Are the Indian cricket team and board bringing cricket into disrepute?

Have the BCCI/India team brought cricket into disrepute?

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Yes would love a detail article. I would like question answered tho by someone, who says that racial taunts are more/less offensive then calling someone "*******" or a "Mother-F***er" i mean why is it that we believe one is more offensive to the other, they are both very bad things to say to anyone on or off the field. And im sure that the Aussies were the ones who started using these type of insults on the field, during the mid 90's as part of their sledging and i reckon that changed things alot on how alot of teams view the sledging issue today. Now im not saying dont sledge, i mean i like it when players get fired up , but whats the use of these petty insults, why do we need them on the field , if you want to sledge go back to the good ol ones " he's got more leaves than a tree " lol. Sledge but sledge abot cricket, no use of going personal or using petty insults.

It is not going to be a rhetorical (persuasive) piece but more just an account.
Everyone swears. Especially over here we are percieved as a 'laid back' country. For example, if i call a friend a 'Bast***' i don't mean it in a literal sense as you guys seem to do. Its simply just a swear word....
Swearing at someone is definitely less severe than a racial taunt. In Australia, swearing is as much a part of our culture as cricket is :)

But parara, surely you jest when you suggest that sledging has to lead to racism?
Everyone swears. Especially over here we are percieved as a 'laid back' country. For example, if i call a friend a 'Bast***' i don't mean it in a literal sense as you guys seem to do. Its simply just a swear word....

I am afraid that the same is for the word monkey in India. This has lead to the dispute.
Hmm, is there a rule that your not allowed to swear on the field?? ( im not being a smartass im just wondering)

In my opinion racism out ranks swearing..
Yes would love a detail article. I would like question answered tho by someone, who says that racial taunts are more/less offensive then calling someone "*******" or a "Mother-F***er" i mean why is it that we believe one is more offensive to the other, they are both very bad things to say to anyone on or off the field. And im sure that the Aussies were the ones who started using these type of insults on the field, during the mid 90's as part of their sledging and i reckon that changed things alot on how alot of teams view the sledging issue today. Now im not saying dont sledge, i mean i like it when players get fired up , but whats the use of these petty insults, why do we need them on the field , if you want to sledge go back to the good ol ones " he's got more leaves than a tree " lol. Sledge but sledge abot cricket, no use of going personal or using petty insults.

lol, "hes got more blocks than a lego set"

"hes swinging like a rusty gate"
Swearing at someone is definitely less severe than a racial taunt. In Australia, swearing is as much a part of our culture as cricket is :)

But parara, surely you jest when you suggest that sledging has to lead to racism?

I think inevitably it could lead to racism if players sledge in bad spirit. There's one thing when you're playing against someone in good fun, and you joke around a bit-that kind of sledging I see nothing wrong with. The context is that it's all in good fun. But when Gibbs calls the entire Pakistani team a bunch of animals, or when Bhajji allegedly calls Symonds a monkey/teri maki (a little more tame insult), or when Hogg or Symonds call the Indians *******s or derivations of the f-word, I don't like sledging.
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Swearing at someone is definitely less severe than a racial taunt. In Australia, swearing is as much a part of our culture as cricket is :)

But parara, surely you jest when you suggest that sledging has to lead to racism?

And to us Indians calling someone a monkey/teri ma ki is also part of our culture as we dont find calling someone an animal racist we just say it as fun. What has happened here is a clash of 2 really contrasting cultures.
Swearing at someone is definitely less severe than a racial taunt. In Australia, swearing is as much a part of our culture as cricket is :)

But parara, surely you jest when you suggest that sledging has to lead to racism?

Whats your culture?
Drinking beer and racially taunting other people and players?
Throwing eggs at players (oh its a common thing to throw them in the dark)?
If someone tries to give you the taste of your own medicine then acting as cry babies and whinners and complaining to umpires without any proves?
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Whats your culture?
Drinking beer and racially taunting other people and players?
Throwing eggs at players (oh its a common thing to throw them in the dark)?
If someone tries to give you the taste of your own medicine then acting as cry babies and whinners and complaining to umpires without any proves?

Point one can be turned back onto your country, except without the beer which is anything makes it more deplorable.
I'd imagine that most people who throw eggs at people don't want to do it in the light because it's something that if they get seen, they can get arrested for.

I'm not standing up for the Australians. I'm just trying to make sure, and failing because you simply don't understand, that both sides in this conflict have there own failings and neither is better than the other, and all this arguing is essentially pointless.
Point one can be turned back onto your country, except without the beer which is anything makes it more deplorable.
I'd imagine that most people who throw eggs at people don't want to do it in the light because it's something that if they get seen, they can get arrested for.

I'm not standing up for the Australians. I'm just trying to make sure, and failing because you simply don't understand, that both sides in this conflict have there own failings and neither is better than the other, and all this arguing is essentially pointless.

You and i understand this thing.But some posters in this thread have crossed their limits by generalising indian people.
And yet in the other thread your doing the exact same to the Australians? You cannot go on this little freedom and fairness campaign and do the opposite somewhere else.
And yet in the other thread your doing the exact same to the Australians? You cannot go on this little freedom and fairness campaign and do the opposite somewhere else.

If these people cant stop.Sorry to say but i also wont.
But you'll still complain while 'they' do it?

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