Xbox One

Ahh that's brilliant!
I have an Xbox 360 and have a crap tonne of game time on it, also had the original, but it looks like the Xbox phase is over, especially since there's no backwards compatibility. Shame Sony introduced a subscription for online play, but it's still cheaper then Live Gold. It's annoying how Americans get it so much cheaper then us though
Ahh that's brilliant!
I have an Xbox 360 and have a crap tonne of game time on it, also had the original, but it looks like the Xbox phase is over, especially since there's no backwards compatibility. Shame Sony introduced a subscription for online play, but it's still cheaper then Live Gold. It's annoying how Americans get it so much cheaper then us though

Americans get EVERYTHING cheaper than us!
Some tax leniency maybe..
If it was due to tax, the Xbox One would cost more as well, there's a 100$US difference and only 50$ AUD difference, we're not that far behind them!
I'm still waiting for them to come out and say these "features" are all just a joke. Are they trying to destroy the Xbox brand?
Would you call yourself a 'loyal' Xbox gamer? Anyone?

Read this:

In an interview filmed prior to Microsoft?s E3 2013 press briefing and published on GameTrailers, Microsoft?s Don Mattrick has addressed concerns about the compulsory connectivity requirements of Xbox One.

?"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it?s called Xbox 360,? said Mattrick.

?If you have zero access to the Internet, that is an offline device.?

Mattrick is aware of the kinds of gamers who?ll be missing out on Xbox One, and ?absolutely? anticipated some blowback, but went on to reiterate he feels they have made the right call.

I don?t even know what it means to be on a nuclear sub but I?ve got to imagine it?s not easy to get an internet connection.

?Seriously, when I read the blogs and thought about who?s really the most impacted there was a person who said, ?Hey I?m on a nuclear sub.? And I don?t even know what it means to be on a nuclear sub but I?ve got to imagine it?s not easy to get an internet connection. But hey, I can empathise; if I was on a sub I?d be disappointed.

?It?s a service-based world, if you think about things and how they get better with an internet connection, that?s a design choice we?ve made. I think people will appreciate it... We did a lot of testing, a lot of consumer research and I think we made a good choice.?

Mattrick said Microsoft appreciates the passion of gamers but he believes gamers are ?imagining outcomes that are worse than what we believe it?s going to be in the real world.?

MS have just punched you squarely in the mouth. Are you going to reward them by buying their new machine?

Disgraceful, MS. Utterly disgraceful!
Classic example of people at the top of company being horrendously out of touch the general populace.

If it happens in government there are normally riots (see Turkey now, for a recent example)

In a company it usually means bankruptcy, but as a microsoft subsidiary that won't happen, likely just a big overhaul at the top at some point.
Classic example of people at the top of company being horrendously out of touch the general populace.

If it happens in government there are normally riots (see Turkey now, for a recent example)

In a company it usually means bankruptcy, but as a microsoft subsidiary that won't happen, likely just a big overhaul at the top at some point.


I hate MS anyway - they should be doing a lot more to support the PC, given the majority of them are in the (Microsoft) Windows stranglehold. Seems now they're treating their console customers with similar disdain.
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To all the Indian Members who dont know ,.....the Xbox One Will be Launched in India late 2014.
?"Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity; it?s called Xbox 360,? said Mattrick.

This Mattrick guy sounds like a smartass.

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