Your Player Cards

Awesome work guys! Some of these are so so good! I've edited the existing Broad slightly but still doesn't look right. The hair just doesn't fit well. I've also had a go with Graham Onions as he will most likely be in the Ashes squad!


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One suggestion I'd have it that people make players without caps/hats for now as it's easier to see how good the likeness is then.
I love the way that most of the retro players seem to have been depicted as they look now rather than how they looked in their prime!

Also there should be a dis-like button for some. There is a particularly awful Botham around... :p

In case people aren't aware of it make use of the search feature; I've just been comparing the 4 James Andersons!

Looks like Purjara. More fairness and a bigger nose would seal the deal.

Meanwhile there is a better Dhoni in the servers. I reedited the hair and and colour and submitted it. Credits to whoever created it first.

Check out my upload on one of the all time best batsmen


More classic stuff please...
Still waiting for Boonie, Big Merv and Bruce Reid. Somebody gotta create these legends along with Ranatunga whom Botham once called a "pregnant elephant" :lol
Is there an option for necklaces, earings etc?
As most westindies players have huge gold necklaces and diamond earings
Still waiting for Boonie, Big Merv and Bruce Reid. Somebody gotta create these legends along with Ranatunga whom Botham once called a "pregnant elephant" :lol

Once the team creator and skills editor are a part of CA, I would be creating plenty of legends. Somebody has already done a good version of Big Merv. The current boon needs some updates to look proper.
@yashdude101 Good one, mate. May be the spikes need to rise a bit higher. But then, they don't have that hairstyle. But, a very good attempt.
@deepuparayil, sorry bud but neither of them do. They still look more like Manjrekar than Tendulkar.
@yashdude101 Good one, mate. May be the spikes need to rise a bit higher. But then, they don't have that hairstyle. But, a very good attempt.
Thanks for the reply mate and yeah I too feel the same about that hairstyle.:)

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