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  1. Liverpool_YNWA

    The End Of Australian Dominance?

    Gambino, At least we've dominated the sport for as long as we have, something your country will never do. Have a peak over at our trophy cabinet and you'll see what l mean. :cool: Just remember this... l've seen my country win 3 World Cups. How many have you seen mate?
  2. Liverpool_YNWA

    2008 Under-19 World Cup

    Virat Kohli is the next Sachin Tendulkar. because... He can't get it done in a World Cup Final. Next Sachin indeed. :cheers
  3. Liverpool_YNWA

    Members info thread - Post about yourself here!

    Not at the moment. I just play every few weeks with friends for a bit of fun. :cheers I do follow the Aussies though. Always checking their progress in tournaments. We're progressing really well at the moment. Our next winner in a major is just around the corner, l feel. :hpraise :D
  4. Liverpool_YNWA

    English Football Thread 2012/2013

    "The Premiership is the bread and butter." - Phil Now, if that doesn't mean that it's better than the European Cup and everything else, then please do shoot me. At last a vaild point. Yes, l realise that we finished 5th in the domestic league that year. It happens. We still were the...
  5. Liverpool_YNWA

    English Football Thread 2012/2013

    At last, some common sense. Agger is far from average. Still gutted at Australia winning the Ashes? Oh and don't forget the 3-1 to Australia in Football. Pretty embarrassing losing on your home turf to us Aussies? Especially when you apparently "worship" Football over there. It hurts, l know...
  6. Liverpool_YNWA

    Heath Ledger Dead

    Ah, two minutes too late. :p
  7. Liverpool_YNWA

    Heath Ledger Dead

    Hollywood actor Heath Ledger has been found dead at a downtown Manhattan residence, a New York Police Department spokesman has said. "He was found unconscious at the apartment and pronounced dead," a police spokeswoman said. Police are reportedly investigating if the Australian actor, who...
  8. Liverpool_YNWA

    English Football Thread 2012/2013

    How many times this season has Clichy's runs lead to an Arsenal goal? He is one of the reasons why Wenger's team are in fine form. His cross for Adebayor on the weekend was a prime example. He is extremley quick and he has made that left side his own. One of the most improved players going...
  9. Liverpool_YNWA

    English Football Thread 2012/2013

    As long as we've got more trophies than you, l'm happy. The whole 'treble' thing is just plain stupid. Yes, l do congratulate you on winning three trophies but winning them in one season is irrelative and doesn't make it any better. How many years has Whiskey Nose been the coach of the...
  10. Liverpool_YNWA

    English Football Thread 2012/2013

    I rate Evra highly but at the moment he isn't the best left back in the world. He is excellent on the attack but on the defensive end he is suspect. The lack of class right wingers in the Premier League is one of the reasons his defending ability goes unoticed. I'd like Gerrard to start up...
  11. Liverpool_YNWA

    M.Youzhny v J.W.Tsonga Australian Open Quater Final (Mens)

    Tsonga is two sets up at the present time. My 100 is looking good at this stage. :thumbs
  12. Liverpool_YNWA

    How Many Forums have you been Banned from?

    Taken on board. :cheers
  13. Liverpool_YNWA

    The 'Space' Thread

    Topics like these always seem to end with the odd argument and nothing at all being solved. An answer to this specicfic question might not be found for years and years and maybe never. Personally, l really have no idea. It would be extremely interesting to know but at the current time we...
  14. Liverpool_YNWA

    How Many Forums have you been Banned from?

    Sorry about that. I had no idea the word l used was considered a swear word but there you go, you learn something new every day. :p I've never come across a Forum in the past that is fairly strick on swear words but it's a pleasant surprise this one is in a certain way. Hopefully it won't...
  15. Liverpool_YNWA

    How Many Forums have you been Banned from?

    I cheered against the Yankees in a game thread? :D That is such a ridicious reason for being banned. You Yankee fans never fail to amuse me.
  16. Liverpool_YNWA


    I'm ashamed to say my hair is muzza/wog hair. :D Seriously, l can't go a day without my gel and straightner. :o
  17. Liverpool_YNWA

    How Many Forums have you been Banned from?

    Bloody hell. How much time do you have on your hands? Too much if you ask me. If you'd really like to know, my username on the Yankee Forum was Aussie_Ortiz. I forget the other one, might come to me later though. Anyway go to work detective and find out the results. :wave
  18. Liverpool_YNWA

    How Many Forums have you been Banned from?

    :cheesy I did follow the rules. I think the admins just didn't like the fact l was expressing my opinion in a way they didn't like. In other words, l might of posted a bit of negatively about a certain topic in which they had to have a cry about and as a result ban me for telling things the...
  19. Liverpool_YNWA

    How Many Forums have you been Banned from?

    Boston fan, yes. Do the administrators tend to ban fans from opposing teams on those boards? Or was l just plain unlucky.