And I already answered that. In the US they took their usual laissez-faire approach and failed to be proactive, so it was 100 years (100 Years!) before they did anything about the business-as-usual racism that continued after the slaves were freed. Hopefully/thankfully SA is not making the same mistake, and if there's some slight inconvenience caused to the whites in the meantime, so be it!
Please do not compare the US with South Africa. Completely different and that was 100 of years a go. The world has changed has become more civilized. I grew up in SA and there were no slaves. No one owned sell any human being. In fact De Beers and the Englishmen behind them where the only benefactors from Apartheid and WERE the only ONES to have profited from Apartheid. No one else did. They had 1000000 of mine workers at their disposal and they had them for cheap. They funded both sides. The more the one side made trouble the more laws the other side made the cheaper the labor cost were to them. To keep the foreign trading they in the public eye supported the ANC but benefitted from apartheid.
Then in 1986 PW Botha realized this and did a thing which was the beginning and the process that sparked the road to the abolish of apartheid. What did he do? He gave those workers rights. Yes they had rights and now could demand higher salaries and treated like equal human being like they were suppose to after almost 60 years of De Beers sucking them dry and paying them jack.
Suddenly De Beers let a lot of those workers and made a run for it to rather African countries which they can do the same like in Angola. De Beers owns the steel gold and diamond mines and control the circulation of daimonds. Russia is starting to challenge them and breach the agreement and go in other markets to sell theirs. Any other diamond business jewelers everything have to sell and buy through them at their set prices otherwise they will get kicked out and no one wants to business with them. A daimon actually cost around 10 dollars each and they are not that rare at all. De Beers has billions and billions of them and they just make sure they release only bit by bit into the market at their price. That way it will stay rare and valuable.
I grew up on a farm and my friends were the black kids on the farm. They lived in farm houses. Had electricity. They received free food like meat vegetables, maize meal as well as a pay check. That black farm worker had to run the farm when the farmer went out on business or anything like that. Black people nor any other ethnic groups other than white did not have to pay taxes so what a lot of Pakistan and Indian guys did was put away their tax free profits from their businesses and were stinking rich by 1992. In the small towns where racism where a lot higher every corner will be a shop owned by Portuguese a Indian or a guy from Pakistan. We are talking about town with a population of a couple of 1000. They lived between the white people they were treated like they treated any other human bein gBlack people could walk where ever they want as in the 80's that passes one had to have to go here was actually forgotten as kids were growing up with black people around them but did not know actually what was going on. We were kids we had no interest in politics or cared about it all we wanted to do was played. We grew up with the farm workers kids I even slept over there ate there and they drove the vehicles around as they are the farmers right hand man. That improved and improved and kept on improving till 1992.
Off course there are the few bad apples on both sides like extreme radical groups but that you find in every country.
You can always find some sort of 'tie-breaker' to decide between candidates. There is absolutely no difference between the sport and the employment case - in fact the sport case is precisely about employment!
A tie breaker? What is this Gladiator. How do you do a tie braker. Throw them both in your national team see them get crushed spirits demolished and then never live up to their potential? You can not do development at a top national level. You do it at a lower end which is what we doing. They go to acedemy's where they get trained and looked after by the best coaches of the unions and further assessed. If you do not cut it then you are not good enough and that means the top talent will go through a thing called ranks and gets the chance he deserves. You can not skip all that throw him ion against Australia and say swim. Do you think Australia is going to feel sorry for this lad who is out of his depth and league and play nice? No they are going to destroy him. That is the professional world. You can get away with flaws and certain things at lower levels but at the highest international stage you are going to be find out get weighed measured and will end up damage goods that never recovered.
Any country or countries (some still haven't) that failed to abolish slavery until this late in the piece will have some inconvenience to endure while they catch up with the rest of the world. If affirmative action results in worse performances (and of course it doesn't it's just another puerile excuse), then it's in everyone's interest to see that the playing field gets levelled for non-white South Africans, because once that happens, quotas will no longer be needed.
Again quotas is skipping the ranks of development. You should judge people by what they do - it's wrong to judge people by their race, colour or creed. Everyone should be free to play; selection should be based on merit.
Listen to yourself! I bet all the Afrikaans-speaking Zulus and Xhosas would be flocking to the Afrikaans-language school

, if it weren't for the fact that Afrikaans is only spoken by whites...

Only by whites = whites only...
Now that I find really insulting. Here is a bloke thousands of miles away behind a computer wants to tell me who speak only what language in SA, a country where I have been living in for all of my young 34 year old life. Then to get it so wrong with everything to add to it.
First of all I am not white. I am mixed race as my dad is White my mom cape colored like Hershelle Gibbs is like Brain Habana is. Now you can also see where we get our love of rugby and cricket background from. . White people speak English and Afrikaans. Most white people in Natal speak English as do a lot of white people living in Cape Town etc etc. In the Freestate you will find the white people speaking Afrikaans mainly and Pretoria. But those cities are smaller than Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban.
THE MAJORITY in the Western Cape are the colored people aka the
Cape Colored and 99 percent of us speak Afrikaans and a handful English. That perception of white people speak Afrikaans is wrong I do not know where you heard that but you should check your source or try and ask a South African what is going in South Africa. If you click on that embedded link I nicely added for you you can have a read about my ethnic groups background and what languages we speak and I am sure you will find Afrikaans and English as the first mentioned.
Just to add in the Apartheids years a third African language like Xhosa, Tswana or Zulu was compulsory and we had to do it as a third language. Funny thing is when it ended they took that away. Which is strange as one would thought it would be the other way around.
The trouble with the foolproof scouting system is either:
- that it is clearly not working, since it fails to find non-white players that meet with your approval; or
- that it finds the right non-white players, but then has to contend with this torrent of nonsense about the $!#@& quotas buggering everything up..
Excuse me? What are you on about?
Hershelle Gibbs, Chester Williams, Brain Habana, Hasim Amla, Errol Tobias, Breyton Paulse, Eddy Andrews, Mhakaya Ntini, Tshami Tsolikile, Alvera Peterson, Gio Aplon, JP Petersen, Tonderai Chavanga, Elton Jantjies, Paul Adams, Vincent Barnes, Jean-Paul Duminy, Omar Henry, Garnett Kruger, Charl Langeveldt, Ashwell Prince, Robin Peterson, Wayne Parnell, Conrad Jantjes, Ashwin Willemse, Ricky Januarie, Bolla Conradie, Benni McCarthy
Mark Williams, Shaun Bartlett, Andre Arendse, Delron Buckley, Quinton Fortune, Lance Davids, Nasief Morris, Leroy Maluka, Steven Pienaar, Moeneeb Josephs, Shaun Dundee and this is mostly from the top of my head. Most came through the scouting process, mostwent to "top schools" Afrikaans and English.
So you are basically making up things without the slightest of clue that is going on. Hershelle Gibbs was 16 years old when he was given the chance to play for WP that was before racial quotas was introduced. Racial quotas was only introduced after 1999