Your Player Cards

Is your user name not mrdconnors? Could have sworn it was!

Yeah it is, but I didn't make a stokes. I guess it's from when there was a problem with the creator stuff. As far as I know they fixed it for new ones but they couldn't do anything about ones who'd already gone wrong
Oh okay, well whoever did it did a great job. The Academy is such a good idea, there is no way any company would have the resources to produce so many good likenesses for such a vast array of players. Definitely the way forward.
What's the point of licenses when you can create better looking players for a lot less money? It may sound odd but I'm very glad they've only got a couple of licenses as it's helped to improve the game immensely and allowed for huge customisation. I hope the wider game world appreciates that (although maybe not, looking at Facebook).
Completely agree me old china, its been great being able to make our own teams, and some of the creations have been fantastic! Had a good look last night, but I downloaded too many teams and now I have two versions if some teams!! Hope it doesn't carry across to my game when its out and I log on to the server.
Completely agree me old china, its been great being able to make our own teams, and some of the creations have been fantastic! Had a good look last night, but I downloaded too many teams and now I have two versions if some teams!! Hope it doesn't carry across to my game when its out and I log on to the server.

i think (especially if you have ps3/xbox) you will need to redownload anyway when you have the game
i think (especially if you have ps3/xbox) you will need to redownload anyway when you have the game

Thanks block glad to here it, got a bit carried away downloading domestic teams then when I went to sort them into lists I couldn't remember where some of them were from!!!
It annoys me how good you are.

Best Maxwell I've seen yet. Loved your work on some of the QLD/VIC players by the way. Feldman, Handscomb and Boland were all outstanding.
# Mike Hussey

Here's my attempt at McClenaghan of New Zealand...


  • mcclenaghan_michell john_27.png
    mcclenaghan_michell john_27.png
    48.1 KB · Views: 23
BD Team. Click the images to see larger full sized versions.....


Player Cards

Height/body differences. I have not given everyone a unique body yet...completely forgot for 6-7 of them.

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