Announcement/Video and Screenshots/Playsession

Player sizes are looking so natural & best so far . what about DRS system? Will it be included ? spot light/ other stuff in game? super over?

sorry if already answered but you know 600+ odd members at a time vs 9 members in ashes 2013..Thats quite an achievement already.

Mostly all of them are answered and they are included
When i was watching the video for the 1st time i thought those two batsman are Shewag and Sachin lmao. Looked so real man :cheers
But why would that fellow give out wrong information about the stadiums. Could it not be some one from the Big Ant team?
I don't know if you're really following this forum but most of their so called 'exclusive' info that is not confirmed by Ross here are a rip-off of the info I have leaked in CA files. Check out the Cricket Academy file breakdown thread and you'll see how they are shamelessly copying every bit of info I have released and making it sound like official.
Have to say that BigAnt have nailed it and made is as close to the real life. Super animations and great atmosphere. I would like to congratulate mike and ross on their hard work.

looking forward to the official release and some new videos.
If this Friday was this amazing then next week is going to be even hotter. PS How many times have members watched the video, fast one and the slow one. Looks so real and also thanks ross for telling us about the skipping thing.

I for one see why they did that for the easier difficulty levels, I do wonder how much the difficulties levels will feel different to each other. Bring on august I say.:clap

Much more closer to reality
Not sure if I'm a fan of those guys on facebook impersonating bigant. Just isn't good for the brand if they're posting false information.
ross does the heavness of a bat effect the batting performance or timing
when the two players walk in at the beginning, anyone noticed one of the bats have a concave back?? or maybe i am just seeing things.
Ross any luck with the licensor yet, has he arrived in aus all fine. PS Not asking for anything just wondering, well :lol if you have time can you talk more about the skipping in the batting you were talking about, is there any on the harder difficulties or 100% us in the game with no help ?. Thanks again ross you are a legend.:cheers
Ross, just a Question

After release and licensing stuff
how many days it will take to get our hands on this game? :)

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