy and Carlito going at it 100%. Hardy uses his speed and quickness while Carlito uses his athleticism. Both hit defining moves such as the whisper in the wind from Jeff Hardy and a springboard back elbow from the ever impressive Carlito. It isn?t long before Carlito uses dirty tactics with a thumb to the eye and then some underhand tactics outside the ring involving the steel steps. Carlito looks on top but then Jeff Hardy is able to reverse himself out of a sleeper and starts to build some momentum. Hardy hits a neckbreaker and some unique offence before calling for the Swanton bomb. He climbs to the top rope but then out of nowhere Shelton Benjamin runs down the ramp and throws Jeff Hardy off the top rope and his head bounces off the barricade wall. Hardy is handed the win via DQ but Carlito is angry at Benjamin and the two start brawling but Benjamin hits the T-Bone suplex. Shelton Benjamin stands in the ring signalling he should be the next number one contender for the Intercontinental Title.


Segment Four
William Regal?s music hits and he immediately hits the ramp with a microphone. He says after seeing all this that at Survivor Series this coming Sunday there will be a Triple Threat Match for the Intercontinental Title. It will be Jeff Hardy against Carlito against Shelton Benjamin. He tells the bloody superstars to get out of the ring in his English accent and then stands alone when all of the superstars have gone to the back and RAW comes back from a commercial. He then says that for weeks Hornswoggle has caused him nothing but grief and that the midget has bitten off more than he can chew. He calls him out and says he is ready for a fight. Hornswoggle gets up from under the ring behind RFegal and attacks him. They brawl around the arena until Regal retreats realising that Hornswoggle has got the better of him.


Match Three

The Women?s Title match begins and Candice looks to remain as the ultimate hard working face champion but Melina looks in very impressive form as she connects with a lot of powerful moves. Candice has a fair share of the action as well hitting a spinning heel kick and lots of roll ups but it seems it just won?t be her night. The end of the match comes when Melina uses some underhand tactics and hits a massive leg scissors before rolling Candice up and grabbing a lot of the tights. Melina gets a three count by cheating and we have a new Women?s Champion.


Match Four

Umaga the Intercontinental Champion comes out with belt in hand and looks frightening throughout his easy win against Val Venis who never really had a chance. Umaga hits a series of high impact moves from a Samoan Drop to the unbelievably powerful Samoan Spike for a dominant victory and he makes a statement to the three men that will be fighting for the right to face him for the Intercontinental gold. Is Umaga unstoppable or can someone take his gold away from him?


Match Five:

Triple H makes his way to the ring and gets a huge ovation from the crowd. He looks angry and as Kennedy enters he exits the ring and attacks the young arrogant superstar. Kennedy is surprised and Triple H starts to look very aggressive. He bounces Kennedy?s head off the announce table and tosses him into the ringpost. Kennedy somehow reverses a clothesline into one of his own and then returns to the ring. The match officially gets underway and now Kennedy stomps away at the Game and starts to use moves like a back body drop and a facewash. Kennedy hits a scoop slam and goes to the top rope. He calls for a Kenton but misses. Triple H covers but he can only get a two count. Triple H now hits a Harley Race high knee and a spinebuster. Triple H looks on top and calls for the pedigree but King Booker runs down the ramp and stands on the apron distracting Triple H! Kennedy rolls Triple H up and puts his feet on the ropes. 1, 2, 3! Kennedy steals one from Triple H as Kennedy and King Booker deliver an after the match beat down to Triple H leaving him motionless in the middle of the ring.


Segment Five
RAW returns to William Regal?s office and he announces that after what he just saw it will be Triple H against King Booker at Survivor Series. He goes on to talk about how John Cena doesn?t deserve to be WWE Champion and that if he is to stay champion he is going to have to prove to Regal that he can wrestle many matches and win them all. The crowd disagree with everything that Regal says but he gives a British smile to the camera as the screen fades.



Snitsky is first to make his entrance and he gets a lot of heat but he looks as deranged as ever with his ever persistent acne problem. Next the champ arrives and for once he gets a 100% pop from the crowd. He looks energetic and pleased with his reception and doesn?t back down one inch to Snitsky. They start off and Snitsky has the better in the early going able to hit some power moves like a clothesline and a back drop followed by a massive kick to the chest and chops which echo throughout the arena. Cena however is able to reverse a massive big boot attempt and hits his own spinning back drop followed by a five knuckle shuffle. He pumps himself up before hitting the F-U and then locking in the STFU forcing Snitsky to submit. John Cena wins the match! He celebrates in the ring and turns around to face the other side. RKO! Randy Orton is here and he hits the RKO. Orton picks up the WWE Championship belt and stands over the fallen champion stating he will be the new champion come Sunday.


TICKET SALES: $361,960

1. sd92 = 6
2. Jaztheman = 5
3. The Spin = 4
4. Highlander999 = 2
EWR its an online simming game does anyone else have any comments here is the survey for RAW?

1. What was the best part of RAW?

2. What could be improved?

3. Should Melina have won the Women's Title?

4. Rate show out of 10?

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