Anti Viruses


National Board President
Apr 16, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
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Norman Antivirus is great, I've never had any problems with it as it usually picks things up quickly.
Kaspersky is great but used too much RAM. Esed is also good and use less RAM :) and for Norton .......... :eek: a virus itself :p
I used ESET NOD32 antivirus (I use the paid version, coz I have stopped using free antivirus programs because keeping the virus out of your systems deserves you spending a few dollars a a year out of your pockets)

its been doing a very good job so far and I havent had any problems for the past 8-9 months that I have used NOD32.
I have used for PC-Cilin for all my life really and am currently using their Internet Security Pro 2009. Have always used the paid versions because its certainly worth it.
Well I recently purchased (No really I did) Kaspersky after using the 30 day trial and I couldn't be happier. All claims that it uses too much RAM and stuff are rubbish, its VERY resource wise light, and yet very efficient. By far the best. I'm talking Kaspersky Internet Security here btw, not just the anti virus.

EDIT - Just read, the 2'nd link indeed claims Norton the second best, wtf?
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Spot on KShits. I always used to like Panda, i mean, what could be better than having a little Panda Icon in your system tray? But, once i found Kaspersky there was no going back.

I am still using Kaspersky Internet Security 7, have tried the newer version but found 7 the best. It uses up hardly any system resources, and offers the highest level of protection i have ever seen.

Also, i have little tool which resets the trial period every month, been doing this for two years. :D
i used NOD 32 which is quite good,:hpraise
I was also using it but it is pretty poor on detecting trojans. :onpc

omkarjere added 6 Minutes and 4 Seconds later...

There are many sites for anti virus rankings like
New Antivirus Rankings…Kaspersky Still on Top
Best Antivirus 10 Top Antivirus Best 2009 - All Internet Security
2008-06, 1-21 June | :: ::
and many more

Can someone please tell me the Best Site which contains correct rankings and updated rankings. I want to know correct anti virus ranking so can anyone please tell me or atleast you can give your suggestions. BTW I have Kaspersky so I also want to know it's ranking.
I would recommend you Symantec Norton instead its a resource eater but really is one of the best according to AV-Comparatives.
Kaspersky is awesome, doesn't eat up the ram at all and doesn't slow down the start up. Takes awhile to scan for virus but if you have dual core you can run it in the background without it effecting the memory usage. The internet security version also has it's own ad blocker so the ads are blocked for any browser with no add ons needed.
I use Nod 32. It is the best I've come across. As for Kapersky, can anyone post it's memory footprint? ESET right now is showing 15 Mb to run the core and around 3 Mb to run the GUI.
But I've seen it go right upto 40 Mb plus on occasions.
Kaspersky is awesome, doesn't eat up the ram at all and doesn't slow down the start up. Takes awhile to scan for virus but if you have dual core you can run it in the background without it effecting the memory usage. The internet security version also has it's own ad blocker so the ads are blocked for any browser with no add ons needed.

That is correct. I feel nothing when the scan goes on in the background.

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