Are the Indian cricket team and board bringing cricket into disrepute?

Have the BCCI/India team brought cricket into disrepute?

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Guys lets just forget it all, this thing is getting out dated. With all respects.
Yes, Dean. Go back to being the mindless, opinionless drone that is expected of you as a Mod. God forbid you do anything else than put up vBookie threads.
I guess you live in a binary universe where there are only two extremes.

If you don't like this thread, then don't reply to it. The staff have discussed this thread and found it unanimously okay.
I've stopped posting because any reasonable comments are being ignored. For example, pal and prarara have posted many reasonable reactions to the situation which many of the Aussie+neutral members have simply ignored, just so that they can have a dig at the more passionate and patriotic members.

And I ask you if you honestly think this thread hasn't affected the division of the forum, because I think that is a ridiculous suggestion to make.

Personally I don't see anything wrong with a staff member asking the question. I think in light of recent events its a fair question to ask. If people can't discuss the issue with maturity then perhaps thats their own problem.
I believe it is the same staff member that closed the Australia-India thread during the real-time heat. I guess it was an attempt to make another effort to discuss the issue, but surely you must agree that the way the topic was presented only invited bad feelings.
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That's because people didn't think about the question. Maybe if it had have been worded differently by Dean, worded neutrally say:

"If a team threatens to pull out of a tour, when something happens they don't like, is it bringing cricket into disrepute?"
That's because people didn't think about the question. Maybe if it had have been worded differently by Dean, worded neutrally say:

"If a team threatens to pull out of a tour, when something happens they don't like, is it bringing cricket into disrepute?"
That's a little too wordy.

A simple, "Did recent cricketing events bring the game into disrepute?" or simply, "Has cricket been brought into disrepute" would have been good. Regardless, this thread has just been used as a stress-relieving post for many members to demonstrate their hatred for the BCCI, many times without the use of sources or a logical argument.
it's not that I'm saying symonds & co. made a mistake by complaining to appropriate authorities. But waht I am saying is that all the furore and war of words was due to the fact that procter ruled against harbahajan without appropraite evidence of racial abuse. There was no problem in the fact that bhajji and symo abused each other but whether bhajji's was racial 'monkey' or 'maa ki' that has to be proved. That's all.
So I'm or not complaing abt complaint lodged by Ponting but abt the fact that Procter ruled without evidence of racial abuse. i dont think anybody will have a problem if procter had punished bhajji for abusing.
Then it has nothing to do with the Aussies and pulling out of the tour would be to punish a match referee rather than the Australians and ICC.

It was not done because India were hurt, it was done because they were trying (successfully) to get what they wanted.

That's because people didn't think about the question. Maybe if it had have been worded differently by Dean, worded neutrally say:

"If a team threatens to pull out of a tour, when something happens they don't like, is it bringing cricket into disrepute?"
Perhaps, but once again, I'm talking about this issue, and the thread title is merely an expression of it. If it is not worded in a particular way, that is not something to interpret differently.
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I wonder if the thread 'Is the Australian cricket team too arrogant on the cricket field ? would have been allowed to continue.
So you think the whole of the PC staff are anti-Indian now?

A thread titled that would be allowed, infact we've probably had one. Certainly been discussed in-topic.
I wonder if the thread 'Is the Australian cricket team too arrogant on the cricket field ? would have been allowed to continue.

Im pretty sure there was a thread about it, either that or it was discussed to death in the Australia - India forum
So you think the whole of the PC staff are anti-Indian now?

A thread titled that would be allowed, infact we've probably had one. Certainly been discussed in-topic.

I never suggested that....

Im pretty sure there was a thread about it, either that or it was discussed to death in the Australia - India forum

If there has already been a discussion regd this,then I'm sorry,my fault.
I wonder if the thread 'Is the Australian cricket team too arrogant on the cricket field ? would have been allowed to continue.

So you think the whole of the PC staff are anti-Indian now?

I never suggested that....

Well actually you are implying that any thread, "having a go at the Aussie Cricket Team" would be closed. Maybe not so much anti-Indian but Pro-Aussie is what it looks like you said about the staff.

I also don't think it was particularly fair for everyone to start hounding Dean. I'm pretty sure mod's have opinions to, and he is only expressing his own views. He can't be blamed if certain immature members have not yet passed puberty and can post decent, relevant comments, aye?

Regarding the issue as I have maintained the whole time I think the sooner this issue is over the sooner it can be forgotten. It is such a passionate issue that people are always going to have oppostie views, and that is fine. It's just when people become plain rude and abusive when the thread begins to degrade into a mindless slagging match. Hopefully, as many responsible members have said, but been ignored, we can move on once the series has finished. I just hope their are no dodgy umpires :upray
Well actually you are implying that any thread, "having a go at the Aussie Cricket Team" would be closed. Maybe not so much anti-Indian but Pro-Aussie is what it looks like you said about the staff.
Considering that nearly 30% of the staff/admin/global mods are Australian, and taking into account that the forum leaders are largely mature and neutral members, I'd say that there's bound to be some notion of PC being pro-Aussie (however small that tendency is). However, it would be more accurate to say the forum is pro-English.

Regarding the issue as I have maintained the whole time I think the sooner this issue is over the sooner it can be forgotten.
You're contradicting yourself, though. The issue cannot be forgotten by opening a thread about it...
Considering that nearly 30% of the staff/admin/global mods are Australian, and taking into account that the forum leaders are largely mature and neutral members, I'd say that there's bound to be some notion of PC being pro-Aussie (however small that tendency is). However, it would be more accurate to say the forum is pro-English.

You're contradicting yourself, though. The issue cannot be forgotten by opening a thread about it...

Well if it is pro-English how come icyman is complaining? There are quite a few Indian mods as well maybe just slightly less than Aussie mods but not by much. Also I'm not really contradiciting myself, because the ODI series is happening now, so how can it be forgotten??? Maybe I didn't make myself clear. What I meant in issue was the whole tour.

But I do think it might have been best if this thread had not been created, but it was and I think people should have been able to act and post maturely in it.
Also I'm not really contradiciting myself, because the ODI series is happening now, so how can it be forgotten??? Maybe I didn't make myself clear. What I meant in issue was the whole tour.
The issue isn't the tour, though. The issues are a couple of things that cropped up--poor umpiring in Sydney and the Bhajji fiasco.

But I do think it might have been best if this thread had not been created, but it was and I think people should have been able to act and post maturely in it.
sohummisra said:
I believe it is the same staff member that closed the Australia-India thread during the real-time heat. I guess it was an attempt to make another effort to discuss the issue, but surely you must agree that the way the topic was presented only invited bad feelings.
The issue isn't the tour, though. The issues are a couple of things that cropped up--poor umpiring in Sydney and the Bhajji fiasco.

Yes but the tour is linked into those issues.

@ Your quote: Also as I said earlier the staff here have their own feelings and views which will reflect how they post. I'm not saying it is a bad or a good thing but when an issue like this arises you cannot expect him to not be bias. As a neutral maybe it could have been better presented but I'm not saying what was done was wrong in the way he presented this thread. I hope that kind of makes sense. What I'm pretty much saying is, I think the thread is fine how it was originally posted and members here have moulded it into what it is at the moment.
I wonder if the thread 'Is the Australian cricket team too arrogant on the cricket field ? would have been allowed to continue.
Why not? If you want to start a discussion, it is your right, just as it is mine.

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