AC09 BIG Editor v1.0

Minor bug fix version released. Download link in first post. This fixes all the issues reported till now.

BUG : first time i opened global.texpack it opened i clicked a texture inside it gave a error "Bad Allocation" from now on it gives this error even on opening global .texpack
I checked the file you uploaded. The offset data was corrupted and that was the cause of the crash. The same data is present in two places in the file so I guess the game ran fine because it reads the other set of data.
I just mapped the texture to the texture co-ordinates and thats how they were. I think they use some facial animation middleware to animate the eyes and mouth.

I think I posted the comment you quoted in that post so how come it says originally posted by user2010:confused:

P Squared added 11 Minutes and 28 Seconds later...

No bugs till now.:)
think I posted the comment you quoted in that post so how come it says originally posted by user2010
Must be a bug with the forum software or a plugin.
"How do we know which type represents which stadium?"
Trial and error? Why don't you replace the texture in one of the files and see which stadium it affects.
Must be a bug with the forum software or a plugin.

Trial and error? Why don't you replace the texture in one of the files and see which stadium it affects.

did you click the quote directly and posted or did you select quote selected post of user2010 mistakenly and then copy pasted p_squared's post?
Trial and error? Why don't you replace the texture in one of the files and see which stadium it affects.
It would take me ages.:p
First replacing and than seeing each and every stadium.
I have idea,why don't we make groups and each group will try to find out which type represents which stadium.It will save our time and would be helpful for modders like me.:D
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This release fixes the bugs in the editor it does not fix corrupted files. I stated the reason why it wont work a few posts ago in my reply to sachin_rocks.
for bats-copy/paste this "AC09/characters/kits/shared/bats"
for stumps-its there in global.texpack,i can see it.see carefully
but the search funtion is not working and the location is not visually seen
a search for stup also does not give the required result

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