Are the Indian cricket team and board bringing cricket into disrepute?

Have the BCCI/India team brought cricket into disrepute?

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How is Dean the member at fault here? He just like any other member post anything he likes. Though personally I think Team India isn't bringing cricket into dispute.
Dean isn't at fault at all, and neither is he being hypocritical. Dean is allowed opinions like anyone else, just because he is staff doesn't mean that he should drop all of his opinions, and I think he opened this topic rightly because it is a very big, contensious issue that could have sparked some really good intelligent debate. It is sad of course that the idiots from both sides of the arguement took their time to get involved and turn it yet again into a slagging match instead of a proper well formulated debate that it could have been.

And the whole talk of him closing the Indo-Aus thread when tensions were high in that was right. It was at the time and everyone was flaming everyone left, right and centre. As he outlines in his first post in here, he opened it, a while after the actual incident hoping that people wouldn't act stupidly again because they finally had time to take in the facts and to have a proper formed debate based on facts.

You can't blame him because there is a large amount of people on here who seem to have taken this argument into my country is better than yours, we have better manners, you don't know how to behave and 11 of your players out of millions represents you're entire country.
Why not? If you want to start a discussion, it is your right, just as it is mine.

I do not mean to say that you do not have any right in posting such things.
Things are way too much out of control in this thread.It should have been closed by now.
Maybe you could have opened it later.Your timing was'nt right.
I do not mean to say that you do not have any right in posting such things.
Things are way too much out of control in this thread.It should have been closed by now.
Maybe you could have opened it later.Your timing was'nt right.

His timing was fine. It was other people not being sensible enough which took it "out of control"
His timing was fine. It was other people not being sensible enough which took it "out of control"

Then,being a mod,it was his duty to work out a compromise.
He is at fault for letting it run amok...

And regd the timing,well,this could have very well been started after the CB Tri-series got over,by which the tempers would definately have cooled down.
Then,being a mod,it was his duty to work out a compromise.
He is at fault for letting it run amok...

You could also say it was people's duty to not be "running amok" in the first place, or has everyone become 10 year olds now and have to have mods sort all their problems out :rolleyes:

I think you are pretty out of order for saying Dean is at fault.
I think you are pretty out of order for saying Dean is at fault.

At fault,but for the follwoing reasons:
1. Not controlling the thread after starting a hot topic.
2. Timing the thread wrongly.

I'm not saying that Dean is at fault for starting the thread.As a human,as a member he has every right to do so.He failed as a mod,not as a member.

Anyways,this is going too off-topic.
At fault,but for the follwoing reasons:
1. Not controlling the thread after starting a hot topic.
2. Timing the thread wrongly.

I'm not saying that Dean is at fault for starting the thread.As a human,as a member he has every right to do so.He failed as a mod,not as a member.

Anyways,this is going too off-topic.

Thread Evolution ;)

But to him not controlling it. He cannot be up 24 hours can he? How can he constantly control it then??? And sailing he has failed as a mod is a bit extreme. I mean come on he hasn't exactly started abusing people or anything like that.
Its an issue on which almost all-Aussies will vote for 'Yes'
And the Indians will vote for the other two.
Then,being a mod,it was his duty to work out a compromise.
He is at fault for letting it run amok...

And regd the timing,well,this could have very well been started after the CB Tri-series got over,by which the tempers would definately have cooled down.


So, he should have waited until the series was over, issues were nigh forgotten and tempers had cooled to start a controversial thread that would flare members up again?
Then,being a mod,it was his duty to work out a compromise.
He is at fault for letting it run amok...

No, people not being able to partake in a topic which has/had huge potential due to immaturity are at fault. Not Dean. The staff have discussed this and we back Dean, so we all take the responsibility.
No, people not being able to partake in a topic which has/had huge potential due to immaturity are at fault. Not Dean. The staff have discussed this and we back Dean, so we all take the responsibility.
Well then I have to say that the staff is quite silly to support a discussion that is obviously divisive. There's all this talk about the maturity of the members being the reason this thread is failing to do what it set out to do--well you have to handle your forum according to the maturity of the users. Sure, it can and should be an issue that is discussed (this thread, I mean), but I think the general populace of PlanetCricket have more or less proven time and again that controversial issues like this cannot be discussed without flaming becoming involved very quickly.

I believe this thread hasn't helped the process of a "truce" along at all. Even now I read off-topic comments being made by Indian/Australian members against the opposition in threads elsewhere in the forum. There's been a lot of bad blood between the two sides and it isn't being rectified, but being augmented.
Its an issue on which almost all-Aussies will vote for 'Yes'
And the Indians will vote for the other two.

No. I voted 'not sure' as i wasn't 100% sure about all the facts.

But since i do now, i would vote yes.

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