Announcement/Video and Screenshots/Playsession

Hey Ross,
Try to create an option in Cricket Academy when we can create a player based on picture uploaded.So that it will easy for community to create exact players and themselves.Please reply to me are u ignoring me?.do u only answer your senior fans?.:noway:wave:mad

He already answered this quesn and its hard to implement it and got many problems to do that.

Thanks manoharalla. That is correct.

sureshy24, all of your questions relate to dates and announcements, I haven't answered those for anyone.
I think this all Ashes 13 delay drama, the current ashes series and the response to the bigants Cricket 14 teaser is the wet dream Ross must be having since last one or two year. :P can't think of a better moment for a cricket developer to capitalize the market. Ashes 13 has generated enough negative PR that people would accept any half decent game and when you'll give them something like Cricket 14, they'll go bonkers. :D


I think BigAnt can absolutely blow the Ashes 13 outta water now. Release the game early, take the feedback, release patches, work on a superb DLC, release it a day or two before Ashes 13 release and Boom. Ashes 13 wold be dead on arrival.
Will you guys stick to friday being the day when you will release information regarding the game? Or will you mix it up?
In game, Atleast make players looking close(atleast 50%) to real life faces(Example tendulkar with bald and with mustache, this makes customization process easy for community) and also keep names like Sakin tenhalkad(sachin tendulkar) not like Atkinson (the one in video).Answer this please


Thanks manoharalla. That is correct.

sureshy24, all of your questions relate to dates and announcements, I haven't answered those for anyone.

In game, Atleast make players looking close(atleast 50%) to real life faces(Example tendulkar with bald and with mustache, this makes customization process easy for community) and also keep names like Sakin tenhalkad(sachin tendulkar) not like Atkinson (the one in video).Answer this please
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I think this all Ashes 13 delay drama, the current ashes series and the response to the bigants Cricket 14 teaser is the wet dream Ross must be having since last one or two year. :P can't think of a better moment for a cricket developer to capitalize the market. Ashes 13 has generated enough negative PR that people would accept any half decent game and when you'll give them something like Cricket 14, they'll go bonkers. :D


I think BigAnt can absolutely blow the Ashes 13 outta water now. Release the game early, take the feedback, release patches, work on a superb DLC, release it a day or two before Ashes 13 release and Boom. Ashes 13 wold be dead on arrival.

I think it's better off that we stop bothering ourselves with ashes 13 and just forget it for once.
I myself wasted my precious time (a few months) following that game:facepalm and don't want to waste a second thinking about it now.

We can gain start following it once it's released...Till then see ya ashes mismanaged cricket 201?
Team uniform should be editable more like we shd be able to match with real ones.I didnt like emblem shape.Team name or some text allowed to put in the front.

Look as though jara will be gracing this game instead of ashes 2013:noway,hope online mode is decent though.:spy.
How much will it cost for pc?
When are able to pre order this game, how much will it cost and which shops can we preorder the game from
Hey Jara, Long time no see. Its been forever since our last Ashes 09 online match. Hope to see you there in BigAnt's Cricket. Its so hard to find players who dont cheat ;)

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