You know what really grinds my gears

Hair shampoo adverts - i don't really have to explain do i?
aww, that would get some hits on youtube.
Lol, I played a counter attack from the edge of my owen box - Gallas getting the ball, Toure passing it to Hleb on the left, Hleb running about 30 yards past the half-way line, switching it right along the ground to Rosicky on the right, turning the left back running 10 yards, crossing the ball to Adebayor who heads it in.

Perfect counter yet I still hadn't figured out how to save goals. Makes we wanna play it again.

I think I had everything on assisted (apart from crosses). Still, it wa son legendary. Bets goal I'll ever score.
I can't believe they are still getting mileage out of a bit of wordplay worthy of a 13 year old schoolkid, get a new advertising campaign!
Big list of things that grind my gears today.

Firstly, people who own, grey/silver/black cars and drive along in the rain without their lights on. What colour is the road? What colour is the sky? Do you think we can sodding well see your grey car on a grey road under a grey sky?

Secondly, people who start threads with half sentences, so you have no idea what the thread is about. Stop it, if you want to talk about a subject put the sodding subject in the tread title! Don't put something like "Amazing news......" tell us the news!

Thirdly, people who post irrelevant little comments like "thanks to the mod who moved this" or "wrong forum". Why do we need to know? Was it really upsetting you? If I go into a shop and ask the assistant "How much is this?" and he replies "£5.99" are you likely to come up to me and say "Yes, its £5.99" for no reason just afterwards? No? Then don't do it here! Use the rep system or the report post feature and save us the hassle of reading yet another useless post.

Lastly, for today at least, PVR's (Digital tv recorders). Why when you select to record a programme from the tv guide does it always bloody well record 5mins of adverts before it starts and then miss the bloody ending of the programme off? Is this progress? In the days of video tape we'd allow an extra 5mins on our recordings so we didn't miss the end. Why don't the manufacturers think of this! Why doesn't it do it by default?
People who find exams easy, and tell you that they found it easy, despite the mumpy look on your face indicating you haven't found it easy!
Big list of things that grind my gears today.

Firstly, people who own, grey/silver/black cars and drive along in the rain without their lights on. What colour is the road? What colour is the sky? Do you think we can sodding well see your grey car on a grey road under a grey sky?

You can generally see them anyway Kev. Probably your eyesight going, sign of old age, I've heard ;)

Secondly, people who start threads with half sentences, so you have no idea what the thread is about. Stop it, if you want to talk about a subject put the sodding subject in the tread title! Don't put something like "Amazing news......" tell us the news!

Thank you Victor Meldrew

Lastly, for today at least, PVR's (Digital tv recorders). Why when you select to record a programme from the tv guide does it always bloody well record 5mins of adverts before it starts and then miss the bloody ending of the programme off? Is this progress? In the days of video tape we'd allow an extra 5mins on our recordings so we didn't miss the end. Why don't the manufacturers think of this! Why doesn't it do it by default?

I thought that is a good thing missing the end of a Kent run-chase? :p
Not an advanced driver then Highlander? Lesson 1, even if you can see, if its raining or if the sun is behind you, put your lights on!

As for missing Kent runchases, the last over is usually the best over to watch! We win more than we lose when it comes down to the final over - ask Sureshot ;) But I don't have Sky, so no its not runchases anyway.
When the people that download your patches don't bother reading the readme and post up problems

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