Are the Indian cricket team and board bringing cricket into disrepute?

Have the BCCI/India team brought cricket into disrepute?

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My question is, will the ICC ever take a firm hand or will they continue to allow the BCCI to steamroll them without protest?

Have the BCCI overstepped the line here by blackmailing the ICC and Cricket Australia, who unsuccessfully tried to persuade the Australian players to drop the charges against Harbhajan because of the threat of an abandoned tour?

I agree that the BCCI is partly at fault.The ICC,well it failed to provide Hansen with the details of the case.i.e,Harbajan who had broken the code 3 times already.

For another,bringing the game into disrepute is not one of our qualities.
You have to remember that it was the same Indian cricket team and the very same BCCI that revoked the chrages that were leivied on Brad Hogg.

I believe that CA is as much at fault as BCCI is in this case.

aus5892 said:
In Australia, swearing is as much a part of our culture as cricket is

That explains quite a lot.
I am afraid that the same is for the word monkey in India. This has lead to the dispute.
And to us Indians calling someone a monkey/teri ma ki is also part of our culture as we dont find calling someone an animal racist we just say it as fun. What has happened here is a clash of 2 really contrasting cultures.
But you guys are ignoring the fact that monkey has been absolutely ruled racist by the ICC, and the two cricket boards.

It was done so when Indian fans were arrested in the ODI series, it was done so when Herschelle Gibbs was suspended, and it was done so when the two boards agreed that it was a racist term pre series.

Ignorance is a pretty pathetic excuse with all this in the mind.

I think inevitably it could lead to racism if players sledge in bad spirit. There's one thing when you're playing against someone in good fun, and you joke around a bit-that kind of sledging I see nothing wrong with. The context is that it's all in good fun. But when Gibbs calls the entire Pakistani team a bunch of animals, or when Bhajji allegedly calls Symonds a monkey/teri maki (a little more tame insult), or when Hogg or Symonds call the Indians *******s or derivations of the f-word, I don't like sledging.
If something is inevitable then you don't say it could happen. It certainly isn't inevitable, sledging has been going on for over 100 years, but not every sledger is pulled up for racism are they?

Meanwhile, where did you pull that Gibbs comment from? He was suspended for calling the Pakistani fans a bunch of monkeys as they were abusing the South African players. Not that he should plead ignorance either since I'm sure that the racist meaning is as relevant in Africa as it would be anywhere.

I agree that the BCCI is partly at fault.The ICC,well it failed to provide Hansen with the details of the case.i.e,Harbajan who had broken the code 3 times already.

For another,bringing the game into disrepute is not one of our qualities.
You have to remember that it was the same Indian cricket team and the very same BCCI that revoked the chrages that were leivied on Brad Hogg.

I believe that CA is as much at fault as BCCI is in this case.
CA were the ones who tried to defuse the situation?! They asked their players to withdraw the complaint, but they refused to. CA were the ones trying to keep their relationship with the BCCI on good terms. How could they possibly be at fault here?

Whats your culture?
Drinking beer and racially taunting other people and players?
Throwing eggs at players (oh its a common thing to throw them in the dark)?
If someone tries to give you the taste of your own medicine then acting as cry babies and whinners and complaining to umpires without any proves?
And that my friend is exactly the problem with some people in this world. That statement is as full of crap and is as intolerant as anything that was said during the Sydney Test. It also ignores every post on this forum that tries to assist people like you to distinguish the lowlife scum of every country that have nothing better to do than to engage in stupidity such as egging, or getting high/drunk all the time, with the vast majority of people in Australia that have half a brain and that aren't like that.

I have no interest in getting into a nation bashing session, but if you want to make stupid points like that you might want to consider that not all Indians are innocent either.

First off, yes Australians enjoy drinking beer. It is a warm and sunny climate, and we have a laidback attitude. That does not mean that we all get drunk all the time.

Secondly, egging is something that absolute morons do sometimes, it has NOTHING to do with Australia and you are absolutely an idiot for saying that it's normal to do.

Thirdly, who was up for racism taunts? Which Australian players? On the other hand, the Indian crowd and one of their players have all been up on those charges. Think before you type.

And as for your last point, you are an incredibly sick person if you are criticizing the Australians for reporting racism. No proof? Should they launch a private investigation and check how much evidence/chance for a conviction there is first? Or maybe when the players actually hear Harbhajan say it, they could report him?

If he was innocent and said terri maki instead, fine. They misheard him. But no one made anything up and that is a fact, the stump mic and the defence prove that.

Giving back doesn't have to be racist. And reporting racism is not being a crybaby, it is courageous and is standing up against one of humanity's biggest problems.

Considering the fact that racism has been so big in recent times, including against Indians themselves, I would think that you would show a little bit of appreciation for how serious it is.

Once again, that post shows the absolute ignorance and intolerance that has brought upon such hate between races in the past. I sincerely hope that you are not a representative of any groups of human beings in the world.
I don't care how the word is used in whatever country, you cannot call a black man a monkey. Period.
Wow Dean absolutely burned that guy :clap I agree with everything Dean said in that post.

I think this is one issue where no matter how many times it is discussed it is still going to have conflicting views. The Indian fans will say that "monkey" in their culture is a perfectly fine and everyday word to use like calling someone an "idiot". The Aussies on the other hand will still be insulted at what was said as by their standards it is offensive. It is time we all moved on as this issue will never be resolved as there will always be conflicting opinions.
baburao said:
Whats your culture?
Drinking beer and racially taunting other people and players?
Throwing eggs at players (oh its a common thing to throw them in the dark)?
If someone tries to give you the taste of your own medicine then acting as cry babies and whinners and complaining to umpires without any proves?

It's best not to enter into a debate or say anything when you obviously have no knowledge of what you are discussing (in this case, Australian culture)

aus5892 said:
First off, yes Australians enjoy drinking beer. It is a warm and sunny climate, and we have a laidback attitude. That does not mean that we all get drunk all the time.

I'll drink to that :cheers :)
Whats your culture?
Drinking beer and racially taunting other people and players?
Throwing eggs at players (oh its a common thing to throw them in the dark)?
If someone tries to give you the taste of your own medicine then acting as cry babies and whinners and complaining to umpires without any proves?

Congratulations, you have just won the 'most stupid post' award for 2008.

Taste of our own medicine? When during the series have the Australians been racist? And im sick of people saying "no proof", what kind a freaking proof do yous want? Do you want microphones layed out in every square metre of the field. Idiot.
Thirdly, who was up for racism taunts? Which Australian players? On the other hand, the Indian crowd and one of their players have all been up on those charges. Think before you type.

If he was innocent and said terri maki instead, fine. They misheard him. But no one made anything up and that is a fact, the stump mic and the defence prove that.

Huge contrast there....
On one hand you say that one of the Indian players was involved in racist taunts.
On the other,you are not sure whether he was actually involved....

I believe its you who needs to think before typing...

Taste of our own medicine? When during the series have the Australians been racist? And im sick of people saying "no proof", what kind a freaking proof do yous want? Do you want microphones layed out in every square metre of the field. Idiot.

By that last point,i think he meant the Aussies cant take sledging on the cricket field,especially when they themselves sledge.
Huge contrast there....
On one hand you say that one of the Indian players was involved in racist taunts.
On the other,you are not sure whether he was actually involved....

I believe its you who needs to think before typing...

By that last point,i think he meant the Aussies cant take sledging on the cricket field,especially when they themselves sledge.

When have the Australians complained about sledging? Racist remark yes, but not sledging.
LOL.. the whole matter brings back only 1point:the fact that:
To pull out of a tour is not a graceful behaviour and should be done in xtreme cases like security threats etc.
Here the xtreme case was stamping a 'racist' label on Harbhajan without sufficient proof. There was no disagreement on the fact that harbhajan abused symonds, so he got the punishment. And despite the fact that justice hansen in his verdict told "symonds was the aggresor", BCCI did'nt tried to lay charge on symonds for abusing first. Remember, having to play with a stink of a racist is'nt fun.
BCCI did'nt abused its power otherwise every Indian player whos has been charged with some sort of breach of code would've been laodged protest with ICC apeals comissioner and ultimately have got away without any punishment.
LOL.. the whole matter brings back only 1point:the fact that:
To pull out of a tour is not a graceful behaviour and should be done in xtreme cases like security threats etc.
Here the xtreme case was stamping a 'racist' label on Harbhajan without sufficient proof. There was no disagreement on the fact that harbhajan abused symonds, so he got the punishment. And despite the fact that justice hansen in his verdict told "symonds was the aggresor", BCCI did'nt tried to lay charge on symonds for abusing first. Remember, having to play with a stink of a racist is'nt fun.
BCCI did'nt abused its power otherwise every Indian player whos has been charged with some sort of breach of code would've been laodged protest with ICC apeals comissioner and ultimately have got away without any punishment.
ONCE AGAIN, what more proof do you want!?!?!??!?! I feel like im just repeating myself....
ONCE AGAIN, what more proof do you want!?!?!??!?! I feel like im just repeating myself....
The proof of audio recording which clearly indicates/make us hear that harbhajan is saying "monkey/big monkey" to symonds. We do know harbhajan and symonds both abused each other. But what we do not know and hence looking for proof is that what harbhajan actually said, whetehr it "monkey" or "maa ki".
ONCE AGAIN, what more proof do you want!?!?!??!?! I feel like im just repeating myself....

What proof do they have anyway that Harbhajan made a racist taunt? At best there is evidence that Symonds had good reason to believe Harbhajan called him a monkey. Now I disagree with the whole "monkey is not offensive in India" excuse, mainly because the previous incident involving Symonds and the Indian crowds should have made it amply clear that the said word is offensive. Unless there was a misunderstanding, Bhajji deserved a three-match ban or whatever the appropriate punishment is.

But we now know that there might well have been a misunderstanding. Some people may believe the whole "maa ki" explanation to be a contrived PR ploy and are unhappy that it worked. But I personally think that the
mondegreen defence is not too far-fetched, and is as good an explanation as any. Not that I think this puts Bhajji in any better light, but allegations of racism become patently untenable if this was what happened. Of course, we'll probably never know.

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