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  1. J

    where do i find my disc key?

    This might help
  2. J

    Back cover

    The PS2 version has different screenshots compared to the 360 and PC versions
  3. J

    MORE Magagazines Reviews

    It's not a review of the final game as you'll notice the umpires don't have hats in the screenshots. There were still a few weeks to go on balancing when this review version was sent out :)
  4. J

    brain lara system reqiurements
  5. J

    New Kits

    The approved world cup kits are in the game.
  6. J

    Is there an official release date?

    It won't be 28th Feb. We're working to the 23rd March as our target.
  7. J

    New screenshots

    The cracks open gradually, with severity based on the humidity/temperature. This screen shows them in the most severe state they can ever get to. As for the score, this screen was taken by someone who was just throwing the ball without playing properly, just to advance the match so that the...
  8. J

    Demo ?

    RPIC 2005 was released several months after BLIC 2005, so the RP demo was able to be produced from final game code.
  9. J

    Demo ?

    It's an interesting point. Because of required deadlines the PS2 demo was produced in December and the 360 demo was made in early January (even though you won't be seeing these for a while yet). As such, these demos won't be truly reflective of the full game! If these demos were made from the...
  10. J

    Reverse Swing -Lost By codies

    Yes, that's how it works
  11. J

    New screenshots

    These bugs were fixed ages ago. The preview code he took screenshots from was from December
  12. J

    New screenshots

    They stand up and cheer when something exciting happens
  13. J

    BLIC 07 Delayed for XBOX 360 until Sept 07?

    It's not true. All versions to be released simultaneously Further evidence the shopkeepers' talking cobblers is that he mentioned an Xbox version. There is no Xbox version, just Xbox 360.
  14. J

    New screenshots

    Just based on past experience... such as the comments from some people saying they wouldn't buy the game after seeing early screenshots that showed wicket keepers without caps ;) Thanks for the compliments. The game's looking a lot lovlier already than those screenshots. Those of you with...
  15. J

    New screenshots

    Before anyone freaks out, these are screenshots that website took from preview code we sent them in early December. All of the career stats it shows are placeholder (whilst we wait for the final stats from Wisden to be delivered) and the player appearances have been worked on lots (Brett Lee has...
  16. J


    They're taken at different times of day. The lighting changes as the day progresses. As for the difference in the OSDs, the game isn't finished and the OSD is being updated as development progresses
  17. J

    BLIC New Screenshots

    Ricky Ponting new screens available here