Are the Indian cricket team and board bringing cricket into disrepute?

Have the BCCI/India team brought cricket into disrepute?

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Well if thats the case I'm sure Steve Bucknor can't sleep at night.
You cant compare a racist label given by a team and a racist label that has been officialy stamped on someone. LOL.
this is an absolutely unnecessary thread trying to fuel already heightened emotions.
this is an absolutely unnecessary thread trying to fuel already heightened emotions.

Tell that to the saff members or the person who created this thread, oh wait....:rolleyes:
Could'nt agree with you more.
I have to agree with the last couple of posts. This is a pretty irresponsible thread, in my opinion. Even if the thread starter is entitled to their opinion, surely it is extremely obvious that this issue has divided the forum. This thread has just turned into a place where Aussie and most neutral fans come and have a dig at the Indians and the Indians obviously retaliate. Nothing but distasteful quarreling.
Yes, Dean. Go back to being the mindless, opinionless drone that is expected of you as a Mod. God forbid you do anything else than put up vBookie threads.
I don't think Dean intended for this to happen. He probably felt like giving it another go, thinking we could have a sensible debate. Didn't quite pan out like that.
this is an absolutely unnecessary thread trying to fuel already heightened emotions.

Tell that to the saff members or the person who created this thread, oh wait....:rolleyes:

Could'nt agree with you more.

Could'nt agree with you more...

A staff member has created this. :mad
Maybe,we will have to complain to the Globies...

I have to agree with the last couple of posts. This is a pretty irresponsible thread, in my opinion. Even if the thread starter is entitled to their opinion, surely it is extremely obvious that this issue has divided the forum. This thread has just turned into a place where Aussie and most neutral fans come and have a dig at the Indians and the Indians obviously retaliate. Nothing but distasteful quarreling.

If you don't like this thread, then don't reply to it. The staff have discussed this thread and found it unanimously okay.
Personally I don't see anything wrong with a staff member asking the question. I think in light of recent events its a fair question to ask. If people can't discuss the issue with maturity then perhaps thats their own problem.

For the record I think both Australia and India have done a pretty good job of bringing the game into disrepute. I for one can't wait for the series to end so everyone can move on.
I for one can't wait for the series to end so everyone can move on.

On a planetcricket basis, yes. But I think that the series has been thoroughly enjoyable to watch.
I haven't seen any of the matches (Apart from the odd highlight). But if what you say is true, isn't it a shame that people haven't focused on the quality of the cricket being played. Surely ultimately cricket is the loser with such attitudes no matter how much everyone loves controversy.
I haven't seen any of the matches (Apart from the odd highlight). But if what you say is true, isn't it a shame that people haven't focused on the quality of the cricket being played. Surely ultimately cricket is the loser with such attitudes no matter how much everyone loves controversy.

Define 'people'. All my friends have barely known of the Harbhajan incident and have been remarking to me how good the quality of cricket has been.

Definition: People who rant and rave here.

Look it up in the OED, thats what it says :p
Definition: People who rant and rave here.

To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure how people here can care so much about the incident. I have put my view across and am intrigued, but in the end, it is unarguable that both sides (and boards) were largely in the wrong.

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