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    Boss's CoolGamePlayPatch Thread

    Will there be any difference if I use the testmatch roster.pak in a odi match than using the odi roster.pak? :mad I am sorry if I have posted this in wrong forum. :(
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    Will there be any difference if I use the testmatch roster.pak in a odi match than using the odi roster.pak? :help I am sorry if I have posted this in wrong forum. :(
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    Story Help

    Someone plese tell me how can I post images on tour storys? I have tried the insert image button but that dosent helped me.
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    How Do U Take So Many Screen Shots?

    Hallo gold! Can you tell me how to capture scrnshts using screenhunter? I have tried the following steps but failed. standby screenhunter-started cric04-pressed f6(thats the key). :hpraise
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    Swing with cgp3

    So the swing isnt constant like sams 1.2 exe?
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    Swing with cgp3

    Can anyone tell me how to get swing for the med-fast bowlers with cgp3 without sams 1.2 exe?I am also not seeing the cpu to swing the ball too.
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    Boss's CoolGamePlayPatch Thread

    Can anyone tell me how to get swing for the fast bowlers using cgp3 but without sam's exe?At this momoent I cannot get any swing with cgp3 without sams exe. :crying
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    I have installed the ircu but I cant see any changes in player playing mode.I have instaled in this way: Saved ind vs pak in Save slt 1-Opened sav slt 1 by lineup editor-imported ircuind and ircupak to the repective teams-changed bowlers-saved it-started the game and 1st match. :crying
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    Sam's ExE Patch

    Well I hav figured it out that the ball swings in the opposite direction of te seam marker. I was bowling with akram on a damp pitch with overcast conditions.But the ball swinged once in an over.My question is that the swing is irregular like seam movement or not? And please give me some tips...
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    Sam's ExE Patch

    Nice work Sam! :cheers ! Your patch has made Crick04 more realistic. I've some questions.. i. Which way does the ball swing? In the direction of the seam marker or to the opposite direction of the seam marker? ii. Can I make the ball swing with the regular delivery? iii.In which speed...
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    how to install bats

    I am a bit confused about installing new bats.Ganguly and Hayden both of them use default Bat no 10.Now if I install a Britannia bat as bat10 ganguly and hayden both of them will use the same bat.But I want ganguly and hayden to use different bats.Can you guys tell me how can I do this?Thanks.
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    bowling help(fast, Fast medium)

    Thanks for that Zorax.
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    Pitch report

    How can I get pitch condition before the toss?
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    bowling help(fast, Fast medium)

    Few more questions. A)what will be the difference in the seam movement of cutters and normal deliveries if 1)I place the seam movement marker on the seam 2)I place the seam movement marker around the seam but not on the seam 3) I place the seam movement marker at the boundary of the ball...
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    bowling help(fast, Fast medium)

    I want to know tha when bowling a cutter(fast or fast medium bowler) which way the ball will move? I mean will it move in the direction of which it is spinning or in the opposite direction of which it is spinning? :(
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    I cant play a pull shot with 6 hit button and i also cant play a hook shoot.More over the reverse sweep dosent seem to work.I pressed up+left+front foot shot button to a over pitched kumble deliver outside of.But there was no shot.I have cgp v2.Please help. :eek:
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    Config editing

    Recently i have changed the 'ballseamnormal' to 10.00000.But whne i bowled on a normal with Mcgrath there were no change in the amount of seam movement. Please help. :hpraise
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    Lineup editor

    I have linup editor 4.11.I tried to replace a player but it did not worked.Please help.
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    lineup editor

    Player editor I have prakash' lineup editor 4.1.1. Recently when i tried to replace a player from a save game by the editor the player did not changed.Please help. :crying
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    Save games

    I was playing against N.S.w. and I saved my game after 23 ovrs. Then after loading the saved game I bowled the 24th over and after the over the 'End-Over' menu appeared.But when I pressed resume the 25th over did'nt aappeared.It remained still.Please help. :hpraise