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  1. T

    Seriously need fix for online game issues

    Online is a mess. I don't get sound any sound coming off the bat while striking the ball in my whole innings but when I'm bowling there's sound coming onto the bat for the online user that I'm playing against. That's 3 patches now and online is still full of bugs. Its becoming more obvious that...
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    Discussion Online Play General Discussion

    Yeah you heard me. This game has been out almost 6 months and this bug still hasn't been fixed. If this bug only existed for a couple of months then you may have a point but 6 months is clearly enough time. I would suggest that would be a good idea to go into your office and fix it immediately...
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    Discussion Online Play General Discussion

    Hi Does anybody know when the sound bug is going to be fixed where there's no sound coming off the bat while playing a shot? Its ruined online play for me. They"ve released two patches and it still hasn't been fixed. Its starting to get ridiculous and frustrating.
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    Patch #2 Must Fixes

    BigAntStudios Ross can you please put in yellow coloured stumps in the next upcoming patch? Thank you.
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    Discussion Online Play General Discussion

    I can answer that question for you. Last night I played a T10 match online. In the first innings there was no black screen and you could hear the sound when hitting the ball on every shot but in the second innings when it was my turn to bat there no sound at all when the ball coming onto the...
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    Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

    Mode Online T10 Match :No sound coming off the bat while striking the ball :Black Screen of death still appears :Got given out 3 times caught by a fielder when I clearly hit the ball along the ground :Umpire gave lbw not out. I challenged and it pitched in line, the impact was in line but...
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    Put bowling meters online!

    Yeah I could but I still want the option with the bowling meters showing. I just prefer having it that way. It gives me more flexibility and accuracy when im bowling.
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    Put bowling meters online!

    This is a very good game and you can see the great work and effort by big ant. Well done. But why isn't there bowling meters in online gameplay? Where's the logic in that? I don't understand. Online also has some bugs and sometimes is unplayable. Here's the notable bugs that I've...