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Maybe us PC gamers are not going to miss out on much - that trailer reminded me of the AC09 trailer so much. The bat to ball sound still sounds crap, there's still that stupid 'whoosh' sound when the bowler delivers the ball, instead of the sound of his delivery stride, the graphics look almost exactly the same as well. Still, it will have more content - which makes AC09 look more and more like what it really was - an Ashes cash in.
Us PS3 users who don't buy it are also missing out on nothing at all

As has been mentioned, we can't comment on gameplay, but honestly... What big changes could they have made, it has been such a short time and nothing was mentioned in the Q & A. When Action Cam is the main new feature, you know these guys are bullshtting and just releasing the same game.
I will bet this will be just like AC 09 in terms of gameplay with only one or two refinements.