Review: Anyone else unsatisfied?

Dude, This game is too good! I was in the same boat as you are right now but after playing a few weeks consistently, I started to realize how great this game is. And with the help of some more patches, it is going to be the greatest cricket game of all time that allows you to customize pretty much everything which no other sports game does. Yes, there are issues but you can live with them for a while. My advise to you is -give it another try and do not compare it with some other games. Also, In my opinion, avoid playing in a custom stadium that has 3 tier stands with big advertisement boards -that alone kills all the enjoyment from the game. Also, reduce gamma settings to enhance your experience. The core gameplay is right there but needs few tweaks here and there in all 3 areas i.e. batting, bowling, and fielding.

Hope this helps!

I'm only comparing it with DBC 14 since 17 is a successor. I can call myself a seasoned DBC 14 player playing over 750 hours on legend mode. DBC 17 has great features like stadiums add on, better career mode, team kit downloads etc but lacks in few departments. I termed it a bad game vs DBC 14.
Well yeah, our opinions on the game are subjective after all. Though there are many things which are basic in real life cricket which aren't here or are broken. That leads to dissatisfaction when you pay $100 of your hard earned money.

That may be the case as you see it. I too see a number of things that need improvement but I still enjoy the game thus feel that my money is very well spent. I have other games that I have bought and don't play. No Mans Sky for example. I just think that I should have taken more time to wait for opinions and reviews before buying it. I didnt: I was enthusiastic and wanted it: no crime there but I lay the weight of responsibilty with myself. I see many, many people enjoying NMS and respect that. I will wait until they are able to patch the game until I feel it is enjoyable. If they don't, I have plenty of other things to do that are enjoyable to me: like playing DBC.
Your syntax has a secret code inside it which has unveiled the whereabouts of the Arc of the covenant as well as how Aston Villa can be a great club and the Western Warriors actually competing the Shield... I think I made the last one up...?
It is true apart from the Aston Villa bit; unfortunately there are no laws known within our universe that could do that. 1982 will have to be it I am afraid.
That may be the case as you see it. I too see a number of things that need improvement but I still enjoy the game thus feel that my money is very well spent. I have other games that i have bought and don't play. No Mans Sky for example. I just think that I should have taken more time to wait for opinions and reviews before buying it. I didnt: I was enthusiastic and wanted it: no crime there but I lay the weight of responsibilty with myself. I see many, many people enjoying NMS and respect that. I will wait until they are able to patch the game until I feel it is enjoyable. If they don't, I have plenty of other things to do that are enjoyable to me: like playing DBC.

I enjoy the game. I am playing devils advocate as it were. I am like you in that I see the issues and still like it (though future games need o be better on release). I do empathise with people who don't though.
I edit my posts when I see areas in which I feel I need to clarify myself or to correct spelling mistakes. I try to have a certain standard when posting. The way people formulate posts tells much about their standards in life. That is why interview letters are so important for example. I certainly don't see anything wrong with that or laden with conspiracy. I respect your view on life but am thoroughly glad it isn't mine.

I'm also glad. I salute you:clap on your view on your life. You are enchanting. Can you gift me 50$ on steam? :lol:p
I enjoy the game. I am playing devils advocate as it were. I am like you in that I see the issues and still like it (though future games need o be better on release). I do empathise with people who don't though.
I agree that the game will need a much more vigorous testing program before release: ideally it will be an early access game that will allow people to give feedback and help developers form the game without them feeling they have paid for a finished game and have to wait for patches to fix things up. That being said there are other factors at play here that may not allow them to take that approach.

I also think that BA themselves can only do a certain amount of testing and that all the permitations they are faced with are just impossible to test and only come to the fore once the game is released.

They have given themselves a massive headache by trying to give the community all they asked for. Maybe the next game they just have to concentrate on one thing and one thing only: gameplay, gameplay, gameplay.

I'm also glad. I salute you:clap on your view on your life. You are enchanting. Can you gift me 50$ on steam? :lol:p

I have had my fun and am now ignoring you. Bye.
I agree that the game will need a much more vigorous testing program before release: ideally it will be an early access game that will allow people to give feedback and help developers form the game without them feeling they have paid for a finished game and have to wait for patches to fix things up. That being said there are other factors at play here that may not allow them to take that approach.[DOUBLEPOST=1486419334][/DOUBLEPOST]
I have had my fun and am now ignoring you. Bye.

So much free advice all this time:facepalm.. he bolts the very moment I asked for 50$. :lol:lol:wave
I'm only comparing it with DBC 14 since 17 is a successor. I can call myself a seasoned DBC 14 player playing over 750 hours on legend mode. DBC 17 has great features like stadiums add on, better career mode, team kit downloads etc but lacks in few departments. I termed it a bad game vs DBC 14.

TBH, I do not find much difference now in post patch 3 DBC17 and DBC14 batting. It is almost identical in some aspects however, I can now play better cover drives, cut shots on good length ball which was not the case in DBC14.
TBH, I do not find much difference now in post patch 3 DBC17 and DBC14 batting. It is almost identical in some aspects however, I can now play better cover drives, cut shots on good length ball which was not the case in DBC14.

I agree with you. Shot making is much better on the off side.
I'll share my nachos with you.
Nachos are better over volumes of crap advice.[DOUBLEPOST=1486420450][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm loving this game, apart from when I don't take a run & the fielder picks up the ball & tw@ts me on the chest with his throw.

Now that truly hurts.. ouch
I do wonder why some people (Royce, Varun, ABHIII) spend so much time and energy being angry over one they don't enjoy,

lol but if royce is the bugbear we think he is then he has left a negative review for all the games he plays on steam, even games he has put a lot of time in.
They have given themselves a massive headache by trying to give the community all they asked for.

this is very true , purely by featurelist i think this was a big jump, that sequels these days rarely do.
lol but if royce is the bugbear we think he is then he has left a negative review for all the games he plays on steam, even games he has put a lot of time in.

I think 'negative' remarks have been rubbing many people the wrong way. I of course want the game to be great. I didn't buy it on day 1 just not to write negative remarks. I waited till mid night to buy it. 50$ is still a expensive digital buy for me. I recall buying DBC14 for a similar price and I loved it. All my Support to the developer cause. Spend many hours playing career, completions, online etc. I've not put any review for DBC 17 yet.

I've noted before that people have the right to be angry or disappointed if they have paid for 50$ (2999 rs) for a buggy game. There are fan boys here waiting to bash or teach unlimited philosophy to the negative elements. Yeah, I've heard all about 'this game SHOULD been a early release access' whatever. But right now We are still stuck with a buggy game.

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