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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    The video is out.... Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Official Trailer - YouTube
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    ^^^^^^^^^^^ This guy gets it!!!!!!!!
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    Post your questions about the game here! This is awesome!!!!!
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion This is exciting!!!!!
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    This guy DOES NOT get it!!!! Dude this topic has been discussed in detail. Go back a few'll find a few posts from Ross and others explaining/discussing when and how the game could/should be released.. :cheers:facepalm
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    i am sorry u got hit by the bouncer!!!! i meant Cricket 97....its been 16 today's standards it probably looks like crap now but 16 years ago, it was a good cricket game to play..:thumbs:thumbs ---------- and in the process let me also expand and type out all my 'LAMOs and ROFLs...
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    :cheers:cheers Ross...uve been cool... u joined this page.. uve interacted with fans.. uve given us info...teasers.. cheers man!!!! 'The last time i was this excited about a cricket game was when Cricket 97 came out. I was in school then. Been waiting for this for 16 years' Ross -...
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

    no competition??? open your eyes man!!! they're in the same business... they make similar products(Sorry Ross for comparing DBC14 with Ashes13)... they deal with the same game!!!!! they target the same group of consumers... they sell in the same countries... n u think this is not a...