As it has come up a few times recently I would like to remind users of two things -
First up, the following rule:
Reporting Posts
This system is in place to stream-line how quickly staff deal with problems. Please use the system with respect and do not attempt to deal with problems yourself. Members are strongly discouraged from telling others what to do and acting like moderators.
Secondly, there is something you should note that is not in the rules, and that is a rule against thread bumping - a large amount of the posts I delete for not following the rule above, are telling users not to do something that isn't against the rules in the first place.
Don't get bumping and spamming confused, if you post a rubbish post in a really old thread, it will get deleted, and posts raising up a really old thread are usually expected to be of a higher standard than those in an active discussion, but if a post is on topic, in the right topic, it doesn't matter if the thread isn't active. It is preferable to use an existing thread than to start a new one.
I'm not saying go out of your way to revive old discussions, I'm saying that if that old discussion is the best place for your post, then don't be misled in to thinking you're breaking a rule by bumping an old thread.