Yo I am no #205 .Regardless, if you care, there's a table here that you can sort by the number of thanks received or by thanks per day. It's not going to form the basis of any indicator on posts however.
Yo I am no #205 .Regardless, if you care, there's a table here that you can sort by the number of thanks received or by thanks per day. It's not going to form the basis of any indicator on posts however.
It's not going to form the basis of any indicator on posts however.
And it isn't intended to be.
I strongly doubt any person would substantially modify their posting behaviour because of an arbitrary rank, especially given the implication that it makes of the reverse - that people are somehow deliberately posting worse because they don't get stars next to their name if they post well.
We do have the usertitles that adjust based on post count - and while there's no direct indicator of relevance and quality - if you manage to post quantity to get a high up rank on those automated titles, you've managed enough quality not to get banned or mod-queued or get a large number of deleted posts in the process.
We already have users that put 'Thank this post if you like it' in their sig to try and encourage thanks, that would get considerably worse of an issue if they actually meant something.
Regardless, if you care, there's a table here that you can sort by the number of thanks received or by thanks per day. It's not going to form the basis of any indicator on posts however.
I prefer the proposed cake/unicorn/monkeyfart system proposed by that guy earlier up the page. I think it was @Biggs. Also, @blockerdave and @BigAntStudios need to get a room
13 and 11 posts per day ...you'd think Ross was the one asking for the release date all the time!
Because ignore lists are private the software is designed so that people can't find out about being on someone's list just by posting on their wall and having it fail.if you ignore someone, why are they allowed to post VMs on your page?
i know this isn't quite the right thread for it, but i am struggling to find the bit where i can edit notifications...
You can enable/disable notifications from 'Messaging & Notifications' section that will be found here.