No they just don't visit regularly.
What's the maximum number of days one can stay away from PC and yet be classified as an active member ?? Asking this because i wanna know one of my uni friend's status .
No they just don't visit regularly.
PC is damn slow for me.
One thing i want to improve is our site's speed . Goodness me , its easily one of the slowest sites to load on the Internet . Really takes ages to load !
That's what I'm also facing but with Gchrome the problem is solved up to some extent.
That 'some extent' is less than 10% for me .
Same happened with me. I asked Matt and he said that if you are using a sigpic of dimensions 300x100, then only a text of one line is allowed.Whats wrong with the signature setting all of a sudden ?? It was fine until noon IST before the words 'Sig over limit' appeared for me !