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  1. S

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    Good patch. Just playing ODI Tourn at the moment. Been very good game so far. Bowling has been varied and the CPU seemingly pacing the innings nicely. Some attacking to start with then slow down and then more attacking at the end. Batting has been pretty good alround, I agree with the...
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    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    "DOWNLOADING.....And Then NOT Posting Any Kindda Comment, Review, Suggestion Is A CRIME." Whats the punishment!??!!?!? HA HA HA HA!!!! Can't wait to try this patch tonite. Been giving the game a miss recently, as I've not been enitrely satisfied with the playability. Some of the...
  3. S

    Which GamePad

    All, I've just renewed my PC. On my old one I used the Microsoft sidewinder gamepad for the cricket, and it was a little tricky to use. I'm in the market for a new USB (PC) game pad. Does anyone else have any recommendations for game pads which are the most compatiable - i.e. best - for the...
  4. S

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    The batting for this patch seems pretty good so far. I am getting a reasonable proportion of boundaries with non-slog shots. I can increase these by trying the slog, but obviously it increases the liklihood of getting out (as it should be). I even hooked (!) a six :D . I'm playing as...
  5. S

    CGPv7 + IRCSU(v2) Released!!!, Download Now And Enjoy...

    Yeah Gonzo, you're right, that is a good way to take wickets....trouble is, once you get the hang of it it becomes relatively easy to bowl them out for a low score, because while you may not get a wicket every ball, you do (as you said) keep the runs down. Unfortunately, I have yet to get an...
  6. S

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    Tutsi....Fair point about the patch mixing, man. I am going to play your patch on its own. Will give some feedback after that.....I know its going to be excellent. Cheers................
  7. S

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    Adarsh, yeah you do. I think the instructions are on the patch page, but essentially if you have the batting patch in when you bowl, it will be very obvious - you'll have a massive cursor....Its not so obvious (I don't think) if you bat with the bowling patch in place. So yes, one patch to bat...
  8. S

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    Good comments, Heydo. I've only had a very brief session with Tutsi new patch, and only batting so I can't comment on the bowling, although going by what you say the bowling has been improved greatly which is excellent because I get so bored with the bowling most of the time. As far as the...
  9. S

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    Looking forward to your new patch, Tutsi.....
  10. S

    CGPv7 + IRCSU(v2) Released!!!, Download Now And Enjoy...

    Boss's Patch...Played for a while I've been playing a 20 over tournament on Medium mode (not easy, not hard) and I have identified a few issues, which might help improving on what is already a very good patch. Shot direction (when batting) (unless its me being cr@p at the game...) is fairly...
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    CGPv7 + IRCSU(v2) Released!!!, Download Now And Enjoy...

    Like Dirty Harry said: "Opinions are like assholes, everyones got one." I agree, opinons are fine, its just how they are expressed is the issue here I think. All is required is a modicum of respect I think.
  12. S

    CGPv7 + IRCSU(v2) Released!!!, Download Now And Enjoy...

    Is it me, or is Sachin_sizzling a nut bar? No offence (note the spelling), but I can barely understand what he says, and coupled with the drivel he spews out his posts make soporific reading. I'm actually surprised he has time to post such lengthy posts though, being a Professional Cricketer...
  13. S

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    Hopefully, unless its Devon Malcolm bowling they won't bowling anywhere near gully!!!!! That is seriously poor bowling....Not what I'd expect from 'professionals'. I think the point here...and this point has been laboured is to see about stopping the CPU bowling metronomically at the same...
  14. S

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    yeah....I don't think being bowled is that rare. Ask Katich, Hayden, Clarke etc etc LOL LOL LOL
  15. S

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    Well ok, at least it does it sometimes....! Still, I was expecting it to occur more often, not necessarily the same frequency as when Flintoff is bowling against Austrlia left handers, but more frequently nonetheless. ;-) BTW, what the general opinon of the patched version of 2005 against...
  16. S

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    I've still not bowled a CPU batsmen. Am I the only one....? I get them caught all the time. Not sure if I've even had a LBW. Anybody else experience this? I'm on T's Patch 2.0 playing on hard level.
  17. S

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    Somerset rule..... Look at the instructions on the download page for the patch. Its pretty simple. This patch (I believe) certainly works on Hard and probably on Medium. I say this because I played a couple of overs on Medium and was cover driving for 4 with gay abandon.
  18. S

    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    Tutsi's 2.0 patch is great. I've actually played my first hook shot and got a 4!!! Excellent. Scored some nice drives and backfoot drives as well. This patch makes the game very realistic and more enjoyable. Its also still hard enough, especialyl on HARD level. I've yet to hit a 6 yet, but to...
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    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    Tutsi, I'm gonna download your patch and play tonight....At work at the moment, but the feedback on 2.0 sounds great. Can't wait. Thanks for doing this work to make this game more enjoyable for everyone (apart from smithyz). You da man.... Cheers,
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    Tutsi's A.I. Patch v6.0

    ....and while you're at it Tutsi, my lawn needs mowing and the washing put out.....!! Hehehe.... I'm patient. :hpraise