Announcement/Video and Screenshots/Playsession

That's the problem when humans play the game - they screw up the timing and they game has to slide a little - anyway I cold have just deleted that shot and only shown the best - I want you to see it warts and all.

What you see is what you get!


There are nets for practise and you will have all the detail you need - if not we will be around too.

can we use the nets at any time
pfhaha I wonder if I were to develop a cricket game, how much it would cost to get Chris Martin in a motion suit. Have little awards in game for amount of ducks, balls faced etc. Would be a riveting game.
@Ross Can you release the nets before the actual release so that we can practice and train ourselves for the battle:D;)
Ross, not sure if you missed it, but was the video from the pc version? Just curious to know whether the game will look this good in the ps3 version or not.
It's from the PC but running at the same resolution as the Xbox/PS3
That's the problem when humans play the game - they screw up the timing and they game has to slide a little - anyway I cold have just deleted that shot and only shown the best - I want you to see it warts and all.

What you see is what you get!


There are nets for practise and you will have all the detail you need - if not we will be around too.

It looked great and I didn't see anything game-breaking in there. The cut off the back foot and the drive were drool worthy :clap
That's the problem when humans play the game - they screw up the timing and they game has to slide a little - anyway I cold have just deleted that shot and only shown the best - I want you to see it warts and all.

What you see is what you get!


There are nets for practise and you will have all the detail you need - if not we will be around too.

Thanks for replying Ross.i love the fact that you guys are not ignoring anything.
why isnt anyone telling what happened in the press release why isnt the name of the game and date revealed?
why isnt anyone telling what happened in the press release why isnt the name of the game and date revealed?

Ross already mentioned he wasn't able to meet with the licensor to get the paperwok sorted. So most probably some of the info will be released next week.
the problem with the media is you have to dig through the threads, I thought there would be a new thread where everything videos pics would be on the front page
There is a seperate thread with every media that BA has released so far.

Thanks ross.
rass please answer this only you would we have a chance of getting the nets before the release date or the game please answer this

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