Announcement/Video and Screenshots/Playsession

Just checked out the "unofficial" fb page, and the guy "Cricket 14" is answering question as if he himself is a developer of the game. Ross do something about it.
I must say that I am very disappointed with today's update. Don't get me wrong here, the disappointment isn't because of the game but it is because of not meeting up to the expectations that I had because of the big hype about this "super Friday". I am sure many others probably feel the same way. The game looks amazing and no doubt about it. The shots look 100 times better than other cricket games and there is nothing I can point out from the video that I don't like. But the thing is that there was a big hype created for this Friday that promised a big update and all we get is 3 screenshots and a very short video? I know you guys have worked hard on this game and it is turning out to be the best cricket game ever made but you can't disappoint the fans by not delivering what was promised. A big update should have been a video that is probably 10 minutes long or so showing SOME of the new features this game offers. We needed to see a video of the actual gameplay to get a feel of the new gameplay system and how good it looks. Don't get me wrong here but these type of "trailer type" videos look 40% better than the actual gameplay because of all the rendering that is done on it. I understand completely that the plan didn't work as it was planned and you had to switch to plan B but you guys could have done much better than this. :)

Don't get me wrong here because I have said all that. I am eagerly waiting for this game as everyone else is but I thought this needed to get out there so you know how the fans feel. Maybe it is just me who is feeling this way or maybe there are others too but don't want to write a post about it. The fans are what make a game successful so it is the developer's job to keep the fans happy. I am not saying that you need to post whole a lot of videos but this update could have been 50 times better.

As far as I'm concerned the only way Friday could have turned out better was if we had found out the release date and TBF that was already ruled out, and given the competition with AC13 in a niche market I can understand that. Yup, the trailer was short IMO it was more coz of issues related to licensor.

If the official trailer with the licensed player had been similar to the one we saw, I would have agreed with you but given the facts on the ground I can't complain.


Just checked out the "unofficial" fb page, and the guy "Cricket 14" is answering question as if he himself is a developer of the game. Ross do something about it.

Ross should send the person a "Thank You" note... the chap is raising awareness of BAC14 game and taking shots at AC13 at the same time :yes

Is it only me who thinks the timing of appearance of that page along with the way the BAC 14 info being shared is too convenient or coincidental :rolleyes
Well Mr Don't get me wrong, What else you want from them? don't get me wrong but isn't 4 screenies more than what ashes 13 has given? don't get me wrong but it is 26sec longer video than the other game. Appreciate what you have got. some people geeeeeeeez! :facepalm

Well I can be pretty sure that either you haven't read the whole post or you are dealing with some kind of a mental problem because you missed the point there. I would rather not explain it to you as I will only fill the thread with useless posts. All I want is some gameplay footage showing some of the new features and I am sure many others would love to see it too.

I wasn't attacking Ross or filing a case against him for not enough gameplay footage. :noway Just a simple advice...if Ross feels offended by my post then he will let me know, you don't need to be a suck up (hop off his di**:p)
I really don't think a longer video or a few more screenshots would've told us that much more tbh. Thought they showed us a perfectly reasonable amount for a game that isn't expected to come out for at least a couple of months(?).

What I think is most important with these games is how the AI batsman plays deliveries and how the AI bowlers bowl. In previous games batsman have always hit impossible shots for certain balls and there are always ways to sort of cheat the system and get wickets. Whether it be the computer loving the upper cut to any delivery, or batsman never edging to first slip and always to second. You can't really get a sense of how good the game deals with those things through game play videos etc.

I wasn't actually that amazed by the video, some of the shots looked pretty dodgy, but I don't really care as long as the batsman play shots on their merit. I've watched enough cricket to be able to use my imagination a bit and convert video game batting into real life batting in my mind. Just watched the IC2010 trailer agains and BA14 certainly looks better though, so it's all good.
Ross, you should employ this guy. Clearly he knows marketing better than you! :facepalm

If Ross had of released 10 screenies then people would be asking for 20. If the video was 5 mins long then people would be asking for 10 mins. Be happy with what you got are getting more each week.

What's funny is that you only get some kind of "hate comments" towards your post if you don't post something that the majority of the people don't agree with :facepalm But hey, everyone has their own opinions if you haven't noticed yet


I really don't think a longer video or a few more screenshots would've told us that much more tbh. Thought they showed us a perfectly reasonable amount for a game that isn't expected to come out for at least a couple of months(?).

What I think is most important with these games is how the AI batsman plays deliveries and how the AI bowlers bowl. In previous games batsman have always hit impossible shots for certain balls and there are always ways to sort of cheat the system and get wickets. Whether it be the computer loving the upper cut to any delivery, or batsman never edging to first slip and always to second. You can't really get a sense of how good the game deals with those things through game play videos etc.

I wasn't actually that amazed by the video, some of the shots looked pretty dodgy, but I don't really care as long as the batsman play shots on their merit. I've watched enough cricket to be able to use my imagination a bit and convert video game batting into real life batting in my mind. Just watched the IC2010 trailer agains and BA14 certainly looks better though, so it's all good.

Exactly, you are getting to the point now. If it was a glimpse of the actual gameplay, then the attention would have shifted more towards the gameplay rather than us starting at how well animations are created.
I must say that I am very disappointed with today's update. Don't get me wrong here, the disappointment isn't because of the game but it is because of not meeting up to the expectations that I had because of the big hype about this "super Friday". I am sure many others probably feel the same way. The game looks amazing and no doubt about it. The shots look 100 times better than other cricket games and there is nothing I can point out from the video that I don't like. But the thing is that there was a big hype created for this Friday that promised a big update and all we get is 3 screenshots and a very short video? I know you guys have worked hard on this game and it is turning out to be the best cricket game ever made but you can't disappoint the fans by not delivering what was promised. A big update should have been a video that is probably 10 minutes long or so showing SOME of the new features this game offers. We needed to see a video of the actual gameplay to get a feel of the new gameplay system and how good it looks. Don't get me wrong here but these type of "trailer type" videos look 40% better than the actual gameplay because of all the rendering that is done on it. I understand completely that the plan didn't work as it was planned and you had to switch to plan B but you guys could have done much better than this. :)

Don't get me wrong here because I have said all that. I am eagerly waiting for this game as everyone else is but I thought this needed to get out there so you know how the fans feel. Maybe it is just me who is feeling this way or maybe there are others too but don't want to write a post about it. The fans are what make a game successful so it is the developer's job to keep the fans happy. I am not saying that you need to post whole a lot of videos but this update could have been 50 times better.
. I understand where your coming from to be honest but not with the video the video was fantastic , I am disappointed we didn't get press release but at least we have something else to look forward to. But people need to stop comparing game to ashes 2013 cause we all know the game is awful so surely doing better than it isn't hard at all , the game should be judged on its own merit and for me it's an easy 9/10
The video is from gameplay, not touched up, raw from the engine at console resolution.
The video is from gameplay, not touched up, raw from the engine at console resolution.

They're probably referring to "gameplay" as taken during live play, not action replays.

I must admit I would love seeing just a broadcast view of a bowler running in, just as it would look when playing, but they will come with the play tests.
We are really lucky to have an unofficial video for us, have anybody ever seen a gameplay video of a game besides a trailer... Its just the beginning, many stuffs to come. We complain a lot where we have enough. Why ? :facepalm
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What's funny is that you only get some kind of "hate comments" towards your post if you don't post something that the majority of the people don't agree with :facepalm But hey, everyone has their own opinions if you haven't noticed yetd.

It wasn't a "hate comment" mate....just "pull in" the expectation meter a little. Be happy that you are seeing anything....unlike that other cricket game!
It wasn't a "hate comment" mate....just "pull in" the expectation meter a little. Be happy that you are seeing anything....unlike that other cricket game!

I get you but wouldn't you want to see the video from a viewpoint as if you were playing it? Anyways, let's forget that and hope Ross brings us what he missed this time in the next update. :thumbs
Originally Posted by ATMega169P
I must say that I am very disappointed with today's update. Don't get me wrong here, the disappointment isn't because of the game but it is because of not meeting up to the expectations that I had because of the big hype about this "super Friday". I am sure many others probably feel the same way. The game looks amazing and no doubt about it. The shots look 100 times better than other cricket games and there is nothing I can point out from the video that I don't like. But the thing is that there was a big hype created for this Friday that promised a big update and all we get is 3 screenshots and a very short video? I know you guys have worked hard on this game and it is turning out to be the best cricket game ever made but you can't disappoint the fans by not delivering what was promised. A big update should have been a video that is probably 10 minutes long or so showing SOME of the new features this game offers. We needed to see a video of the actual gameplay to get a feel of the new gameplay system and how good it looks. Don't get me wrong here but these type of "trailer type" videos look 40% better than the actual gameplay because of all the rendering that is done on it. I understand completely that the plan didn't work as it was planned and you had to switch to plan B but you guys could have done much better than this.

Don't get me wrong here because I have said all that. I am eagerly waiting for this game as everyone else is but I thought this needed to get out there so you know how the fans feel. Maybe it is just me who is feeling this way or maybe there are others too but don't want to write a post about it. The fans are what make a game successful so it is the developer's job to keep the fans happy. I am not saying that you need to post whole a lot of videos but this update could have been 50 times better.
agreed becouse we had this huge talk that big abt cricket game is releasing there game date and gameplay which we did not see but at the end of the day we saw something which is better than nothing
Angy and others have clipped some great screenshots from the video
ross will the havyness of the bat have an effect on the timing of the bowl trying to get an answer for this from along time
I get you but wouldn't you want to see the video from a viewpoint as if you were playing it? Anyways, let's forget that and hope Ross brings us what he missed this time in the next update. :thumbs

Everyone is entitled to their opinion however mine is that the original post saying you were "very disappointed" is the thing that is at issue for me, pretty low tolerance level. If I had supplied less then I guess you would be "devastated"... I can't think of your words for the Ashes video.... must be pretty bad...

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