Are the Indian cricket team and board bringing cricket into disrepute?

Have the BCCI/India team brought cricket into disrepute?

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Did anyone see the interview with Sharad Pawar on CNN-IBN about the issue? I caught a promo for it and he was maintaining the same position that he has held from the beginning of the incident, that there was never a chance that India would pull-out from the tour and that it was important to maintain good relations between the two countries. He said essentially the same thing almost the day after the allegation came out. He also added that there was uneasiness among the players to come out and play when they felt one of their teammates was being unfairly attacked.
Having seen some comments I am amazed at the ideas people have of what an Australian society is. I've never been, but some describe it as a horrible and aggressive country. They have this idea that all Aussies are like Bradley Murdoch. Australia is a sunny Britain tbh... ;)
Having seen some comments I am amazed at the ideas people have of what an Australian society is. I've never been, but some describe it as a horrible and aggressive country. They have this idea that all Aussies are like Bradley Murdoch. Australia is a sunny Britain tbh... ;)
maybe 50 years ago....

Thanks to TV we are more American now i'd say...

The proof of audio recording which clearly indicates/make us hear that harbhajan is saying "monkey/big monkey" to symonds. We do know harbhajan and symonds both abused each other. But what we do not know and hence looking for proof is that what harbhajan actually said, whetehr it "monkey" or "maa ki".

This is a cricket field. Not a damn recording studio....
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Huge contrast there....
On one hand you say that one of the Indian players was involved in racist taunts.
On the other,you are not sure whether he was actually involved....

I believe its you who needs to think before typing...

By that last point,i think he meant the Aussies cant take sledging on the cricket field,especially when they themselves sledge.
No, but who was accused of it in the first place? How many Aussie players have been accused of racist comments? Whether Harbhajan did or didn't do it, the Aussies still have a record in that respect that matches if not betters India. Nice try, but defending a post like that is ridiculous.

shan111 said:
LOL.. the whole matter brings back only 1point:the fact that:
To pull out of a tour is not a graceful behaviour and should be done in xtreme cases like security threats etc.
Here the xtreme case was stamping a 'racist' label on Harbhajan without sufficient proof. There was no disagreement on the fact that harbhajan abused symonds, so he got the punishment. And despite the fact that justice hansen in his verdict told "symonds was the aggresor", BCCI did'nt tried to lay charge on symonds for abusing first. Remember, having to play with a stink of a racist is'nt fun.
BCCI did'nt abused its power otherwise every Indian player whos has been charged with some sort of breach of code would've been laodged protest with ICC apeals comissioner and ultimately have got away without any punishment.
svijay said:
What proof do they have anyway that Harbhajan made a racist taunt? At best there is evidence that Symonds had good reason to believe Harbhajan called him a monkey. Now I disagree with the whole "monkey is not offensive in India" excuse, mainly because the previous incident involving Symonds and the Indian crowds should have made it amply clear that the said word is offensive. Unless there was a misunderstanding, Bhajji deserved a three-match ban or whatever the appropriate punishment is.
They don't need proof to accuse him, they need proof to ban him. To accuse him having a defendant and a witness hear the word monkey is more than enough!

It is a misunderstanding if the players misheard him, but if Procter made a bad decision, that's his fault, not the Aussies. Labelling him a racist is fair if you heard him say the word monkey. It is absolutely NOT reason to call off a tour, which would hurt others, not just the people who employ the referee.

As for not handling sledges very well, that has been thrown at us a lot, but racism is not fair play. It is not fair sledging, it is disgusting. If we can't handle racism, and that is your point, then you need to rethink about it.

Having seen some comments I am amazed at the ideas people have of what an Australian society is. I've never been, but some describe it as a horrible and aggressive country. They have this idea that all Aussies are like Bradley Murdoch. Australia is a sunny Britain tbh... ;)
Exactly. Australia is one of the most booming countries in the world. We have a strong economy, we are an incredibly multicultural nation, and yes we are quite like Britain, after all we did start up from them.

manee said:
I am doing no such thing.
Then you can't say that it's OK for Indians to say that word in their culture as a defence. If Harbhajan used that word, he is fully aware of the ramifications of it.
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Then you can't say that it's OK for Indians to say that word in their culture as a defence. If Harbhajan used that word, he is fully aware of the ramifications of it.

It is not okay, but the misunderstanding of the word is very possibly a reason for the dispute.
Again, after the situation in India when fans were evicted for making monkey chants/signs at Symonds and the Aussie team made it clear that 'monkey' was not on, I don't think Harbajan can plead ignorance for use of the word 'monkey'.

He can say 'It's not offensive in India' all he wants but he knows fair well how Symonds feels about the word.

Btw, I'm not saying he did say it, even though I believe he did.
This is a cricket field. Not a damn recording studio....

Well it's not also a damn court of some sort where everyone can cry out their opinions and expect them to be materealised.

Orignally posted by aus5892
They don't need proof to accuse him, they need proof to ban him. To accuse him having a defendant and a witness hear the word monkey is more than enough!

It is a misunderstanding if the players misheard him, but if Procter made a bad decision, that's his fault, not the Aussies. Labelling him a racist is fair if you heard him say the word monkey. It is absolutely NOT reason to call off a tour, which would hurt others, not just the people who employ the referee.

As for not handling sledges very well, that has been thrown at us a lot, but racism is not fair play. It is not fair sledging, it is disgusting. If we can't handle racism, and that is your point, then you need to rethink about it.

Calling of a tour will definitely hurt not only the boards but also milions of cricket lovers who wanted to see the matches. Also it would've cast a poor light on crickets' image as a whole.
But why does nobody understand how much pain one will have to carry with him for rest of his life if he's labelled a racist? And that too without sufficient proof that he's racist.
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Plenty of other cricketers have been labelled racists and continued to play a nobody really cared at all about them. Mostly because they've been accused of being racist against sub continental sides. It kicks up a fuss because the sub continental sides don't like the same allegations.
Well it's not also a damn court of some sort where everyone can cry out their opinions and expect them to be materealised.

Calling of a tour will definitely hurt not only the boards but also milions of cricket lovers who wanted to see the matches. Also it would've cast a poor light on crickets' image as a whole.
But why does nobody understand how much pain one will have to carry with him for rest of his life if he's labelled a racist? And that too without sufficient proof that he's racist.
Once again, are you honestly saying that if Symonds heard the word monkey, he should stay quiet? Maybe there was a misunderstanding, but he and his teammates heard the word monkey, the stump mic comfirms that much. Surely they are not overreacting by complaining?

After all, Symonds ultimately conceded that he may have misheard Harbhajan.
Once again, are you honestly saying that if Symonds heard the word monkey, he should stay quiet? Maybe there was a misunderstanding, but he and his teammates heard the word monkey, the stump mic comfirms that much. Surely they are not overreacting by complaining?

After all, Symonds ultimately conceded that he may have misheard Harbhajan.
it's not that I'm saying symonds & co. made a mistake by complaining to appropriate authorities. But waht I am saying is that all the furore and war of words was due to the fact that procter ruled against harbahajan without appropraite evidence of racial abuse. There was no problem in the fact that bhajji and symo abused each other but whether bhajji's was racial 'monkey' or 'maa ki' that has to be proved. That's all.
So I'm or not complaing abt complaint lodged by Ponting but abt the fact that Procter ruled without evidence of racial abuse. i dont think anybody will have a problem if procter had punished bhajji for abusing.
But why does nobody understand how much pain one will have to carry with him for rest of his life if he's labelled a racist? And that too without sufficient proof that he's racist.

Well if thats the case I'm sure Steve Bucknor can't sleep at night.

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