WWE Revamped [EWR]

They happen all the time as part of the game. Nothing bad happens from not doing as they ask

MF: Hello and welcome to the new edition of smackdown!

TL: THere is tension in the air about new COMMENTATORS! and wrestlers?

MF: Looks like we will find out for ourselves

TL: But first up is a match between Carlito and finlay.

Carlito vs Finlay
The Match:
Fallaway slam by Finlay puts down Carlito. Spear by Finlay. There's a two count on the pin. Carlito counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Carlito slams Finlay. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Hooks the leg for a two count. Springboard dropkick from Carlito. Nicely done. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Finlay by Carlito. Remember when that was a legit finish? Finlay counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Finlay hits a piledriver on Carlito. That used to end matches, you know. There's a two count on the pin. Finlay scores with a standing spinebuster. Pin, but Carlito is out just before the three count. BAAACK Body drop by Carlito gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Finlay scoops and slams Carlito. What's the difference between a scoop slam and a body slam anyway? Finlay drops an elbow...but Carlito moves out of the way. Carlito with a spinning neckbreaker on Finlay. Tor-NADO DDT from Carlito, Finlay got planted!
Finish: Bobby Lashley comes running down the aisle with a chair! Carlito goes to irish whip Finlay into the ropes. Lashley hits Finlay with a chair to the back! Carlito moves in for the kill. Inverted Neckbreaker! 1....2....3.
Winner - Carlito
Carlito smiles and walks over and shakes hands with Bobby Lashley, thanking him for interfering and helping win this match.


MF: What an amazing first match to what could possibly be a great night.

TL: YES that was a great match and Finlay deserved it.

MF: shut up theo, you dont know what ya on about

Segment Ratin 82%


TL: Oh my god is this the speculation we have been hearing about.

MF: This is massive, and it is supreme, lets go there now...

*Door Knocks*

JE: Come in. * In walk AJ Styles and Cristopher Daniels* wow it's true you are here.

AJ: Yes we have come here to ask you about a chance to be on Friday night smackdown!

CD: Yeah we would like a chance tonight!

JE: Well i have just the right people in mind......Pau London and Brian Kendrick!

TL: Wow what an announcement!

MF: That is massive and we have a match here tonight for the debutants and if they win they stay.

TL: And if they lose they go

Segment Rating 84%


TL: Now to calm things down we have a little match with a big superstar?

MF: Well lets get straight to the action..

Jeff Hardy vs Super Crazy.
The Match:
Crazy uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! SUPER frankensteiner on J.Hardy, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Covers for a quick two count. J.Hardy powers out of a headlock. Jeff Hardy connects with a back heel kick on Crazy and gets back up quickly. Spin kick by Jeff Hardy to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Covers for a quick two count. Crazy walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? Pin, but Crazy is out just before the three count. Hard back suplex on Crazy. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Crazy ducks a wild right hand. Spinning bulldog in the corner and J.Hardy is down! There's a two count on the pin. Tiger suplex on J.Hardy. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, dammit. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Flying elbow from Super Crazy connects. Super Crazy strikes J.Hardy. Jeff Hardy avoids a Super Crazy avalanche by getting out of the damn way! Hard back suplex on Crazy. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64.
Finish: N64. Power drive elbow by Jeff Hardy. That sounds like a feature on a 4 x 4, doesn't it. Super Crazy gets knocked to the ground by J.Hardy, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Through the air, Swanton Bomb! 1....2....3.
Winner - Jeff Hardy
Aftermath:Jeff Hardy extends his hand to Crazy...and it is accepted! They shake!


TL: What a rubbish match, very dissapointed.

MF: One word is all it can be described....Cisses

Segment Rating 67%


TL: Now we see backstage Batista hyping him self for the next following matchup against Kane.

MF: He will be wanting revenge against that animal who is a WWE superstar?


TL: He iis very Entertaining, but then you were stupid and mysterious.

MF: You better watch yourself because im the wrestler out of us 2!

Segment Rating 73%


TL: We now go backstage Where The sandman is?!

MF: He cam over from RAW?

TS: Now where is it, oh here we are Jaff Hardy's locker room.

MF: Hey he has something in his pocket?

TL: I geuss we will ifnd out soon enough

Segment Rating 84%


TL: Now here is the match i have been looking forward to more than our main event.

MF: It is the tag team match between Sinister Youth and Paul london and Brian Kendrick...

Styles and Daniels vs London and Kendrick
The Match:
AJ Styles connects with a back heel kick on Kendrick and gets back up quickly. Second rope flying axe handle, Kendrick goes down. One day, Styles might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. Styles and Daniels whip Kendrick into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Covers for a quick two count. Spin kick by Christopher Daniels to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Kendrick kicks Christopher Daniels in the gut to reverse the momentum. Lightning kick by Kendrick on Daniels. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Brian Kendrick and Paul London. Lightning kick by London on Daniels. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Implant DDT by Paul London! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Christopher Daniels comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Flying elbow from Christopher Daniels connects.
Finish: Tag to AJ Styles. Standing leg lariat by AJ Styles on London. London tags out to Brian Kendrick. Styles uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! AJ Styles moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Styles Clash. 1....2...3, it's finished.
Winners - Debutants AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels
MNM come running down into the ring. They get attacked though, and Johnny Nitro gets thrown out again. They grab Mercury and hit the Spike Piledriver! With him out of the way, they drag Johnny Nitro to the outside...and promptly put him straight through the announcer's table with a double slam! Styles and Daniels have destroyed MNM, who were attempting to ambush them!

TL: What a match! Match of the night at the moment, perfect.

MF: That is what we want to see, Perfect stuff and thats me saying that

Segment Rating 85%


TL: Now for another great match between the likes of rANDY oRTON

MF: And John Cena the winner gets a shot at the heavyweight championship at the next PPV.

John Cena vs Randy Orton.
The Match: STIFF~! chop lights up Cena who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Cena blocks a kick from Randy Orton. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, John Cena ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Cena whips Orton into the turnbuckles...and the ref is crushed! DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by John Cena just KILLS Randy Orton! Pinfall attempt, but the ref is out and can't count to three! Randy Orton fights out of a grapple. John Cena charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Full nelson slam on Cena. There's a two count on the pin. Death valley driver (not to be confused with the DVD 500) by Randy Orton connects and John Cena is down! Pin, but Cena is out just before the three count. Randy Orton misses a clothesline. Orton walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there.
Finish: Randy Orton reverses a hip toss. John Cena can barely stand. Here it comes - RKO. 1....2...3, it's finished
Winner - The New NO1 Contender for the Heavyweight division Randy Orton
Aftermath: Randy Orton climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory


TL: Wow the crowd went berserk for that match!

MF: Yes they tried their best but only one could win.

Segment Rating 83%


MF: Now we see Randy Orton lifting those weights trying to get the advantadge over batista

TL: Now look, he is showing of his 6-pac to those who dont have them!


MF: Your the only one without one lol

Segment Rating 77%


MF: Now we have our main Event a 1-1 singles match between Our Heavyweight champion Baista and Kane.

TL: Yes this should be a great match after last weeks incidents.

Batista vs Kane.
The Match:
Batista charges into the corner, but EATS BOOT and staggers backward. Spinebuster by Kane. Hooks the leg for a two count. Batista once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. Batista hits some punches. How generic. Flying shoulder tackle by Batista sends Kane CRASHING to the mat. Hooks the leg for a two count. Powerbomb on Kane. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Batista with a spinning neckbreaker on Kane. Kane flips out of a Batista bodyslam attempt. Batista walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Hooks the leg for a two count. Kane scores with a standing spinebuster. Pin, but Batista is out just before the three count. Bodyslam by Kane. Trying to channel the spirit of Misawa, Kane ends up chanelling Lex Luger instead and nails a running forearm to the face, minus the steel plate, of course. Batista fights out of a grapple.
Finish:Flying shoulder tackle by Batista sends Kane CRASHING to the mat. Batista scores with a big spinebuster. The two competitors end up in the corner, grappling. The referee tries to break them up, but Batista pushes him away. The ref tries again, and this time Kane is the one to shove the referee away...and that prompts a double DQ decision from the referee!
Winner - Draw - Double DQ
Aftermath: Randy Orton Has come from nowhere.Randy Orton has grabbed a chair. Batista walks over...and gets floored with a hard shot. Kane also takes a hard shot. Orton has laid everybody out!


TL: A good match ruined by disgualification and cheating by R.K.O

MF: Let it go it is great stratergy

Segment Rating 81%


TL: Thankyou for watching an explosiv episode of SMACKDOWN!

MF: We will be looking forward to matches next week.

TL: But until then don't try this stuff at home

Overall Show Rating - 79%
TV Rating - 6.08
Attendance - 9001 People
Ticket Sales - $360,040
Jaztheman said:

TL: Oh my god is this the speculation we have been hearing about.

MF: This is massive, and it is supreme, lets go there now...

*Door Knocks*

JE: Come in. * In walk AJ Styles and Cristopher Daniels* wow it's true you are here.

AJ: Yes we have come here to ask you about a chance to be on Friday night smackdown!

CD: Yeah we would like a chance tonight!

JE: Well i have just the right people in mind......Pau London and Brian Kendrick!

TL: Wow what an announcement!

MF: That is massive and we have a match here tonight for the debutants and if they win they stay.

TL: And if they lose they go

Segment Rating 84%

Oh come on, now you are just copying me on my split story with Connor. You brought in AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels and have them fighting London and Kendrick? Who did that first I wonder?

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