I'd like to consider him a town, but his inactivity isn't helping. El Loco, hedger and themusketter are possible mafia in my eyes.
This indicates the mafia targeted the same person twice? It could be.
If I went against the lynch of joejoe, it was because it seemed forced.
I also find it strange that no one called him out to claim, myself admittedly included. I still don't see how the town has benefitted from his death in any way.
isn't it better for the power roles to lead the town?
I don't understand. After joejoe has come up as town, shouldn't the attention shift to Muskateer? The majority of yourselves actually said that one from the two is Mafia, its not like I'm concocting some kind of fairytale. I mean, I appreciate set up talk us much as the next person, but are we just going to throw the events of the last day out the window and start from scratch? Defo can't see the town winning if that is the course of action.
Are you saying you think he's just inactive town or are you saying you wish he would talk more so you can get a better read on him? If the former I want you to explain why you think he's town.
And I hope those aren't team reads because I can't see in any world how myself, Loco and musk can be a team. You think Loco is trying to bus musk while trying to set up to fos me later as his posts suggest? Unless you mean separate of each other, in which case those are still average reads, and I want you to expand on them, what have each of us done that's scummy?
What seemed forced? didn't you just go against it? and what's that force? Intricate please.
I understand and that's exactly why I want only Musk to role claim. It was never like 'surely one of them is a mafia - if not him then him'; both of them could be townies but, Musk could still be a mafia. It's very simple; I don't want this day to get wasted as well and start lynching people blindly. This time, everyone will get a chance to claim and if not everyone then Musk at least but the heat suggests that this is the right moment for him to claim as we're heading nowhere and are just pointing fingers at each other. He claims - his claim then suggests our next action. Simple.
I will Keep on Saying what I said previously and Nothing gonna Change after joejoe018 coming out as town. I am not gonna waste my time to try explaning you that I am a townie knowing it will not matter to you. You just distracting everyone from the main thing and Diverting them towards Lynching me. We should Concentrate on finding the mafia after losing our 2 townies.You were in the favour of lynching me from the day I randomly FOSed you . So I dont think anything gonna change after a single post.
I second this though but, only if there's a doctor left (I shall say considering you guys think that the doc's died) else it will be a pr suicide! and no-one wants that.
I understand and that's exactly why I want only Musk to role claim. It was never like 'surely one of them is a mafia - if not him then him'; both of them could be townies but, Musk could still be a mafia. It's very simple; I don't want this day to get wasted as well and start lynching people blindly. This time, everyone will get a chance to claim and if not everyone then Musk at least but the heat suggests that this is the right moment for him to claim as we're heading nowhere and are just pointing fingers at each other. He claims - his claim then suggests our next action. Simple.
I'm still very suspicious of themusketeer for the same reasons as stated on day 2 (especially since joejoe came out as town) and I have my suspicions on thedon as well (the general lack of activity although that might be a general thing, plus of the posts he made one was an unexplained lynch and the other was pretty much saying that lynching newbies is always good for the town, which I think is a very weak reason to lynch someone). I don't have a third person at the minute, but at this stage of the game I think that having one person that I'm 100% sure is scum and another that I'm pretty confident of at this point in time is a good thing, since the third person will out themselves at some point in the future.
A scum team containing both El Loco and themusketeer doesn't seem to make any sense in my eyes: I don't understand why El Loco would have pushed the musketeer lynch as heavily as he did if they were both scum. There are moments where scum might vote against each other (generally if its an inevitable lynch and its beneficial to your game) but I don't see how that works on Day 2 with a no lynch day 1 with musketeer not being under a great deal of pressure. This is what helps to kinda confirm El Loco as some form of town role in my eyes: especially since its something that he is still pursuing when we are in a mislynch or lose situation - it wouldn't make sense for the mafia to target themselves in that position!
Regarding a potential musketeer role claim:
Although its not an openly stated claim, perhaps this is a vanilla town claim? It might just be alignment, but since the guy doesn't seem to be forthcoming with a claim this sort of assumption is all we have. I wouldn't normally be so questioning over something like that; but we had that "surely you'll lose your eye" business I'm not entirely sure... I'd like to get a firm claim from the guy and since its something that I think we may need to pressure the guy on and proceeding that I'm confident of his scumminess: Vote: themusketeer although if we get to the point where a lynch is possible before a claim, I'd rescind that vote in an instant.
Role Claim : I am a Watcher !!
Although I don't see why he can expect to claim and be let off the hook without revealing his findings, which is vital that he does now. If he (fingers crossed) has used his role effectively then we might be in with a chance of ratting a few Mafia out.
I think it's about time we get him replaced or else this will get even more slow and rather boring.
Fair enough, I'm inclined to believe you as of now even though having a Watcher in this kinda setup sounds a bit strange. Your soft claim relates too but I'm unsure why the mafias didn't target you? Also could you please reveal your character too?Okay , As seems that my role claim will be important for our proceedings and For My defence too, So I dont get lynched today. I tried everything prove that I am a Townie but you Guys seems to be just stucked on my random lynch to EL Loco.
I dont think EL Loco & IceAge will have a reason to lynch me if they are townie.
Role Claim : I am a Watcher !!
Varun could either be a godfather and why wouldn't the town target him? Same goes for Sulaiman and if you ask me then he's giving more town vibes than Varun at the moment.Yeah I used PR role but not effectively .
I watched Sulaiman7 and VARUN on 2 different nights and Both of the time I got "Results= None".
After this I can Say that Varun might be Mafia aligned because No one targeted him and Some players have mafia read on Him too.
I dont have any Scummy feelings on Sulaiman7 and everyone has town read on Him too.
I might be wrong too.
I'll 'intricate'.if you look back, you'll see that joejoe was lynched because we needed someone to be lynched. We didn't really have anything solid against him, yet we went on to lynch him anyway, just because hedger and you thought it was more reasonable.
I've a gut feeling we saw a no kill maybe because Don wasn't online that day? He was last seen on Jan 8, the day we saw a kill. I'm anyway convinced enough to lynch him right now.
Your soft claim relates too but I'm unsure why the mafias didn't target you? Also could you please reveal your character too?
Varun could either be a godfather