Are the Indian cricket team and board bringing cricket into disrepute?

Have the BCCI/India team brought cricket into disrepute?

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Most hated by you maybe. There is no way to tell who is most hated.

Putting Harbhajan completely aside, India have still acted in an immature way and have attempted to blackmail the ICC. REGARDLESS of whether they were going to fly home at the last minute, they were ready to do it if the appeal was denied and Bucknor wasn't taken off the umpiring. That's still not fair, no matter how you put it. I'd like to see anyone twist that.
How are you putting Harbhajan aside and then referring to his appeal in the same statement? And your sentence doesn't make sense:

Regardless of whether they were going to fly home at the last minute, they were ready to do it if the appeal was denied and Bucknor wasn't taken off the umpiring.

Regardless of x, some combination of events would imply x? That's like me saying, "Regardless of the time, it is 11.41pm."
How are you putting Harbhajan aside and then referring to his appeal in the same statement? And your sentence doesn't make sense:

Regardless of whether they were going to fly home at the last minute, they were ready to do it if the appeal was denied and Bucknor wasn't taken off the umpiring.

Regardless of x, some combination of events would imply x? That's like me saying, "Regardless of the time, it is 11.41pm."
1) Putting aside the result of the appeal is what I meant, I said it wrong.

2) Regardless of whether they were going to fly home if the appeal was unsuccessful, they were ready to do it before.

Also, can I just say that anyone who has lost respect for my moderating abilities in this thread is ignoring the fact that it has nothing to do with moderating. I started a thread, and have done no moderating in this thread other than editing out one swear word.
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Two wrongs don't make a right so giving Australia's bad behaviour back to them does not make any team saviours.
Two wrongs don't make a right so giving Australia's bad behaviour back to them does not make any team saviours.

Of course not, but do we just sit back and let the Aussies bad behaviour come to us and do nothing about it? :rolleyes:
I just think that the whole issue has been a massive mess from all parties and that the sooner this tour is over the sooner this issue can be forgotten.

However to voice my own opininon I do feel that cricket was brought into disrepute by the actions of the ICB but also due to the actions of the ICC. But I really cannot be bothered to post an essay on the topic as I'm tired :p
Of course not, but do we just sit back and let the Aussies bad behaviour come to us and do nothing about it? :rolleyes:

If you give it back, it's not justified as far as I'm concerned. Otherwise, you have no grounds for complaint for the Aussies' behaviour.
I just think that the whole issue has been a massive mess from all parties and that the sooner this tour is over the sooner this issue can be forgotten.

However to voice my own opininon I do feel that cricket was brought into disrepute by the actions of the ICB but also due to the actions of the ICC. But I really cannot be bothered to post an essay on the topic as I'm tired :p

Who on earth are the ICB?:p

Will_Na said:
If you give it back, it's not justified as far as I'm concerned. Otherwise, you have no grounds for complaint for the Aussies' behaviour.

I am not justifying sledging, but you cannot expect a team to sit back and get sledged whilst the act is legal.
Who on earth are the ICB?:p

I am not justifying sledging, but you cannot expect a team to sit back and get sledged whilst the act is legal.

No, of course not, but there are other, legal, ways of showing aggression. A few bouncers, stares, etc. However, if you start overstepping the line with personal sledges, you can't turn around and say, 'Well, they did it first'.
Sledging and racism are totally different issues....

Rationalization of the century. To claim one doesn't lead to the other ignores the fact that racist commentary was used as sledging for quite a while even before the Harbhajan debacle. While it is still very much up in the air if this particular incident centered around racist verbiage, we cannot ignore fact that sledging can become very ugly and lead to racism-by any group of players. Ignoring this is extremely foolish.
Sledge without being racist, how hard is it. Maybe if people used their brains it wouldnt be so challanging not to lead one to the other.

But then again, you's are against sledging aswell....
I was thinking of writing an article based on all the facts to provide a detailed account of what happened, from the moment that Harbhajan dug out the yorker to the moment he was aquitted. Anyone interested?
I was thinking of writing an article based on all the facts to provide a detailed account of what happened, from the moment that Harbhajan dug out the yorker to the moment he was aquitted. Anyone interested?

Yes would love a detail article. I would like question answered tho by someone, who says that racial taunts are more/less offensive then calling someone "*******" or a "Mother-F***er" i mean why is it that we believe one is more offensive to the other, they are both very bad things to say to anyone on or off the field. And im sure that the Aussies were the ones who started using these type of insults on the field, during the mid 90's as part of their sledging and i reckon that changed things alot on how alot of teams view the sledging issue today. Now im not saying dont sledge, i mean i like it when players get fired up , but whats the use of these petty insults, why do we need them on the field , if you want to sledge go back to the good ol ones " he's got more leaves than a tree " lol. Sledge but sledge abot cricket, no use of going personal or using petty insults.

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