Ashes Cricket 2009 v1.1 Open Beta 2

Better late than never. Or should that be 'beta late than never?'

OK, ok! I'm going!! :p
In my opinion, thanks to Beta 1 (and to a lesser extent, Beta 2), it's now the best cricket game around. You're in for a treat when you get the patch. :)

Yup, keep toeing the company line.... :sarcasm

Reminds me of the FOX News network in the U.S. .... such a blatantly biased Rupublican news channel, unwilling to look outside their conflict of interest box.... and yet in an attempt to legitimatize their approach they place 'We are Fair and Balanced' at the bottom of their screens whenever they criticize or neglect the competition...
FOX news drives me mad, I am really ashamed that they broadcast it outside of the US. Sorry to get off topic, but I always feel the need to remind everyone that FOX news represents a tiny shrinking minority viewpoint in the US.
FOX news drives me mad, I am really ashamed that they broadcast it outside of the US. Sorry to get off topic, but I always feel the need to remind everyone that FOX news represents a tiny shrinking minority viewpoint in the US.

Its not what they represent, but what they advise to other people. Generally, people beleive everything they see on tv. Many people dont know the other side of the story so they beleive in these channels. Anyway again, lets not get offtopic. lol.
I personally have high hopes for this game once patched. Fair enough theres a few little adjustments that still need to be sorted, but surely they will be fixed how can they not be fixed come final patch??

We are delivering daily feedback well not me personally as im 360 gamer, but all the people playing the beta anyway. And theres nothing more we can do weve done our bit so its all down to jamiefirth and his gang or whoevers doing all this patch testing.

And i honestly think if they dont fix all the major issues and we still are all having problems then i think we should stick with another gaming company(EA)

I know its not gonna be perfect, but major issues need to be fixed, its a must.
Note to TG: there is still a critical bug in Beta 2 (that I didn't see in Beta 1 :facepalm ). Here is what I posted in another thread:

OK, it's happening way too often now. The main problem is when the ball is driven down the ground and hits the non striker. They run, and it's an easy run out. The other version is when the ball is fielded in the inner ring, but they've run anyway. TG said only critical fixes will be applied in the final patch. Well guess what, boys? This is a critical bug. Lucky I'm still saving every over.

Note: this is in tests, don't know what it does in ODI/20 Twenty.
That (Ball hitting the non-striker after a straight drive.. They need to work on fitness) has happened to me many times but the batsmen never took a run.
It's not called Fox Noise for nothing.

Back on topic: when the final patch does come out, I'd appreciate it if TG can also provide *some* info on the timeline for the gameplanet/steam versions...hopefully there's some discussion w/ the online retailers about providing the final patch asap
For what it is worth, may I mention that I also had AI hitting non-striker multiple times when I played a test match yesterday but fortunately non of them resulted in run outs as AI didn't take any risk.

PS: I'm on Beta patch 2 and the game was played on Hard between India and SA.
I think it only happened to Masterblaster as no one else has said anything about this bug.

Come on TG, relese the patch long do your want us Xbox user users to waaaiiiittttt. I have been patient, i have been composed, calm, collected, poised, relaxed, unflustered, i have been down and i have been up but now i had enough. You need to give us dates atleast. or some official indication to when to expect a patch. what you guys enjoy us making essumptions about when it will be released? yes i am not forgetting that you are releasing a patch and THANKYOU, but that doesnt mean that you can just keep us in the dark all the time. Just give us some time frame. enough is enough. everyday i get on this site hopping for some news....but NO

There, i have let it all out....aahhhh i feel better now. :mad:
Better late than never. Or should that be 'beta late than never?'

OK, ok! I'm going!! :p

That was horrible :P

Come on guys, TG are doing us a service by actually taking the time to make these patches for us, lets be patient!

Good things come to those who wait!
That was horrible :P

Come on guys, TG are doing us a service by actually taking the time to make these patches for us, lets be patient!

Good things come to those who wait!

Yes but they should still come out and give us some kind of time in which the patch is going to be released.

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