Ashes Cricket 2009 v1.1 Open Beta 2

mmmmmmmmmmmm sounds delicious thanks for that Kabooks.

Just one more question,

I really dislike how edges from the super quicks do not go for 4. I have only once seen an inside edge go for four, and rarely i get to see the outside edge fly past the slips for 4.

How often does this happen? and do the edges atleast go beyond the inner ring?
You're well off the mark there. Your position is more like:

"Anyone that attempts to call me out on conflict of interest issues - including my refraining to post on the CR forums simply because it's not AC09 - is wrong and therefore I will shoot down anyone that brings up my impartiality and hypocrisy."

Isn't that about right, lazy?

You keep mentioning my supposed conflict of interest, but I really, genuinely don't see it. I don't have any vested interest in AC09. All I want to see is a cricket game which gives an accurate representation of the game we all love so much, and CR isn't going to provide that, as the developers have said from the outset that it's an arcade slog-em-up.

Let's say I'm a hardcore motorsport fan, and an arcade racer like Need for Speed is released. I wouldn't have any interest in playing that, and nor should I. You're then telling me that I should play Need for Speed and enjoy it and post in a forum about it.

AC09 is not perfect. I wouldn't even say it is 'brilliant', or even 'very good'. I'd say it's pretty good, but the thing I like about it the most is that it seems to have a solid core to it, and also the developers want to make a much better game, as proved by the open beta patch process.

I don't harp on about AC09, and didn't really do it that much before release. Sure, I playtested it, but I did point out all the flaws in it both on these forums and directly to the producer. In the weeks prior to and just after the AC09 release, you posted continuously saying "wait for CR" and how amazing it is going to be. And you know what? I didn't want to wait for CR because I knew it was going to be an arcade version of cricket, and didn't call you out for it until you started being a prat to me.

So yeah, I don't shoot down people who point out my impartiality, etc. because I'm not impartial, etc. I will, however, defend myself over untrue accusations.
mmmmmmmmmmmm sounds delicious thanks for that Kabooks.

Just one more question,

I really dislike how edges from the super quicks do not go for 4. I have only once seen an inside edge go for four, and rarely i get to see the outside edge fly past the slips for 4.

How often does this happen? and do the edges atleast go beyond the inner ring?

Oh yes, they do.

If there is no one behind square, any edge will atleast cross in-field. Also, even if the third man is too wide, edge may go to the boundary. So yes, it does occur not very often though, which I think is realistic. :)
mmmmmmmmmmmm sounds delicious thanks for that Kabooks.

Just one more question,

I really dislike how edges from the super quicks do not go for 4. I have only once seen an inside edge go for four, and rarely i get to see the outside edge fly past the slips for 4.

How often does this happen? and do the edges atleast go beyond the inner ring?

It happens quite a bit. If you play an aggressive cut shot you usually got top edges flying to 3rd man. I've also had outside edges from the late cut I play go for 4.
you should test it out in odis and t20 also?? see if it occurs still.

Yeps, I'll try and do that later today. I just got fixated on tests since that's the game's main mode. If only the damn tournament had a proper group stage!

MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 56 Seconds later...

Really MB? I think as cricket fans we should support all products thats come out. We are such a niche market that its important for these games to be commercial successes otherwise companies will choose to develop other niche sports.

Did you beta CR or just get the demo? If you just played then demo then I seriously suggest trying out the full game. Apparently the AI in that game is ridiculously realistic and the AI was just an after thought! The game was desinged for multiplayer online.

If you dont want to pay for it then I will even let you try it out with my Steam account for a bit. I have no doubt in my mind that if these CR guys had the same budget as Trannys they would have blown AC09 out of the water.

The thing is, I play mainly offline with cricket games, and given that this one is focused on the online sector... :D

MasterBlaster76 added 3 Minutes and 9 Seconds later...


Playing with patch 2: I've had the occasional on-drive hit the non-striker in ODI's but not once has the AI attempted to run. The only runouts I've had have been when the AI has attempted a 3rd run - this happened twice in a row.

Interesting. You haven't had it happen in tests? Maybe it's just a tests issue (which is wonderful, given that tests are the game's main mode).

I am just wondering whether these bugs have been fixed or are going to be fixed in the patch:

1. Fielders at the boundary are almost never able to field cleanly. Then tend to drop it every time and concede an extra run.

2. Fielders diving unnecessarily conceding extra run around the ring or not fielding cleanly.

3. When running between the wickets there are times when both batsmen are running to the same end but don't get run outs.

4. Lag issue with fast bowlers. They are almost unplayable when there is a bit lag.

1. This still happens far too much in the 2nd beta.
2. Haven't noticed that one.
3. I've not seen that in either beta.
4. Don't have any lag issues, apart from the odd occasion.
ye if i was playing the beta game which im not cause im on 360 i would be doing test matches non stop.

But will be intresting to see what happens once youve tested it on odis and t20 cause at the moment a little tweaking still needed for test matches i reckon not sure about anything else.
Yeps, I'll try and do that later today. I just got fixated on tests since that's the game's main mode. If only the damn tournament had a proper group stage!

MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 56 Seconds later...

The thing is, I play mainly offline with cricket games, and given that this one is focused on the online sector... :D

MasterBlaster76 added 3 Minutes and 9 Seconds later...

Interesting. You haven't had it happen in tests? Maybe it's just a tests issue (which is wonderful, given that tests are the game's main mode).

1. This still happens far too much in the 2nd beta.
2. Haven't noticed that one.
3. I've not seen that in either beta.
4. Don't have any lag issues, apart from the odd occasion.

Interestingly enough, I just played an ODI and there weren't any examples of fielders misfielding the ball and leading to an extra run, yet I see it all the time in test matches.
I didn't want to wait for CR because I knew it was going to be an arcade version of cricket,.

What are you basing that on? Anyone who has beta tested will tell you that the game is very indepth, hard to score in and not a slogfest.

Not sure where you heard this, but I would at least give the full game a try before forming a final opinion.
@MasterBlaster76, if you want to stick to offline then you will have to bare the AI bugs. As no AI can be smarter then human brain. Myself, i would love to play a good smart AI like in left 4 Dead where the AI learns from human behavior and does different things each time. But its not AC09.
You should give the online play couple of tries. Even if the game is a bit buggy right now on PS3, I thoroughly enjoy playing people like Hmarka, Cheesesarni, and more who are more smarter then me and I have to out-think them each time. No other experience of AI can give that.
Also, I hope that the Tranny's don't take every suggestion made in this thread as even if it maybe a good suggestion, too much fussing will make something else which is working break and we will have to wait for eternity

About CR, damn if they could take off the NDA from all the beta testers as the beta has already ended, I have to keep biting my tongue when someone makes comment that the game looks arcadey and what not. Infact most of us beta testers after playing were thinking the other way. But this is not CR thread so once CR releases the game will answer the questions
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yes but for people like mb and myself we ike to play offline well the main reason i brought the game was for the offline modes as i enjoy playing test ect ect

so the bugs should get fixed there shouldnt be any, or the game shouldnt be released surely
@LM, one thing I can surely say is CR will make Ashes Cricket 2009 feel Arcadey
You can quote me on this and when the game releases then you tell me if I am right
I'm looking forward to playing CR - I've not had a chance to try the demo yet but people are making good noises about CR atm ;)
What are you basing that on? Anyone who has beta tested will tell you that the game is very indepth, hard to score in and not a slogfest.

Not sure where you heard this, but I would at least give the full game a try before forming a final opinion.

I remember reading one of the first interviews/articles/press releases which said that you can play in fantasy stadiums and all that sort of stuff, and I inferred that that meant it was going to be arcadey.

I'll certainly give it a go though, now people seem to say it's not an arcade slogfest.

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