An Apology

  • Thread starter Deleted member 11215
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Deleted member 11215

Dear Planetcricket public,
Im sure you are more than aware that i have become disgusted at what this forum has become. I came here for the greater good to help the forum, to create faces and add to the forum to make it better and to encourage more members to join.​

However now i find myself in the situation where i am getting put down and frankly punished for posting a couple of opinions that im sure a certain select few members on the forum who have never made anything for the forum would get away with. I feel somewhat responsible for bringing these cretins to your beloved forum. By working for the greater good ive caused its downfall and for the good members out there i only apologise.​

Dont worry guys work hard make downloads, get them call crap. Then decide to post in other areas and get slated after several posts, but what the hell im sad ive posted on a forum what do i know? Just remember any work you do will be quickly forgotten by the brilliant members we have.​

Your Sincerely​

Well actually you've probably forgotten me by now.​

Own me pwn me whatever you want. Go on i dare you. Try and say anything that will actually pwn me that doesnt contain: Hitler, Leroy, milf, mum, mother, pwn, own, twat.

Sorry for contributing to the downfall.​
Hitler, Leroy, milf, mum, mother, pwn, own, twat.

time of the month Simbazz? Duded you can still post about cricket lol theres no spam there (ish). I love the word cretins :D
Nice to see that your ego feels you require a leaving thread just so that everyone knows.
Leroy's mum pwns Hitler's mother who is a real milf, yes she is a twat but she's ok if she's on her own :p

Must have missed something, but its nice to finally know who has caused the downfall of the site ;) C'mon Will, there are idiots everywhere, get over it or just accept it, but dont be bothered by it.
Make a thread about the issue then. As you can see it's worked wonders for Will.
Hurray, even betterz \o/.

I also enjoy how you've bracketed yourself as the martyr of the website, working for the "greater good" except you took a dislike of spam to the extreme and started putting down anything that wasn't total totalitarianly on topic. Christ, people sign up to a forums to debate and have a free exchange of views, which mostly results in fun. They don't join to be ruled in a tyranical manner over a wireless connection.
I'll be honest duded. That's the biggest load of jibberish I've ever read. What the hell are you on about?
Hurray, even betterz \o/.

I also enjoy how you've bracketed yourself as the martyr of the website, working for the "greater good" except you took a dislike of spam to the extreme and started putting down anything that wasn't total totalitarianly on topic. Christ, people sign up to a forums to debate and have a free exchange of views, which mostly results in fun. They don't join to be ruled in a tyranical manner over a wireless connection.

Ow! Migraine! :(
Who said im going anywhere?

Apparently you did sir.

Wow i must be one of the few who said they'd leave and did. Anyway just popping in to say not alout has changed and the quality of members and posts has probably got worse by the looks of things so i wont be back here at the moment. Ill reassess in a month or two.

A month or two? You mean like, 6 days?
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