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  1. Seoken

    Your Cricket Seoken's season.

    Bowled alright in the nets, got a ball to almost hit a batsman in the shoulder off a good length, should have seen his face... priceless. Batted alright, Although i got out when some of the 1st grade quicks got there, I'm glad as-well some guys got hit in the box... not fun.
  2. Seoken

    Your Cricket The Art of Offspin.

    Off-spiners are desperate guys who want to be bowlers but can't bowl anything but off-spin, it's easy as piss to bowl.
  3. Seoken

    Your Cricket Seoken's season.

    Nah our training seasons are on tuesday and thursday but tomorrow is sign-up and a training season.
  4. Seoken

    Your Cricket Seoken's season.

    This will be where i tell you all about my season, ill be playing in u-17's this year (hopefully i will be facing real pace, none of the low 100km/h crap i got last year). First training session tomorrow i'll tell you all about it after.
  5. Seoken

    Your Cricket whats the best grip for a seam bowler

    Haha yeah i don't mind my beamer myself, it likes to follow the batsman down leg.
  6. Seoken

    Your Cricket Your Favourite Shot?

    Thats not a reverse reverse sweep it was a leg glance, played poorly.
  7. Seoken

    Your Cricket whats the best grip for a seam bowler

    Ah i feel sorry for you man, nothing better then getting a slinger right.
  8. Seoken

    Your Cricket whats the best grip for a seam bowler

    Not exactly 100% correct but your on the right track. Just youtube Jeff Thomson and you will understand real sling not the flicky crap that Malinga bowls.
  9. Seoken

    Your Cricket whats the best grip for a seam bowler

    Yeah i agree with tum tum, but.. themer has a good point i suppose if you used the right kind of action you could flick your wrist and generate a-bit more pace but it would be hardly noticeable. Best way to generate pace, bowl sling.
  10. Seoken

    Your Cricket Bowling Action

    Yeah i have quite an unorthodox action as-well, but me being much bigger then thommo was and not as fit... yet, I can't be as flexible as he was so i will never match his pace (i would like to bowl that fast but i just don't think i could) but i can make a ball do some crazy things. For...
  11. Seoken

    Your Cricket Your Favourite Shot?

    Sorry who? I reckon it's like Viv Richards.
  12. Seoken

    Your Cricket whats the best grip for a seam bowler

    I will tell you how i do it but i bowl sling, so it may be of no use. To bowl a swinger i just grip the ball how i normally do and if it swings it swings i can get it to go either way. But my cutters are my best weapon, i bowled leg spin for a while and could turn a ball a long way, so for a...
  13. Seoken

    Your Cricket Your Favourite Shot?

    I would like to explain my style it's not actually a pull. I was a really good golfer when i was very young like 4 maybe 5 something like that, i had perfect form when hitting the ball. I've found now cricket and i think i adapted my golf swing to hitting a cricket ball. All i do is hit the...
  14. Seoken

    Your Cricket whats the best grip for a seam bowler

    Mate i wouldn't say there's a "best grip" it differs between person to person, Just experiment a bit.
  15. Seoken

    Your Cricket What Type Of Cricketer Are you?

    I just developed a yorker an out-swinger and an in-swinger TODAY. It was fun getting my dad with an out-swinger, best feeling ever.
  16. Seoken

    Your Cricket Bowling Action

    I've just dicovered a new thing for my action. I land with my left foot first then cross my legs then land on my left foot again i feel it has helped me with geting though the crease alot more smoothly. I reccomend trying this if it doesn't work oh well thats life.
  17. Seoken

    Your Cricket Thigh Pads

    I feel thigh pads get in the way. I'm not dissing anyone who wears one i know if i got hit badly a few times i might consider one, until i heal up. But i tend to get out of the way or play a glance. Always scares me though.
  18. Seoken

    Your Cricket Thigh Pads

    Personally i've only ever used one once.... never again but i would say try the one i used it was blue and white and from memory it was a puma or slazenger not sure though.
  19. Seoken

    Your Cricket Lost Technique...

    Yeah i'm 15 i weight 115 kg and i'm 6 1" so it doesn't take much getting used to a heavier bat. I used a light bat for a while but i felt i was always getting out because i was playing the shots to quickly. A heavier bat slows me down so that i time the shots correctly.
  20. Seoken

    Your Cricket Lost Technique...

    Stuck with a heavy bat? No i love them. Yeah i just realized that about 3 or 4 days ago my shots are a-lot more consistent if i hold with a looser bottom hand. Thanks for verifying that thats what i was doing that was helping a bit.