Review: Anyone else unsatisfied?

Now what I am going to do here, for my own enjoyment, is act as if what you have said here makes any sense at all and is in fact a powerful counter-voice to the points I have raised. This for my own enjoyment, as otherwise I feel a little short-changed in the depth of your ability to discuss.

First of all it would be helpful for the clarity around what you wish to bring forward if you could point me to those passages that you feel show that I have contradicted myself and I will gladly look at them and give my arguments as to why I have stated the things in the way that I have done so. I will even be gracious enough to accept areas where I feel that I have indeed contradicted myself. But first I will need your input as i otherwise cannot know what you are alluding to. A reasonable request one feels.

Secondly: I am not angry. My attitude is that I enjoy doing things and thus do them willingly. I enjoy for example this whole interaction and can do it quite easily for the coming months and months. No problem.

Thirdly: You make the point whether anyone cares about my attitude in life. I don't know. It is not the reason for me posting: I care, and wish to share that on a public discussion forum. That is valid reason enough. Just as I value your right to share the fact that you are dissatisfied with the game: I don't care about that either but accept it is your right to state that here. What I am trying to say is that the game isn't the root cause for your dissatisfaction. That is my point of view: thus a valid reason to bring that forward in this very thread as it is a part of a public discussion forum.

As for the concept of being "owned" as you put that is of course a matter of personal discretion. I certainly don't feel "owned". That of course maybe an illusion but it is the only perspective on which I can base my judgement. My own state of mind at least seems to portray me a sense of not being owned in the slightest. I have then to rather go with that as the basis of reality rather than just someone calling that out somewhere behind a computer'.

I very much look forward to your further points on the issues I have raised after considering the points you bought forward.

Are you some kind of psychiatrist? Or is your ego as huge as Melbourne cricket ground?:lol

My Complaints about this game are already been posted. Check them if you want to.
Are you some kind of psychiatrist? Or is your ego as huge as Melbourne cricket ground?:lol

My Complaints about this game are already been posted. Check them if you want to.

Again you fail to enter into the spirit of discussion as you raise points but give no credence to your own utterings, thus unfortunately undermining the very ground on which you stand. I am actually trying to assist you in making some form of intelligent interaction but your inability to even understand yourself is proving to be a real stumbling block. A great shame as I was enjoying the heartwarming clash of great intellectual thoughts brought forth by those few great and free men who let no barrier contain them but see the wide vast expanses of free discussion as a landscape to further the glorious quest of man in his ever present struggle towards the great questions in life: why am I dissatisfied whilst my fellow man is not?
There are thousands of games on Steam... I do wonder why some people (Royce, Varun, ABHIII) spend so much time and energy being angry over one they don't enjoy, repeatedly going on and on about it for weeks on end, when there are almost countless alternatives to play instead... or things away from video games entirely.

DBC frustrating me?... I'll just go play Rocket League or something instead. Focusing your time and attention on things you dislike is a choice.

I'm not playing it at all as it's not enjoyable. I just came to ask about the next patch. I'm enjoying DBC 14, hoping that DBC 17 gets fixed.

Same can be also said about others who over praising this game. Woo woo woo.
Again you fail to enter into the spirit of discussion as you raise points but give no credence to your own utterings, thus unfortunately undermining the very ground on which you stand. I am actually trying to assist you in making some form of intelligent interaction but your inability to even understand yourself is proving to be a real stumbling block. A great shame as I was enjoying the heartwarming clash of great intellectual thoughts.

I have mentioned that I've already posted my issue with this game. It's somewhere in this thread. So which part you don't understand?:spy

You are simply releasing too many of your Dutch philosophy patches.
I have mentioned that I've already posted my issue with this game. It's somewhere in this thread. So which part you don't understand?:spy
I understand it completely: you have stated things in such a way that they are very, very, very easily understood. My whole reason for entering a discussion is not that I think I have not understood you but have only to do with the points I have raised. If you go back and clearly read them then you will understand what I mean.

Unfortunately I do not have any philosophy patches and even if I knew what you meant by that I wouldn't know what to do with them. Again your own inability to state clearly what you wish to bring forward is holding us back....such a shame.
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I understand it completely: you have stated things in such a way that they are very, very, very easily understood. My whole reason for entering a discussion is not that I think I have not understood you but have only to do with the points I have raised. If you go back and clearly read them then you will understand what I mean.

Naah mate Too deep analysis. Too much study. Also I like to use simple words. You tend to write a whole book each time, I can't go through all your volumes each time:facepalm. I just hope BA fixes the issues which are already raised by other and me asap. :thumbs
I just hope BA fixes the issues which are already raised by other and me asap. :thumbs

So now we come to a point in which you say something constructive and intelligent. Good. Now I can tell you that BA is working it's socks off to fix a great number of issues and will continue to do so. So you have an answer to your question: yes, they are working on a patch and will release that when it is ready. In the mean time if I may make a kind suggestion: go and play something else that you enjoy and come back when the patch is released.
I'm not playing it at all as it's not enjoyable

Dude, This game is too good! I was in the same boat as you are right now but after playing a few weeks consistently, I started to realize how great this game is. And with the help of some more patches, it is going to be the greatest cricket game of all time that allows you to customize pretty much everything which no other sports game does. Yes, there are issues but you can live with them for a while. My advise to you is -give it another try and do not compare it with some other games. Also, In my opinion, avoid playing in a custom stadium that has 3 tier stands with big advertisement boards -that alone kills all the enjoyment from the game. Also, reduce gamma settings to enhance your experience. The core gameplay is right there but needs few tweaks here and there in all 3 areas i.e. batting, bowling, and fielding.

Hope this helps!
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You clearly do seeing as you started this argument by calling him out for his opinion.
No, I expressed my opinion that I do not feel that it can only be the games fault whether someone is satisfied or not......I clarified that by saying that I accept it is his right to feel dissatisfied but as I am not dissatisfied with the game I presume there are subjective reasons as to why that is the case. I personally feel better when I am satisfied but I certainly don't harbour any resentment towards anyone if they choose to be dissatisfied. My argument is that we cannot just look at BA and ask them to solve our dissatisfaction: that has to come from within ourselves.
So now we come to a point in which you say something constructive and intelligent. Good. Now I can tell you that BA is working it's socks off to fix a great number of issues and will continue to do so. So you have an answer to your question: yes, they are working on a patch and will release that when it is ready. In the mean time if I may make a kind suggestion: go and play something else that you enjoy and come back when the patch is released.

Dutch, it's funny to see that you keeping on more content to your comments each time.

"Oh I should I've said this too.. Oh look, a edit option"

Thank God for telling me that big ant is working their socks off for new patches. You helped me remove the impression that I was robbed by them. You are amazing. Woo :clap

Yeah, suggestion taken. Now where is that Ashes cricket 13 copy...
Dutch, it's funny to see that you keeping on more content to your comments each time.

"Oh I should I've said this too.. Oh look, a edit option"

Thank God for telling me that big ant is working their socks off for new patches. You helped me remove the impression that I was robbed by them. You are amazing. Woo :clap

Yeah, suggestion taken. Now where is that Ashes cricket 13 copy...

I edit my posts when I see areas in which I feel I need to clarify myself or to correct spelling mistakes. I try to have a certain standard when posting. The way people formulate posts tells much about their standards in life. That is why interview letters are so important for example. I certainly don't see anything wrong with that or laden with conspiracy. I respect your view on life but am thoroughly glad it isn't mine.
Mr. Dutch would know about that too. He knows about everything.

DBC14 is vastly superior than any cricket game till date. DBC17 improved on few aspects but failed on many. I'm certainly hoping that they iron out many bugs as they can and also try to included few more features suggested by the community here.[DOUBLEPOST=1486415098][/DOUBLEPOST]

Guess they tried something new and got it wrong fair deal but they work hard to get things right.

Get popcorn :D
Always nachos and dips.
No, I expressed my opinion that I do not feel that it can only be the games fault whether someone is satisfied or not......I clarified that by saying that I accept it is his right to feel dissatisfied but as I am not dissatisfied with the game I presume there are subjective reasons as to why that is the case. I personally feel better when I am satisfied but I certainly don't harbour any resentment towards anyone if they choose to be dissatisfied. My argument is that we cannot just look at BA and ask them to solve our dissatisfaction: that has to come from within ourselves.

Well yeah, our opinions on the game are subjective after all. Though there are many things which are basic in real life cricket which aren't here or are broken. That leads to dissatisfaction when you pay $100 of your hard earned money.
I edit my posts when I see areas in which I feel I need to clarify myself or to correct spelling mistakes. I certainly don't see anything wrong with that or laden with conspiracy. I respect your view on life but am thoroughly glad it isn't mine.

Your syntax has a secret code inside it which has unveiled the whereabouts of the Arc of the covenant as well as how Aston Villa can be a great club and the Western Warriors actually competing the Shield... I think I made the last one up...?

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